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Thai Govt Expected To Announce Steps To End The Dog Meat And Skin Trade In Thailand


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"They also suggested education programmes and campaigns to instil a sense of responsibility and social conscience in Thai people."

Well they have their work cut out for them then.

It could be done if people wanted it to be done.

Dogs have a special relationship to humans in an evolutionary way and because of that, I rate eating dog as only second to eating human as a legitimate taboo (short of Donner Party scenarios).

Dogs have no more of a special(?) relationship to humans than horses - and we eat horses so why not eat dog if you are hungry and it's cheap ?

That's a pretty good argument but until we have lap horses I think dogs bond with humans in one of a kind.
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Are the animal rights bunch going to protest at the exporters houses?

It may be an old wife tale, but high quality golf gloves maybe made from dog skin.

Maybe the Rent a crowed that picket outside the Germans house can go and annoy golf courses now.

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why don't they raise them on farms like they do pigs. put them in stalls so small that they can't even turn around. cut off their tails and neuter them with dirty knives and no anesthetic. the other approved way to do it is like chickens and stuff them in cages and feed them antibiotics so they stay alive long enough to get big enough for slaughter. if they end the dog trade, what's going to happen to all the dogs that are constantly breeding in the streets? In my neighborhood when it gets up to 20 dogs or so in any one area they mysteriously disappear. but then 3-4 months later another 10 or so replace them. Whenever I say that cities like Ho Chi Minh are very clean without dog sh!t, the Thai response is it must be because they ate all the dogs. but we don't have pig sh!t in the streets here, or do we?

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"They also suggested education programmes and campaigns to instil a sense of responsibility and social conscience in Thai people.


this must be a joke, right... in our moobahn, people let even big germen sheppards lose to go shit all over the place or attack other dogs and do they care ???

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why don't they raise them on farms like they do pigs.


Well in Korea they have regulated dog livestock farms. They are never treated as pets. I saw a t.v. doc about that and the conditions didn't seem all that bad. If you've got to eat dog, I'd say that is the way to go.
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Eaten dog,snake,monkey brains,ostrich,turtle,whale,horse,deer,bison,plus all farm bred species all delicious,if prepared by a knowledgeable Chef.

No regrets,

Each to there own.

I don't knock veggies for being vegetarian.

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Well I may be the odd man out on this one but if you are not a vegetarian would you not be hypocritical about eating dog meat. Why not include cats if you are thinking of them as pets. Pigs are smart animals and people eat them.

I am against the treatment that is inflicted on many of these animals, There are many that are not in the meat trade but have private owners that are abused. For what my opinion is worth the people who abuse animals should never own one and be punished if they abuse them.

I wouldn't know, but I reckon dog tastes better than cat.

Nah.. you can't beat a good tasting kitty !!

Down boy. Behave!

"here puss puss puss"

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What everybody is failing to mention here is how the dogs are being killed!

Not mentioning that they suffer during the transportation, they are beaten up for hours before being killed because people believe that it makes the meat taste better, then they are skinned alive before dying. Are we doing that to cows, pigs, chicken or horses? No! Why do you tolerate it for dogs?

Then the dogs are stolen from their owner! Do you have so little heart that you don't care if someone steals your dog?

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What everybody is failing to mention here is how the dogs are being killed!

Not mentioning that they suffer during the transportation, they are beaten up for hours before being killed because people believe that it makes the meat taste better, then they are skinned alive before dying. Are we doing that to cows, pigs, chicken or horses? No! Why do you tolerate it for dogs?

Then the dogs are stolen from their owner! Do you have so little heart that you don't care if someone steals your dog?

Why do you suppose dog is different and they need to tenderize the meat while the animal is still alive as well as skin the animal while still alive? I have no doubt there is animal cruelty in this market and that some have lost their pets but I have a feeling neither of the above two practices is even remotely common and would seem like a lot of extra work with absolutely no benefit. I could be wrong but I tend to become 100% turned off to a cause when those promoting exaggerated the problem or take it to far. I don't think I am alone and personally I think organizations like PETA have done more harm than good when it comes to helping animals..

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Are the animal rights bunch going to protest at the exporters houses?

It may be an old wife tale, but high quality golf gloves maybe made from dog skin.

New golf gloves are to be made in China of skin from male scrotums. Enjoy your game.

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What everybody is failing to mention here is how the dogs are being killed!

Not mentioning that they suffer during the transportation, they are beaten up for hours before being killed because people believe that it makes the meat taste better, then they are skinned alive before dying. Are we doing that to cows, pigs, chicken or horses? No! Why do you tolerate it for dogs?

Then the dogs are stolen from their owner! Do you have so little heart that you don't care if someone steals your dog?

Why do you suppose dog is different and they need to tenderize the meat while the animal is still alive as well as skin the animal while still alive? I have no doubt there is animal cruelty in this market and that some have lost their pets but I have a feeling neither of the above two practices is even remotely common and would seem like a lot of extra work with absolutely no benefit. I could be wrong but I tend to become 100% turned off to a cause when those promoting exaggerated the problem or take it to far. I don't think I am alone and personally I think organizations like PETA have done more harm than good when it comes to helping animals..

You are wrong. Apparently you have not been in Vietnam and seen how dogs are treated before being put on a table. Cooked alive to ease off their skin, hanged alive to make the meat more tasty etc. There is information and pics on the net.

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What a load of rubbish--all over Thailand we see the psuedo Buddhists protecting these flea bitten dogs as if they were holy-and making a show of not killing mosquitoes but they dont have a second thought to gorge themselves on all the other animals--Saint Buddha will roll over in his Samadhi-remember please my fellow Buddhists-AHIMSA-non-violence is our code-for all beings, unless we are being threatened-your karma for eating beef is a million times more than for eating dog so all you psuedos would be better off eating your dogs and saving the cows which are actually useful animals,especiallysince most of us were kept alive on cows milk-Chiang mai has so many useless dogs howling all night-fighting yapping and generally creating a nuisance-passing their horrid stool everywhere-one would expect the city and country Fathers to have a little more intelligence in this regard-what to speak of the monks who go against all the priciples of Buddhism by eating flesn.I know that Thais in general cannot accept any criticism without wanting to kill the criticizer but this one is so blatantly obvious.Just see also now that all thais are eating flesh, always,that the rates of violence are increasing accordingly and everyone scrastcheds their heads wondering why.Please make Thailand great again and become proper Buddhists.Thanjkyou.

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Humans are omnivores and dogs are made of meat.

Meat consumption and cruelty to the animal are not synonymous.

If people want to eat dogs, go for it. Just regulate it like you would any other livestock.

[don't get me wrong; I think that sucks, but there's no objective reason why it should be categorically banned]

Thank you for posting a rational response; spot on. I don't personally want to eat dogs, mostly because I have had them as household pets, but I don't really care about other people eating them.

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"They also suggested education programmes and campaigns to instil a sense of responsibility and social conscience in Thai people."

Well they have their work cut out for them then.

In the mean time, what are they going to do about the amount of feral dogs running around loose? What are they going to do when they start attacking people and children. The village I live near is now full of feral dogs and the villagers keep telling themselves that the truck will pick them up! but at the same time are afraid to go out at night.... What about the rabies end of it? If you are bit will you get the shots or a placebo? Educating programs and campaigns??....These people have a lot of waking up to do...!


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"They also suggested education programmes and campaigns to instil a sense of responsibility and social conscience in Thai people."

Well they have their work cut out for them then.

It could be done if people wanted it to be done.

Dogs have a special relationship to humans in an evolutionary way and because of that, I rate eating dog as only second to eating human as a legitimate taboo (short of Donner Party scenarios).

Dogs have no more of a special(?) relationship to humans than horses - and we eat horses so why not eat dog if you are hungry and it's cheap ?

That's a pretty good argument but until we have lap horses I think dogs bond with humans in one of a kind.

dogs have no more special relationship than horses? maybe to his opinion but not mine.

dog is a different league, they had been with us so long and been domesticated even before we first domesticate sheeps as a food source and we dont see any other animals as capable as dog in assistance. service dogs, therapy dogs, rescue dogs, search dogs, herding dogs, sleg dogs, hunting dogs, guard dogs, detection dogs, war dogs, police dog etc etc etc

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Well I may be the odd man out on this one but if you are not a vegetarian would you not be hypocritical about eating dog meat. Why not include cats if you are thinking of them as pets. Pigs are smart animals and people eat them.

I am against the treatment that is inflicted on many of these animals, There are many that are not in the meat trade but have private owners that are abused. For what my opinion is worth the people who abuse animals should never own one and be punished if they abuse them.

Yes it is hypocritical to separate dog meat from other farmed/wild produce. The issue is as you say, the inhumane way that these animals are collected, transported and killed.

Separating dogs on their appeal is an emotional response and this is a second issue. Cruelty in the process ( this would include all animals used as a meat source) must be looked at and prevented first of all.

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Coming from America ,a much more touchy,feelie kind of place. ,I saw ranchers and cattlemen and hunting lodges,search and rescue teams, K9 police handlers,etc. All putting their dogs in a utilitarian use. The majority of the Thais perceive dogs as useful and helpful. Difference is the majority of Americans respecting and nurturing their charges, even treating them as family and as life forms to be protected. Where as here in LOS they are taken for granted and used and abused. If people everywhere,even the Muslims, realized the important role in future canine help to humans. I can only impact a small speck of help locally by spaying and neutering the soi dogs in my frontage, permission always from the pseudo owners of course.

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What everybody is failing to mention here is how the dogs are being killed!

Not mentioning that they suffer during the transportation, they are beaten up for hours before being killed because people believe that it makes the meat taste better, then they are skinned alive before dying. Are we doing that to cows, pigs, chicken or horses? No! Why do you tolerate it for dogs?

Then the dogs are stolen from their owner! Do you have so little heart that you don't care if someone steals your dog?

Why do you suppose dog is different and they need to tenderize the meat while the animal is still alive as well as skin the animal while still alive? I have no doubt there is animal cruelty in this market and that some have lost their pets but I have a feeling neither of the above two practices is even remotely common and would seem like a lot of extra work with absolutely no benefit. I could be wrong but I tend to become 100% turned off to a cause when those promoting exaggerated the problem or take it to far. I don't think I am alone and personally I think organizations like PETA have done more harm than good when it comes to helping animals..

You are wrong. Apparently you have not been in Vietnam and seen how dogs are treated before being put on a table. Cooked alive to ease off their skin, hanged alive to make the meat more tasty etc. There is information and pics on the net.

I'm sticking with believing these are rare acts committed by a few sickos that need to be caught and stopped. It is just way too sickening to believe that there are many groups out there that find this practice acceptable in this day an age.

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Yes it is hypocritical to separate dog meat from other farmed/wild produce. The issue is as you say, the inhumane way that these animals are collected, transported and killed.

Separating dogs on their appeal is an emotional response and this is a second issue. Cruelty in the process ( this would include all animals used as a meat source) must be looked at and prevented first of all.

My dog smiles, and can look sad, and whines when I go out without her for just a few minutes, so they have emotional responses too, I guess. They're also quite smart, there is no other animal that understands us as well as dogs. We have an age-old agreement, we feed them and look after their well being, they protect us, and are fun to be with. Science now thinks that the domestication occured 100,000 years ago, that they approached us first, and that they were instrumental in becoming modern humans, and civilized. We owe them. We can't eat them or leave them to their own on the streets.

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What everybody is failing to mention here is how the dogs are being killed!

Not mentioning that they suffer during the transportation, they are beaten up for hours before being killed because people believe that it makes the meat taste better, then they are skinned alive before dying. Are we doing that to cows, pigs, chicken or horses? No! Why do you tolerate it for dogs?

Then the dogs are stolen from their owner! Do you have so little heart that you don't care if someone steals your dog?

Why do you suppose dog is different and they need to tenderize the meat while the animal is still alive as well as skin the animal while still alive? I have no doubt there is animal cruelty in this market and that some have lost their pets but I have a feeling neither of the above two practices is even remotely common and would seem like a lot of extra work with absolutely no benefit. I could be wrong but I tend to become 100% turned off to a cause when those promoting exaggerated the problem or take it to far. I don't think I am alone and personally I think organizations like PETA have done more harm than good when it comes to helping animals..

You are wrong. Apparently you have not been in Vietnam and seen how dogs are treated before being put on a table. Cooked alive to ease off their skin, hanged alive to make the meat more tasty etc. There is information and pics on the net.

I'm sticking with believing these are rare acts committed by a few sickos that need to be caught and stopped. It is just way too sickening to believe that there are many groups out there that find this practice acceptable in this day an age.

I understand that will make you feel better. However, the thousands upon thousands of dogs being caught and shifted to Vietnam (mainly) to be tortured before ending up on dinner tables at restaurants there, speak against your wish. Like I said, there is information and pictures on the net. But they won't make you feel better. The following link will show you a tiny bit of what is going on. http://yesboleh.blogspot.com/2008/05/vietnam-people-love-to-eat-cat-and-dog.html

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