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Thai’s Expression Of Love


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Thai’s expression of love

Is Thailand….the culture of…. LOVE or MONEY?

As most of you know…..Thailand is well known as the land of smiles and the culture of generosity

But after 16 yrs in Thailand………

I can see for the Thais - the biggest way Thai people express love as a whole, is through money.

The way….. children are expected to give money to their parents

The way….. olders are expected to give money to the youngers

The way….. eldest brothers or sisters are expected to care or help out to the younger siblings

The way….. richer one in the family is expected to share money to the rest of the clan or tribe

The way….. women believe they can measure the amount of love from their boyfriend, by how much he can take care of her, or the amount of gold

In Thai culture…..Love and money are totally intertwined. This is most clear in the concept of 'Sinsot' or bride prize.”

In addition Thai people are taught to take care of their parents through money. As soon as you can make money you’re expected to give some to the parents. Ofcourse giving parents doesn’t mean anything bad.

It doesn’t mean they only use money to express their love for their parents but never really care for them.

But the Thais don’t say “I love you” to their parents as much as Westerners do. I don’t know if either theirs parents or girlfriends or wifes prefer or are content to hear the word “I love you” by phone,...... BUT without the money to show for?

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Thai’s expression of love

Is Thailand….the culture of…. LOVE or MONEY?

As most of you know…..Thailand is well known as the land of smiles and the culture of generosity

But after 16 yrs in Thailand………

I can see for the Thais - the biggest way Thai people express love as a whole, is through money.

The way….. children are expected to give money to their parents

The way….. olders are expected to give money to the youngers

The way….. eldest brothers or sisters are expected to care or help out to the younger siblings

The way….. richer one in the family is expected to share money to the rest of the clan or tribe

The way….. women believe they can measure the amount of love from their boyfriend, by how much he can take care of her, or the amount of gold

In Thai culture…..Love and money are totally intertwined. This is most clear in the concept of 'Sinsot' or bride prize.”

In addition Thai people are taught to take care of their parents through money. As soon as you can make money you’re expected to give some to the parents. Ofcourse giving parents doesn’t mean anything bad.

It doesn’t mean they only use money to express their love for their parents but never really care for them.

But the Thais don’t say “I love you” to their parents as much as Westerners do. I don’t know if either theirs parents or girlfriends or wifes prefer or are content to hear the word “I love you” by phone,...... BUT without the money to show for?

Tell me what culture that money does not come into love?? You need money to express yourself as in going on dates and buying presents and what not, Thais may not say it as much as western countries but does this mean they do not love each other??

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Bambi's all over it with the sick Buffalo analogy.

In Thailand and Asia in general it's what is green (or whatever color) and folds in your wallet that means the most. You can include ATM cards in this catagory too! :o

Edited by Boon Mee
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Western countries have social welfare, Government handouts that the taxpayers fund.

Thailand has none of this. Elders rely on their family members for financial support. This translates to the formation of a very close family unit, all dependent upon each other.

Of course 'money' is important but the Thais have demonstrated that they can happily survive the same way that they have for hundreds of years without taxpayer assistance.

They don't need the trappings of wealth to enjoy their lives. They are happy with the basics...food, shelter and love.

"But the Thais don’t say “I love you” to their parents as much as Westerners do. I don’t know if either theirs parents or girlfriends or wifes prefer or are content to hear the word “I love you” by phone,...... BUT without the money to show for?"

That is just crap!

"I love you" are just empty words unless there is a meaningful commitment given by the person uttering those words. Giving money alone to the family is not a meaningful commitment unless it is accompanied by a dedicated effort to earn that money and by providing personal care to family members in their times of need.

The Thais know how to deliver this, most Westerners don't.

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"""""""""But the Thais don’t say “I love you” to their parents as much as Westerners do. I don’t know if either theirs parents or girlfriends or wifes prefer or are content to hear the word “I love you” by phone,...... BUT without the money to show for?""""""""""""

Thais do say I love you to their parents.

Thais respect their parents a lot more than westerners - it was my little daughter's birthday yesterday and it was really nice when she gave me the garland and the big wai, thanking me for being her father.

Ask a Thai person who they respect the most in this world, or who was the biggest influence in their life and you'll be sure to here their father or mother.

As for money, know what you are saying, but it's the same anywhere with the richest member of the family sharing to others.

Remember bangkokonians don't represent the whole country.

As for the smile, it only take a short time here to realise what that's all about - most of the time not genuine, and the smile can mean many different things.

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Thai’s expression of love

Is Thailand….the culture of…. LOVE or MONEY?

The way….. children are expected to give money to their parents

The way….. olders are expected to give money to the youngers

The way….. eldest brothers or sisters are expected to care or help out to the younger siblings

The way….. richer one in the family is expected to share money to the rest of the clan or tribe

The way….. women believe they can measure the amount of love from their boyfriend, by how much he can take care of her, or the amount of gold

Isn't that what love is?. Noticed I crossed out the single thing which is not family oriented, and thats because it does not belong.

I do all of the above because I care and love my family. Its not because I have to but because "I want to" . The western society used to do the same many moons ago, but somehow It got lost. shame shame shame :o

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Western countries have social welfare, Government handouts that the taxpayers fund.

Thailand has none of this. Elders rely on their family members for financial support. This translates to the formation of a very close family unit, all dependent upon each other.

Of course 'money' is important but the Thais have demonstrated that they can happily survive the same way that they have for hundreds of years without taxpayer assistance.

"I love you" are just empty words unless there is a meaningful commitment given by the person uttering those words. Giving money alone to the family is not a meaningful commitment unless it is accompanied by a dedicated effort to earn that money and by providing personal care to family members in their times of need.

The Thais know how to deliver this, most Westerners don't.

Agree wholeheartedly. IMO those who abandon their parents in the west to old folks homes and medicaid, and call their parents twice a year, are those who don't know love.

It's not just money, especially among families where the oldest generations have the highest savings rates, it's the commitment.


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Thailand is not only Isaan.

Made different experiences in the south

Thai’s expression of love

Is Thailand….the culture of…. LOVE or MONEY?

As most of you know…..Thailand is well known as the land of smiles and the culture of generosity

But after 16 yrs in Thailand………

I can see for the Thais - the biggest way Thai people express love as a whole, is through money.

The way….. children are expected to give money to their parents

The way….. olders are expected to give money to the youngers

The way….. eldest brothers or sisters are expected to care or help out to the younger siblings

The way….. richer one in the family is expected to share money to the rest of the clan or tribe

The way….. women believe they can measure the amount of love from their boyfriend, by how much he can take care of her, or the amount of gold

In Thai culture…..Love and money are totally intertwined. This is most clear in the concept of 'Sinsot' or bride prize.”

In addition Thai people are taught to take care of their parents through money. As soon as you can make money you’re expected to give some to the parents. Ofcourse giving parents doesn’t mean anything bad.

It doesn’t mean they only use money to express their love for their parents but never really care for them.

But the Thais don’t say “I love you” to their parents as much as Westerners do. I don’t know if either theirs parents or girlfriends or wifes prefer or are content to hear the word “I love you” by phone,...... BUT without the money to show for?

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You must come from a very strange country if you do not help your family

in some way or another. Money is often the way that help is offered.

I don't think its strange, but its actually normal in the USA. Many people in the US view their parents as a nuisance and rather see them in an elderly home.

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I have spent the last five years living in an old people's sheltered housing complex, in the UK, looking after my father, and, when other residents remarked how good I was for him, he would say 'It is something he picked up from Thai culture!'

I think that it must be about 95 per cent of the residents here that pass away feeling forgotten and unwanted, out of sight, out of mind.

Is it any wonder that I hope to spend my last days with my Thai family, who are queing up to look after uncle? and they do know I have no money!

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The everyday care for one another in Thai culture as I have experienced it, is not only a matter of money - money is just one part of it.

The other parts are all about being thoughtful - buying food or fruit for somebody, popping over to see them when sick, providing 'ground service' and showing extra respect to those in the family that bring in the cash, paying extra attention to the elderly, etc.

I fully agree with Mighty Mouse that 'I love you' is completely hollow unless it is accompanied by efforts to prove it, illustrated in the Thai proverb 'tham dee kwaa phuud' (To do is better than to speak.)

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