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Dengue Fever


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I have been living on Samui for 2 years now and I caught a very mild case of dengue fever, lucky for that part. I was not aware just how prevalent it was here till I found out the hospital has 10 cases already. So I plan on taking extra precautions as there are 5 different strains that get progressively worse than the class 1 I caught. I wanted to ask is it the season or lack of spraying that is causing so many cases? And is everyone else noticing a rise in Dengue?

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Dengue is endemic throughout Thailand (andf the rest of SE Asia) and every 2-3 years or so there is a spike in the number of cases; this seems to be one such year, but frankjly you could get iot at any time and most newcomers to Thailand do sooner or later. I've had it twice myself, vertybad the first time, milder the second (it is not always the case that a second infection leads to a complicated form of the disease, especially not in adults --though it can).

It is extermely hard to avoid since it is a daytiem mosquito. The culprit does not fly very far and usually people are infected from a bite close to home. Open water jars and any other stabngnat water source near the house are a big risk. Marketplaces can also be a common source iof bites, especially the fresh markets which always have ewater stabnding about.

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Dengue is endemic throughout Thailand (andf the rest of SE Asia) and every 2-3 years or so there is a spike in the number of cases; this seems to be one such year, but frankjly you could get iot at any time and most newcomers to Thailand do sooner or later. I've had it twice myself, vertybad the first time, milder the second (it is not always the case that a second infection leads to a complicated form of the disease, especially not in adults --though it can).

It is extermely hard to avoid since it is a daytiem mosquito. The culprit does not fly very far and usually people are infected from a bite close to home. Open water jars and any other stabngnat water source near the house are a big risk. Marketplaces can also be a common source iof bites, especially the fresh markets which always have ewater stabnding about.

Let me ask some questions:

Have you been to a Thai Hospital?

Do you know, which Dengue type you got?

You had both times the same?

Not one of the people I know, who have been in a hospital, got the type named!

Only: Dengue fever

Edited by noob7
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I've had a serious bout of it. Nasty.

Unlike Malaysia and Singapore which spray, Thailand does not nor does it take this endemic challenge seriously.

I would not be at all suprised if thousands of people get dengue in Thailand every year. WhenI was in hospital, Nurse told me they get on avg one case a day during high season. Its everywhere too, mostly cities but countryside, islands are rife. Like Sheryl stated - standing water and sewers.

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Dengue is endemic throughout Thailand (andf the rest of SE Asia) and every 2-3 years or so there is a spike in the number of cases; this seems to be one such year, but frankjly you could get iot at any time and most newcomers to Thailand do sooner or later. I've had it twice myself, vertybad the first time, milder the second (it is not always the case that a second infection leads to a complicated form of the disease, especially not in adults --though it can).

It is extermely hard to avoid since it is a daytiem mosquito. The culprit does not fly very far and usually people are infected from a bite close to home. Open water jars and any other stabngnat water source near the house are a big risk. Marketplaces can also be a common source iof bites, especially the fresh markets which always have ewater stabnding about.

Let me ask some questions:

Have you been to a Thai Hospital?

Do you know, which Dengue type you got?

You had both times the same?

Not one of the people I know, who have been in a hospital, got the type named!

Only: Dengue fever

It was many, many years ago (1980!). I was hospitalized at BNH for 2 weeks but no serotyping done, I beleive it was not a widely available test at that type. Second time I stayed home. This was on the Thai-Cambodian border which at that time had a steady influx of new farang so every single year there was a large numbver of farang with denguse. All my housemates got it, every single year. So I got pretty good at diagnosisng it.

Second time was so mild I wasn't sure I had it until the rash broke.

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Also known as broken bone fever,(for good reason) it feels like your bones are broken.

Transmitted by the daytime active,tiger mosquito,slightly larger than most mossies,easily recognized by its striped body.

As with all species found around still water,damp habitat,old water filled tyres,water storage areas.

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Dengue is endemic throughout Thailand (andf the rest of SE Asia) and every 2-3 years or so there is a spike in the number of cases; this seems to be one such year, but frankjly you could get iot at any time and most newcomers to Thailand do sooner or later. I've had it twice myself, vertybad the first time, milder the second (it is not always the case that a second infection leads to a complicated form of the disease, especially not in adults --though it can).

It is extermely hard to avoid since it is a daytiem mosquito. The culprit does not fly very far and usually people are infected from a bite close to home. Open water jars and any other stabngnat water source near the house are a big risk. Marketplaces can also be a common source iof bites, especially the fresh markets which always have ewater stabnding about.

Let me ask some questions:

Have you been to a Thai Hospital?

Do you know, which Dengue type you got?

You had both times the same?

Not one of the people I know, who have been in a hospital, got the type named!

Only: Dengue fever

It was many, many years ago (1980!). I was hospitalized at BNH for 2 weeks but no serotyping done, I beleive it was not a widely available test at that type. Second time I stayed home. This was on the Thai-Cambodian border which at that time had a steady influx of new farang so every single year there was a large numbver of farang with denguse. All my housemates got it, every single year. So I got pretty good at diagnosisng it.

Second time was so mild I wasn't sure I had it until the rash broke.

My point for the questions was:

Maybe you got 2 different types of dengue, in case the second was dengue.


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