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Tot Yes Them Again


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Am I the only one receiving totally crap service from TOT,supposed to have

10Mbs,which is of cause a joke ,come 5-6 o clock every evening my computer

comes to a crawl, pages down to loading in bytes, yes bytes, according to

the Networx app i have on my computer.

So then I start switching my router off ,wait 10 mins then on again trying to get

a better connection,they sell you hope and deliver nothing, dont know what to do

pay more for 12Mbs-1Mbs will that give better service or just paying more money

and getting the same crap service, go over to 3BB or True,are they any better?

It even goes down when it rains that never used to happen with me before.

Sorry to grumble ,just hope someone might have a solution,

regards Worgeordie

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I'm happy with TOT. I live out in the sticks & get 3MBs. The engineer came out to the house to test the line. He measured 4 MBs. He recommended not to try a faster package, as our line / location couldn't handle it, allowing the extra 1MBs to ensure a better connection.

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I have TOT 10mb / 1mb and have complained to TOT about the speed...you keep upgrading paying more and get nothing.

Right now a run a regular speed test, once I have more historical data, I intend to go to the TOT office to complain.

I complained online my email, received a reply...but no follow up action

TOT word the service as follows 'UP TO 10MB'

Its simple TOT should give you more bandwidth, maybe 15mb and maybe you'll get 10mb?????

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Interestingly our TOT 10 Meg service just stopped working an hour ago. We have the DSL link but no data transfer. Just signed up last month with TOT as 3BB had no availability. Just a test run to see if what othre have complained about is correct. Lucky I have 3BB as my main service.

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Have TOT 40 min out of town and asked for the 10 mbs free upgrade and told not avail. here and told I was getting 7 mbs. Pretty good except seems around time school gets out (and all the shops w/games are full) things slow down quite a bit. But rarely no service and always pleasant if I have a question etc.

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I have the 10 meg service. Up and down until after about 10:00 PM at night.

Sometimes a crawl and will often time out. TOT had a promotion in our Moo-Baan

last month. Banners, pretties and all the fluff.

The speed during that time was very fast. After they left and the

promotion ended the service was even worse. @v@:)

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