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Police Explain Why Journalists Detained: Pitak Siam Rally


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Police explain why journalists detained



BANGKOK: -- Police spokesperson Pol Maj Gen Piya Uthayo defended the brief detention of journalists on Saturday morning after the clashes between the Pitak Siam anti-government protesters and police at Makhawan Bridge.

He has explained that some reporters and cameramen had no visible press badges or identification cards with them. Others, added Piya, were posing as reporters but were actually demonstrators.

Piya made the announcement at the National Police headquarters as two reporters lodged complaints that they were assaulted by police.

Piya said some reporters were on the back of the six-wheel truck that rammed the police cordon.

Of the journalists who were detained, those who could prove that they were reporters were quickly released, Piya said.

Piya said he had sent a video clip of the incident to the Thai Journalists Association (TJA).

"We are transparent regarding the matter and reiterate our respect for all media. Some [non-journalists] may have infiltrated and we charged them accordingly. It's a lesson for the next time around - journalists on duty must have clear badges to prove their credentials," said Piya.

Santi Tae-tia, 50, a cameraman for ASTV and Tosarit Wattanarat, cameraman for T-News, both anti-government television stations, lodged complaints at Nanlerng Police Station yesterday, saying they were assaulted by police, detained and had their cameras destroyed.

Santi said he showed his press card and journalist badge to no avail and was attacked by police. He added that he was forced to lie on the ground and kicked in the face, but he was able to protect himself with his hands. Santi said another journalist was assaulted. He and Tosarit were held in a detention van for more than an hour.

His camera and notebook computer were damaged and his camera was confiscated.

The two said they would petition the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) tomorrow.

The TJA issued a statement calling the police attacks an "overreaction and a threat to press freedom".

The association will petition both the NHRC and the Office of the Government's Ombudsman and urged other reporters and cameramen who may have been assaulted to come forward and report about it.


-- The Nation 2012-11- 28

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Haha, here we go again. Thaksin is not the puppet master. TV is the puppet master posting cerfully selected articles to get the TV puppets rilled up and ready for posting action.

So did the press conference NOT take place???

sent from my Q6

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I would rather have a little slap in the face from the police than a high velocity round in the head from the army, but maybe that's just me.

Those that say they are trying to suppress the news then surely ALL journalists there and photographers would need to be hushed up. They were arrested for appearing to part of the protest and not having the right credentials displayed, simple, maybe they will learn from this.

As for those with the conspiracy theories that's it's an attempt to hush people up, well that's just laughable considering by the time they were arrested the events were already plastered all over the news showing the police being attacked and a vehicle driving into them by violent protestors BEFORE the police responded with tear gas.

This is there for all to see on the footage yet people still deny it.

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I would rather have a little slap in the face from the police than a high velocity round in the head from the army, but maybe that's just me.

Those that say they are trying to suppress the news then surely ALL journalists there and photographers would need to be hushed up. They were arrested for appearing to part of the protest and not having the right credentials displayed, simple, maybe they will learn from this.

As for those with the conspiracy theories that's it's an attempt to hush people up, well that's just laughable considering by the time they were arrested the events were already plastered all over the news showing the police being attacked and a vehicle driving into them by violent protestors BEFORE the police responded with tear gas.

This is there for all to see on the footage yet people still deny it.

I saw the footage. I saw the police allow the protesters the time and space to cut the wire, clear it back and then surge through. And all that when there was a fire truck with water cannon just there. I actually think the police learnt from 2010 and did a fairly good job...this time . but it could have been a LOT better.

To be honest. I think they are ashamed that they let it get out if control back in 2010.

sent from my Q6

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I would rather have a little slap in the face from the police than a high velocity round in the head from the army, but maybe that's just me.

Those that say they are trying to suppress the news then surely ALL journalists there and photographers would need to be hushed up. They were arrested for appearing to part of the protest and not having the right credentials displayed, simple, maybe they will learn from this.

As for those with the conspiracy theories that's it's an attempt to hush people up, well that's just laughable considering by the time they were arrested the events were already plastered all over the news showing the police being attacked and a vehicle driving into them by violent protestors BEFORE the police responded with tear gas.

This is there for all to see on the footage yet people still deny it.

The police probably didn't want beatings on TV

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Police thuggery and acting under direction not to allow the truth to be seen or heard. Again, never occurred when Bangkok were under siege by their red cronies. Double dangerous standards. As to destruction of cameras and equipment, that tells the real story now doesn't it. Their badges told where they were from so they were targeted to be detained and 'evidence' destroyed. Another example of how pathetic and cowardly (kicking the journalist in the face whilst on the ground) the police in Thailand really are.

No jumping to conclusion at all here then!

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Santi Tae-tia, 50, a cameraman for ASTV and Tosarit Wattanarat, cameraman for T-News, both anti-government television stations, lodged complaints at Nanlerng Police Station yesterday, saying they were assaulted by police, detained and had their cameras destroyed.

Santi said he showed his press card and journalist badge to no avail and was attacked by police. He added that he was forced to lie on the ground and kicked in the face, but he was able to protect himself with his hands. Santi said another journalist was assaulted. He and Tosarit were held in a detention van for more than an hour.

His camera and notebook computer were damaged and his camera was confiscated.

This is a straightforward story and the police are dead wrong. What a coincidence that it happened within 2 hours after the protest started and that one journalist works for ASTV. What a coincidence guys!

PURE intimidation by the police…Nothing less!

And then there are guys on this forum saying..yes..yes..but..but..in 2010 bla bla.. I honestly believe that many guys posting here don’t want Thailand to improve. They seem to be intelligent guys but as long as their party wins its ok. All about winning. Very dangerous people.

Edited by Nickymaster
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Santi Tae-tia, 50, a cameraman for ASTV and Tosarit Wattanarat, cameraman for T-News, both anti-government television stations, lodged complaints at Nanlerng Police Station yesterday, saying they were assaulted by police, detained and had their cameras destroyed.

Santi said he showed his press card and journalist badge to no avail and was attacked by police. He added that he was forced to lie on the ground and kicked in the face, but he was able to protect himself with his hands. Santi said another journalist was assaulted. He and Tosarit were held in a detention van for more than an hour.

His camera and notebook computer were damaged and his camera was confiscated.

This is a straightforward story and the police are dead wrong. What a coincidence that it happened within 2 hours after the protest started and that one journalist works for ASTV. What a coincidence guys!

PURE intimidation by the police…Nothing less!

And then there are guys on those forum saying..yes..yes..but..but..in 2010 bla bla.. I honestly believe that many guys posting here don’t want Thailand to improve. They seem to be intelligent guys but as long as their party wins its ok. All about winning. Very dangerous people.

I have no idea about this case, other than what is reported here (the same as you i presume), but you could quite simply turn your statement around. Oh what a surprise, one 'unbiased ASTV' reporters surprise surprise make unfounded allegation of police despite being involved in the protest.

Interesting that you choose to believe the reporters version. Its simply one/two persons word against another group of people.

The whole situation was all over the news within minutes of it happening.

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Santi Tae-tia, 50, a cameraman for ASTV and Tosarit Wattanarat, cameraman for T-News, both anti-government television stations, lodged complaints at Nanlerng Police Station yesterday, saying they were assaulted by police, detained and had their cameras destroyed.

Santi said he showed his press card and journalist badge to no avail and was attacked by police. He added that he was forced to lie on the ground and kicked in the face, but he was able to protect himself with his hands. Santi said another journalist was assaulted. He and Tosarit were held in a detention van for more than an hour.

His camera and notebook computer were damaged and his camera was confiscated.

This is a straightforward story and the police are dead wrong. What a coincidence that it happened within 2 hours after the protest started and that one journalist works for ASTV. What a coincidence guys!

PURE intimidation by the police…Nothing less!

And then there are guys on those forum saying..yes..yes..but..but..in 2010 bla bla.. I honestly believe that many guys posting here don’t want Thailand to improve. They seem to be intelligent guys but as long as their party wins its ok. All about winning. Very dangerous people.

I have no idea about this case, other than what is reported here (the same as you i presume), but you could quite simply turn your statement around. Oh what a surprise, one 'unbiased ASTV' reporters surprise surprise make unfounded allegation of police despite being involved in the protest.

Interesting that you choose to believe the reporters version. Its simply one/two persons word against another group of people.

The whole situation was all over the news within minutes of it happening.

And the police already tried to cool down the situation by saying it was a mistake (do some research if you don't believe me). Another honest mistake.. And you don't smell anything fishy here. I am not surprised.

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Santi Tae-tia, 50, a cameraman for ASTV and Tosarit Wattanarat, cameraman for T-News, both anti-government television stations, lodged complaints at Nanlerng Police Station yesterday, saying they were assaulted by police, detained and had their cameras destroyed.

Santi said he showed his press card and journalist badge to no avail and was attacked by police. He added that he was forced to lie on the ground and kicked in the face, but he was able to protect himself with his hands. Santi said another journalist was assaulted. He and Tosarit were held in a detention van for more than an hour.

His camera and notebook computer were damaged and his camera was confiscated.

This is a straightforward story and the police are dead wrong. What a coincidence that it happened within 2 hours after the protest started and that one journalist works for ASTV. What a coincidence guys!

PURE intimidation by the police…Nothing less!

And then there are guys on those forum saying..yes..yes..but..but..in 2010 bla bla.. I honestly believe that many guys posting here don’t want Thailand to improve. They seem to be intelligent guys but as long as their party wins its ok. All about winning. Very dangerous people.

I have no idea about this case, other than what is reported here (the same as you i presume), but you could quite simply turn your statement around. Oh what a surprise, one 'unbiased ASTV' reporters surprise surprise make unfounded allegation of police despite being involved in the protest.

Interesting that you choose to believe the reporters version. Its simply one/two persons word against another group of people.

The whole situation was all over the news within minutes of it happening.

And the police already tried to cool down the situation by saying it was a mistake (do some research if you don't believe me). Another honest mistake.. And you don't smell anything fishy here. I am not surprised.

You may well be right, I don't know. I just find it strange you jump into the story based on the article and you write as if you are 100% correct and it is all factual already, when really you know nothing about it other than whats on here, and some other article which it appears you are again making assumptions that the are trying to 'cool' the situation. I just prefer to be a little bit more circumspect until all facts are actually known.

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Santi Tae-tia, 50, a cameraman for ASTV and Tosarit Wattanarat, cameraman for T-News, both anti-government television stations, lodged complaints at Nanlerng Police Station yesterday, saying they were assaulted by police, detained and had their cameras destroyed.

Santi said he showed his press card and journalist badge to no avail and was attacked by police. He added that he was forced to lie on the ground and kicked in the face, but he was able to protect himself with his hands. Santi said another journalist was assaulted. He and Tosarit were held in a detention van for more than an hour.

His camera and notebook computer were damaged and his camera was confiscated.

This is a straightforward story and the police are dead wrong. What a coincidence that it happened within 2 hours after the protest started and that one journalist works for ASTV. What a coincidence guys!

PURE intimidation by the police…Nothing less!

And then there are guys on those forum saying..yes..yes..but..but..in 2010 bla bla.. I honestly believe that many guys posting here don’t want Thailand to improve. They seem to be intelligent guys but as long as their party wins its ok. All about winning. Very dangerous people.

I wonder whether or not Santi was one of the journalists riding in the back of the 6 wheeled truck that rammed the police barricades Nicky? Would explain his treatment by the police wouldn't it?

I guess the fact that he works for a known anti-Government TV station is totally irrelevant when considering this incident. Are there any independent, foreign journalists crying foul play over the handling of the Pitak Siam protest or only those known to be on the payroll of Anti Government media outlets?

I guess there's no reason why these journalists would want to be paint the Government handling of this situation in a bad light? No agenda attached to working for an Anti-Government TV station?

Indeed 2010 bla bla bla... totally irrelevant to the political landscape in Thailand! I honestly believe that many guys on here deliberately ignore all the facts in favour of carefully selecting snippets that support their "cause", whatever that might be. I think there are a few on here that prefer to consider all the information and rather than making outrageous, sweeping statements, based on little substantiated fact, suggest motivations, ask questions and play Devil's advocate...

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It depends on what you are actually censoring - propaganda inciting violence and hate or accurate news reporting - big difference

Very true and how would you perceive a total media black out with only officially Government endorsed news being released?

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As if "censorship" of any kind was new to Thailand!

So some of you get all tingly in their underwear about that?

Ever do anything else on the internet, other than Thai Visa? (NO, I am not talking about porn!)

So it bothers you, that one journalist got his camera removed?

Yeah...that sure is borderline fascism!


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have you ever been shot ?

you have what are called entry and exit wounds which are very easy to distinguish - then you have the general direction you were facing when shot, with a little deduction you can with some accuracy determine who shot you, perhaps a lot of these injured people were bought to keep quiet - you see my question still remains

why have "none" of them come forward ??????

Whether or not I've been shot has very little to do with having an appreciation and understanding of ballistics. Indeed the entry and exit wounds should be able to clarify where the shooting came from so do you not find it in the least bit fishy that the DSI are not prepared to release any of the findings from their investigation?

I don't know why you maintain that no one has come forward, they have but nothing has been done. If you don't believe me please do some research. Those that were actually on the streets being shot at are fairly conclusive in their statements as to who was shooting at them.

Sorry I said I was not going to wander off topic and we seem to be. I suggest if you have any doubt in your mind over these incidents you do some reading and make up your own mind, if you haven't already.

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Santi Tae-tia, 50, a cameraman for ASTV and Tosarit Wattanarat, cameraman for T-News, both anti-government television stations, lodged complaints at Nanlerng Police Station yesterday, saying they were assaulted by police, detained and had their cameras destroyed.

Santi said he showed his press card and journalist badge to no avail and was attacked by police. He added that he was forced to lie on the ground and kicked in the face, but he was able to protect himself with his hands. Santi said another journalist was assaulted. He and Tosarit were held in a detention van for more than an hour.

His camera and notebook computer were damaged and his camera was confiscated.

This is a straightforward story and the police are dead wrong. What a coincidence that it happened within 2 hours after the protest started and that one journalist works for ASTV. What a coincidence guys!

PURE intimidation by the police…Nothing less!

And then there are guys on those forum saying..yes..yes..but..but..in 2010 bla bla.. I honestly believe that many guys posting here don’t want Thailand to improve. They seem to be intelligent guys but as long as their party wins its ok. All about winning. Very dangerous people.

I wonder whether or not Santi was one of the journalists riding in the back of the 6 wheeled truck that rammed the police barricades Nicky? Would explain his treatment by the police wouldn't it?

I guess the fact that he works for a known anti-Government TV station is totally irrelevant when considering this incident. Are there any independent, foreign journalists crying foul play over the handling of the Pitak Siam protest or only those known to be on the payroll of Anti Government media outlets?

I guess there's no reason why these journalists would want to be paint the Government handling of this situation in a bad light? No agenda attached to working for an Anti-Government TV station?

Indeed 2010 bla bla bla... totally irrelevant to the political landscape in Thailand! I honestly believe that many guys on here deliberately ignore all the facts in favour of carefully selecting snippets that support their "cause", whatever that might be. I think there are a few on here that prefer to consider all the information and rather than making outrageous, sweeping statements, based on little substantiated fact, suggest motivations, ask questions and play Devil's advocate...

The story has been all over the news the last 4 days. Like I said, the police already came out to say it was a mistake. A honest mistake.

What are you trying to argue here?? Coming up with excuses for the police's handling. Amazing.

The journalists SHOWED THEIR PRESS CARD. Yes Frengled, let's talk about the 6 wheel truck that caused all the confusion.. pff

Edited by Nickymaster
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As if "censorship" of any kind was new to Thailand!

So some of you get all tingly in their underwear about that?

Ever do anything else on the internet, other than Thai Visa? (NO, I am not talking about porn!)

So it bothers you, that one journalist got his camera removed?

Yeah...that sure is borderline fascism!


There were 2 journalists.

Nothing "new" to Thailand? Show me other cases of journalist abuse and camera confiscation

Not sure where you are coming from with your "tingly underpants" comments and allusion to "porn" but I'm sure this type of stuff is best kept to yourself.

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As if "censorship" of any kind was new to Thailand!

So some of you get all tingly in their underwear about that?

Ever do anything else on the internet, other than Thai Visa? (NO, I am not talking about porn!)

So it bothers you, that one journalist got his camera removed?

Yeah...that sure is borderline fascism!


There were 2 journalists.

Nothing "new" to Thailand? Show me other cases of journalist abuse and camera confiscation

Not sure where you are coming from with your "tingly underpants" comments and allusion to "porn" but I'm sure this type of stuff is best kept to yourself.

Maybe if the journalists had actually worn the Green TJA arm bands instead of the yellow Pitak Siam party ones, then they would have been easier to distinguish, and would not have been mistook for protesters.

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How is the police ban on recording devices justified? Does this mean that every prospective protester with a mobile phone with camera, or heaven forbid, a camera, was refused entry?

It is called semi-democracy. Thailand is rated in the 120's by reporters without borders. In the neighborhood of Khazakstan in regards to press freedom. So, they pretty much do as they see fit, without regard to freedom of speech, and international law. Abhisit did the same thing. So did Thaksin. It is the Thai way. Has always been like that, so it is foolish of any of us to expect anything else.

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The story has been all over the news the last 4 days. Like I said, the police already came out to say it was a mistake. A honest mistake.

What are you trying to argue here?? Coming up with excuses for the police's handling. Amazing.

The journalists SHOWED THEIR PRESS CARD. Yes Frengled, let's talk about the 6 wheel truck that caused all the confusion.. pff

Jeez Nicky calm down, that was a simple question, do you actually know the answer or are you basing all of this hyperbole on a single incomplete article? I honestly don't know hence the question mark, do you?

Did you completely miss the points I made about the employers of this particular journalist? Try actually responding to them rather than going off on a rant. I'm not trying to argue anything here, simply trying to get certain members to engage their grey cells and consider all the facts... wai2.gif

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have you ever been shot ?

you have what are called entry and exit wounds which are very easy to distinguish - then you have the general direction you were facing when shot, with a little deduction you can with some accuracy determine who shot you, perhaps a lot of these injured people were bought to keep quiet - you see my question still remains

why have "none" of them come forward ??????

Whether or not I've been shot has very little to do with having an appreciation and understanding of ballistics. Indeed the entry and exit wounds should be able to clarify where the shooting came from so do you not find it in the least bit fishy that the DSI are not prepared to release any of the findings from their investigation?

I don't know why you maintain that no one has come forward, they have but nothing has been done. If you don't believe me please do some research. Those that were actually on the streets being shot at are fairly conclusive in their statements as to who was shooting at them.

Sorry I said I was not going to wander off topic and we seem to be. I suggest if you have any doubt in your mind over these incidents you do some reading and make up your own mind, if you haven't already.

my god man, do you honestly think "those on the streets i.e. the red thugs" are going to represent as independent witnesses ?????

I am refering to foreign press that were there who I would hope could give an accurate unbiased report of who was shooting, I have no doubt the army was shooting at some point but the reds totally deny they had any part in weapons grenades etc if it was proven that they had weapons and were using them then that would 100% justify the army taking the steps they did, in that case the organisers of the disturbance (red leaders and Thaksin) would most certaintly be found guilty or terrorist offences and possibly treason - the army acted properly in that senario

I know that two foreign reporters were shot dead, the reason could easily have been to shut them up by either side

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