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Animal Activists Seek Action Against Sattahip Dog Killer

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I would not hesitate to kill any dog who attacked me or threatened me.

These animal do good-ers (most likely family of the person most likely to have to cough up 300k) have gone tropo and off this planet.

In a civilized country, the dog would have been put down (killed) by Government authorities.

These people are outrageous. The lesson learnt here is that after you get bitten, in Thailand it is easier to smile and then poison them.

Yet another misinformed poster? Dog never attacked him but his dog. Read the full story before posting your hateful rubbish

Gatt later sent a lawyer to sue the couple for Bt300,000 compensation for injuries - from dog bites to his arm and leg.

It is likely that he got the bites during the time he was stabbing the dog 17 times, don't know if he was bitten before returning to his home to get the knife. If it was done before the stabbings, then that was a serious attack and would have caused the German guy using a lot more force at this point.

Simple human nature's will to survive would kick in. Same as for a dog being stabbed....................thumbsup.gif


Sounds like it could be time for this guy to move on to a new location. Don't know where his head is but when it gets to the point where you stab a neighbours dog 17 times.........Dog lovers don't necessarily love all dogs eh. I know a lot don't mind their own dog's saliva on them or even touching tongues in a show of affection but any dog that threatens theirs can be a real enemy which must be dealt with.

Up here in Chiang Mai when a family gets tired of their mutt it's off to the local gaeng chaadoo seller ie dog curry vendor. What a win- win.


A post containing overly derogatory comments directed at Thais has been removed:

7) Not to post slurs or degrading comments directed towards any group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

8) Not to post extremely negative views of Thailand or derogatory comments directed towards all Thais.


In our Isaan village there is a "dog cull" just about every year - our family have had 3 dogs die this way so far.

Some "unknown" person takes it upon themselves to lay poisoned meat around the village and a dozen or so dogs are found dead the next day - I'm quite sure the perp's identity is known by many in our village but no-one would ever complain.

If these animal activists cared to visit our area they'd have their work cut-out.....................

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Sorry guys, what I miss here (in this country) is the outrage of the human rights activists whenever a human is slaughtered, a child is raped and a woman is beaten to death... could it be there is something wrong and that here the proportionality does not adjust?

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Going for compensation from a police officer. Brave or stupid ? Hope his credentials are up to date and he doesn't drive too fast thumbsup.gif

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Yep I am aware how you really love dogs , a true dog lover

good to know that sometimes you accept reality.


when it comes to you, i do not think you know what reality is, but thats a subject for another thread

thread title "to be or not to be a lemoncake?"

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Strange Story, never heard that a Golden Retriever attack a Rottweiler, maybe it is a baby-dog. But one thing will be sure, the "Animal Activists" payed by the owner of the attacking dog, and they are racists. But I think, it is not too smart for a foreigner, to sought compensation, thats only for Thai, unwritten law...

Boring about all these storys, give you information about 10%, and let you free space, to think what you want. Thats not good Journalism, thats Manipulating people. coffee1.gif


I would not hesitate to kill any dog who attacked me or threatened me.

These animal do good-ers (most likely family of the person most likely to have to cough up 300k) have gone tropo and off this planet.

In a civilized country, the dog would have been put down (killed) by Government authorities.

These people are outrageous. The lesson learnt here is that after you get bitten, in Thailand it is easier to smile and then poison them.

Yet another misinformed poster? Dog never attacked him but his dog. Read the full story before posting your hateful rubbish

You're the misinformed one; you should read all the reports including the one with photos of the German's injuries before posting.


I would not hesitate to kill any dog who attacked me or threatened me.

These animal do good-ers (most likely family of the person most likely to have to cough up 300k) have gone tropo and off this planet.

In a civilized country, the dog would have been put down (killed) by Government authorities.

These people are outrageous. The lesson learnt here is that after you get bitten, in Thailand it is easier to smile and then poison them.

Yet another misinformed poster? Dog never attacked him but his dog. Read the full story before posting your hateful rubbish

You obviously haven't read earlier reports yourself. There was more to it than what you have read in this article. The chap in question had made various reports in regards to the dogs behaviour. This unfortunately didn't resinate with the Thai owners to take responsibility for their dog in the first place. Something that is all to common here. The fact that the German in question went about in a pre meditated solution , was completely irresponsible on his behalf and a complete idiot for doing so. The fact remains that if the Thai owners had taken responsibility for their dog in the first place this would never of happened.


We have a couple of boxer dogs up the road that chase and Yelp at everything. As yet no bites, but I have taken to carrying a stick.

Does a dog have to explain when it's going to bite? If it's chasing me and it's off someone's property. Fair game.

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Why not seek action against every stupid Thai or farang person who owns dogs and they don`t know why they have it ????

Why is it that EVERY farang I lived amongst,when he landed in LOS the first thing he arranged was his stupid,ferking dog bah.gif .I mean,he never had a dog before,his friends and family never had one,but he comes to LOS and he suddenly wants a dog !!!!

And together with all the Thai soi dog owners it makes everyone want to rent in high rise condoes !!!!! Dog ownership the same like rats and cochroaches IMO bah.gif !!!!!!!!!

(Except in a FEW good cases )


I would not hesitate to kill any dog who attacked me or threatened me.

These animal do good-ers (most likely family of the person most likely to have to cough up 300k) have gone tropo and off this planet.

In a civilized country, the dog would have been put down (killed) by Government authorities.

These people are outrageous. The lesson learnt here is that after you get bitten, in Thailand it is easier to smile and then poison them.

Yet another misinformed poster? Dog never attacked him but his dog. Read the full story before posting your hateful rubbish

You obviously haven't read earlier reports yourself. There was more to it than what you have read in this article. The chap in question had made various reports in regards to the dogs behaviour. This unfortunately didn't resinate with the Thai owners to take responsibility for their dog in the first place. Something that is all to common here. The fact that the German in question went about in a pre meditated solution , was completely irresponsible on his behalf and a complete idiot for doing so. The fact remains that if the Thai owners had taken responsibility for their dog in the first place this would never of happened.

really? is it that obvious,? why do not you go back to those reports and see if you can find my postsblink.png


I would not hesitate to kill any dog who attacked me or threatened me.

These animal do good-ers (most likely family of the person most likely to have to cough up 300k) have gone tropo and off this planet.

In a civilized country, the dog would have been put down (killed) by Government authorities.

These people are outrageous. The lesson learnt here is that after you get bitten, in Thailand it is easier to smile and then poison them.

Yet another misinformed poster? Dog never attacked him but his dog. Read the full story before posting your hateful rubbish

You're the misinformed one; you should read all the reports including the one with photos of the German's injuries before posting.

all the reports? and how many are there? also point out in which one the report talks about the german being attacked?

yes there are reports he stabbed the dog 17 times and dog was biting as it was being killed, there are reports that the golden was attacking his dog, so do show me other reports that i have missed


There was a letter in the other paper a few days ago along the following lines:

He goes out and is harassed by a neighbour's dog which yaps all the time. He complains to the neighbour (a Thai) and is accused of stirring up trouble.

The German's case was slightly different in that his neighbour's dog (on the loose) was always attacking his dog which was on a lead. He flipped & got a knife & killed the dog, being bitten in the process.

In other words, there are two parties at fault here. The Thai who allowed his dog freedom to attack anything it wanted & the German who should not have killed the dog. A good whack with a stick would probably have solved the problem, temporarily at least.

Yes, I think there is an element of xenophobia directed at the German. As for the police, the usual Farang is at fault so pay up.

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There was a letter in the other paper a few days ago along the following lines:

He goes out and is harassed by a neighbour's dog which yaps all the time. He complains to the neighbour (a Thai) and is accused of stirring up trouble.

The German's case was slightly different in that his neighbour's dog (on the loose) was always attacking his dog which was on a lead. He flipped & got a knife & killed the dog, being bitten in the process.

In other words, there are two parties at fault here. The Thai who allowed his dog freedom to attack anything it wanted & the German who should not have killed the dog. A good whack with a stick would probably have solved the problem, temporarily at least.

Yes, I think there is an element of xenophobia directed at the German. As for the police, the usual Farang is at fault so pay up.

Could anyone imagine a law compelling owners to keep their dogs on their land or have them on a leash. Reality is, when it comes to dogs, most Thais consider the road part if their land.


Another new report claims the German has already been fined 1,000 baht, max under Thai law, excepting 3 month prison sentence. In my Moo Baan a foreigners dog attacked a Thai owners dog. They called the police and wanted 100k baht compensation. Police just laughed and walked away.

German guy is "brave" to take out a civil compensation claim for 300k baht from a officer in the Thai armed forces.

"Brave" or stupid?

Soon dog bites will be the least of his problems.

My guess is we'll be reading about him being another "unexplained suicide victim" in a month of so. Keep an eye out for this guy to be chucked off some highrise balcony.


There was a letter in the other paper a few days ago along the following lines:

He goes out and is harassed by a neighbour's dog which yaps all the time. He complains to the neighbour (a Thai) and is accused of stirring up trouble.

The German's case was slightly different in that his neighbour's dog (on the loose) was always attacking his dog which was on a lead. He flipped & got a knife & killed the dog, being bitten in the process.

In other words, there are two parties at fault here. The Thai who allowed his dog freedom to attack anything it wanted & the German who should not have killed the dog. A good whack with a stick would probably have solved the problem, temporarily at least.

Yes, I think there is an element of xenophobia directed at the German. As for the police, the usual Farang is at fault so pay up.

Could anyone imagine a law compelling owners to keep their dogs on their land or have them on a leash. Reality is, when it comes to dogs, most Thais consider the road part if their land.

Yes & no. Most dogs I meet on my daily constitutional are placid soi dogs & if you leave them alone they will leave you alone. But I have encountered the odd aggressive dog and found it useless to complain to the owner who just takes offence. Whether there is a law or not (& I don't know if there is), the police are not interested if there is no money involved.

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First of all I don't see what it has got to do with the German Embassy or what was the point of protestors rallying there. The German government has no jurisdiction in this case.

Normally I would have sympathy for someone or their dog bitten by an unrestained dog but there are some pieces of this story that don't add up. The original account had the German rushing into his kitchen to get a kitchen knife to defend his Rottweiler against the retriever and he got bitten himself as a result of his counterattack on the retriever. He hasn't explained why he felt he needed to defend his Rottweiler with a kitchen knife which would involve getting close up to the retriever in range of its flashing teeth, rather than grabbing a mop or a broom or something that could be used to drive the retriever off without having to get in range of its fangs. Its seems that his motive at this stage was to kill the retriever, not just drive it off, and he was willing to risk substantial injuries himself in the process. It is hard to blame a dog that is being repeatedly stabbed with a long blade from trying to defend itself by biting its attacker and it seems to me that the German contributed to his injuries very substantially himself and thus doesn't deserve any compensation. Furthermore, he seems guilty of using excessive force to protect his own dog. He admitted that at some point he cracked and lost his temper while stabbing the dog.

Even though it is unfair to tell foreigners in any country to go home, in his case it might be a good idea. One can imagine him as a retired farang who can hardly understand a word of Thai living in a moobaan with an ex-bar girl wife drinking beer and constantly bemoaning the fact that Thailand is not like Germany. Maybe I am wrong but none of his statements have dispelled this image. If we went back to Germany he could enjoy himself moaning into his pils about all the Turks, blacks, gay marriage and etc.

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For those that have not followed the story the dead dog was a menace running loose and had attacked the German and his dog multiple times the dog got what was coming

If the dead dogs owner was a responsible dog owner then non of this would of happened but ultimately it was the Dogs owner that takes 99.999% of the blame for all this and I would of done the same if every time I take my dog that is LEASHED out for a walk I am attacked by a neibours loose animal.

It does not matter what the breed even a retriever can be a vicious dog when running loose and not socialized correctly.

As others have mentioned for us our Dog is part of our family and we protect them just as they protect us, this is unlike most thais who keep dogs and allow them to be nuisances by running free and attacking neibours, barking at all hours of the night.

I hope the guy gets his 300,000

And for all those think he is a nut tell me what would you do if every time you went out your house you were attacked by the neibours dog ?? tell the neibour to please take care of his dog blink.png yeah right so you just continue and keep getting attacked frustration building go to the Police cheesy.gif we know where that will get you, so he chose to stab the dog personally I would of done the poison thing slip in with a nice laced steak with stricnine and bobs ya uncle.

If there is no other way in dealing with the situation you have approached the owner who ignored you, you went to the police who laughed at you so time to TAKE THE LAW INTO YOUR OWN HANDS and protect yourself and your family including the family dog who expects you to be the pack leader and protector

The german did nothing wrong


Hear ! Hear! Well written. My thoughts as well.

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While this guy clearly went over the top when he attacked this dog he had reported the dog to the past to the police and complained to the owners. Nothing was done about this dangerous dog. Maybe he could have changed his route, might have been the best solution. However he snapped after one attack too many, was he

right to do so? No, killing the dog was a stupid thing to do. However if the owners or police had done something it would never have happened. No one comes out of this well. As for those

nationalistic reactionaries saying go home and get some mental health therapy, see if you can get a dog to attack you over a period of time with no one stopping it and see how you react.

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For those that have not followed the story the dead dog was a menace running loose and had attacked the German and his dog multiple times the dog got what was coming

If the dead dogs owner was a responsible dog owner then non of this would of happened but ultimately it was the Dogs owner that takes 99.999% of the blame for all this and I would of done the same if every time I take my dog that is LEASHED out for a walk I am attacked by a neibours loose animal.

It does not matter what the breed even a retriever can be a vicious dog when running loose and not socialized correctly.

As others have mentioned for us our Dog is part of our family and we protect them just as they protect us, this is unlike most thais who keep dogs and allow them to be nuisances by running free and attacking neibours, barking at all hours of the night.

I hope the guy gets his 300,000

And for all those think he is a nut tell me what would you do if every time you went out your house you were attacked by the neibours dog ?? tell the neibour to please take care of his dog blink.png yeah right so you just continue and keep getting attacked frustration building go to the Police cheesy.gif we know where that will get you, so he chose to stab the dog personally I would of done the poison thing slip in with a nice laced steak with stricnine and bobs ya uncle.

If there is no other way in dealing with the situation you have approached the owner who ignored you, you went to the police who laughed at you so time to TAKE THE LAW INTO YOUR OWN HANDS and protect yourself and your family including the family dog who expects you to be the pack leader and protector

The german did nothing wrong


Hear ! Hear! Well written. My thoughts as well.

Its all degrees. Stabbing is pretty serious, but if the dog is big enough and does it regularly and injures someone or something, its the owners responsibility to keep his dog under control.

If he had stoven in it's head with a golf club would it be any less brutal?

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