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Thailand Militants Vow More Attacks On Teachers


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If they have not got the balls or the ability for military intervention why does this fat cat Government not simply put some serious money on the heads of the leadership of these groups. Cut off the head and the snake will die.When you think of the cost of their current operations which achieves bugger all they could throw a few billion Baht at the problem.

These so called insurgents would not feel so bloody comfortable if there was a 50 million Baht price tag on them in this country where the Baht is far more important than cause or filial piety. Furthermore define their acts of vilonce as Treason and as such there will be no day in public court simply summary execution. That will give them a sleepless night or two.

Not a bad idea. They will probably start selling out each other,, and calling it jehard

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Now that these murdering cowards have officially stated that, perhaps thenTeachers should not work until it can be clearly established that their safety is guaranteed.

Really, it's the duty of the government to protect its citizens, and its employees. They (the teachers) should all stand up and be counted and say, we will return to our work when we feel safe to do so. It would force more action and less talk. The nurses have recently shown a bit of ticker and done that, and may even get some positive results.

At the moment it's all bullsh*t words like, beef up security, implement security tighten this, fix that yada yada.

After all, even in Thailand, surely a person in a legitimate form of employ, should be afforded whatever protection and steps are necessary to ensure their safety to carry out their duties..............perhaps not.

Agreed, no protection no work, easy as that -- but this is Thailand, and you well know that mai pben rai, unfortunately plays a big roll in every-ones decisions -- and don't think that for one minute the powers that be don't play this little game to their benefit.

Teachers - just walk off the job, your life is more important than being railroaded by the government to dance to their tune. I am sure that the thinking population of the south would agree with you, they must also be getting fed-up with the unrest, killings and the continual bullsh1t coming from Bkk and the likes of Chalerm.

The problems in the south don't have any direct impact on myself, but I certainly feel for and people living there, what ever religion / god / prophet they follow - they are all people with families, friends etc who are bearing the brunt of these gut-less terrorists running riot and unchecked over this area.

Wasn't Maddum "Y" there today ....to survey and resolve ..?? Where is the news on this // ?? I can't wait to hear see what she proposes ... and now Chalerm will be there and surely offer the bestest solutions ... Just dying to hear ... Why is there nothing being mentionned about her visit ??? or did she get crushed by the blimp ???

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A suicide bomber in Iraq was just $500. Consider this, you have no work, fear of being killed, the promise of the protection of the family you leave behind (plus the virgins in abundance when you've gone) bought the most sophisticated weapon available, yes a thinking suicide bomber. Are the poor people in the south in a similar situation?

Look at the amount of muslims arriving daily into BKK from afluent middle eastern countries. What possible reasons are muslims attracted to LOS? Taking advantage of the peaceful people here, the lack of enforced laws at times. The foot soldiers are at the front line in the south, the organisation and money is alread here, in place and growing.

Watch out, this will spread faster than you can possibly imagine, unless the government attacks this on many fronts, not just at the front line!

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I just don't 'get' that. Why target teachers?

Because teachers provide education, and Islam flourishes amongst the ignorant and uneducated.

they are a soft target, don't pose a threat ( fight back) much like killing babies by coward scum/

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I just don't 'get' that. Why target teachers?

me too, as they are so crap at their jobs anyway , don't know why the kids go to school either come to think of it !!, bet they only move the better teachers out to other posts , sad situation all round

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There are many well educated suicide attackers, just look at those who undertook the 9/11 attacks. I admit it is more easy to force beliefs on the uneducated but what about those who have good educations. Brainwashing? To a certain extent yes but most of us can never comprehend the depth of their belief when they consider it OK to kill innocents. Targetting teachers is reprehensible plus it is so sad for the children who are denied an education.

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A suicide bomber in Iraq was just $500. Consider this, you have no work, fear of being killed, the promise of the protection of the family you leave behind (plus the virgins in abundance when you've gone) bought the most sophisticated weapon available, yes a thinking suicide bomber. Are the poor people in the south in a similar situation?

Look at the amount of muslims arriving daily into BKK from afluent middle eastern countries. What possible reasons are muslims attracted to LOS? Taking advantage of the peaceful people here, the lack of enforced laws at times. The foot soldiers are at the front line in the south, the organisation and money is alread here, in place and growing.

Watch out, this will spread faster than you can possibly imagine, unless the government attacks this on many fronts, not just at the front line!

Men traveling to Thailand from Islamic countries are without doubt enjoying drinking alcohol and accessing the sex industry. Just as they do when traveling to say London, Paris or Dubai.

To date the conflict has not been associated with Wahhabism. So far Arab Islamic extremists have not been identified as operating in the Deep South by Western or Thai intelligence services, at least not in the public domain; maybe this will change over time.

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There are many well educated suicide attackers, just look at those who undertook the 9/11 attacks. I admit it is more easy to force beliefs on the uneducated but what about those who have good educations. Brainwashing? To a certain extent yes but most of us can never comprehend the depth of their belief when they consider it OK to kill innocents. Targetting teachers is reprehensible plus it is so sad for the children who are denied an education.

It is an evolutionary necessity that young children believe what they are told by authority figures - don't play near the edge of the cliff, stay away from the crocodiles, etc. If children are not introduced to religion at an early stage of life, left until they learn to reason, then most will reject it as contradictory, unproven and at times ridiculous.

However, of those indoctrinated, it is very difficult to reject those early lessons, even after extensive education. The separatists want muslim-born children to attend madrsas where the god myth can be seeded. Richard Dawkins covers this subject much better than I ever could.

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Terrorism will never go away as long as nations breed unrest and destroy the trust between the government and the people. Many of the terrorists were formerly peaceful citizens of a country that abused its powers and instead began to cheat the people and swell their own purses with adamant corruption.

I am convinced that the body (or nation), as a whole, can be viewed as a thread; with the corrupt governments at one end, and then gradually transitioning into the general population in the exact middle, and then moving on tot he other end where you have the anti-thesis of the corrupt government. It is all one and the same, but it is trying to pull itself apart due to the two extremes at either end.

On the one end, we have the corrupt government. It has disenchanted the general population, whereas there was a time when there was not terrorism in the rank and file. Yet through time, a new cancer has formed exactly within the general population, and it has only taken a very few intelligent and masterful extremists to begin turning the general population into anti-government, freedom fighting sympathizers.

And now we come to the opposite, far end, that has only recently began to develop in this heretofore thread with only two elements: the extremist view, or terrorists.

No nation in this world that is experiencing unrest between the people and their so-called governments is immune to the terrorist threat. Terrorism is the body's way of reacting to corrupt government that has overstepped its powers and put the general population's quality of life at a bare minimum.

The demons who have materialized and are bombing and murdering, are nothing more than the symptomatic reaction to what a corrupt government allows to happen by not taking care of its body. it is a cancer, but you cannot remove it with knives and bullets or you will kill the body altogether and the government will perish.

It is not just Islam. It is a human reaction in these modern times to governments that are establishing themselves as oligarchs and squeezing the people to death by taking away their freedoms, rights, quality of life, education, hope and what else. It has been going on in Ireland, Palestine, India and many other countries for a long time, and we can see that those governments cannot ever seem to resolve the problem by aiming punitive measures on the very body that they need to survive. The more you shoot, the larger the organism swells in anger; the more healthy cells it consumes.

It is a double standard that these governments preach will end terrorism, but in fact at the end of the day the governments will be left with slaves and everyone else will be dead or imprisoned.

The problem is not terrorism. The problem is government. The terrorists come from the general population (the body) that are being cheated and bled to death. The demon terrorists are the cancer cells that have been created in answer to the reaction of the people and these cancerous cells are turning the body, day by day, against the government.

On the one side you have the government that has no more relationship and trust with the general population. They are the FBI (Friends, Brothers and In-Laws) They control the people through lies and deceit, but are slowly losing that control in the unrest they are causing.

On the other side, you have the cancerous terrorists, who have more in common with the general population as that is where they were raised up. They control the people through lies and deceit with bitter words against capitalism and the wealthy; but what has the government done to prove them wrong, and even further established their words to be true?

So, we have the general population caught in the middle and they are being lied to and deceived on both sides, but I fear that terrorism will win out simply because the terrorists know the people better than the government simply because the terrorists were once those very people from the general population, who have grown fed up with the lies and deceit. They have turned their plowshares into swords, and they mean business.

Do you want to eliminate terrorism? Then give back to the people and begin giving them hope. Raise their quality of life to a standard that they won't want to choose between their nice car, nice house, good job and seeing their children getting the best education at little or no cost. Re-establish trust between the givernment and law enforcement and those they are sworn to protect and provide a good life.

Terrorism thrives on abuse and unrest and lack of trust.

Terrorism is not the problem. It is the symptom.

The problem is poor government that has abused its power on most of the people, and neglected the remainder of the people. Israel, England, the USA, and any other country that has resorted to aggressive and punitive measures will be fighting their own general population turned terrorist / enemy-non-combatant, etc. forever until they cease and desist with their attempts to turn people into chattel slaves and expect them to do it all with little or nothing.

As far as invading other countries to "fight the war on terrorism", I warn those invading nations that they will exhaust their resources by focusing on the general population turned terrorist / freedom fighter (whichever way you choose to view it) instead of focusing on the governments that are bringing it about.

Terrorism is an ideal that has gained ground in recent years. If we turn our eyes in the direction of those governments where terrorism thrives, the answer is evident.

Edited by cup-O-coffee
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I just don't 'get' that. Why target teachers?

"targeted by militants who see the education system as an effort by Bangkok to impose Buddhist culture".

Actually I think this is just an excuse. Is there a single religion on this planet that Islam (The religion of Peace and Tolerance) actually likes and gets along with? It is happening everywhere and no matter what religion it is these Islamic extremists are causing trouble against them. I do not think it was all the 700 odd religions in the world that got together, formed a gang and decided to go out and target Islam it is Islam who will not accept the rest.

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I just don't 'get' that. Why target teachers?

"targeted by militants who see the education system as an effort by Bangkok to impose Buddhist culture".

Actually I think this is just an excuse. Is there a single religion on this planet that Islam (The religion of Peace and Tolerance) actually likes and gets along with? It is happening everywhere and no matter what religion it is these Islamic extremists are causing trouble against them. I do not think it was all the 700 odd religions in the world that got together, formed a gang and decided to go out and target Islam it is Islam who will not accept the rest.

I have quoted (that is a good summary of some posts by TV members) from the URL below that talks in depth to the conflict in the Deep South that I suggest is good unbiased analysis.


"A common but troubling reading of the Southern Thai conflict uses the tropes of “Islamic violence” and the global “war on terror” to frame the violence within larger notions of a civilizational clash between Islam and the West. According to this perspective, popularized by terrorism specialists such as Rohan Gunaratne and Zachary Abuza, the Thai conflict forms part of a wider pan-Southeast Asian network of radical Islamic violence. Viewing Thailand as a western-aligned democratic nation, terrorism specialists tend to regard Malay Muslim resistance to the Thai state as animated by a worldwide resurgence of radical Islam aimed at overturning democracy, and instituting some form of caliphate. In a damning indictment, Michael Connors has shown that Gunaratne’s writings are riddled with embarrassing errors of fact and interpretation: Connors advocates a “war on error” to counter the ill informed, sensationalist and muddle-headed work too often published by members of the “insecurity industry.

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Cowardly scum attacking teachers. Peaceful religion my ass.

Islam is the most insecure religion in the world.

And with good reason.

Are you sure you want to stick with that declaration? Islam is what it is, and it is no different than any other religion or government that holds militia and weapons of mass destruction within its palm.

You will never meet any any murdering religious fanatic who owns a nice home, has a nice job, is raising beautiful children who are being educated in quality schools, and has hope burning brightly in their breast when they awake in the morning. People who have a good quality of life do not choose guns and bombs. People who trust their governments do not abandon or forsake their good quality of life that their good government has provided for them.

Religion does not take away good quality of life, but governments do.

Originally people trust those governments, and those people who trust those governments are generally law-abiding citizens, raised from childhood without any terrorist thoughts. But it is in corrupt governments where these innocent babes are raised that they begin to get indoctrinated by disillusioned people; and when these children look around them and view their society, and compare what these disillusioned people and the government are both preaching, they begin to see the lies and deceit. They begin to see that religion preaches that which the government does nothing to contradict. They begin to see that their government does not give the distinction of being protector, provider and care-giver to their subjects.

Religion goes deeper than government. Religion is in the hearts and minds of each who chooses to believe. Government, on the other hand is based upon trust; trust that those given the power to protect, provide and give care do not abandon their responsibilities and hoard.

If you feel that Islam is the most insecure religion in the world, then perhaps it is because the people who embrace Islam are being made to feel insecure by their governments, and being provoked by their Mullahs (however wrongly or with the most heinous agendas) to fight back.

Again, I never met any person from any religion, who had a good quality of life and a healthy trust in his or her government, and then gave it all up for guns and bombs over the former.

Edited by cup-O-coffee
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This conflict is virtually unheard of in most other countries and why is that? Ask any man/woman on the streets of Australia about the conflict in the south and they will say what conflict. Is this something that the world media is not interested in simply because the U.N or coalition forces are not interested in it? It is not as if the Thailand Government are keeping it under wraps. I think if this was put out there on the world stage things may, and I say may start to be resolved or at the least the pressure taken out. Then again having said that it may be what the extreemists want to rally more troops/financial support around thier cause.

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This conflict is virtually unheard of in most other countries and why is that? Ask any man/woman on the streets of Australia about the conflict in the south and they will say what conflict. Is this something that the world media is not interested in simply because the U.N or coalition forces are not interested in it? It is not as if the Thailand Government are keeping it under wraps. I think if this was put out there on the world stage things may, and I say may start to be resolved or at the least the pressure taken out. Then again having said that it may be what the extreemists want to rally more troops/financial support around thier cause.

Ask Australians about the conflict in the Congo - more than 5 million dead in the past 20 years due to war, disease and starvation & they will say, "what conflict" Even though the UN has the largest deployment of troops worldwide in the Congo. Congo also has some one the worlds largest rare minerals deposits acquired, through intermediaries, by multinational companies in the electronics industry. Why is this "allowed" to go on year after year ? Corruption is the answer, as well as minimal/zero strategic impact to the world players, same as the Deep South.

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This conflict is virtually unheard of in most other countries and why is that? Ask any man/woman on the streets of Australia about the conflict in the south and they will say what conflict. Is this something that the world media is not interested in simply because the U.N or coalition forces are not interested in it? It is not as if the Thailand Government are keeping it under wraps. I think if this was put out there on the world stage things may, and I say may start to be resolved or at the least the pressure taken out. Then again having said that it may be what the extreemists want to rally more troops/financial support around thier cause.

This is a nice thought, but I fear putting it on a stage that is already crowded with mediocrity, politically funded deceit and etc. would simply inundate an already ignorant and desensitized audience of people. These people have had their senses overwhelmed by breast-fed pap and other galactic stupid and meaningless distractions; overshadowed by a funded and somewhat true boogie-man fear that their personal comforts and luxuries are being taken away; a sinking feeling, in a sense. Most people do not choose the truth, and want to be told that everything is alright. They will love you if you make them think they are thinking, but they will hate you if you really make them think. The media has this down pat.

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I just don't 'get' that. Why target teachers?

Because teachers provide education, and Islam flourishes amongst the ignorant and uneducated.

Also if children don't have access to an education even more families will leave; this is a premeditated strategy which amounts to ethnic cleansing, but that term is so loaded that this post will likely not stand.

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A suicide bomber in Iraq was just $500. Consider this, you have no work, fear of being killed, the promise of the protection of the family you leave behind (plus the virgins in abundance when you've gone) bought the most sophisticated weapon available, yes a thinking suicide bomber. Are the poor people in the south in a similar situation?

Look at the amount of muslims arriving daily into BKK from afluent middle eastern countries. What possible reasons are muslims attracted to LOS? Taking advantage of the peaceful people here, the lack of enforced laws at times. The foot soldiers are at the front line in the south, the organisation and money is alread here, in place and growing.

Watch out, this will spread faster than you can possibly imagine, unless the government attacks this on many fronts, not just at the front line!

To date the conflict has not been associated with Wahhabism. So far Arab Islamic extremists have not been identified as operating in the Deep South by Western or Thai intelligence services, at least not in the public domain; maybe this will change over time.

If that is so then I dread to think what it would be like if Wahhabi extremists got involved considering that the South Thailand insurgency since 2003 has resulted in more deaths than the entire number killed during the troubles in Northern Ireland.

I'm not sure what the Muslim majority actually want in the three Southern provinces, Independence, more autonomy or to become part of Malaysia. Whatever it is things have a habit of taking a turn for the worst; Mali is an example of the local Toireg tribesmen helping to depose a corrupt secular government only to find that rent a jihhadist had filled the power vacuum and the local Sufi Muslims were ruled by Wahhabis with their floggings, stonings and amputations based on their insane sharia law. It would be a shame if the same fate were to befall the Southern Thai Muslims, all because some of their number seem to object to shops opening on their sabbath and a few food vendors selling mou ping.

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Cowardly scum attacking teachers. Peaceful religion my ass.

Islam is the most insecure religion in the world.

And with good reason.

Are you sure you want to stick with that declaration? Islam is what it is, and it is no different than any other religion or government that holds militia and weapons of mass destruction within its palm.

You will never meet any any murdering religious fanatic who owns a nice home, has a nice job, is raising beautiful children who are being educated in quality schools, and has hope burning brightly in their breast when they awake in the morning. People who have a good quality of life do not choose guns and bombs. People who trust their governments do not abandon or forsake their good quality of life that their good government has provided for them.

Religion does not take away good quality of life, but governments do.

Originally people trust those governments, and those people who trust those governments are generally law-abiding citizens, raised from childhood without any terrorist thoughts. But it is in corrupt governments where these innocent babes are raised that they begin to get indoctrinated by disillusioned people; and when these children look around them and view their society, and compare what these disillusioned people and the government are both preaching, they begin to see the lies and deceit. They begin to see that religion preaches that which the government does nothing to contradict. They begin to see that their government does not give the distinction of being protector, provider and care-giver to their subjects.

Religion goes deeper than government. Religion is in the hearts and minds of each who chooses to believe. Government, on the other hand is based upon trust; trust that those given the power to protect, provide and give care do not abandon their responsibilities and hoard.

If you feel that Islam is the most insecure religion in the world, then perhaps it is because the people who embrace Islam are being made to feel insecure by their governments, and being provoked by their Mullahs (however wrongly or with the most heinous agendas) to fight back.

Again, I never met any person from any religion, who had a good quality of life and a healthy trust in his or her government, and then gave it all up for guns and bombs over the former.

government gives you the opportunity to make yourself a comfortable life, it is up to the individual to equip themselves with the skills and then employ them to achieve relative financial comfort. Should an individual's parents choose to have them educated in a religious based school where religion takes predominance over a basic education, then they are ill-equipped and will struggle.

To put it more bluntly, learning to quote slabs of the Koran in Arabic, and being unable to read and write the national language, will almost surely guarantee economic failure.

You do know that the Thai government funds the translation of the Koran to Thai? The Thai Muslims school children I know who attend the Islamic schools for a few hours each day after attending government schools, have the study books with a paragraph in Arabic, with the Thai translation below. Yes they have to learn to recite the Koran in Arabic, but they do know what it means. They also attend the Islamic school on Saturday. Contrary to some posts, Thai Muslims girls are encouraged to study, two I personally know have come top of their class in their government school.

In the Deep South 9.20% of Muslims have completed secondary education (including those who graduated from private Islamic schools), compared to 13.20% of Buddhists. Only 1.70% of the Muslim population have a bachelor’s degree, while 9.70% of Buddhists hold undergraduate degrees. I guess, do not know for a fact, that the large difference in numbers completing Uni degree courses is due to disparity in income.

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I regularly see 4-5 Huey helicopters flying around in formation in the skies above Bang Sue, I think they are used for hi so shopping trips. Deploy them down south where they can be of more use, of course the generals wives will have to find another way to get to the sales. Military buffoons, here is a challenge for you, get off your collective asses, move your butt from your ivory towers and get to action, dont also be NATO(No Action Talk Only)

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It is because muslims are scared that kids are getting able to think themself !

As any who there can think themself will never become a fanatic muslim !

It is the imans mis-translation of the Quran there is the major problem with that religion !

Any who had read it, will know that most of these Imans are telling their people, is totally wrong !

What had the teachers done ?

They moved long away from their famylies (Thai logically syste, so far aways as possible from their home province) working hard for their little salary, and then are they being shot as well !

Why not lock all muslims in camps ?

They ask for it.

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I regularly see 4-5 Huey helicopters flying around in formation in the skies above Bang Sue, I think they are used for hi so shopping trips. Deploy them down south where they can be of more use, of course the generals wives will have to find another way to get to the sales. Military buffoons, here is a challenge for you, get off your collective asses, move your butt from your ivory towers and get to action, dont also be NATO(No Action Talk Only)

Air cavalry. There's an idea. Wonder if its been tried before? First we need to upgrade the mechanised infantry, from Honda Waves to something a bit better.
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It is kinda odd that these extremists only focus on these three (four if you include the occasional foray into Songkla) areas, not going into any other places to incite their insanity. The female Muslims I've met from that area, and Thailand in general, don't appear to be idiots, but instead are educated (education isn't limited to degrees and college and schooling), including females. It would seem that the people doing the killings and inciting terror aren't organized in the sense that they have specific demands, are of a specific group, or are unified under one banner, That may make it harder to fight them. However, if the government truly wanted to do something about it, and they may although it is hard to see just that, they could surely do more than set up bunkers on the roadside, traffic stops, road blocks, and could do more than send their troops out on motorscooters. A more proactive approach is required when fighting a war, and war Thailand has indeed in the deep south. The government may deny it, the world may not know about it, but it is a war none the less. How many have to die? Instead of infighting politics, charging the former PM with murder, blah, blah, blah....why doesn't the government actually take proactive steps towards resolving this issue, even if it requires all out war against these spineless pus.ies who hide and kill innocent people? I hope those spineless pus.ies die and go to hell, and I hope they go to hell wrapped in bacon and pork guts.

Maybe it's time for the people of Thailand to hold their "leaders" accountable for the sad state of affairs in their country. That would be remarkable!

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