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Double Pricing - The Law


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Went camping in a Wyoming state park and paid quite a bit less when my car had Wyoming plates than it cost when my car had Texas plates.

Bought a fishing license in Colorado and paid 4-5x what the locals paid.

Checked into a hotel in Texas right behind an Exxon employee. He got a 60% corporate discount. I paid full price without an Exxon business card.

Flew from China to Houston, round trip- starting in China on United. Sat next to a lady from LA on the last leg of the trip. I had paid half for my entire round trip ticket of what she paid for LAX- Houston one way. We both bought our tickets last minute- me in Beijing, she in the USA.

Multiple pricing is hardly a Thai exclusive. If the value is more than the cost, I don't get all bent because I paid more than the next guy in line.

Edited by impulse
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Went camping in a Wyoming state park and paid quite a bit less when my car had Wyoming plates than it cost when my car had Texas plates.

Bought a fishing license in Colorado and paid 4-5x what the locals paid.

Checked into a hotel in Texas right behind an Exxon employee. He got a 60% corporate discount. I paid full price without an Exxon business card.

Flew from China to Houston, round trip- starting in China on United. Sat next to a lady from LA on the last leg of the trip. I had paid half for my entire round trip ticket of what she paid for LAX- Houston one way. We both bought our tickets last minute- me in Beijing, she in the USA.

Multiple pricing is hardly a Thai exclusive. If the value is more than the cost, I don't get all bent because I paid more than the next guy in line.


No way can you compare Thai actions with the USA. The person at the window in the USA says, "Show me something that says you are local to the area (typically a driver's license or plates as you mention) and you are good for the reduced price, while person in Thailand sometimes says, "I don't care if you live here... you are not Thai and must pay the non-Thai price." That is a huge difference and if you are going to compare what happens in the US to what happens in Thailand, please take the time to explain things fully. Happy Holidays.

Edited by TheWalkingMan
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Yu'p thai price and falang price, it here and in many other countries, is it fair ?

but it would be concidered aracist thing in OZ.

We have double pricing in cairns australia, most local attractions give 50% discount to locals(proof of drivers license) twice the price for the tourists and all the other:" foreign muck" that we can rip off at double the prices,same as cheaper drinks in clubs/bars for us and double for the" outsiders"...............to be serious it makes sense to give locals a discount,they are the ones who will keep the places open in quiet times

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In the preamble it specifically states "Rights of the Thai People", therefore not relevant to this topic.

Nice trythumbsup.gif. Can you link to that please? "Rights of the Thai People"clap2.gif

In detail of the PDF at CHAPTER III - Rights and Liberties of the Thai People

Exactly, CHAPTER III - Rights and Liberties of the Thai People to have all persons equal before the law and

shall enjoy equal protection under the law.

Legal jargon is always hard to interpret.

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Yu'p thai price and falang price, it here and in many other countries, is it fair ?

but it would be concidered aracist thing in OZ.

We have double pricing in cairns australia, most local attractions give 50% discount to locals(proof of drivers license) twice the price for the tourists and all the other:" foreign muck" that we can rip off at double the prices,same as cheaper drinks in clubs/bars for us and double for the" outsiders"...............to be serious it makes sense to give locals a discount,they are the ones who will keep the places open in quiet times

How about if they said "I don't care if you live around here, you are an abbo, your skin is black, therefore you pay more."

How would that float in Australia? More similar to the situation here.

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I thought it was quite simple. If you don't like or can't afford the price then don't go. Many Thais can't afford the price of a MacDonalds hamburger or frlies, so they don't go there. Some can't afford the price to see a zoo. Live with it. Most Thais I know work a 9 hour day for 6 days a week, just to survive.

And if they are like some of the workers I had their work could be done in half that time and much better.

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OP, here it is, Thailand 2007 Constitution. Section 30. All persons are equal before the law and shall enjoy equal protection under the law. Men and women shall enjoy equal rights. Unjust discrimination against a person on the grounds of the difference in origin, race, language, sex, age, disability, physical or health condition, personal status, economic or social standing, religious belief, education or constitutionally political view, shall not be permitted. Measures determined by the State in order to eliminate obstacles to or to promote persons’ ability to exercise their rights and liberties in the same manner as other persons shall not be deemed as unjust discrimination under paragraph three. http://www.senate.go...itution2007.pdf
That’s in principle, the reality is completely different. Perhaps we should carry a written copy of the Section 30 law and wave it in the faces of those who try to rip us off on a regular basis here?
think this is for citizens of thailand, for people from other countrys.... not so much.
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Yu'p thai price and falang price, it here and in many other countries, is it fair ?

but it would be concidered aracist thing in OZ.

Personally I don't mind...I don't go to these places much anyway. Besides, I'm paid 5-10 times more for being a white teacher compared to the local teachers, or even other non-native speakers? Is that fair? Should I insist they pay me the Thai salary in return for cheap entry to a lousy National park?biggrin.png

By that logic, how much should a thai guy driving a ferrari pulling in

600k up per month pay? There are many, many of them

However, people like you think middle class foreigners should support thailands poor while ultra rich thais exploit them, give them nothing in return while not even paying income tax:huh:mad.gif

Sent from my GT-S5660 using Thaivisa Connect App

rich thais mostly pay no tax other then 7% vat. makes the blood boil eh.
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OP, here it is,

Thailand 2007 Constitution. Section 30. All persons are equal before the law and

shall enjoy equal protection under the law.

Men and women shall enjoy equal rights.

Unjust discrimination against a person on the grounds of

the difference in origin, race, language, sex, age, disability, physical

or health condition, personal status, economic or social standing,

religious belief, education or constitutionally political view, shall

not be permitted.

Measures determined by the State in order to eliminate

obstacles to or to promote persons’ ability to exercise their rights

and liberties in the same manner as other persons shall not be

deemed as unjust discrimination under paragraph three.


That’s in principle, the reality is completely different.

Perhaps we should carry a written copy of the Section 30 law and wave it in the faces of those who try to rip us off on a regular basis here?

I carry a laminated copy, in Thai language, inside my wallet. I've been to Safari World, Dream World, The Crocodile Farm, Siam Ocean World and other companies which religiously double charge foreigners or even places such as Ocean World, which charge four to five times the Thai price. I show this section 30. The staff usually apoligize profusely and let me in for the Thai price or have even let me enter FoC.

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OP, here it is,

Thailand 2007 Constitution. Section 30. All persons are equal before the law and

shall enjoy equal protection under the law.

Men and women shall enjoy equal rights.

Unjust discrimination against a person on the grounds of

the difference in origin, race, language, sex, age, disability, physical

or health condition, personal status, economic or social standing,

religious belief, education or constitutionally political view, shall

not be permitted.

Measures determined by the State in order to eliminate

obstacles to or to promote persons’ ability to exercise their rights

and liberties in the same manner as other persons shall not be

deemed as unjust discrimination under paragraph three.


That’s in principle, the reality is completely different.

Perhaps we should carry a written copy of the Section 30 law and wave it in the faces of those who try to rip us off on a regular basis here?

Put this on a card and bingo! Away you go.

รัฐธรรมนูญไทยแลนด์ 2007 มาตรา 30 ทุกคนมีเสมอกันในกฎหมายและ






ความเชื่อทางศาสนา, การศึกษาหรือความลับมุมมองทางการเมืองจะ


Not just for a trick for deaf and blind beggers.

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Yu'p thai price and falang price, it here and in many other countries, is it fair ?

but it would be concidered aracist thing in OZ.

Yes we are smarter about our pricing.

We just put up the prices in tourist hot spots and charge the overseas students 4 times the price.

Perhaps Thailand should do the same. But I do not really care, complaining about forking out 200 baht to go to a national park sounds like a bit of a whinge to me. Plus Thai wages compared to Foreigners wage is probably more than double.

This is the way they want to do it, if you don't like it, you don't have to go.

Its actually 400 baht for a foreigner, and they announced it would go up to 500.

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Why should this be illegal? It is not a scam, it is business.biggrin.png

Correct. Thailand is not a PC nanny state. A business has the freedom to ask more from whiteys, blacks or whatever. They can even refuse you if they don't like your nose.

Shocked? You have the freedom to avoid them too.

Wrong. Thailand is a huge PC nanny state. Say something wrong about a higher up and you will either find yourself crumpled on the side of the road or in court explaining that what you said was 100% true but not PC. The place is a heavenly nanny state for those with cash and connections. I believe that we all know this and when people come up with the "Thailand is not a nanny state" comment I really want to laugh. The wealthy can operate with impunity in areas for which if a poor person were to try, he/she would end up with considerable trouble... So yeah, Thailand is a nanny state.

Thailand is not a Nanny State at all, it is a totalitarian state operating under the guize of a democracy. A Nanny state is where the government and their armed agents control every aspect of your life, welfare abounds, taxes on the middle class are high and PC is enforcable with jail terms. PC is deriguer lefist or conservationist dogma, it isn't about offending some rich pri*ck or bureaucrat. The Nanny Sate is beloved in the west and extremely popular with TV members. Totalitarian states eventually evolve from nanny sates as it is the logical outcome but seems few here have figured that out yet.

Thailand is not a nanny state and follows free market principles allowing double pricing for foreigners. I love it:

  • No alcohol sales between certain hours (nanny state)
  • Bars (in non-night life zones) must close by midnight (nanny state)
  • Tough anti-smoking laws (nanny state)
  • 30 THB health care scheme (no free market there – nanny state)
  • Rice scheme (nanny state)
  • One tablet per child (nanny state)
  • A list of proscribed occupations for foreigners (no free market there)
  • A list of prohibited industries for foreigners (no free market there)
  • A requirement that locals own 51% of any business (with some exceptions – no free market there)
  • Limitations on property ownership by foreigners (no free market there)
  • I believe 43 consumer items have direct price controls – LPG, cooking oil, sugar (including the cost of cooked food) (but apparently, free market it OK to rip off foreigners) (no free market there)
  • Capital controls (no free market there)
  • Libel laws that don’t allow the truth as a defense (nanny state)

And the list goes on... Wake up and smell the laws/regulations, which is avoided by wide spread corruption. And that’s what you are really referring to – the corruption, which is rotting this society but allows you to live without following the law.

By the way, the only people who actually pay their taxes in Thailand (as a group) are the middle class. For the rich, no capital gains on stocks, no real property tax, and lots of loopholes through business ownership to get out of personal income tax, which are pretty high here by comparison - plus the VAT. Thailand screws the middle class coming and going.

(For the record, I’m not saying I agree or disagree with any specific law or regulation above – just pointing out the hypocrisy and the mistaken belief that somehow, Thailand is the land of freedom from government intervention in our lives and the marketplace.)

Edited by Furbie
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OP, here it is, Thailand 2007 Constitution. Section 30. All persons are equal before the law and shall enjoy equal protection under the law. Men and women shall enjoy equal rights. Unjust discrimination against a person on the grounds of the difference in origin, race, language, sex, age, disability, physical or health condition, personal status, economic or social standing, religious belief, education or constitutionally political view, shall not be permitted. Measures determined by the State in order to eliminate obstacles to or to promote persons’ ability to exercise their rights and liberties in the same manner as other persons shall not be deemed as unjust discrimination under paragraph three. http://www.senate.go...itution2007.pdf
That’s in principle, the reality is completely different. Perhaps we should carry a written copy of the Section 30 law and wave it in the faces of those who try to rip us off on a regular basis here?
think this is for citizens of thailand, for people from other countrys.... not so much.

So "We the (American) people" as written in the US constitution doesn't apply to foreigners?

What a ridiculous argument you are proposing

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That translation looks decidedly dodgy to me. Not using the Thai calendar and calling the country Thailand and not Prathet Thai would red flag it straight away as bogus.

Okay, here's the official translation,

มาตรา 30 บุคคลย่อมเสมอกันในกฎหมายและได้รับความคุ้มครองตามกฎหมายเท่าเทียมกัน ชายและหญิงมีสิทธิเท่าเทียมกัน การเลือกปฏิบัติโดยไม่เป็นธรรมต่อบุคคลเพราะเหตุแห่งความแตกต่างในเรื่องถิ่นกำเนิด เชื้อชาติ ภาษา เพศ อายุ ความพิการ สภาพทางกายหรือสุขภาพ สถานะของบุคคล ฐานะทางเศรษฐกิจหรือสังคม ความเชื่อทางศาสนา การศึกษาอบรม หรือความคิดเห็นทางการเมืองอันไม่ขัดต่อบทบัญญัติแห่งรัฐธรรมนูญจะกระทำมิได้

มาตรการที่รัฐกำหนดขึ้นเพื่อขจัดอุปสรรคหรือส่งเสริมให้บุคคลสามารถใช้สิทธิและเสรีภาพได้เช่นเดียวกับบุคคลอื่น ย่อมไม่ถือเป็นการเลือกปฏิบัติโดยไม่เป็นธรรมตามวรรคสาม


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OP, here it is, Thailand 2007 Constitution. Section 30. All persons are equal before the law and shall enjoy equal protection under the law. Men and women shall enjoy equal rights. Unjust discrimination against a person on the grounds of the difference in origin, race, language, sex, age, disability, physical or health condition, personal status, economic or social standing, religious belief, education or constitutionally political view, shall not be permitted. Measures determined by the State in order to eliminate obstacles to or to promote persons’ ability to exercise their rights and liberties in the same manner as other persons shall not be deemed as unjust discrimination under paragraph three. http://www.senate.go...itution2007.pdf
That’s in principle, the reality is completely different. Perhaps we should carry a written copy of the Section 30 law and wave it in the faces of those who try to rip us off on a regular basis here?
think this is for citizens of thailand, for people from other countrys.... not so much.

So "We the (American) people" as written in the US constitution doesn't apply to foreigners?

What a ridiculous argument you are proposing


So true. You can lead a horse too water...

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OP, here it is,

Thailand 2007 Constitution. Section 30. All persons are equal before the law and

shall enjoy equal protection under the law.

Men and women shall enjoy equal rights.

Unjust discrimination against a person on the grounds of

the difference in origin, race, language, sex, age, disability, physical

or health condition, personal status, economic or social standing,

religious belief, education or constitutionally political view, shall

not be permitted.

Measures determined by the State in order to eliminate

obstacles to or to promote persons’ ability to exercise their rights

and liberties in the same manner as other persons shall not be

deemed as unjust discrimination under paragraph three.


That’s in principle, the reality is completely different.

Perhaps we should carry a written copy of the Section 30 law and wave it in the faces of those who try to rip us off on a regular basis here?

I carry a laminated copy, in Thai language, inside my wallet. I've been to Safari World, Dream World, The Crocodile Farm, Siam Ocean World and other companies which religiously double charge foreigners or even places such as Ocean World, which charge four to five times the Thai price. I show this section 30. The staff usually apoligize profusely and let me in for the Thai price or have even let me enter FoC.

Ocean World does not charge 3 or 4 times the Thai rate, get it right before posting such dribble.

If you have a Thai DL or a Work Permit you get in for the Thai price - fact.

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OP, here it is,

Thailand 2007 Constitution. Section 30. All persons are equal before the law and

shall enjoy equal protection under the law.

Men and women shall enjoy equal rights.

Unjust discrimination against a person on the grounds of

the difference in origin, race, language, sex, age, disability, physical

or health condition, personal status, economic or social standing,

religious belief, education or constitutionally political view, shall

not be permitted.

Measures determined by the State in order to eliminate

obstacles to or to promote persons’ ability to exercise their rights

and liberties in the same manner as other persons shall not be

deemed as unjust discrimination under paragraph three.


That’s in principle, the reality is completely different.

Perhaps we should carry a written copy of the Section 30 law and wave it in the faces of those who try to rip us off on a regular basis here?

I carry a laminated copy, in Thai language, inside my wallet. I've been to Safari World, Dream World, The Crocodile Farm, Siam Ocean World and other companies which religiously double charge foreigners or even places such as Ocean World, which charge four to five times the Thai price. I show this section 30. The staff usually apoligize profusely and let me in for the Thai price or have even let me enter FoC.

Ocean World does not charge 3 or 4 times the Thai rate, get it right before posting such dribble.

Sorry, 2.5 times the price, at least:

Adults/ผู้ใหญ่ -

Thai/คนไทย: 400 Baht

Foreigners/ชาวต่างชาติ: 900 Baht

(125% more expensive for foreigners)

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Expats get the same price as Thais if you have proof that you live here (DL or Work Permit or Tambian Baan).

As can be seen by other posts it is the same in the US, if you don't live or come from the state you pay more.

I have never heard about anyone showing that piece of paper you show and getting in Free of Charge at Siam Ocean World (Sealife Bangkok).

Edited by beano2274
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@somchaismith: As an example, the Thai Constitution specifically bans foreign ownership of any media outlet and excepting the Treaty of Amity and the Australian FTA, majority shareholding of companies by foreigners is not permitted.. So please tell me why you insist foreigners have equal rights to Thais.

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So please tell me why you insist foreigners have equal rights to Thais.

I've never said that. Of course, written into the constitution, there are exceptions. It's even allowable to have dual prices at national parks. However, under the constitution it's a dicriminative practise for companies to have dual prices, against foreigners.

Edited by somchaismith
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Yu'p thai price and falang price, it here and in many other countries, is it fair ?

but it would be concidered aracist thing in OZ.

Personally I don't mind...I don't go to these places much anyway. Besides, I'm paid 5-10 times more for being a white teacher compared to the local teachers, or even other non-native speakers? Is that fair? Should I insist they pay me the Thai salary in return for cheap entry to a lousy National park?biggrin.png

Is your teaching ability limited to the same level of most Thai teachers? Or are you a little more educated and do you have the ability of reason?

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@somchaismith: As an example, the Thai Constitution specifically bans foreign ownership of any media outlet and excepting the Treaty of Amity and the Australian FTA, majority shareholding of companies by foreigners is not permitted.. So please tell me why you insist foreigners have equal rights to Thais.

Rupert Murdoch renounced his Australian citizenship and naturalised as American so he could buy shares in Fox becuase only American citizens can own American TV stations.

As many have said, the different prices at national parks etc. are for residents and non residents; show that you are a resident and you will get the resident's price. I'm not a resident, but have found that speaking a few words of Thai often gets me the resident's price!

When my wife first moved to the UK she was amazed that I, a Brit, had to pay the same price for places such as the Tower of London as a tourist did.

In markets etc. the seller is out to get the highest price they can, the buyer wants to pay the lowest price they can; capitalism in action. What the buyer ends up paying is down to their negotiating skills and how much the seller wants/needs the sale. I've had traders chase me down the street offering to accept my final offer when I've walked away after their initial refusal to do so.

Prices in tourist areas are higher; it's the same the whole world over. Price of a full English breakfast in the West End of London can be up to double the price just a few miles away; you tend to get less, as well!


Your remarks about Thai teachers are unfounded and racist. Having a daughter who was educated first in Thailand and then in the UK I can say from direct experience that there are good and bad teachers in both countries and of both nationalities.

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The whole Asiatique affair has made people realise that the racial discrimination in Thailand is wrong,

Asiatique The Riverfront (เอเชียทีค เดอะ ริเวอร์ฟร้อนท์) · 64,573 like this

December 16, 2012 at 5:23pm

Subject: ASIATIQUE SKY (Ferris wheel) Price

Attend: All ASIATIQUE Fans

On behalf of ASIATIQUE The Riverfront we would like to explicate the fact as follows:

No.1) The price of using ASIATIQUE SKY

ASIATIQUE SKY is invested by a group of foreign (European) investors. ASIATIQUE The Riverfront is the landlord only. All prices are set by foreign investors.

The original prices were set as

• Children ( not higher than 120 Centimeters) 150 Thai baht

• Adult (Thai) 200 Thai baht

• Adult (Foreigner) 250 Thai baht

• Senior citizen (over 60 years old) 100 Thai baht and 125 Baht respectively

With those different prices, there are many comments criticized by some groups of foreigners, expatriates and some foreigners’ spouses that it is the double standard and racism. Some defamed ASIATIQUE in the negative ways and dispersed in various publicities.

We have discussed with the foreign investors about this and we asked for the different prices reasons. The logic behind is that they are foreign investors and they would like to pay something nicely back to Thailand and Thai people. Therefore, they decided to offer the lower price to Thais.Nevertheless, the different prices provoke some foreigners unsatisfied and may cause the adverse impact to ASIATIQUE. The investors accepted the reasons and feel sorry to this issue.

Consequently, they decided to set one standard price as shown:

• Children ( not higher than 120 Centimeters) 150 Thai baht

• Adult 250 Thai baht

• Senior citizen (over 60 years old) 125 Baht

To compensate for all of ASIATIQUE fans, they offer the special price as:

• Children ( not higher than 120 Centimeters) 150 Thai baht

• Adult 200 Thai baht

• Senior citizen (over 60 years old) 100 Baht

• This special price will be effect from today until 28 Feb 2013

No. 2) Restraint or deletion comments in ASIATIQUE The Riverfront Page

ASIATIQUE The Riverfront holds the equilibrium and respects everyone. We follow our online policy as follows:

1) Everyone is free to express their comments under Thai constitution and not against the laws

2) We respect and welcome all constructive comments and respectful criticism that not attack anyone, the community and Thai Institutes.

3) We reserve the right to delete any comments that attack our staff or any individuals, use excessive profanity, disrespect the community, are irrelevant to ASIATIQUE and business partners, or contrary to laws.”

The deletion of some comments is abided by the online policy that found for community’s liberty and rights. The reason of restraint is only to prohibit some negative and misleading comments and now those who were temporarily restrained are unbanned already.

We apologize for any unsatisfied issues and we welcome all suggestions from you to improve our service.

Sincerely yours,

ASIATIQUE The Riverfront


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It's hard to understand, but in the end, this is the final price which is now current,

'To compensate for all of ASIATIQUE fans, they offer the special price as:

• Children ( not higher than 120 Centimeters) 150 Thai baht

• Adult 200 Thai baht

• Senior citizen (over 60 years old) 100 Baht

• This special price will be effect from today until 28 Feb 2013'

Edited by somchaismith
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