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So How Was Your Midlife Crisis?


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Maybe I felt a twinge when I turned 30, realizing I'd never be a kid again, but after that it was smooth sailing. I never lost a job, but after 40 I was always self employed. I got to travel the world and live as I liked. I like being retired (almost) although a few old clients still want something and I oblige.

When I come to LOS I'm going to try to teach English for free in a village school. I never did like sitting on my azz.

almost retired?

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OP is living in the past instead of being in the present moment. Working in team office environments is a nightmare and nothing to be missed. Get a life OP and stop dwelling on a closed chapter from 20 yrs ago. Live for today and enjoy

Yes advancebooking you have a good point, one should remain positive and not be dragged down by past times but to be telling him to get a life is a bit harsh eh?laugh.png

Poor guy maybe just lost his way a bit and a few regrets but im sure many have felt this way at some stages in life?

In my case, some unfortunate things happen in life and have me on the edge of a big crisis which im sure would of been terrible if i didnt come here.In this way Thailand help me escape this MLC

If i did have to continue to live in the west 100% of my time i would surely slip into any stage crisis at any time whistling.gif

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I bought a fast car and a 22yo girlfriend.

Then I kept the car and got a 19yo girlfriend.

Then I kept the car again and got a 21yo girlfriend.

Then sold the car and have been unhappy ever since....and the girlfriend has gotten much older.

Better than having a 22yo car and a fast girlfriend...................coffee1.gif


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Never been made redundant. I've worked for myself for the past 30+ years, and before that jobs were two a penny. Christ, I used to apply for half-a-dozen jobs and then choose which one offered the best deal back in the 60s - 70s. My "midlife crisis" happened about 12 years ago when I got divorced. I decided a bit of hedonism therapy was in order, so spent the next few years regularly decamping to Thailand and Cambodia for therapy sessions.

Worked a treat. Had a blast. Enjoyed every minute.

Then, during one of my therapy trips, I met a very shy, very proper accountant and was instantly smitten. I ended up marrying her. End of mid-life crisis. End of hedonism therapy. whistling.gif

Yup, you just can't beat a good mid-life crisis. Wouldn't have missed it for the world. rolleyes.gif

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Wow, I sure am glad I didn’t have to go through anything like that. It sounds very depressing. I never liked work, as it got in the way of living for me, so stopped at 40 and have remained happily unemployed for the last 18 years. Different priorities I suppose.

So that's super for you, but how do you make money to live- food isn't free?

I was sacked from my first job, and the pain never goes away, despite having 2 different careers since.

I could still be working if I wanted, but I saved enough to quit work and live in Thailand, and feel better every day for it.

I have a busier life now, than when I was working.

However, I can't believe there isn't anything out there for someone to do if they really want to. Perhaps it would be necessary to move elsewhere, but there's always something, even if in a completely different field, and for less money.

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I stopped work just after turning 40 which was 11 years ago. I have not worked a day since. Arrived here for good a decade ago

Did you win the lottery? Most of us don't have the money to give up 20 years of income.

To answer the OP question, I don't think I had a midlife crisis- I had a permanent life crisis. There was always some bad stuff happening to me- lot of wicked people out there, and they all seemed to be my stuffing up my life.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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