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Found Wallet In Rawai/nai Harn Area

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Found wallet in Rawai/Nai Harn area.

Loaded with cards, ID and some cash.

Younger Canadian person.

Lots of emergency numbers for his home country but nothing for Thailand.

Maybe in training for Muey Thai?

Not sure what to do next.

Tried tourist police in Rawai no help.

Been checking around area local training camps etc….no luck.

Not want to give to police or immigration as will be lost forever I’m sure.

Going to try calling some of the numbers in wallet I guess.

Would be nice to find this fella.


"Not want to give to police or immigration as will be lost forever I’m sure."

Good call.

I'm not so sure about that, I had the police return a wallet to me with DL etc. inside.


There's also a chance he would report it to the embassy:

Embassy of Canada

15th Floor, Abdulrahim Place

990 Rama IV Road

Bangrak, Bangkok 10500


Telephone: (66) 0-2646-4300

Fax: +66 (0) 2646-4336


Try the emergency number leave your phone number with them...... They will probably ring him/ email or Facebook him ??? Sorted.

if he is a youngster,try facebook. just a thought

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