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I Remember When...again


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There was a time when the White fellows residing in the old Chiengmai prison were shackled to a ball while in the exercise and visiting areas. They'd carry the ball nestled in the belly of their T shirt to make walking easier. The story of why only Farrang had to do this was, supposedly, due to a long legged Dutchman prisoner who sized up the outer wall of the exercise area and one day made his leap up and scrambled over the wall and escaped. Instead of building a higher wall, which was quite suitable for Thai prisoners, they simply anchored the Farrang down. Visiting the Farrang long term prisoners was often encouraged

as there were only a few in Chiengmai.


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I once went to the new (not so new now) remand prison and asked who the foreigners were there, and they gladly showed me the files. None from my home country at that time, so I didn't visit. But unless things have changed, they seem to like the prisoners to have visits.

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