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Orient Thai


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Guest IT Manager

OK here is the deal.

Contact has been made by administrators, with Orient Thai to find out what happened about flights not leaving, and people being moved on to Thai flights, because of low seat sales.

It appears a concerted effort is being made by two closely related Thai based airlines, to take Orient Thai down, then get the prices back up to where they are now, same as has happened elsewhere.

If you decide not to fly Orient Thai due to lack of flights you are being played with as an air traveller. If we stick with Orient Thai there will remain a reasonably priced airline which is not owned "in familia" as it were. That will mean continuing choice, and it will also mean the dear leader will not own the entire country yet.

In my opinion, I will continue flying Orient Thai, as an admin of this forum, because they give me choice, and every little bit I don't pass to dear leader makes me feel better about myself.

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Irrespective of your personal opinions you still edited out a valid posting because of your bias. I do not think that it the role of a mod in anyway shape or form.

If other airlines are conspiring against Orient Thai that is their problem, there is always Air Asia.

I would travel by Orient Thai but they let us down badly and very simply did not tell us the truth and even suggested we had to pay for cancelling flights that did not exist.

If this forum wishes to edit out members valid threads then irrespective of whether it may have a knock on effect I suggest you have a rethink.

Thailand may not be a democracy but I thought this forum was!

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Guest IT Manager

In fact I didn't edit it at all. An entire topic went west, much to my annoyance.

I want people to be aware of what has happened, and personal prejudice did not come into it. Air Asia are a player in the collusion.

I am quite happy for you to re-post what was there, as it was an important part of the topic. My problem was not being able to remember who started it so I could ask you to re-post. My apologies for the misunderstanding. I try for balance as far as possible.

Your post added value to the topic, which I was appreciative of. The deletion of it was a misunderstanding and will not re-occur.

Again, I would like to re-iterate, I did not delete it. Nor was it a administrative decision. It just occurred and I am happy to rebuild it.

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OK understood, my user name is quite difficult to remember. :o

The basis of the post was that we, a party of seven persons, booked flights with Orient Thai some three weeks ago for the coming week.

On Tuesday of last week we went and paid the fares, in CASH, and received our tickets. This is not the first time we have used OT.

On Wednesday, the following day we receive a phone call from the Bangkok office telling us the flight has been cancelled and there was not another one that day. We already had hotels and intermediate transport booked.

One of our party went to the OT office in Chiangmai where we were ofered an alternative day, not possible because of previous bookings and of course we were now not happy with them at all. We then asked for our money back- come back in 30 days was the reply!

We then said cancel the return flight and we will arrange an alternative airline, the response to this was it would cost 200 baht per head to cancel the reservations- we found out that in fact this flight had also been cancelled!

Arrange an alternative flight with another airline as per your obligations please. Come back at the weekend and we will see what we can do- yeah right!

A concerted, pleasant, effort by all our party at their Chiangmai office resulted in tickets with Thai Airlines.

Whilst I sympathise with their current predicament and am totally in favour of open skies this sort of treatment is not going to help their cause.

All this said I ,and I believe my colleagues, will continue to use Orient Thai, in this case our prior bookings made it impossible to accept other OT flights.

I wish Orient Thai "chockdee" in their current problem, we need people like them, just make sure their staff are tuaght how to deal with this type of situation.

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