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Suthep's Son, 3 Others Face Action Over Alleged Forest Encroachment: Thailand


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Suthep's son, 3 others face action

The Nation


DSI chief says agency not biased, seeks help from public prosecutors

BANGKOK: -- The Department of Special Investigation (DSI) will next week prosecute a son of Democrat MP Suthep Thaugsuban and three others over alleged forest encroachment on a mountain on Koh Samui, Surat Thani.

DSI director-general Tarit Pengdith said the DSI would hand over Taen Thaugsuban and three other suspects to public prosecutors on Monday.

The three other suspects are Pongchai Fahthaweeporn, Samart Ruangsri and Bancherd Laopiyakul.

They were accused of collaborating to encroach on a forest on a mountain on Koh Samui.

Tarit said the DSI was not biased against the suspects but sought help from public prosecutors in the investigation because the case involved a senior Democrat MP. Tarit said public prosecutors on the investigative team agreed the four suspects should be handed over to public prosecutors for court arraignment.

Tarit said the case could be divided into two alleged offences, which were related.

First, Pongchai and Samart allegedly illegally obtained three Nor Sor 3 Kor land-holding documents covering 31 rai, two rai and 97 rai of land respectively, by either exaggerating the areas of land stated in lower-class Sor Kor 1 land documents or using a Sor Kor 1 land document from another area to obtain the Nor Sor 3 Kor documents.

Then, Taen and Bancherd allegedly brought the three Nor Sor 3 Kor land documents and upgraded them into a land deed. In the process, they illegally obtained an additional 14 rai of land in the area, Tarit said.

Taen allegedly used Bancherd, who is a close aide of Suthep, as his nominee to buy the land.


The DSI chief said that after Taen bought the land, he built a dam to create a large reservoir and planned to build a hotel and resort in the area.

The dam caused hardship to local people who live downstream, as the reservoir trapped natural water they depend upon, Tarit said. He said Taen also built a concrete road to the mountaintop.

After the case made headlines, the Land Department revoked the 14-rai portion from the land deed, and the investigators found no sign of the land being used for agricultural purposes, as intended under Nor Sor 3 Kor documents.

As a result, DSI investigators concluded that the suspects illegally felled trees in forests and illegally obtained land that sloped more than 35 per cent, which is considered by the Cabinet resolution of 1985 to be forest land, meaning it cannot be privately owned.

Tarit said the DSI would also ask the National Anti-Corruption Commission to consider taking action against land officials involved in the issuance of the illegal land documents for the plots.


-- The Nation 2012-11- 29

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This government has demonstrated that corruption is legal.

No case to answer

This is a case of encroachment not corruption.

Just by looking at the photo if that is the property in question, it seems a tragedy that that large swathe of forest has been chopped down. No idea if this was legal or not, but looks quite a damning photo- although I am sure there are similar cases all over Thailand, as the first respondent mentioned.

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People on Samui who own land need to read this article and note land with a slope of more than 35deg is deemed to be forest land and not privatly owned so look out there could be some evictions.

Is Pongchai mentioned in this article the owner of Home mart in Maenam?

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This government has demonstrated that corruption is legal.

No case to answer

This is a case of encroachment not corruption.

Just by looking at the photo if that is the property in question, it seems a tragedy that that large swathe of forest has been chopped down. No idea if this was legal or not, but looks quite a damning photo- although I am sure there are similar cases all over Thailand, as the first respondent mentioned.

The officials at the land department were corrupt

and in surat thani that would be from which party?

Civil servants

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"investigators found no sign of the land being used for agricultural purposes, as intended under Nor Sor 3 Kor documents"

- a scam from the beginning - it is about time that the authorities step in - of course being the son of Suthep he thought he would get away with it.

Nor Sor 3 Kor was meant for poor landless farmers who would use the land for agricultural purposes to make a living. This is not the first time the Suthep family is in the news for all the wrong reasons - a while ago I saw Suthep on a picture in the news with some Farang scumbag scammer in Koh Samui! Pure greed is driving this man!

The poor Suthep family really needed this land to survive - I feel so sorry for them now that they will go hungry! This is just another Thai elitist family - a slap into the face of every poor, hard working Thai farmer trying to survive.

I always maintained that Abhisit meant well - but as long as he associates himself with people like Suthep - and as long as the democrats have people like Suthep in their party I am not surprised they never win an election .......absolute garbage!

Who is the Falang scumbag does his name start with a N.

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Another ongoing politicians case of corruption. Why not investigate all hotels and resorts on all islands. They would have a field day especially with the larger islands off Krabi.

Or Koh Payam....the last time they wanted to check something an armed group (guns) told them, if they ever come again on this island they'll all die.....

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The Thaugsuban clan at it again. They have previous for this sort of behaviour.

The Democrat Party won elections in 13 September 1992, shortly after Black May, and formed a government. Suthep became Agriculture Minister. As part of the Sor Por Kor 4-01 (สปก.4-01) land reform scheme, Suthep gave title deeds to 592 plots of land in Khao Sam Liam, Kamala and Nakkerd hills of Phuket province to 489 farmers. It was later found that members of 11 wealthy families in Phuket were among the recipients. Suthep addressed a huge crowd in his Surat Thani constituency a month before a no-confidence debate and called on his supporters to march on Bangkok in the hundreds of thousands to defend his reputation.[2] The scandal led Prime Minister Chuan Leekpai of the Democrat Party to dissolve the House of Representatives in July 1995 in order to avoid the no-confidence debate.[3] In subsequent elections, the Chart Thai party won a majority, leading to the downfall of Chuan Leekpai's Democrat Party-led government.


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People on Samui who own land need to read this article and note land with a slope of more than 35deg is deemed to be forest land and not privatly owned so look out there could be some evictions.

Is Pongchai mentioned in this article the owner of Home mart in Maenam?

Hmmm someone should tell the Conrad! whistling.gif

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The land department do not have political affiliation.

sent from my Q6

No but the people working there do as do the wealthy families in these areas. They are all eligible to vote as are all civil servants and amart in Thailand. It must just be a coincidence that the most obvious acts of land manipulation and encroachment in the most lucrative tourist areas of Thailand are centred around loyal Democrat constituencies...

Phuket, Krabi, Koh Samui, Koh Phang Ngan, Phang Nga bay to name a few...

Corruption is rife on both sides of the fence but if we keep repeating Thaksin long enough the sins of all the others will be absolved and forgotten.. .sick.gif

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Lots of huffing and puffing by the red underpants brigade.

ALL corruption should be punished full stop.

I would, however, sooner have a beer with Suthep's son than either of Chalerm's

And the usual finger pointing and deflective huffing and puffing from the anti brigade! How did Chalerm enter the topic?!

No one is suggesting that all corruption shouldn't be punished. Mind you no one other than you is suggesting having a drink with those responsible...strange comment after asserting that all corruption should be punished. I guess when it's coming from those loyal to your "cause" it's somehow more palatable...

Personally I wouldn't have a drink with either, I prefer to drink with my friends not those responsible for raping this country.

It's a shaggy dog story really.

Here I was, reading a number of posts, blaming Suthep for his son's actions when I started to think of other "father and son" teams. Chalerm leaped to the front of my mind for some strange reason.

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