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Best Way To Resolve Relationship Problem With Thai Wife ?


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transam, no its wrong to say forget the thai connection, thai woman are very different to western woman . also, why do many people argue ? ok my wife has a bad temper, i have a bad temper but to be very honest it is nothing like hers. i drink and go out at weekends, i do not go with other woman, my wifes english is very very bad , this alone causes many arguments. generally she is allways moody and has a built up anger within her, something is making her angry i do not know what . i have asked her to see doctor in past who gave her anti depressants but she only stays on them a week then stops taking them. it could run in her family as her sister is one of the most volatile people i have ever in my life come across ( a very brutal, cruel woman ) i once saw her sister smash her 7 year old daughter across the face with her hand and broke that childs nose , i will never forget that. when i look at her sister i see a bit of my wife in her . my wife has never slapped our daughter but she has cursed at her and raised her vioce an awfull lot, this also causes problems between us.

my wife is about to get her permanent resident visa and she also has money in a thai bank ( joint foreign investment fund ) in both our names, i am starting to get paranoid and think that now she knows she has everything she can drop me because ive done everything for her now ? paranoid maybe ? i just dont know.

wish there were more thai woman to ask for advice .

Antidepressants? That's nuts! A person can't be depressed AND get angry. Depression is caused by holding anger in (ie: never getting angry). If she lets it out then its a positive sign she is NOT depressed and should not be on antidepressants. By the sounds of it she is within a "normally neurotic" percentage of the population and most likely not extremely anxious either (extreme anxiety is the opposite of depression). She probably doesn't need any medication but therapy. I imagine there is a fat chance of that happening though.

If she is building up energy then it has to come out somehow (to keep holding on to this energy is highly self destructive - far worse that what you witness at present). Her angry releases are a "necessary evil" short of proper somatic psychotherapy. You may want to toy with the idea of something other than you 'triggering" her anger/energy release thereby helping her to release her pent up energy such that it is not at your expense. Subtlety working on finding another outlet for her will help.

Of course her pent up energy does not have to come out as anger - if there's any chance you can get her to engage in some other physical activity it will help.

I hope for your sake the build up of energy is not sexual meaning that you dont satisfy her & thereby its hard to release it. Women lose sexual attraction for men that pander ot them and men that dont take charge etc. If you are always being sorry and trying to change because she asks you to then this could be happening.... If she says something like "dont you dare" then come back at her with "I double dare" & do "it" more-so - women respect that, the wont respect you if you back down.

Edited by fire and ice
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And yes, Thais do say sorry. At least my husband does.

Could be hormonal, could be she is lonely and depressed living far from home in a cold wet miserable place with a husband who goes out with his mates and leaves her alone to take care of the baby. Just sayin.

I would agree with sbk. If your wife speaks limited English and she is living in a cold climate without family and friends it is understandable that she might be angry. Even young children get angry when something is bothering them and they can't understand why. I think I would be angry if I was in a foreign country I didn't like and had no means to fix the problem. There ARE advantages to being single as I am finding out more each day.

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Living in a foreign country, away from your home country, in a totally new environment, has its tolls. Wife could be feeling insecured, plus the post natal blues. It would be great to mix in a thai community there, so she will have some friends she can confide in.

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A person can't be depressed AND get angry. Depression is caused by holding anger in (ie: never getting angry).

are you sure about this?

This is not true. You can be depressed and irritable/angry. In addition, the depression could also be related/part of bipolar disorder. Depressive then manic. It's more complicated than that of course, but in a nutshell, just because you have depression does not mean you can't also have anger issues.

Just to add my thoughts, OP I believe the issues may be beyond your ability to "fix" yourself. If she has been prescribed medication in the past, and there is volatility in the family, there could be a chemical imbalance or other psychological issues that need to be addressed by doctor or other professional. I applaud your efforts to have her see a doctor. At the very least, i would try some type of couples therapy. I've done that before, and it does help having a 3rd party give an opinion from an unbiased viewpoint. I just think you're past the point of "it's just a phase" or "I will help just by being there and being supportive". There's only so much a person can really do, and without proper remedies, the problems will never really go away. And I don't think you, or anyone else, wants to go through the rest of their life like that.

Edited by submaniac
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It took me a decade but now if I am not happy instead of blurting something out that I may regret later I do what she does. I go quiet. If she was in the wrong everything goes back to normal if I was in the wrong the silence lasts all day. I found that it was easier to adopt her ways.

Edited by maprao
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Her attitude is very typical of Thai women. If you leave your home, apologise and give in to her you give her the upper hand which she will use against you. If you fight her on the matter she will use it against you too.

It doesn't matter what you do, she will treat it with hostility because she is obviously not happy and she blames this on everything and everyone around her (which I'm assuming is you most of the time). You need to get to the underlying root of the problem, find out why she's unhappy. I don't know anything about you two so I can't comment on her reasons, but here are a few suggestions:

- lack of happy influence, is she around any happy people? Thai people need to have frequent contact with happy people in order to remain happy - this is one of the reason so many of them break down in the west. Introduce her to the local Thai community, find friends for her.

- she misses her home, her family, maybe it's time for a holiday back home.

- she's stressed about UK life, life in Thailand is much simpler, she probably didn't have to cook, didn't have to clean much, help her out around the house

The trick with Thai women is to be good to them, treat them well, but don't give them any power - if they're happy they will never crave it.

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The trick with Thai women is to be good to them, treat them well, but don't give them any power - if they're happy they will never crave it.

Actually, the trick with Thai women is not to take them out of Thailand.

That would be true just about anywhere if the language of the country was different. And, what sbk said is so very true...

Could be, but I can tell you that if I were stuck at home alone with a baby all the time and my husband went out drinking with his mates, I would be a tad less than pleased.
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I have been married to a Thai woman for 20 years. We have had a couple of arguments but she has never not spoke to me for 3-4 days. I do not think this is normal for any relationship in any country. She has an issue that needs to be fixed.

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The trick with Thai women is to be good to them, treat them well, but don't give them any power - if they're happy they will never crave it.

Actually, the trick with Thai women is not to take them out of Thailand.

My wife has been in the USA for twenty years, and she has only gotten better with time.
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The OP also mentioned that the sex life isn't good at all. That also needs to be taken care of. Post natal depression is well documented but to a lesser degree, some guys go off the idea of sex with the mother of their child, leaving the mother with feelings of being less desirable and this in turn can cause her to resent the child. It can be hard to rediscover intimacy when there's a rug rat or two living with you but it is essential that you do which may mean being extra creative.

PS. My soon to be 5 year old (but apparently knows everything already) boy almost caught mum and myself in the shower this morning. Now he knows about the importance of regularly inspecting the grout (but must remember to lock the doors next time).

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