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Chalerm: Thailand Is Not Terrorism Land


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Chalerm: Thailand is not terrorism land


BANGKOK, 8 December 2012 (NNT) - Deputy Prime Minister Police Captain Chalerm Yubamrung has affirmed yesterday that Thailand is not a country of terrorism after it was ranked eighth in the global terrorism index by the Institute for Economics and Peace.

Police Captain Chalerm downplayed the ranking by the US agency and attributed the misunderstanding to recent political protests in the country. He expressed confidence towards the operation of immigration police, the special branch police and other security units.

The Deputy Prime Minister said that the US has once believed that the terrorist group Hezbollah came to Thailand, but the issue was later proven false.

Police Captain Chalerm also expressed confidence that Thailand is not terrorism-prone as it is a Buddhist country and is not aligned with any major power bloc. He said the unrest in the south is deemed as being instigated by insurgents and separatists, not an act of terrorism.

The Deputy Prime Minister then pointed out that media reports which cover the incidents in the Deep South has been causing fears among the public while the local people do not share the same level of panic.

He however noted that he has been working closely with the authorities and is aware of the situation in the region. By RADIO THAILAND & INSIGHT INFO


-- NNT 2012-12-08 footer_n.gif

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BANGKOK, 8 December 2012 (NNT) - Deputy Prime Minister Police Captain Chalerm Yubamrung has affirmed yesterday that Thailand is not a country of terrorism after it was ranked eighth in the global terrorism index by the Institute for Economics and Peace.

Police Captain Chalerm downplayed the ranking by the US agency and attributed the misunderstanding to recent political protests in the country. He expressed confidence towards the operation of immigration police, the special branch police and other security units.

Forgetting 'misunderstandings' and definitions of what or what doesn't constitute terrorism for a moment, this self appointed expert on internal security and insurgencies should really get out more.

I doubt that the the dead, injured and bereaved see this mess as a 'misunderstanding', so I suggest that Police Captain Chalerm starts with an extended trip to Pattani, Yala and Narathiwat to see the 'misunderstanding' for himself.

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this man needs a shock collar installed on his person. When he starts spouting nonsense, hit him with a jolt to try to get his brain and mouth in step with reality.

Shock collar wont work, lobotomy is the only answer.

I think it`s already done.
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Note to Nation editors: to increase the hilarity factor add a picture of Chalerm flanked by those red shirt MPs currently charged. A son or two would put the icing on the cake.

BTW the best part of the joke is that Chalerm would never get it.

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this man needs a shock collar installed on his person. When he starts spouting nonsense, hit him with a jolt to try to get his brain and mouth in step with reality.

Think of it another way- "spin time!"

An arrogant foreign nation ranks some unflattering index, such as Corruption, Crime, Judicial Killings and Thailand happens to make the short list. Just bump and twist: Yes there is corruption in every country; however, Thailand has made remarkable progress and will eliminate that short comming by _____ (fill in the date.) Plays well with the local voters and a lot of the gentle folk on Thai Visa :) (Works super well in the USA where that little evasion tactic was invented)

Why bother reporting this stuff? The US would be Thailands best budd if it were granted a military base and tourists will continue to come here in ever increasing numbers.

So lets all join hands and sing "I Love the Way You Lie" :)

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What is the secret that Chalerm has ?

He sems to be able to teleport himself from the planet on which he lives, a parallel world to Thailand where all is love and peace all the time and violence doesn't exist ( induced no doubt by copiuos amounts of ear medication) and he seems to bring his paralleled world mindset with him and cannot actually see or even comprehend the truth that the nations of this world see and comprehend..

Beam me up Scotty.


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You are quite correct sir


Sorry but I felt I had to correct your spelling error, see below.

You are quite correct sir cur.

Cur being the more pertinent spelling of the word sir in Chalerms case.

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I don`t think the UN, the EU the USA, the AU and the rest of the world care so much about what this bloke says, it already a fact.

if Charlerm says it's not true and everybody else is wrong then ,,,,,,, he's right - right ?

After all his track record is one of honor and distinction - right ?

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I forgot, Thailand is already free of illegal drugs. Chalerm promised this just after the election. I suppose he`s right.

Yingluck, said at the beginning of the year, that the problems in the South would be solved by April. Granted she didn't say which Aprilt

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You are quite correct sir


Sorry but I felt I had to correct your spelling error, see below.

You are quite correct sir cur.

Cur being the more pertinent spelling of the word sir in Chalerms case.

Siampollee, how remiss of me , these new spell check gadgets, since being made in China, ain't half as good as the old ones, seriously , you could have a field day with some of these characters that run Thailand , maybe its the thai to english format, but they say some overloaded crap, amazing Thailand, you betcha.

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