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Gf Wants To Move In With Me


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I have been living alone in a condo in Pattaya, for several years. I am 58 and stay in Pattaya only about 6 to 8 months each year. I found a nice girl, 22 years old, on an internet site in Sept. 2012. She is a commercial school teacher in Bangkok, her students were 3 -6 years old learning about computers. She came to visit me and stayed with me every weekend until now. I have never given her any money directly. I do treat her nicely, take her out for entertainment, dinners etc.. She seems to be very nice, never asks for money or anything expensive, she doesn't smoke, nor drink alcohol, nor do drugs. She dresses clean, neat and tidy. She claims I am her only 3rd BF and she only wants 1 good man. I have met 2 of her friends and they seem nice too. We all went out for dinner twice and her friends actually paid for all of us once and I paid another time. It wasn't like some of these other situations where the falang always pays for everything. She does seem like the type woman I would to marry in a few years.

Her teaching position ends in Dec. and she wants to go to University and earn a BA in Tourism starting in January 2013. She has commented that she would like to attend Dusit Thani in Pattaya and stay with me.

I was thinking that it would be nice to have her live with me, I enjoy her companionship, but I want to understand the downside of this type of relationship and hear from anyone else who has direct knowledge of a similar relationship. I think things will be ok when I am with her, but I do return to Canada for up to 2 months at a time, several times a year, so there would be an exposure that she moves out with all of my stuff when I am in Canada. Also I want to understand the legal issues related to cohabitation. Can we be classified as common-law married after a certain point in time? Could I be exposed to litigation if I kick her out in 6 months, or 1 year or 2 years?

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As long as what you say in your post is true and you are thinking straight (with your big head not the little one) then go for it. I do not envisage a problem there. Do you trust her, if not then don't do it. Asregards legal issues if you are living together but not married I believe there are no rights for her regards your property etc.

Yes you hear and read about many horror stories but then bad news travels fast. There are many like me who have a Thai lady/wife who are very happy. You could be too, but the decision can only be made by you and your gut instincts together with what your feelings are for the lady.

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the big question is who is going to pay the uni fees . is this why she wants to move in with you so she can pay or she expects you to pay because she lives with you , i think the latter is the case so if you are not prepared to do this then say no .

are you 100% sure what she said about teaching is correct did you check it out or just believed her , a lot of bs is wtitten on internet sites by these young women to meet a wealthy (compared to them) farang as a lot will attest to . if true then go for it she actually sounds very nice but check everything first before committing yourself to anything .

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It sounds from your post like you found a great girl, congratulations! Twenty-two, eh? - you're a lucky guy and I'm turning green as I write this. How'd you manage that? If you already own your condo then there are no legal issues; even if you married it wouldn't be considered in a divorce. If you're worried about theft, any condo insurance will cover contents while you're back home. So your girl is unemployed at the end of this month, you might want to check how she plans on funding her BA as inviting her to live with you will inevitably lead to an ever-escalating demand for 'compensation' when she no longer works full time. I'd say the smart money is on somehow convincing her to get another teaching job and study part time; enjoy the weekends with her and chill out during the week - sounds like the perfect life.

Edited by aussiebebe
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