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Looking For Good Drain Laying Contractor


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Hi All,

Am looking to sink a couple of culvits in the lane in front of my house to help get rid off the flooding which happens each time it rains, the easiest runoff would be to some how drill at an angle about 5 meters to allow the water to run into the pond.

Question is does anyone know of a crowd here or Bangkok that has one of those small core drilling machines that you see elsewhere that they use to drill under driveways to run cables etc.

Thanks in advance

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Over the last month or so I have now realised no one in Thailand knows about drainage.....I understand what you plan to do but Tropical downpours have great force and re-directing the water elsewhere might just move the problem and cause more havoc....best of luck.

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You would need at least 250 mm dia drain pipes to make any difference in a Pattaya downfall . Anything smaller will not not get the volume moved quickly enough. It would eventually drain but not fast enough to prevent flooding . You also would need gully traps to let the drain function properly by letting trapped air out and to trap any sentiment although If the length is only 5 metres you may get away with not installing gullies.

Also there are a couple of different methods of sub-surface boring - there is with an auger, with high pressure water jet blasting and by a vibrating head ( similar to those things you see on those movies that nobody ever seems to watch) . None of these methods are cheap and often you will get later subsidence or a bump like a speed bump developing. You also need a bit of room for the machines to do there work .

You also need to be sure there are no other drains or cables (elec or communication ) in your path. Cut off peoples power or internet and you will not be popular.

If you are serious the easiest / cheapest way is block the road , get a back hoe in , drop a corrugated drain pipe in , back fill and it is done. How you are going to do traffic control is another matter.

Best of luck

Edited by xen
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