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North Korea Fires Long-Range Rocket Carrying Satellite


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Good luck N.Korea.

Stuff the UN and other control freaks.

Its OK for them to be armed to the teeth but not you.

Got balls for sure

I fully endorse your support for this small nation which includes some exceptionally talented and bright people. Not being an American citizen I was fortunate to obtain a visa to visit North Korea a few years ago. The skills of some of the young people are formidable and I found them to be very nice and courteous. It is interesting to listen to the “ other side of the story “ so to speak rather than the one-sided version which is usually fed to us through the Western media. I also find it interesting that this is yet another country where it's impossible for citizens from a small country in the Middle East with the name beginning with “ I “ to even get a visa to enter North Korea. Yes I would say they are certainly standing up for their own rights and that they have balls!

Don't forget another fact about this small nation. Just about 60 years ago the country was almost completely destroyed. All cities, all infrastructure, all industry carpet bombed by you know who. they build it up again. Impressive.

Yes indeed and considering the number of international sanctions that have been placed on them they have still managed to provide astonishing infrastructure. Beautiful highways and architecture and even an underground metro which I took a ride on. I was there in December when it was snowing and when you go out of Pyongyang into the countryside some of the scenery was absoultely spectacular.

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Good luck N.Korea.

Stuff the UN and other control freaks.

Its OK for them to be armed to the teeth but not you.

Got balls for sure

I fully endorse your support for this small nation which includes some exceptionally talented and bright people. Not being an American citizen I was fortunate to obtain a visa to visit North Korea a few years ago. The skills of some of the young people are formidable and I found them to be very nice and courteous. It is interesting to listen to the “ other side of the story “ so to speak rather than the one-sided version which is usually fed to us through the Western media. I also find it interesting that this is yet another country where it's impossible for citizens from a small country in the Middle East with the name beginning with “ I “ to even get a visa to enter North Korea. Yes I would say they are certainly standing up for their own rights and that they have balls!

Don't forget another fact about this small nation. Just about 60 years ago the country was almost completely destroyed. All cities, all infrastructure, all industry carpet bombed by you know who. they build it up again. Impressive.

Yes indeed and considering the number of international sanctions that have been placed on them they have still managed to provide astonishing infrastructure. Beautiful highways and architecture and even an underground metro which I took a ride on. I was there in December when it was snowing and when you go out of Pyongyang into the countryside some of the scenery was absoultely spectacular.

Evil propaganda, no doubt:


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Got balls for sure they have, they know the score, the USA has its hands full, unlilely to attack or do something about it, so Korea continues to try to make a name for itself desperate to become a world super power, you l notice they were a little quiet when the USA was free. recently they stated on open TV that they now had missiles caperble of reaching the USA shore, in a round about way I would say that was a threat. Theres an old saying, a man who lives by the sword shall die by it.

This is well worth a debate and so for those willing to listen i will begin. During the 2nd world war when properbly the greatest evil of all time to date tried to take over the world, I should thank God there was an America, when America stood alone against communism in Vietnam, a stratigic stronghold that could have tipped the scales of power against the free world unleashing God knows what upon us, when the British prime minister of the day Wilson himself far left refused the USA any help dispite their pleading I thank God there was an America, during cold war years it was America s power who prevented Russia from burying the west as they said openly they would do on more than one occasion. This aside tyrants like Hussain who were brought to book who incidently killed thousands in towns who opposed him with nerve gas, who if he hadn t been got would have sheltered every terrorist including Mr Laden on earth and Iraq would have become a terrorist stronghold, man on the moon a great leap for mankind, medicines and disease control, the list goes on and on, and who am I, ? Not American, just a greatful Brit, and what has this tin pot little nation contributed to anything.? Why should we be armed to the teeth and not these dumps, because we are worthy of it and know how to use it and more importantly when to use it, in short we av a small brain, put every general in Korea together and allow a debate and you ve got a recipe for hell cos they got little to no brains at all and thats why these little enemy nations become dangerous when they have or develop nuclear bombs. Its comparable to somebody winning the lottery who s always been poor, 5 years on they are as poor as they were before winning the lottery because they have no idea how to handle wealth, its a similar thing, allow Korea and Iran to get nukes and lite the blue touch paper or not, you can be sure they will want to try a new toy and they are far from qualified to have them for that reason.

Dunno what the ans is, if the USA and the rest of the worlds powerful nations announced they were scapping all ballistic weapons, it would certainly make these places wonder why they were developing them, PERHAPS, and maybe not. do you really want to take your chances with a place like Korea?, or maybe Iran who openly say that christianity must be wiped out, is that a threat do you think,? come come now.

''Theres an old saying, a man who lives by the sword shall die by it.''

Doesn't bode well for the yanks then as they are the most aggressive nation on earth!

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Count me in. In particular after my exposure to this rubbish

... I should thank God there was an America, when America stood alone against communism in Vietnam, a stratigic stronghold that could have tipped the scales of power against the free world unleashing God knows what upon us, when the British prime minister of the day Wilson himself far left refused the USA any help dispite their pleading I thank God there was an America...

Don't know much do you? The Brits were in Vietnam though they still deny it to this day.

p.s. they lost in Nam, so what got unleashed? and where?

p.p.s. Wilson, ''far left''???? yeah right!

p.p.p.s. there aint no god, and if there is, he's rubbish if he can't stop all theses nutters killing in his name!

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Good luck N.Korea.

Stuff the UN and other control freaks.

Its OK for them to be armed to the teeth but not you.

Got balls for sure

I fully endorse your support for this small nation which includes some exceptionally talented and bright people. Not being an American citizen I was fortunate to obtain a visa to visit North Korea a few years ago. The skills of some of the young people are formidable and I found them to be very nice and courteous. It is interesting to listen to the “ other side of the story “ so to speak rather than the one-sided version which is usually fed to us through the Western media. I also find it interesting that this is yet another country where it's impossible for citizens from a small country in the Middle East with the name beginning with “ I “ to even get a visa to enter North Korea. Yes I would say they are certainly standing up for their own rights and that they have balls!

Don't forget another fact about this small nation. Just about 60 years ago the country was almost completely destroyed. All cities, all infrastructure, all industry carpet bombed by you know who. they build it up again. Impressive.

Who? You mean the United Nations?

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Got balls for sure they have, they know the score, the USA has its hands full, unlilely to attack or do something about it, so Korea continues to try to make a name for itself desperate to become a world super power, you l notice they were a little quiet when the USA was free. recently they stated on open TV that they now had missiles caperble of reaching the USA shore, in a round about way I would say that was a threat. Theres an old saying, a man who lives by the sword shall die by it.

This is well worth a debate and so for those willing to listen i will begin. During the 2nd world war when properbly the greatest evil of all time to date tried to take over the world, I should thank God there was an America, when America stood alone against communism in Vietnam, a stratigic stronghold that could have tipped the scales of power against the free world unleashing God knows what upon us, when the British prime minister of the day Wilson himself far left refused the USA any help dispite their pleading I thank God there was an America, during cold war years it was America s power who prevented Russia from burying the west as they said openly they would do on more than one occasion. This aside tyrants like Hussain who were brought to book who incidently killed thousands in towns who opposed him with nerve gas, who if he hadn t been got would have sheltered every terrorist including Mr Laden on earth and Iraq would have become a terrorist stronghold, man on the moon a great leap for mankind, medicines and disease control, the list goes on and on, and who am I, ? Not American, just a greatful Brit, and what has this tin pot little nation contributed to anything.? Why should we be armed to the teeth and not these dumps, because we are worthy of it and know how to use it and more importantly when to use it, in short we av a small brain, put every general in Korea together and allow a debate and you ve got a recipe for hell cos they got little to no brains at all and thats why these little enemy nations become dangerous when they have or develop nuclear bombs. Its comparable to somebody winning the lottery who s always been poor, 5 years on they are as poor as they were before winning the lottery because they have no idea how to handle wealth, its a similar thing, allow Korea and Iran to get nukes and lite the blue touch paper or not, you can be sure they will want to try a new toy and they are far from qualified to have them for that reason.

Dunno what the ans is, if the USA and the rest of the worlds powerful nations announced they were scapping all ballistic weapons, it would certainly make these places wonder why they were developing them, PERHAPS, and maybe not. do you really want to take your chances with a place like Korea?, or maybe Iran who openly say that christianity must be wiped out, is that a threat do you think,? come come now.

''Theres an old saying, a man who lives by the sword shall die by it.''

Doesn't bode well for the yanks then as they are the most aggressive nation on earth!

Yeah! To this day South Korea is scared sh*tless of what those dam_n yanks are going to lob over the DMZ.

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