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90 Day Reporting Whilst Away From Home On Holiday

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I live in Surin and my 90 day report is due on 2nd February .I know you can do the 90 day report 14 days before and up the 7 after but I am planning on staying in Pattaya from 15th of January until the 12th of February .( Friends coming on Holiday )

I assume I can do my 90 day report at Chonburi Immigration Office Pattaya but when I fill in my TM47 what address do I use. ?

My Surin address or the apartment I am staying in at Pattaya and if the later will I need the apartment blue house book.?

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Hmm 14 days before???? I have heard 7 days before and 7 days after... I am not an expert on this, but why not use the postoffice and mail your passport and the rest and just not mention any trip att all...that would easily solve your problem.


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Hmm 14 days before???? I have heard 7 days before and 7 days after... I am not an expert on this, but why not use the postoffice and mail your passport and the rest and just not mention any trip att all...that would easily solve your problem.


Surin Immigration doesn't do postal 90 day report !!!

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Officially it's 15 days before, 7 days after. Contact the Surin office, explain the suituation, and ask them how to handle it. They might make an exception and let you mail in this time. You can try to use Pattaya, but they might rquire that you file a TM28 form showing your address in their juristiction before they let you report. Or bite the bullet, report when you get back and pay the 2000 baht fine.

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I've been told ......

' I can do my 90 day report at any office in Thailand.....If you use Pattaya just be aware that they require copies of your housebook from Surin,your pic page from passport,current visa & the TM card thats stapledto it. '

Can a Mod or someone with experience please confirm this smile.png

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It depends on the office. Many will accept if you show you are currently staying in their area, with perhaps a hotel bil or something like that.

I always just mail to my "own office", only when you are away from your place of living is that not advisable as you need the 90 day report slip for your next report.

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It depends on the office. Many will accept if you show you are currently staying in their area, with perhaps a hotel bil or something like that.

I always just mail to my "own office", only when you are away from your place of living is that not advisable as you need the 90 day report slip for your next report.

I only wished that Surin Immigration had a postal service like many others Immigration Offices but they don't !!!

If I do as someone else has told me ( If you use Pattaya just be aware that they require copies of your housebook from Surin,your pic page from passport,current visa & the TM card thats stapledto it. ') ....then Surely the Pattaya Immagration Office would staple the bottom section of the TM 47 to my passport so I could do my next 90 day report in Surin in May ?

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If you don't live too far from the Immigration office, how about a neighbor or relative making the 90-day report run for you. No need for you to do it yourself.

If far, hire a local pickup truck guy to make the run for you, pay him baht 1,000 (cheaper than the baht 2,000 fine), 50% upfront, balance when you get back and have the report receipt in hand.


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If you don't live too far from the Immigration office, how about a neighbor or relative making the 90-day report run for you. No need for you to do it yourself.

If far, hire a local pickup truck guy to make the run for you, pay him baht 1,000 (cheaper than the baht 2,000 fine), 50% upfront, balance when you get back and have the report receipt in hand.


That will require the passport, which he needs himself.

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So what happens if you're on a Retirement Visa and you don't like to stay in the same place all the time and prefer to travel around the country spending a month here and a month there. Surely there must be a standard procedure for 90 day reporting for those on the move.?

What about those living here that have 2 or 3 properties and like to live in different area's at different times of the year .?

What do these people do ?

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Thanyaburi Mac, on 2012-12-27 08:39:02, said:

If you don't live too far from the Immigration office, how about a neighbor or relative making the 90-day report run for you. No need for you to do it yourself.

If far, hire a local pickup truck guy to make the run for you, pay him baht 1,000 (cheaper than the baht 2,000 fine), 50% upfront, balance when you get back and have the report receipt in hand.


Mario said: "That will require the passport, which he needs himself. "

Mac sez: OK, but how about making a visit to Immigration before departure, ask if it's OK to do the report early, and if not, then ask if it'd be OK for his representative to provide a copy of his passport pages of interest and TM card when the report is due.


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As said most report by mail. It used to be that Bangkok allowed reporting nationwide directly to them so it might be worth asking them if you can report if your extension office does not allow mail reporting. Have not seen any reports of this being asked.

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Thanyaburi Mac, on 2012-12-27 08:39:02, said:

If you don't live too far from the Immigration office, how about a neighbor or relative making the 90-day report run for you. No need for you to do it yourself.

If far, hire a local pickup truck guy to make the run for you, pay him baht 1,000 (cheaper than the baht 2,000 fine), 50% upfront, balance when you get back and have the report receipt in hand.


Mario said: "That will require the passport, which he needs himself. "

Mac sez: OK, but how about making a visit to Immigration before departure, ask if it's OK to do the report early, and if not, then ask if it'd be OK for his representative to provide a copy of his passport pages of interest and TM card when the report is due.


Kap Choeng Immigration will only accept a face to face 90 day report.

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