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Where To Buy Mattress In Chiangmai


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Hi everybody,

Here is the time to change my old mattress, so I was wondering (as my title say), where to buy a mattress in Chiangmai?

Of course, it will be great if one of you could tell me a cheap and good quality shop, or better a factory... :)

Thanks in advance for those who will reply me!

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try Chiang Moi road, just one street across from Thae Pae Rd,

I have bought all my bedding at a large store on a corner, (about 200metres down from the moat ) which has everything from towels to mattresses, and very reasonable prices.

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Try Chiangmai foam factory, many kind of mattresses, really good prices (of course straight from factory...) and good quality.

I knew them by a friend of mine, who own a hotel.

The best is, that they provide you 7 to 10 years guarantee (if my memorie is good enough...) just depend on kind of mattress you buy (spring mattress or other)...

After I don't remember, how far from Chiang Mai the delivery for free...

Hope it will help you!

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Try the Latex one.

Sponsor here on this forum right above the Pun Pun one.

Off topic but does any one know what Pun Pun stands for?

So, which one did VIBE sell you, and for how much?

Wish the mam herself would reply to these latex mattress ads, instead of Vibe who must hover over the screen 24/7 awaiting any mention of the word mattress.

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Try the Latex one.

Sponsor here on this forum right above the Pun Pun one.

Off topic but does any one know what Pun Pun stands for?

I bought 2 Latex mattresses from the sponsor. Best purchase ever. Friends who come visit have the best sleeps and end up buying Latex mattresses for their homes. Mam doesn't need to monitor posts here - Prices and info are available on her website.

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Thanks everybody!

I tried Big c, and some other shop, and I finally bought one spring mattress to Chiang Mai foam factory (I can't use latex mattress, because I am allergic to this material:( )...

Really happy of the price, and the quality seems to be very good too (I hope!!).

Whatever, factory price with 5 years guaranty for this model, I couldn't find better!

Thanks to everybody for advises!

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Thanks everybody!

I tried Big c, and some other shop, and I finally bought one spring mattress to Chiang Mai foam factory (I can't use latex mattress, because I am allergic to this material:( )...

Really happy of the price, and the quality seems to be very good too (I hope!!).

Whatever, factory price with 5 years guaranty for this model, I couldn't find better!

Thanks to everybody for advises!

I found their map so I know they are off of 118 past 121. Are there any signs or landmarks I can use to determine when to take the left off 118?
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I also recommend Chang Moi road. This runs parallel to Thapae road, 1-way in the opposite direction. At the first interestection, there is a large matress/bed store on the corner. They have a good selection, and I have bought sheets there as well. However, they don't have everything. If you want one of the Thai-style light/firm mattresses (I am unclear what it is stuffed with but for my back works great), then keep travelling down Chang Moi road a few more blocks and turn left just before the Chinese Archway. Then on your left, next to Kasem Store, is another local mattress/bed store. Good prices there also.

I've been to Index Living Mall, and what you get is a large, heavy, western-style bed that is a bit pricey. Both the stores on Chang Moi offer the various Latex / Hybrid / Cotton / etc., etc. options.

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I also recommend Chang Moi road. This runs parallel to Thapae road, 1-way in the opposite direction. At the first interestection, there is a large matress/bed store on the corner. They have a good selection, and I have bought sheets there as well. However, they don't have everything. If you want one of the Thai-style light/firm mattresses (I am unclear what it is stuffed with but for my back works great), then keep travelling down Chang Moi road a few more blocks and turn left just before the Chinese Archway. Then on your left, next to Kasem Store, is another local mattress/bed store. Good prices there also.

I've been to Index Living Mall, and what you get is a large, heavy, western-style bed that is a bit pricey. Both the stores on Chang Moi offer the various Latex / Hybrid / Cotton / etc., etc. options.

Be careful. We bought a Lotus brand; one of the largest brands of mattresses in Thailand. They are offered at those same shops you mentioned as well as Central, Home Pro, Robinson, Siam Paragon, etc. It was marked down something like 35% -- as are many things in Chiang Mai... It has a 5 year warranty. After about the end of the 2nd year/start of the 3rd year, it completely "collapsed". It's like there are craters all over the mattress. We went to the seller who is a good guy and he contacted the company in BKK. He told us beforehand that getting any company in Thailand to honor a warranty on a mattress is an uphill battle. Sure enough, they would not honor the warranty. The mattress is completely unusable. It is total junk. We're using the cheap mattress from the guest room at the moment while we shop for a new one.

IMHO any mattress in Thailand under 20K THB will be junk. The mattresses at the factory someone posted seem awfully expensive for factory direct.

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