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Information Regarding Electricity During Christmas And Into Jan 2013

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I am putting out the information I have from what news I got from our staff that just came back from bangkok as in bangkok there was tons of news going on regarding the electric blackout in samui. For what they understand the backup power generators that were brought into samui from the government will be here all of christmas and into the high season as they are expecting high power demand and the main electric line will not have enough electric to support the island during christmas and into jan, so assume there's a good chance to expect power disruptions and worse case blackout's again

As most of you know how thailand is regarding matters like this. I personally hope electricity is ok and will have no problems, but as a caution I am ordering a small backup generator for personal use as I have zero confidence and zero faith that this matter will be sorted out or fixed anytime soon

Any comments you have regarding the matter are welcome.

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If this had happened three weeks later then there really would be a crazy situation....

Why any different to now.

Because in 3 weeks time it would be Xmas and the busiest time on samui

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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If this had happened three weeks later then there really would be a crazy situation....

Why any different to now.

Because in 3 weeks time it would be Xmas and the busiest time on samui

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

Not only that but every flight booked solid so little chance of anyone leaving the island.

That would be a nightmare.....well for business and tourists alike.

How many would be returning after that do you imagine?

Particukarly having paid peak prices on everthing to visit.

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It did happen at Christmas some years ago. 3 days no power -while they put in the new undersea cable (the first upgrade). I think that this was about 8 - 9 years ago - but the memory is not reliable. I think it was Boxing Day for three days. unsure.png

At the time I thought - how dumb to do planned maintenance/ugrade at the busiest time. I had to refund some money to some customers. sad.png

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