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Converted To Bhudism


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Stoutfella. As you can imagine it would be difficult for me to bring evidence to a forum discussion.

I can only say i believe in what i can see or have seen. If you prefer to think that evil does not exist and cannot be envoked that is entirely up to you.

Most countries use Black Magic in communities, although it is practiced more in the likes of thirld world countries.

The body is just a vessel to transport our spirit, this i am convinced.

The key is to find out, what happens when we die. It is certainly not the end and the spirit does live on.

I used to pray to God. I asked him Lord show yourself, i have seen the other side but you have never shown yourself.

Man is not at one with nature anymore and most of the old ways have been lost.

Just take a few minutes today , go for a walk and sit somewhere quiet where you wont be disturbed, in a forest or somewhere.

Sit there quietly for twenty minutes or so and ask yourself what doyou think will happen to your spirit when you die.

Or you could open up another chang and dismiss the afterlife alltogether.

Sorry, what spirit, where does it go when you are asleep.

People travel through time from birth to death, time does not pass you move through it. Just like driving along the road to the beach. The beach is already there and the things you pass remain, they don't disappear, but you are only aware of where you are on the road at that moment.

That's the problem with religions as a whole, they have a beginning and an end, you are born you die and your spirit/soul moves on. Not so if a thing is, it has always been and always will be. We see time pass, but to the universe there is no such thing, just endless possibilities. What makes it seem real is the observer watching, all that has ever been or ever will be is already there. Yet you are only aware of the here and now. Jim

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If you believe spirits exist you will see them or evidence of them.

If you believe spirits don't exist you won't see them or any evidence of them.

It is just a matter of belief and I don't believe we should be controlled by belief.

I believe beer chang is important so it is (to me)

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James you have a great outlook on life and i enjoy reading your posts.

There is a spirit why else would a human or animal be programmed to be able to use a brain. There is an afterlife although as there are hundreds of different religions im not sure what happens when you die is tied to religion as such.

It is naive to think that man and earth just happened. Its ridiculus to think that way , you cannot have nothing and then something.

Logically impossible and the human mond cant comprehend that.

The Black Magic i participated in was not for money and goes on in my wifes house every last saturday of the month, why i dont know.

As a practicioner of black magic in the past whet they are doing is pretty risky and that is why i dont participate anymore in the rituals they perform.

It is ultimately up to the individual as to what they believe, one thing is for sure we are only visiting earth fleetingly. What comes after that will be for a lot longer.

Live a good life and you may have a better next life. who knows.

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James you have a great outlook on life and i enjoy reading your posts.

There is a spirit why else would a human or animal be programmed to be able to use a brain. There is an afterlife although as there are hundreds of different religions im not sure what happens when you die is tied to religion as such.

It is naive to think that man and earth just happened. Its ridiculus to think that way , you cannot have nothing and then something.

Logically impossible and the human mond cant comprehend that.

The Black Magic i participated in was not for money and goes on in my wifes house every last saturday of the month, why i dont know.

As a practicioner of black magic in the past whet they are doing is pretty risky and that is why i dont participate anymore in the rituals they perform.

It is ultimately up to the individual as to what they believe, one thing is for sure we are only visiting earth fleetingly. What comes after that will be for a lot longer.

Live a good life and you may have a better next life. who knows.

Max don't think you follow the story here, you create your on world. Each person lives a life that they create, all life is allusion.

A photon of light experiences no passing of time, it is and can be anywhere in the universes at all times, life is a movie that you make.

Quantum Mechanics tells us that all possibilities exist, it is only the observation that makes the real.

Getting very deep and as Omar Khayyam said, I have only ever been deep in wine, with a logic absolute life's leaden metal to gold transmute. Jim

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James you have a great outlook on life and i enjoy reading your posts.

There is a spirit why else would a human or animal be programmed to be able to use a brain. There is an afterlife although as there are hundreds of different religions im not sure what happens when you die is tied to religion as such.

It is naive to think that man and earth just happened. Its ridiculus to think that way , you cannot have nothing and then something.

Logically impossible and the human mond cant comprehend that.

The Black Magic i participated in was not for money and goes on in my wifes house every last saturday of the month, why i dont know.

As a practicioner of black magic in the past whet they are doing is pretty risky and that is why i dont participate anymore in the rituals they perform.

It is ultimately up to the individual as to what they believe, one thing is for sure we are only visiting earth fleetingly. What comes after that will be for a lot longer.

Live a good life and you may have a better next life. who knows.

I amsorry but I think you are full of something many would call BS

There is a spirit why else would a human or animal be programmed to be able to use a brain.

You may well be programmed but don't assume the rest of us are.

There is an afterlife although as there are hundreds of different religions im not sure what happens when you die is tied to religion as such.

What a ridiculous assertion. I haven't read or heard of any scientific evidence to support such a ridiculous statement.

It is naive to think that man and earth just happened. Its ridiculus to think that way , you cannot have nothing and then something.

Try googling "the theory of evolution" It has quite a lot of scientific backing.

The Black Magic i participated in was not for money and goes on in my wifes house every last saturday of the month, why i dont know.

Big deal so your wife thinks she is a witch and you go along with it.

As a practicioner of black magic in the past whet they are doing is pretty risky and that is why i dont participate anymore in the rituals they perform.

<deleted>, it's just a bit of fun at the weekend. What is so risky? Afraid some ghost is going to jump you :)

It is ultimately up to the individual as to what they believe, one thing is for sure we are only visiting earth fleetingly. What comes after that will be for a lot longer.

You are right about the belief bit and I believe you are full of c**p

I am not visiting the earth I was born here. I live for the now and no one including you knows FA about my future.

Cast a spell on me if you want:)

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Like i say somo everyone is entitled to their own views.

Yours are slightly bizarre but it would be boring if we all thought the same.

The wife doesnt think she is a witch read the posts before i dabble in occult myself, i was interested in the occult that i witnessed and joined in.

As a businessman here in the Isle of Man with a great familly i doubt very much that i am as you say full off crap. Indeed if i was i wouldnt have to pay wages to 14 staff everyweek.

I dont need to google theory of any evolution, it is just someones view and not my view.

Howabout using your own mind and yes your brain is programmed. That is why you posted that post. The voice in your head told you to write that post to attempt and make mine look stupid.

That is a programmed brain.

I wont as you say cast a spell on you , your future is indeed mapped out.

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Like i say somo everyone is entitled to their own views.

Yours are slightly bizarre but it would be boring if we all thought the same.

The wife doesnt think she is a witch read the posts before i dabble in occult myself, i was interested in the occult that i witnessed and joined in.

As a businessman here in the Isle of Man with a great familly i doubt very much that i am as you say full off crap. Indeed if i was i wouldnt have to pay wages to 14 staff everyweek.

I dont need to google theory of any evolution, it is just someones view and not my view.

Howabout using your own mind and yes your brain is programmed. That is why you posted that post. The voice in your head told you to write that post to attempt and make mine look stupid.

That is a programmed brain.

I wont as you say cast a spell on you , your future is indeed mapped out.

The Isle of Man. by may name you can tell where I originate from. Would love to take the wife and kids there for the summer. Expense to live, could you give me a job. Jim
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Yes its expensive here JIm.

Even so that we are at the moment spending 150 million more a year that we gain in revenue. Our reserves will run out in 2015 at the latest figures.

Il gladly put you up for a few days , there are lots of thais over here so the missus wouldnt be without friends.

If you can lay bricks and ive got any work then again sure i could give you work.

Collister is a very Manx name although there are not many of the manx people left here now.

looks like a mass exudus off manxies to the sticks.

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James you have a great outlook on life and i enjoy reading your posts.

There is a spirit why else would a human or animal be programmed to be able to use a brain. There is an afterlife although as there are hundreds of different religions im not sure what happens when you die is tied to religion as such.

It is naive to think that man and earth just happened. Its ridiculus to think that way , you cannot have nothing and then something.

Logically impossible and the human mond cant comprehend that.

The Black Magic i participated in was not for money and goes on in my wifes house every last saturday of the month, why i dont know.

As a practicioner of black magic in the past whet they are doing is pretty risky and that is why i dont participate anymore in the rituals they perform.

It is ultimately up to the individual as to what they believe, one thing is for sure we are only visiting earth fleetingly. What comes after that will be for a lot longer.

Live a good life and you may have a better next life. who knows.

I amsorry but I think you are full of something many would call BS

There is a spirit why else would a human or animal be programmed to be able to use a brain.

You may well be programmed but don't assume the rest of us are.

There is an afterlife although as there are hundreds of different religions im not sure what happens when you die is tied to religion as such.

What a ridiculous assertion. I haven't read or heard of any scientific evidence to support such a ridiculous statement.

It is naive to think that man and earth just happened. Its ridiculus to think that way , you cannot have nothing and then something.

Try googling "the theory of evolution" It has quite a lot of scientific backing.

The Black Magic i participated in was not for money and goes on in my wifes house every last saturday of the month, why i dont know.

Big deal so your wife thinks she is a witch and you go along with it.

As a practicioner of black magic in the past whet they are doing is pretty risky and that is why i dont participate anymore in the rituals they perform.

<deleted>, it's just a bit of fun at the weekend. What is so risky? Afraid some ghost is going to jump you smile.png

It is ultimately up to the individual as to what they believe, one thing is for sure we are only visiting earth fleetingly. What comes after that will be for a lot longer.

You are right about the belief bit and I believe you are full of c**p

I am not visiting the earth I was born here. I live for the now and no one including you knows FA about my future.

Cast a spell on me if you want:)

Excellent post. You have my vote. My summing up of it all is, it's just MJ!

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Yes its expensive here JIm.

Even so that we are at the moment spending 150 million more a year that we gain in revenue. Our reserves will run out in 2015 at the latest figures.

Il gladly put you up for a few days , there are lots of thais over here so the missus wouldnt be without friends.

If you can lay bricks and ive got any work then again sure i could give you work.

Collister is a very Manx name although there are not many of the manx people left here now.

looks like a mass exudus off manxies to the sticks.

Thanks for the offer and if the price of rubber ever ges up again I may take you up on it, except for the brick laying part. Jim
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"The body is just a vessel to transport our spirit, this i am convinced.

The key is to find out, what happens when we die. It is certainly not the end and the spirit does live on."

Our spirit is created by organs which keep us alive. Once they'll stop working, our brain will die and with it all thoughts. It could certainly be the end. Never met somebody who came back, but I had crossed the line for a few hours. wai2.gif

Edited by sirchai
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"The body is just a vessel to transport our spirit, this i am convinced.

The key is to find out, what happens when we die. It is certainly not the end and the spirit does live on."

Our spirit is created by organs which keep us alive. Once they'll stop working, our brain will die and with it all thoughts. It could certainly be the end. Never met somebody who came back, but I had crossed the line for a few hours. wai2.gif

Again a lineal thought procces, time is real not an illusion.

Some work was done in the US and UK, on what was called after death experience, not very well published, could upset some groups.

A doctor noted some patients had after death experiences, or out of body viewing of what was happening, on the operating table. these operations were not only video taped, but all the other data was recorded as well.

Now most of these type of after death experiences are put down to oxygen loss to the brain or drug induced hallucinations.

The difference here was the Doctor was a brain surgeon and the type of surgery was where the brain temperature is dropped to a point where there is no electrical impulses, the brain is dead. just like your computer, no power no imput or out put. It becomes just a piece of steel and plastic. In the case of the brain, just a piece of meat. Yet pationts could see what was happening during the operation, out of body observation, but there was no electrical impulses ergo no abilty to record information.

Said Doctor contacted a friend in Oxford, a quantum physicist, asking how would it be possible for memories to form in the brain without electrical activity.

Big question, not possible, your steak can not see you eating it. Quantum guy checks all the data and it is correct, people when died as a door nail were forming memories. How can it be, he is not a doctor so looks at things in a different light and starts checking things not on a physical level, but molecule and sub atomic particle level.

What does he find, the brain way down small is what quantum physicist believe quantum computers will look like, if we ever get the technology.

Quantum particles, if you can call them that. as they have no mass. Exist out side of time and space. A quantum computer will have the answer for a question before you ask, it is not bound by the passing of time, it exists in all places at any give moment that we see as a place in time.

Bit deep I know, but drinking beer after 6 hours of watering my coconuts by bucket. Sun and beer may have got me rambling on. Jim

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Allow me to ring a Bell. Concepts of time and memory are cognitive inner speech products of human minds generated by our most basic bodily learning mechanisms here and now. It is quite an old cave we live in and present our paintings. Current theatre does not really differ from the ones in the past and the future. Recently a contemporary philosopher sound of mind from the London School of Economics said the timeline of technology is quite different, a straight line, but I wonder if that can be true at all. I hate to disappoint him. Also modern inventions are representations of early ones of which many are found in the first half of the first half of previous century. I really miss one of the gipsy ladies from the early 60s who may have polished many foggy crystal balls of others. She must have crossed the line somewhere. She never returned.

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Yes Somo, it has gone a bit weird,

On the other hand my Mrs has found Christianity, after being a devout Buddha for 45 odd years, she now says they have done nothing for her, despite all her praying ect, im a christian athesist of sorts and her change had nothing to do with me, If she is happy with this and doesnt throw anymore money and food to the monks [temple opposite our house] im happy too,, and it does gall me a lot when i see these monks with a 10k I.pad or the latest phone, seems to me it destroys all what they are suppossed to set out and do, Solitude comes to mind,

Would it be fair to say that what happened with RC priests in Europe, the allegations of child sex abuse could also happen worldwide?

Im not sure what causes wars nowadays, is it religion or oil??

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The beauty of Buddhism is you don't need to be converted. You can be a very good Buddhist by being a good Follower of any other faith...

Do you really need a god, to be a good guy and live a good life? A MEN?--w00t.gif

Edited by sirchai
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God, Bhuddha, or whomsoever you choose to influence your life, lives within you. It's down to you to find that inspiration. Don't look to false prophets.

Your post is indeed one of honesty and personal experience. I enjoyed. Thanks.

Buddha is not a Prophet, a prophet speaks to god, so it's not an honest post it's a post made wrongly about something.

our aim is to do exactly what this poster said, with Buddha's teaching to guide us, but we don't worship him, he says false prophet and almost quotes Buddhas ways word for word in the same line.

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God, Bhuddha, or whomsoever you choose to influence your life, lives within you. It's down to you to find that inspiration. Don't look to false prophets.

Your post is indeed one of honesty and personal experience. I enjoyed. Thanks.

Buddha is not a Prophet, a prophet speaks to god, so it's not an honest post it's a post made wrongly about something.

our aim is to do exactly what this poster said, with Buddha's teaching to guide us, but we don't worship him, he says false prophet and almost quotes Buddhas ways word for word in the same line.

Perhaps you might like to re-read my entire original post (#11). You might then see that I referred to Buddhism as a philosophy and that I thought that that philosophy appeared to be sound. Nowhere have I referred to the Buddha as a prophet - you have simply taken the final line and have chosen to perceive my meaning as dishonest. I said, in one sentence, 'God, Buddha, or whomsoever you choose to influence your life, lives within you'. Then, (separate sentence), I said 'It's down to you to find that inspiration'. Third and final sentence, written to close the entire post, 'Don't look to false prophets'.

Perhaps I should have amplified that final sentence. However, in the context of the entire post, I thought it would probably be understood. I'm sorry if the meaning failed to make itself apparent to you. Mea culpa.

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I have been enticed by the Buddhist following, practice and events during my time in Isaan. Although agnostic myself, I find the Buddhism in some ways, on reflection comparable to how I’ve lived my life thus far. It seems a very logical teaching, startlingly logical at times.

I enjoy attending the temples, conversing with the well-educated monks. I am humbled by my good lady’s love of her religion. I call it a following, as there is no God associated to it, plus the spiritual side of this I haven’t been able to fathom, as yet. True in Isaan, Buddhism is mixed with folklore, pagan rituals and assorted beliefs. Buddhism is not, as other religions, denying nor excluding any additional beliefs or followings. For me it simply adds colour to it.

As a result of their beliefs, I see people optimistic, cohesive as a community and country. Their beliefs are not installed with fear of any kind. People enjoy the temples, enjoy the rituals and are respected by their peers for it. As a farang wanting to integrate somewhat into the community, my visits are noted and respected by the village. Fortunately I enjoy the experiences too and consider myself fortunate to be able to learn new ways of life, first-hand. I may come to dismiss this (or any learning I undertake) but I won’t know until I’ve enough information to make any, personal decision. Is this referring to ‘the path to enlightenment’ I wonder?

Bar girls make offerings to Buddha before their shift, (regardless of any negative views on their profession), why we may wonder? This is a deeply ingrained belief which affords Thailand the reputation of the Land of Smiles, due in part to Buddhism perhaps?

I’ll keep an open mind, continue to learn and investigate, but mainly I’ll enjoy the experience.

PS. Any donations made to monks or temples far outweigh fancy restaurants, bar bills or shopping trips we could be dragged along to of course!

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First, buddhism is not a philosophy. Philosophy is the study of fundamental problems. Buddhism studies nothing, but is a belief system derived from the revelations of a man who embarked on all kinds of spiritual adventures, a religion. No it has no real deity nor scripture teeming with violence, but the findings of Mr Siddharta are not supposed to be challenged or overturned by his followers. To be taken by faith, and believed to be the truth. Religion. Every time I see on TV massive Thai-government propaganda promoting buddhism, I remember the classic vote by Lenin, "Religion is opium for the people. Religion is a sort of spiritual booze, in which the slaves of capital drown their human image, their demand for a life more or less worthy of man." There certainly are good and educated people in buddhism and as its dignitaries, but following this fantasy they quit to be concerned about the brutal social divides, and inequality in this country.

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