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Ok, Thaksin Is Now Gone. Who Will Replace Him?


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There would be some advantages to that situation : corruption yes, but on a minor scale (with Thaksin we had the "industrial" scale), more laid back.



I think the Banking problems in the late 90's under the demos, was corruption considerably larger and more damaging than whats occurred under the present PM

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Abhisit, the democrat leader.

I often hear Thais saying, "too young" though...

My wife says he's wanted to be PM since he was 11.

I haven't heard any rumours that he's corrupted, seems honest. He speaks well, polite and did a wonderful job grilling Mr. CTX, Suryia.

Chuwit did say "I shall return!" and will apparently get a degree in political science. :o

In the event that Thaksin is replaced, I doubt very much from now on that corruption will be rampant again the way it is now, the watchdogs won't let go. A huge cleanup should be done afterwards, fines are not enough, assets seized and prison terms should take care of it, no more ridiculous demotions and fines.

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H90 for premier.

I have very empty pockets, so I am able to do make decisions also for small bribes, which is good for me and good for the country (save a lot money in compare to taksin). At the moment I offer unlimted Visa (preorder) for just 2 beer, but when I get in charge the price will got up a lot.....

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George for Next Thai Prime Minister.

Doc PP. To join as his Vice President.

George has vowed to report only the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, and although he will not tap your phones, he will be keeping tabs on all your tv.com activities.

Doc PP has vowed to er, not have any heart attacks nor shoot any of his neighbours, however, it is entirely possible we will see him rolling around on the floor laughing his arse off....


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I would say Abhisit too.

He may be young but so what? Wouldn't be the first time a young PM took charge and turned things in a government.

And he's an Old Etonian just like "Dave" Cameron,UK prime minister in waiting.I think there should be a constitutional amendment in both Thailand and the UK to the effect that nobody can become PM unless he had been to a decent public school.In the UK from WW2, this would rule in Churchill, Atlee, Macmillan,Eden and Blair and rule out Callaghan,Wilson,Heath, Thatcher and Major.

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If I were Thai, I would vote for Chuwit.

He knows all about corruption and now he himself is clean I think he would clear up a lot of corruption in Thailand. He knows all the corrupt cronies as he used to be as corrupt as them.

But then again the power might go to his head!!

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If I were Thai, I would vote for Chuwit.

He knows all about corruption and now he himself is clean I think he would clear up a lot of corruption in Thailand. He knows all the corrupt cronies as he used to be as corrupt as them.

But then again the power might go to his head!!

He shall return with a heavier sledgehammer.


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