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Funny Traffic In Chiang Mai Tonight.


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Roads were blocked off, but nothing seemed to be happening. Lots of people milling around the Narawat bridge and what looked like a big monks party. Not as many lanterns as I expected, but the untimely rain might have had something to do with that. Then, about midnight they had the corner of Chang Klan road and the night market blocked so everyone was forced back into the very congested area near the Narawat bridge. I saw songthews going the wrong way down one way roads. Thankfully I was able to wiggle my scooter through and around all the stopped trucks and cars, and past the throngs of tourists to take the LOOOONG way around and back to my hotel. It should be even more crazy tomorrow night and I think I'll park my scooter just outside the town center and walk into the festivities.

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Last night was blocked off at Wat Ubukut (Changklan / Tapae intersection). It was offering alms to the monks at midnight.

That was the big "monks party" ! - Peng Put

I believe its to do with Wednesday being a full moon and a monk called Phra Ubukut - hence being held at Wat Ubukut.

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Last night was blocked off at Wat Ubukut (Changklan / Tapae intersection). It was offering alms to the monks at midnight.

That was the big "monks party" ! - Peng Put

I believe its to do with Wednesday being a full moon and a monk called Phra Ubukut

shes right : )



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I have a plan.

Staying home and watching family guy re-runs? thumbsup.gif

First of all they're not re-runs, there are currently new episodes being aired every week, and secondly my plan for the night involves parking in a strategic location, take pictures of girls in Lanna attire, and drink, while trying to not get blown to pieces. tongue.png

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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It was a little better organized tonight and the authorities didn't block both ends of roads forcing people to ride around in circles trying to find a way out. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. I hope there were too many injuries due to the irresponsible handling of fireworks.

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