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Funds Being Blocked[Not W.u.]

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what is happening with our funds being blocked? i have had 2trans.done 2011 and last one march 2012.for just short of 1million bht.i sent all the relevent paper work by fax.plus tel.call to confirm bank said ok.24hrs.later they cant do it without certain paper work as its a large amount and a security risk thats all i know.it is now 7days since i sent what they asked for and it is still sitting in an acc.paying 0.10%.as the exchange rate has risen these last few days its starting to p-ss me off so a drop in rates could mean quite a substancial sum.i have been with this bank in the uk for over 10yrs.its not long ago that an offshore bank told me they will not deal with any thai transactions,can anybody shed some light as to whats happening.

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Do you know if they have received what you sent?

If faxed then I would get on the phone and ask them politely what they are doing. It could be something as silly as a certain person is off ill or something.

If you had to post it then it probably has not yet been received?

Perhaps you should tell us which bank otherwise it is all going to be conjecture?

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So this is happening with transfers from the UK now,thats bad.

Heard that the USA was tightening up all kinds of transfers.

Things must be really bad and they dont want any funds leaving

the country !!!, These banks ,governments seem to want to put

hurdles in front of us to make life more difficult.

Regards Worgeordie

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Do you know if they have received what you sent?

If faxed then I would get on the phone and ask them politely what they are doing. It could be something as silly as a certain person is off ill or something.

If you had to post it then it probably has not yet been received?

Perhaps you should tell us which bank otherwise it is all going to be conjecture?

as i said its never been a problem before,as for the staff i have dealt with all of them,all they would say its their security thats blocked it.tried to phone customer services i was left on the line for 30mins.today i am phoneing the sorting office in the uk.town to check if its been signed for,normally post arrive's within 5days.if by 6pm thai time i have heard nothing then i will get intouch with the banking ombudsman.as my pensions are paid into this bank i am reluctant to change banks as that would be difficult only option is to trans.to bangkok bank london.i will name and shame them when i feel the time is right like my solicitor said some of them are a law to themselve's.
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OP: You may need to check with your bank as if it's anything to do with Thailand being obliged to tighten up it's Financial Action Task Force (FATF) compliance. Unlikely but you never know...

In the meantime some overseas banks are being very thorough with monitoring financial transactions in/out of Thailand. See

Refer http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/AMLO-helpless-about-foreign-banks-refusing-transac-30193143.html

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It has always 'supposed' to have been like this (well, since 2009 anyway when they caught me out).

It particularly happens when a third party is involved (Co-op bank in UK and some building society can't go direct)

Incoming SWIFT payments over 15,000UKP

You need to go to your local bank with passport, tell them how much you are expecting, fill out some forms and there will be no delay. If you don't do that they will put it in a holding account until you do. Anti-money laundering laws.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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OP: You may need to check with your bank as if it's anything to do with Thailand being obliged to tighten up it's Financial Action Task Force (FATF) compliance. Unlikely but you never know...

In the meantime some overseas banks are being very thorough with monitoring financial transactions in/out of Thailand. See

Refer http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/AMLO-helpless-about-foreign-banks-refusing-transac-30193143.html

in the past,eg.when we bought our house we always told the oversea's bank where there money came from and what it was for,we always got a call from bkk.and there has never been a problem,we did the same with this trans,where it was from and what it was for.i get the feeling its like the banks in thailand in the eighties used to say[not come yet] so maybe the uk.bank wants to hang on to our money a bit longer.just looked at exch.rate t.t.down 3satang as i never have money sent on fri.rates always drop.
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It has always 'supposed' to have been like this (well, since 2009 anyway when they caught me out).

It particularly happens when a third party is involved (Co-op bank in UK and some building society can't go direct)

Incoming SWIFT payments over 15,000UKP

You need to go to your local bank with passport, tell them how much you are expecting, fill out some forms and there will be no delay. If you don't do that they will put it in a holding account until you do. Anti-money laundering laws.

You need to go to your local bank with passport, tell them how much you are expecting, fill out some forms and there will be no delay.

for troglodytes only! tongue.png

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don't wire large amounts of money all at one time, spred the wire transfers out sending smaller amounts

works good

you got to be kidding?i will need to wire 10times at £27+bkk charges,there is nowhere that offers 3.50% outside thailand and is safe.
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don't wire large amounts of money all at one time, spred the wire transfers out sending smaller amounts

works good

you got to be kidding?i will need to wire 10times at £27+bkk charges,there is nowhere that offers 3.50% outside thailand and is safe.

it's all a matter of individual taste and risk acceptance / risk aversion. personally i prefer a "little" risk and double digit yields.


the above-mentioned refers to professional drivers on closed roads. do not try to race in your bedroom with a Honda Wave. ask your personal physician, pharmacist or shrink about risks and side effects!


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there is nowhere that offers 3.50% outside thailand and is safe.

Isn't the UK outside of Thailand any more? I get well over 3.5% there.

As for your transfer problem, it's just that your bank wants written confirmation of your instruction in order to be sure that you (and they) aren't being defrauded. No big deal and nothing to do with anti money-laundering. If this bothers you then just use another bank that allows you to order larger transfers online.

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there is nowhere that offers 3.50% outside thailand and is safe.

Isn't the UK outside of Thailand any more? I get well over 3.5% there.

As for your transfer problem, it's just that your bank wants written confirmation of your instruction in order to be sure that you (and they) aren't being defrauded. No big deal and nothing to do with anti money-laundering. If this bothers you then just use another bank that allows you to order larger transfers online.

3.5% not for non-residents.
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don't wire large amounts of money all at one time, spred the wire transfers out sending smaller amounts

works good

you got to be kidding?i will need to wire 10times at £27+bkk charges,there is nowhere that offers 3.50% outside thailand and is safe.

it's all a matter of individual taste and risk acceptance / risk aversion. personally i prefer a "little" risk and double digit yields.


the above-mentioned refers to professional drivers on closed roads. do not try to race in your bedroom with a Honda Wave. ask your personal physician, pharmacist or shrink about risks and side effects!


i have started to suffer side effects already its 9.15am and oh darling pass me another can.
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as of 6pm thai time the letter had not arrived thats 8days,

bpb.they have a signal no.our tele.no.signiture of myself and wf.plus a password.also i know all the staff by name.the account in thailand is the same one that the last 2 trans were made to.what else can they want.bar a kick up the jackse.

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there is nowhere that offers 3.50% outside thailand and is safe.

Isn't the UK outside of Thailand any more? I get well over 3.5% there.

3.5% not for non-residents.

Your comment makes little sense, but either way one cares to interpret it it's wrong.

Non-residents can easily get well over 3.5% AER, paid gross, in the UK on a time deposit, though rates have dropped from the 4.7% that was available about 6 months ago. For anyone who has a UK address to use, until quite recently it was possible to get over 3% AER on instant access though this would have been paid net and one would have to claim the tax back. I opened a new instant access account paying 2.85% AER just a few weeks ago.

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there is nowhere that offers 3.50% outside thailand and is safe.

Isn't the UK outside of Thailand any more? I get well over 3.5% there.

3.5% not for non-residents.

Your comment makes little sense, but either way one cares to interpret it it's wrong.

Non-residents can easily get well over 3.5% AER, paid gross, in the UK on a time deposit, though rates have dropped from the 4.7% that was available about 6 months ago. For anyone who has a UK address to use, until quite recently it was possible to get over 3% AER on instant access though this would have been paid net and one would have to claim the tax back. I opened a new instant access account paying 2.85% AER just a few weeks ago.

could you enlighten me as to where a non-resident can get well over 3.5% aer,paid gross,and no we have not got a uk address,we do live in thailand or have you not noticed.and to make sense of my comments please read the earlier posts.
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there is nowhere that offers 3.50% outside thailand and is safe.

Isn't the UK outside of Thailand any more? I get well over 3.5% there.

3.5% not for non-residents.

Your comment makes little sense, but either way one cares to interpret it it's wrong.

Non-residents can easily get well over 3.5% AER, paid gross, in the UK on a time deposit, though rates have dropped from the 4.7% that was available about 6 months ago. For anyone who has a UK address to use, until quite recently it was possible to get over 3% AER on instant access though this would have been paid net and one would have to claim the tax back. I opened a new instant access account paying 2.85% AER just a few weeks ago.

I would also be interested (genuinely) as a quick search on money supermarket only came up with one provider offering 3.5% fixed for 5 years - BLME (Bank of London and the Middle East minimum £25k) and 3.3% for 3 years for Close Bros. (min (£10k) - these are bonds for residents.

Offshore rates are worse (as in offshore from the UK) - see this Telegraph article - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/offshorefinance/9722223/Expat-rates-what-savings-account-is-right-for-you.html

It has been widely reported in the UK press recently that most rates have been dropping especially in the last couple of months. You appear to have done well to lock in when you did. thumbsup.gif

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as this is my wf.security if i suddenly leave this l.o.d.its got to be here where she can put her mits on it,offshore was a possibility when 4.5% with lloyds tsb.now 2.20% over 5yrs.so bank of punjab not wanting,wf.is touring the banks in the mall and guess what all the ones offering 3%plus on fixed terms no longer available solly web site not updated.one thought she has 2 rather big brothers [not to be messed with] maybe she should do some money lending 10% pr.month.

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.... a quick search on money supermarket only came up with one provider offering 3.5% fixed for 5 years - BLME (Bank of London and the Middle East minimum £25k) and 3.3% for 3 years for Close Bros. (min (£10k) - these are bonds for residents.

Offshore rates are worse (as in offshore from the UK) - see this Telegraph article.....

Don't believe everything you see in comparison sites and newspaper reports. Both tend to be incomplete at best or, at worst, wildly inaccurate.

BLME is available to non-residents and they accept form R105, though personally I dont care for their Sharia approach to the interest.

The best straight TD rates are currently to be had with Punjab Bank Int UK, though until just a couple of weeks ago two other Indian banks had similar rates. All accept non-residents. Punjab still have a step-bond that pays 4.7% over its full lifespan, though this will be discontinued in 2 weeks.

It has been widely reported in the UK press recently that most rates have been dropping especially in the last couple of months.

Indeed. Offshore rates are even worse, as you point out.

You appear to have done well to lock in when you did.

I have been locking into long TDs for the past 2 or 3 years. Currently the shortest UK TD I have is 2 more years at 4.3%.

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Thanks BPB I was not really aware of them. Could be useful for some but unfortunately this line in their Ts&Cs makes it a little academic as far as I am concerned -

No Internet Banking Service would be available for Fixed Deposit Rate Account holders.

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Thanks BPB I was not really aware of them. Could be useful for some but unfortunately this line in their Ts&Cs makes it a little academic as far as I am concerned -

No Internet Banking Service would be available for Fixed Deposit Rate Account holders.

You need to apply a little bit of imagination when dealing with Indian banks.

In order to open a TD you also have to have a feeder (savings) account. This account is eligible for internet banking. Given that the balance of your TD never varies during the term, the only internet access that you actually need is to your savings account, in order to transfer your interest elsewhere for example.

I speak from personal experience.

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today our funds should arrive 13days after our request,hopefuly the ex.rate crept back up to 49.as for bank interest rates the wf.has been intouch with tgb.bank and their prom.offer of 3.30% fixed for 399 days is still available,bangkok bank has just launched a 7month 2.80%.the hassel we had was not worth the compensation that was paid to us.but in future £10,000 can be trans.online.as i posted earlier its difficult to change banks when you live here,so looks like getting p--sed it will help the stress.

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today our funds should arrive 13days after our request,hopefuly the ex.rate crept back up to 49.as for bank interest rates the wf.has been intouch with tgb.bank and their prom.offer of 3.30% fixed for 399 days is still available,bangkok bank has just launched a 7month 2.80%.the hassel we had was not worth the compensation that was paid to us.but in future £10,000 can be trans.online.as i posted earlier its difficult to change banks when you live here,so looks like getting p--sed it will help the stress.

at the treasury dept.this morning nice man gave my wf.10 satang more than t.t.rate so 10,000bht.better off.

r.b.s.no xmas card for you.

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