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The Murder Case Of Jules Odekerken - Nov. 17, 2003 - Part2


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The Murder Case Of Jules Odekerken - Nov. 17, 2003


With permission of the Board I reopen this topic -Part2- because of the latest news, written by the Odekerken Family, about the brutal and horrible murder of Jules Odekerken, son and brother of the family, now 9 years ago in Pattaya:

Update autumn 2012


LaoPo wai2.gif

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They seem angry the girl was aquited I hope someday they can stop being angry at inocent people being innocent and move on with their lives.

Feel sorry for the victim and family for whom there has been no justice.

Hopefully one day justice will be done.

Edited by Colonel_Mustard
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Update autumn 2012

Next month, on the 17th of November 2012, it will have been no less than nine years since Jules was brutally murdered. This is unbelievable for us, and it is also equally unbelievable that we still have to fight for justice being done for Jules. Two important subjects have not yet been concluded:

Anuphong Suthani

The murderer of Jules who was sentenced to death has been on the run since December 2007. In spite of numerous requests made by us and the Dutch Embassy in Bangkok to the Thai authorities and the Royal Thai Police to pay attention to this affair and to make an effort to track him down and arrest him, Anuphong Suthani is still at large!

Verdict of the Marisa Prommana trial

The trial against Marisa Prommana started on 26 October 2009 and took more than two and a half years. For various reasons the court sessions were adjourned time and time again.

However, on Thursday 10 May 2012the judge in Pattaya finally reached a verdict in the trial against Marisa.

We were stupefied to hear that the judge in Pattaya Provincial Court acquitted her. Fortunately, we were not present in the court room ourselves. The Dutch Embassy was represented by two staff members who immediately reported the outcome to us.

According to the sentence of the judge, it had been proven that Marisa had been present when the murder of Jules had been planned, but that she might have changed her mind in the period between the planning and the actual murder.

After this, Marisa was released on bail in expectation of our possible decision to appeal to a higher court.

We have not doubted for a moment to do so and in August 2012 an Official Appeal was made both by our lawyer and by the public prosecutor.

Is yet again to be continued …

The Odekerken Family

October 2012

from: http://www.julesodekerken.com/

top left in link

LaoPo wai2.gif

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They seem angry the girl was aquited I hope someday they can stop being angry at inocent people being innocent and move on with their lives.

Feel sorry for the victim and family for whom there has been no justice.

Hopefully one day justice will be done.

I really don't feel sorry for people who are angry because others are not suffering ..... even though they might deserve it

I feel sorry for them because they are angry that someone turned out to be innocent but becasuse of their anger can't accept that.

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They seem angry the girl was aquited I hope someday they can stop being angry at inocent people being innocent and move on with their lives.

Feel sorry for the victim and family for whom there has been no justice.

Hopefully one day justice will be done.

I really don't feel sorry for people who are angry because others are not suffering ..... even though they might deserve it

I feel sorry for them because they are angry that someone turned out to be innocent but becasuse of their anger can't accept that.

Why do you write such unbelievable nonsense? bah.gif

You have no idea what the family has gone through.

The so called "girl" was the officially married "wife" to murdered Jules Odekerken and was partner in crime in the plans to murder him.

Her brother and her lover were the CONVICTED murderers; this was also the second murder by her brother!

Jules built his wife a magnificent villa in Pattaya since the woman could not stand the air pollution in Bangkok and couldn't adjust in The Netherlands at first! Unbelievable wicked behavior.

This, after all the support, money and love the Odekerken family gave Jules' wife Marisa Prommana and her first born which was not Jules' child.

She was and still is a very wicked woman!

I suggest you first take the time to read the content in the first link* very carefully and than judge or keep silent.

Your words are hurting the family deeply, knowing that the main convicted murderer (Anuphong Suthani) the lover, is still at large, in hiding already for 5 years!, and that his lover, Marisa Prommana, is still not behind bars as a planner and accomplish in the murder of her own husband.

Out of greed sad.png

* Link:

Edited by LaoPo
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She is not behind barts because she was aquited of the crime ........ sorry you don't like her but she went to court and was aquited , sorry you don't like her friends but she went to court and was aquited , what part of she went to court and was aquitted do you fail to understand ?

The court decided she was NOT an accomplice your opinion and thier opinion doesn't matter much now does it ?

I am sorry the family has such hatered that they want an aquited person in jail and if that hurts their feelings to bad for them , she went to court and was aquitted get used to it.

People who go around on a chrusade to put aquitted people in jail should be prepared to hear a contrairy opinion on how sensible that is. Just because they suffered a loss doesn't give them the right to make any public statements they want and whine when someone disagres with them.

As far as the actual murderer goes I hope they find him and they will.

Edited by MrRealDeal
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She is not behind barts because she was aquited of the crime ........ sorry you don't like her but she went to court and was aquited , sorry you don't like her friends but she went to court and was aquited , what part of she went to court and was aquitted do you fail to understand ?

The court decided she was NOT an accomplice your opinion and thier opinion doesn't matter much now does it ?

I am sorry the family has such hatered that they want an aquited person in jail and if that hurts their feelings to bad for them , she went to court and was aquitted get used to it.

People who go around on a chrusade to put aquitted people in jail should be prepared to hear a contrairy opinion on how sensible that is. Just because they suffered a loss doesn't give them the right to make any public statements they want and whine when someone disagres with them.

As far as the actual murderer goes I hope they find him and they will.

According to the sentence of the judge, it had been proven that Marisa had been present when the murder of Jules had been planned, but that she might have changed her mind in the period between the planning and the actual murder.

After this, Marisa was released on bail in expectation of our possible decision to appeal to a higher court.

We have not doubted for a moment to do so and in August 2012 an Official Appeal was made both by our lawyer and by the public prosecutor.

Is yet again to be continued …

She is not off the hook yet; she is free on bail; that does not make her innocent since she was present during the panning of the murder on HER OWN HUSBAND!

Please, do not try to stir things here about a case you clearly know nothing about as you create more and more pain for the family.

This is NOT a crusade for the family; the only thing they want is justice and they are fighting for that already since 9 years. That a lower judge decided that "...she might have changed her mind in the period between the planning and the actual murder." is HIS opinion but the people who have been present at the many many court cases know better.

I very much doubt that you have read the entire topic since you're only a member since may this year.

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It means people who are accused of crimes get arrested and go to court , when they are aquited it means justice has been served

You clearly have minimal knowledge of how the Thai legal system works 'in real life'.


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She is not behind barts because she was aquited of the crime ........ sorry you don't like her but she went to court and was aquited , sorry you don't like her friends but she went to court and was aquited , what part of she went to court and was aquitted do you fail to understand ?

The court decided she was NOT an accomplice your opinion and thier opinion doesn't matter much now does it ?

I am sorry the family has such hatered that they want an aquited person in jail and if that hurts their feelings to bad for them , she went to court and was aquitted get used to it.

People who go around on a chrusade to put aquitted people in jail should be prepared to hear a contrairy opinion on how sensible that is. Just because they suffered a loss doesn't give them the right to make any public statements they want and whine when someone disagres with them.

As far as the actual murderer goes I hope they find him and they will.

another head shaking post ...this site is getting full of walking balloons....in case you never picked up on this but his partner was present at the planning of his death....and you still feel the need to blow hot air
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They seem angry the girl was aquited I hope someday they can stop being angry at inocent people being innocent and move on with their lives.

Feel sorry for the victim and family for whom there has been no justice.

Hopefully one day justice will be done.

I really don't feel sorry for people who are angry because others are not suffering ..... even though they might deserve it

I feel sorry for them because they are angry that someone turned out to be innocent but becasuse of their anger can't accept that.

Dude she was involved in planning the murder, and who do suppose had the most to gain, almost any court in the world would do her for that as an accomplice at least, but wait, she may have changed her mind, now I've heard it all. Innocent eh? No doubt the verdict was massaged the usual way. You really need to get over the Thais never do wrong delusion. Some people just make the wrong choices in spouses and Pattaya often seems to be involved although I can't imagine why as folks there are the salt of the earth.

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There have been many injustices done throughout the world. Thailand has a very long list of them, but it is their country and their system. Certainly the woman is probably guilty, but the Thai courts have decided to let her go, for whatever reason, and, unfortunately, nobody is pursuing the ones who actually carried out the deed. That is how things are done in Thailand. It is time to let it go. I feel sorry for the family and can understand their anger, but there is little any foreigner can do about it. That is part of the acceptance in choosing to live in Thailand. How do you think the families of the two that OJ Simpson murdered, feel... Oh, sorry, accused of murdering.

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There have been many injustices done throughout the world. Thailand has a very long list of them, but it is their country and their system. Certainly the woman is probably guilty, but the Thai courts have decided to let her go, for whatever reason, and, unfortunately, nobody is pursuing the ones who actually carried out the deed. That is how things are done in Thailand. It is time to let it go. I feel sorry for the family and can understand their anger, but there is little any foreigner can do about it. That is part of the acceptance in choosing to live in Thailand. How do you think the families of the two that OJ Simpson murdered, feel... Oh, sorry, accused of murdering.

Actually, acquitted of murder in criminal court, committed of murder in civil court. Lower standards there.

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Dwelling on the past.

Obviously not helping.

Move on.

I wonder how you would feel if someone you knew was killed and the one who planned the murder got off. I'm sure you would not do or say as you do now. Its easy to say such a thing if you have no connection. It might even be true, but feeling rule us and i would never forget or forgive the killer and arrange my own justice if needs be. (hope i never get in a situation like that.

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Dwelling on the past.

Obviously not helping.

Move on.

I wonder if some people have any idea HOW it feels and what it means if a loved one is murdered? Obviously not.

I have to say that I also can only guess since it didn't happen to me personally, so I am blessed.

BUT can the (grand)-parents, brothers, sisters and loved ones of the 20 little children, just murdered in cold blood in Connecticut say in 10 years:

"Dwelling on the past.

Obviously not helping.

Move on."


I don't think so.

It's the same feeling the Odekerken family still has; they are the ones who KNEW Jules' ex-wife, pamepered her, loved her, took care of her.... and KNOW she had been planning the murder on their son and brother, Jules Odekerken.

That's why they can never say: "Move on" if justice has not taken it's full course yet.

They will fight till the bitter end to get this woman convicted and right they are!

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I agree with hedgehog ...... They might spend their entire lives consumed over the man on the run only to find out he died many years earlier someday.

I can understand the appeal and understand they want "justice" but eventually they need to let go and move on.

Rancid ... I don't think Thais never do wrong I just accept the system for what it is and like it or not that is what Justice is here in Thailand same as Justice anyplace else . it's not perfect anyplace.

It's their lives and they can do as they please but consuming their lives over a man on the run and a woman on appeal isn't especially healthy.

People seem to think that planning a crime and deciding not to commit it is against the law , maybe it should be but it's not, which is why she was aquitted.

In some places planning a crime is against the law but you have to take some act in furtherence of the crime at the very least to prosecute and win.

They probabbly will fight to the bitter end possibly their whole lives just to never find the man on the run and be dissapointed in the Law and aqqutal of the woman. I feel sorry for them because at some point justice turns to vengence , hatred , and depression and they risk destroying their own lives in the process. I hope that doesn't happen to them and everything works out well instead.

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Some disgusting troll posts on this thread. This was a well documented case, where the murdere and the accomplices have been able to flout the law for a long time. This suggesting time to move on, obviously have no idea what it would be like. To lose a loved one in such awful circumstances. The only way things will change is if people continue to remind others of the injustices and outright corruption.

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They seem angry the girl was aquited I hope someday they can stop being angry at inocent people being innocent and move on with their lives.

What a stupid and insensitive thing to say mr Real deal- you are a moron. Put yourself in the position of this family ie what they have been through.

''According to the sentence of the judge, it had been proven that Marisa had been present when the murder of Jules had been planned, but that she might have changed her mind in the period between the planning and the actual murder''

If this is true, it proves that we can all have no confidence in the thai judicial system.

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