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Americans Fight For Right To Bear Arms - At Work


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For American - they also view this as a tragedy - but in the same way that a cylone or a hurricane is a tragedgy - that is unfortunate but unavoidable.


Not ALL Americans! You've voiced a stereotype about Americans that is simply not true. In fact, polls have shown the majority of Americans think there is something that can and should be done about gun violence. Of course majority opinion doesn't trump powerful money forces that can force politicos to lose their jobs if they don't tow the line.

Jingers, I'm not one to stereotype (unless it is against larged gutted speedo wearing visitors Pattaya).

But until your congress acts decisively on this matter, I think I've got a point.

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For American - they also view this as a tragedy - but in the same way that a cylone or a hurricane is a tragedgy - that is unfortunate but unavoidable.


Not ALL Americans! You've voiced a stereotype about Americans that is simply not true. In fact, polls have shown the majority of Americans think there is something that can and should be done about gun violence. Of course majority opinion doesn't trump powerful money forces that can force politicos to lose their jobs if they don't tow the line.

Jingers, I'm not one to stereotype (unless it is against larged gutted speedo wearing visitors Pattaya).

But until your congress acts decisively on this matter, I think I've got a point.

I already made it clear you're right about the politicians. That is not the same thing as public opinion surveys. Politicians have other compelling pressures beyond opinion polls. They need money for elections; congressmen run every TWO years, which pretty much means they are running all the time.
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For American - they also view this as a tragedy - but in the same way that a cylone or a hurricane is a tragedgy - that is unfortunate but unavoidable.


Not ALL Americans! You've voiced a stereotype about Americans that is simply not true. In fact, polls have shown the majority of Americans think there is something that can and should be done about gun violence. Of course majority opinion doesn't trump powerful money forces that can force politicos to lose their jobs if they don't tow the line.

Jingers, I'm not one to stereotype (unless it is against larged gutted speedo wearing visitors Pattaya).

But until your congress acts decisively on this matter, I think I've got a point.

I already made it clear you're right about the politicians. That is not the same thing as public opinion surveys. Politicians have other compelling pressures beyond opinion polls. They need money for elections; congressmen run every TWO years, which pretty much means they are running all the time.

I see what you are saying - and I am more than happy to be proven wrong.

But my point remains though, if people are genuinely serious then a strong grass roots movement needs to happen to get funding to protect those politicans who vote to restrict ownership.

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Not ALL Americans! You've voiced a stereotype about Americans that is simply not true. In fact, polls have shown the majority of Americans think there is something that can and should be done about gun violence. Of course majority opinion doesn't trump powerful money forces that can force politicos to lose their jobs if they don't tow the line.

Jingers, I'm not one to stereotype (unless it is against larged gutted speedo wearing visitors Pattaya).

But until your congress acts decisively on this matter, I think I've got a point.

I already made it clear you're right about the politicians. That is not the same thing as public opinion surveys. Politicians have other compelling pressures beyond opinion polls. They need money for elections; congressmen run every TWO years, which pretty much means they are running all the time.

I see what you are saying - and I am more than happy to be proven wrong.

But my point remains though, if people are genuinely serious then a strong grass roots movement needs to happen to get funding to protect those politicans who vote to restrict ownership.

Assault rifles will be gone again soon. The problem is that there are 300,000,000 guns in US. No way to get rid of them. Even the biggest opponents recognize this and no one sure what to do or if anything would actually help. The problem is no practical solution. Been hearing this all day from those that want guns gone. I want them gone because they serve no valid purrpose and inly serve to make insecure weenies feel important and tough and give users a cheap rush. Heroine is safer to public all those dompaine reward circuit junkies.

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For Doc and Samran I think I can speak for all Americans that we are overjoyed that Australia and Germany would have the duty and responsibility to determine US gun policy but are We (the Americans) the only country that would fall under the new Axis of good or are there other countries that you wish to determine the gun policy of too?

Where have I said it was for others to determine? That is obviously for US citizens.

Voice of opinion urging you to take a particular course that are eminating from outside US borders is thoroughly justifiable though - unless you are xenaphobic.

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Assault rifles will be gone again soon. The problem is that there are 300,000,000 guns in US. No way to get rid of them. Even the biggest opponents recognize this and no one sure what to do or if anything would actually help. The problem is no practical solution. Been hearing this all day from those that want guns gone. I want them gone because they serve no valid purrpose and inly serve to make insecure weenies feel important and tough and give users a cheap rush. Heroine is safer to public all those dompaine reward circuit junkies.

Massive gun buy back - which will cost. If people are honest about this like you say then most guns will be returned and destroyed. I'm sure there will be some exemptions for certain sports shooters and farmers and those in rural areas.

Sure, criminals will try and keep them, but even so, then you'll be faced with the situation the rest of the world faces, a tragedy like this once a decade or two, rathern than a couple of times per year.

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No, most rationale, reasonable and intelligent Americans want guns gone. Problem is reality. There are 300,000,000 guns in US and even the biggest gun haters know it impossible to get rid of them. Too many politicians afraid to piss of their base or a 30% chunk of their vote. Saw this in local Tennessee elections a few months ago. Republican that was NRA backed articulated disagreement with gun to work issue and the NRA pumped millions into other candidate and defeated their forme incumbant. Slot of Johnny on the job shoe and teeth optional folks in Tennessee though.

The allowing Assault rifles back on the shelf was an incredibly stupid move by and even dumber person. Not much surprise there, but now how do we clean it up. Seems like that is all we do these days is clean up Bush's mess and we will be for years.

You might wish to recall Obama had a super majority of both Houses of Congress for the first two years of his Administration. The assault gun ban had the same result it had under the Bush Administration.

The proposed extension of the assault gun ban of 1994 never got out of the Congressional committee, exactly as it did during the Bush administration.

Bush couldn't sign a law that never crossed his desk.

Obama spent the first two years of his presidency passing the Dodd-Frank bill and Obamacare. The assault weapons ban could have easily been passed when he had a majority of both Houses of Congress. He chose not to do so.

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No, most rationale, reasonable and intelligent Americans want guns gone. Problem is reality. There are 300,000,000 guns in US and even the biggest gun haters know it impossible to get rid of them. Too many politicians afraid to piss of their base or a 30% chunk of their vote. Saw this in local Tennessee elections a few months ago. Republican that was NRA backed articulated disagreement with gun to work issue and the NRA pumped millions into other candidate and defeated their forme incumbant. Slot of Johnny on the job shoe and teeth optional folks in Tennessee though.

The allowing Assault rifles back on the shelf was an incredibly stupid move by and even dumber person. Not much surprise there, but now how do we clean it up. Seems like that is all we do these days is clean up Bush's mess and we will be for years.

You might wish to recall Obama had a super majority of both Houses of Congress for the first two years of his Administration. The assault gun ban had the same result it had under the Bush Administration.

The proposed extension of the assault gun ban of 1994 never got out of the Congressional committee, exactly as it did during the Bush administration.

Bush couldn't sign a law that never crossed his desk.

Obama spent the first two years of his presidency passing the Dodd-Frank bill and Obamacare. The assault weapons ban could have easily been passed when he had a majority of both Houses of Congress. He chose not to do so.

I have high hopes in his second term!

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Quote from OP --Posted 2012-12-13 12:35:45Americans fight for right to bear arms - at workMargaret NewkirkWASHINGTON: -- Republican-dominated legislatures in at least four US states are planning to consider allowing employees to bring guns to work, turning two of the party’s traditional constituencies against each other: gun-rights supporters and businesses.The measures, backed by the National Rifle Association, would allow workers in Alabama, Tennessee, South Carolina and Pennsylvania to keep weapons locked and hidden in their cars in employee parking areas./Quote

No point in discussing individual State laws when federal law takes precedent and is the root of the problem. The NRA is so obviously the root of the problem because it's funding totally eliminates any possibilty of a democratic process.

As many have pointed out, the grass-roots majority want "something" to be done, but they are not heard anywhere on the political scene.


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Boy that was a hard story to find. I just searched using google under news and did not fine one newspaper in the USA who carried the story. Apparently it is only running in Australia. I searched, "Americans fight for the right to bear arms-at work, and I get the Newcastle Herald. Is this big news in Australia? Just asking....smile.png

State of Alabama: http://atlanta.cbslocal.com/2012/11/23/ala-lawmaker-pushing-for-allowing-guns-at-work/

State of Florida: Proposed Florida law: Companies can't keep employees from bringing guns to work. Seems the newspaper , Orlando Sun Sentinel, has removed this article from their website.

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For Doc and Samran I think I can speak for all Americans that we are overjoyed that Australia and Germany would have the duty and responsibility to determine US gun policy but are We (the Americans) the only country that would fall under the new Axis of good or are there other countries that you wish to determine the gun policy of too?

The inability to absorb constructive criticism is a sure sign of uncertainty of ones beliefs. ;)

Guns are dangerous, so are cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, cars, etc... all of which are well controlled *except* guns -arguably the most dangerous item on the list. Allowing guns at work is just a further step down the road to self-destruction....

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For Doc and Samran I think I can speak for all Americans that we are overjoyed that Australia and Germany would have the duty and responsibility to determine US gun policy but are We (the Americans) the only country that would fall under the new Axis of good or are there other countries that you wish to determine the gun policy of too?

The inability to absorb constructive criticism is a sure sign of uncertainty of ones beliefs. wink.png

Guns are dangerous, so are cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, cars, etc... all of which are well controlled *except* guns -arguably the most dangerous item on the list. Allowing guns at work is just a further step down the road to self-destruction....

Guns are dangerous as are weapons of any kind, but they are just inanimate objects. It's the people that use them, or far worse, the people that condone the usage of them that are at fault..

Reading this thread has revived memories that I’ve tried to forget, but can’t.

I remember walking through a rather large village a few hundred kilometers from here many years ago. A large happy village filled with people, animals and children playing, people just going about their daily lives. That night I sat on a ridge overlooking the valley where the village was located and heard the F4’s swoop in, dropping napalm and obliterating every living thing in the valley. In the end the village and its inhabitants were nothing more than a smoldering pile of ashes, all because there were suspected enemy collaborators there.

Who pulled that trigger? And who continues to pull the triggers doing exactly the same thing for the same reasons in different countries around the world today? We only read about the crazies that take weapons into public places and commit unbelievable acts of violence and not the “crazies” that do it everyday to better the world and mankind!

Gun/weapons control is necessary, but in a much larger theatre than America and the NRA!

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These CHARTS tell the story better than anything. Truly over the top. I do not believe for a second this is what our founders had in mind.


is there something particular or unusual to our gun culture? The answer, based on this comparative data from the international Small Arms Survey, is that yes, American gun ownership rates are positively unparalleled.


Edited by Jingthing
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These aren't my thoughts but best sum up the differences in the mindset between many Americans and the rest of the world.

Yet another one who claims to speak for 6.7 billion people across the planet. Well, Americans care what "the rest of the world" thinks as much as "the rest of the world" cares what Americans think. Americans won't look to "the rest of the world" to tell them what laws they should have be it gun control or anything else.

Edited by koheesti
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These aren't my thoughts but best sum up the differences in the mindset between many Americans and the rest of the world.

Yet another one who claims to speak for 6.7 billion people across the planet. Well, Americans care what "the rest of the world" thinks as much as "the rest of the world" cares what Americans think.

Some of us do care.
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These aren't my thoughts but best sum up the differences in the mindset between many Americans and the rest of the world.

Yet another one who claims to speak for 6.7 billion people across the planet. Well, Americans care what "the rest of the world" thinks as much as "the rest of the world" cares what Americans think.

Some of us do care.

Why on Earth would you? Seriously, they do not care what you think about them, nor should they. It might be "interesting to know" but nothing more beyond that.

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Thank god i was born in a country where to this day most of the police do not even feel the need to bear arms let alone civilians taking them to work. If it goes through how long before theres a massacare at a work place.

Beggars beleif, personally if Americans feel the need to keep blowing each other away get on with it. I visited many times and never felt threatened but maybe things have changed.

Edited by marstons
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These aren't my thoughts but best sum up the differences in the mindset between many Americans and the rest of the world.

Yet another one who claims to speak for 6.7 billion people across the planet. Well, Americans care what "the rest of the world" thinks as much as "the rest of the world" cares what Americans think.

Some of us do care.

Why on Earth would you? Seriously, they do not care what you think about them, nor should they. It might be "interesting to know" but nothing more beyond that.

I am not A USA citizen, but many of my family are 2nd and 3rd generation "americans" and they all care deeply about the lack of gun control and the world-wide perception that USA has lost it's way on the issue. Interestingly they also want the constitution of USA amended again to minimise "money politics" - but that's another topic for another day.....

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So much for leaving your loaded 30-06 in the gun-rack over your F-150's back window.

This smacks of a slippery slope we must HIDE them in our cars now!

Such government treachery.

Yes there are stupid Americans, as in out of 300 million there will be

50% who are below average



Of course in ANY group of people there will be smart stupid sad just middling individuals.

In your society, as with all others, the majority are around the Just Middling placement.

Now with modern communications and Web access for all the smart ones with profitable agenda's, can collect many more from that lower 50%, twist them with fear, and lead them along as a 'demographic group.

The NRA is one of these leader groups with profit agenda.Willing to throw logic and social responsibility out the window, because there is much money to be made, and power to be wielded, for taking their hardline stance.

And many more of that 'lower 50%' can now pay affordable prices to have a good looking web presence, spouting illogical bile and innuendo, and look official in the process. The world is getting weirder by the day because of this.


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I just don't get it!

Something totally awefull happens and it is (read my lips now) UN-DOUBT- ED- LY connected to failing gun- control and gun- laws.

But sure as the sun will rise in the east, the American gun- nuts are all over the internet!

"We need our guns to protect ourselves and our beloved American families, from such evils as Arab terrorists, black- gangstas, Mexican drug- dealers, perverts, who are out there, just waiting to molest our children and other perverts, who will rape our good American daughters on their way back from Sunday- bible lessons! And don't even get me started about the deer on my lawn...!"

You are just a bunch of racist cowards, full of fear of things that you don't know and understand! Other countries have drugs and perverts and rapists, too! (Not as much deer, though!) But they have laws and people believe in them! And no one basically has a whole army- arsenal in the basement! And guess what? Amok- shootings, like the one in Norway, happen ones in a blue moon- not like in the USAUSAUSA, every other month! MAYBE...just maybe...there is a connection, between "creating irrational fear", "arming a whole nation" and "things that go horribly wrong with GUNS all the time"!? Don't you think, that could be?

But wait: Obama and his gang want to tighten the law on guns and you are already CONVINCED that all of you will end up helpless against an almighty government- apparatus, that has only ONE thing on its mind: taking away your freedom and put ypu into Nazi- labor camps!

First of all: make your minds up, please: is Obama a fascist, for taking your guns or a communist for trying to keep people alive, who can not afford health- care! You can not have both!

and b ) while you are on it, stop throwing around terms like "socialism", "fascism" and "communism", that you don't even BEGIN to understand!

The tragedy that we are seeing unfold right now, has nothing to do with gun- laws or gun- control?

Are you kidding me?

By the way: we (the people in favor more strict laws on guns eg. the people with A BRAIN!) don't want to take away your guns!

Or your right to buy them and have them and jerk off on them every night, after you come from the neighborhood- watch ...or from shooting them pesky deers!

We just want a tighter CONTROL of who gets to have them!

And NO, it is not your God given right to own one! (Unless you show me the passage in the Bible where God says: Thou' shalt have in your possession an automatic weapon, to kill your enemies and shoot ...deer!

This elementary- teacher- mom (R.I.P.) will be able to buy and posses guns, as much as she likes!

She was an adult and as much as I ask myself what she was actually doing with all that killer- material...it's non of my business!

But MAYBE, if there would have been a back up- check on her, somebody might have known about her mentally- unstable son and might have said "Lots of weapon....unstable son...not a good idea" and would have checked on where she was storing them!

And if it turned out, that the storage was done in a drawer in the bedroom, somebody might have said, that it isn't safe enough, with her son (or ANY CHILD for that matter) around!

Oh yeah...but I guess a "back up check" that already the same like "being in a concentration camp in Moscow...or Afghanistan or any other German city...", right!?


Doc when you say "WE" "We just want a tighter CONTROL of who gets to have them!

And NO, it is not your God given right to own one! (Unless you show me the passage in the Bible where God says: Thou' shalt have in your possession an automatic weapon, to kill your enemies and shoot ...deer!" do you mean you as a German have the right to tell Americans who can and can not have guns in America? At least I think you are a German, am I wrong and you are an American?

Yes Doc, try to imagine that most Americans do NOT subscribe to this lunatic fringe.

But that this lunatic fringe are loud and organized,

and that amplifies their APPARENT presence, more than they actually are.

But to use a line like ;

" You are just a bunch of racist cowards, full of fear of things that you don't know and understand! ",

Is just hateful and insults a great many people who agree with you whole heartedly, but have no place to put their money or feel hopeless to do so, to thwart the Gun Lobby financed by deep pocket manufacturers and fronted by the NRA in main, but not exclusively.

As for fear, all societies have their boggiemen, and all people fear things in greater or lesser amounts at different times. It is not exclusively an American thing to have 'fear of the other', there is a 'Universal Parochialism' with in ALL cultures, yours included, that is the same across all cultures. The issues will be different and those who strike fear will be different, but none the less, this is a world wide reality.

So... he who is without stones cast the first sin.

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These aren't my thoughts but best sum up the differences in the mindset between many Americans and the rest of the world.

Yet another one who claims to speak for 6.7 billion people across the planet. Well, Americans care what "the rest of the world" thinks as much as "the rest of the world" cares what Americans think.

Some of us do care.

Yes, there some people that are so self absorbed, want what they and will do anything to keep it that way regarless of harm it may pose to others. Guns, drugs and environmental issues comes to mind.

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I just don't get it!

Something totally awefull happens and it is (read my lips now) UN-DOUBT- ED- LY connected to failing gun- control and gun- laws.

But sure as the sun will rise in the east, the American gun- nuts are all over the internet!

"We need our guns to protect ourselves and our beloved American families, from such evils as Arab terrorists, black- gangstas, Mexican drug- dealers, perverts, who are out there, just waiting to molest our children and other perverts, who will rape our good American daughters on their way back from Sunday- bible lessons! And don't even get me started about the deer on my lawn...!"

You are just a bunch of racist cowards, full of fear of things that you don't know and understand! Other countries have drugs and perverts and rapists, too! (Not as much deer, though!) But they have laws and people believe in them! And no one basically has a whole army- arsenal in the basement! And guess what? Amok- shootings, like the one in Norway, happen ones in a blue moon- not like in the USAUSAUSA, every other month! MAYBE...just maybe...there is a connection, between "creating irrational fear", "arming a whole nation" and "things that go horribly wrong with GUNS all the time"!? Don't you think, that could be?

But wait: Obama and his gang want to tighten the law on guns and you are already CONVINCED that all of you will end up helpless against an almighty government- apparatus, that has only ONE thing on its mind: taking away your freedom and put ypu into Nazi- labor camps!

First of all: make your minds up, please: is Obama a fascist, for taking your guns or a communist for trying to keep people alive, who can not afford health- care! You can not have both!

and b ) while you are on it, stop throwing around terms like "socialism", "fascism" and "communism", that you don't even BEGIN to understand!

The tragedy that we are seeing unfold right now, has nothing to do with gun- laws or gun- control?

Are you kidding me?

By the way: we (the people in favor more strict laws on guns eg. the people with A BRAIN!) don't want to take away your guns!

Or your right to buy them and have them and jerk off on them every night, after you come from the neighborhood- watch ...or from shooting them pesky deers!

We just want a tighter CONTROL of who gets to have them!

And NO, it is not your God given right to own one! (Unless you show me the passage in the Bible where God says: Thou' shalt have in your possession an automatic weapon, to kill your enemies and shoot ...deer!

This elementary- teacher- mom (R.I.P.) will be able to buy and posses guns, as much as she likes!

She was an adult and as much as I ask myself what she was actually doing with all that killer- material...it's non of my business!

But MAYBE, if there would have been a back up- check on her, somebody might have known about her mentally- unstable son and might have said "Lots of weapon....unstable son...not a good idea" and would have checked on where she was storing them!

And if it turned out, that the storage was done in a drawer in the bedroom, somebody might have said, that it isn't safe enough, with her son (or ANY CHILD for that matter) around!

Oh yeah...but I guess a "back up check" that already the same like "being in a concentration camp in Moscow...or Afghanistan or any other German city...", right!?


Doc when you say "WE" "We just want a tighter CONTROL of who gets to have them!

And NO, it is not your God given right to own one! (Unless you show me the passage in the Bible where God says: Thou' shalt have in your possession an automatic weapon, to kill your enemies and shoot ...deer!" do you mean you as a German have the right to tell Americans who can and can not have guns in America? At least I think you are a German, am I wrong and you are an American?

Yes Doc, try to imagine that most Americans do NOT subscribe to this lunatic fringe.

But that this lunatic fringe are loud and organized,

and that amplifies their APPARENT presence, more than they actually are.

But to use a line like ;

" You are just a bunch of racist cowards, full of fear of things that you don't know and understand! ",

Is just hateful and insults a great many people who agree with you whole heartedly, but have no place to put their money or feel hopeless to do so, to thwart the Gun Lobby financed by deep pocket manufacturers and fronted by the NRA in main, but not exclusively.

As for fear, all societies have their boggiemen, and all people fear things in greater or lesser amounts at different times. It is not exclusively an American thing to have 'fear of the other', there is a 'Universal Parochialism' with in ALL cultures, yours included, that is the same across all cultures. The issues will be different and those who strike fear will be different, but none the less, this is a world wide reality.

So... he who is without stones cast the first sin.

With the quote you took from my rant, I was not attacking all American citizens in general and I am sorry, that it came across like that! I am well aware that there are good people in the USA, who think logically, rationally and are informed citizens. No doubt!

Unfortunately, those are not the ones who need a slap on the head!

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These aren't my thoughts but best sum up the differences in the mindset between many Americans and the rest of the world.

Yet another one who claims to speak for 6.7 billion people across the planet. Well, Americans care what "the rest of the world" thinks as much as "the rest of the world" cares what Americans think. Americans won't look to "the rest of the world" to tell them what laws they should have be it gun control or anything else.

A couple of things.

All I meant by that quoted line should be attributed to another source/article which I had read (though I can't remember the article). But good to see you are insecure enough to think that I am claiming the role of global spokesperson.

As for what the rest of the world think, they care plenty. Just because you couldn't give a rats arse about anyone else doesn't mean others don't. The recent massacre wouldn't be front page two days in a row if people didn't care.

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These aren't my thoughts but best sum up the differences in the mindset between many Americans and the rest of the world.

Yet another one who claims to speak for 6.7 billion people across the planet. Well, Americans care what "the rest of the world" thinks as much as "the rest of the world" cares what Americans think. Americans won't look to "the rest of the world" to tell them what laws they should have be it gun control or anything else.

A couple of things.

All I meant by that quoted line should be attributed to another source/article which I had read (though I can't remember the article). But good to see you are insecure enough to think that I am claiming the role of global spokesperson.

As for what the rest of the world think, they care plenty. Just because you couldn't give a rats arse about anyone else doesn't mean others don't. The recent massacre wouldn't be front page two days in a row if people didn't care.

You are still trying to speak for the rest of the world with, "As for what the rest of the world think, they care plenty.". You can type it a thousand times, doesn't make it true.

Being on the front page of a newspaper has zero to do with "caring" and everything to do with selling papers and/or pushing a position. In this case, as we see on these forum pages, most non-Americans aren't saying how much they care, but are saying how bad laws and people are in America. Go through the posts and count for yourself if you don't believe me.

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These aren't my thoughts but best sum up the differences in the mindset between many Americans and the rest of the world.

Yet another one who claims to speak for 6.7 billion people across the planet. Well, Americans care what "the rest of the world" thinks as much as "the rest of the world" cares what Americans think. Americans won't look to "the rest of the world" to tell them what laws they should have be it gun control or anything else.

A couple of things.

All I meant by that quoted line should be attributed to another source/article which I had read (though I can't remember the article). But good to see you are insecure enough to think that I am claiming the role of global spokesperson.

As for what the rest of the world think, they care plenty. Just because you couldn't give a rats arse about anyone else doesn't mean others don't. The recent massacre wouldn't be front page two days in a row if people didn't care.

You are still trying to speak for the rest of the world with, "As for what the rest of the world think, they care plenty.". You can type it a thousand times, doesn't make it true.

Being on the front page of a newspaper has zero to do with "caring" and everything to do with selling papers and/or pushing a position. In this case, as we see on these forum pages, most non-Americans aren't saying how much they care, but are saying how bad laws and people are in America. Go through the posts and count for yourself if you don't believe me.

Now you are just being defensive cause you are trying to justify in unjustifiable. No, it isn't about selling papers - though keep telling yourself that the world is only out to pick on the US if it makes you feel better. Certainly helps avoid confronting the issue that your second amendment is destroying your country.

I certainly can walk and chew gum at the same time. Dare I say it, many others can too can feel shocked and emotional for these families while at the same time (especially when you see these things happen a couple of times per year) also be angry and bewlidered as to why this happens all too often.

Just as a late edit - an article written by the former (conservative) Australian Prime Minister on the topic back in August


Good mates with 'W' or '41'.

And not a hint of gloating.

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