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Hillary Clinton Missing As G O P Refuses To Confirm Kerry As Secretary Of State


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fact is he wasn't killed by a mob or a group of protesters who got upset by a movie.

Can you refute this?:

The ambassador was said to be among four US officials killed in a protest over a US-produced film that is said to insult the Prophet Muhammad.

That are old news.and Islamophobes assumed something like that and Islamophobes wants to believe it. but it is not true.

Search later reports if there is anyone still sticking to that angry mob theory.

edit to add.

and yes i know even the POTUS felt for that theory but that doesn't make it true.

it just shows how much of this and baseless prejudice towards muslins seems to be acceptable by the people without recognizing what it is baseless prejudice and negative attitude toward Muslims.

Do you or Muslims ever accept responsibility for anything or do you just always blame someone else? I would probably have more respect to someone or people that could man up and say "yeah I did it, what cha gonna do about."

Doing what? If you are full of prejudice and bias you will not hear what Muslims have to say.


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That was a heart warming protest in Libya and much appreciated by Americans.

But all of this must be seen in context.

There were indeed over the top protests at a number of US embassies in the Muslim world during that period.

In Egypt right after that stupid video became news. Storming of the US embassy in Cairo.


Edited by Jingthing
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I actually don't care whether it was an angry mob or whether it was pre-planned or a combo. It's of academic interest but on the list of what SHOULD be high priorities for the American people it rates almost nothing.

Pushing that lies about the angry mob is insulting the locals.

I actually never thought about it that way but, you're right.

An angry mob is just regular local people pushed to the point of being very angry. So angry that they go out attack a consulate and kill the ambassador? If I were a local in Benghazi I would be pissed about that. I guess that explains whey there were counter protests just two days after the attack.

Libyans hold peaceful demonstrations decrying the Benghazi attacks [PHOTOS]

Even as the anti-American protests in Libya and Egypt spread to Yemen, Libyans in Tripoli and Benghazi are holding peaceful counter-protests condemning any violence and mourning Chris Stevens.

Read more:

Never too late to start to think about and inform yourself and rethink.

Unfortunately pictures and reports like that you will never or seldom see in the Western world media. So people there don't know and will stick to their Islamophobia anyway. that can be seen also on this board.

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I actually don't care whether it was an angry mob or whether it was pre-planned or a combo. It's of academic interest but on the list of what SHOULD be high priorities for the American people it rates almost nothing.

Pushing that lies about the angry mob is insulting the locals.

I actually never thought about it that way but, you're right.

An angry mob is just regular local people pushed to the point of being very angry. So angry that they go out attack a consulate and kill the ambassador? If I were a local in Benghazi I would be pissed about that. I guess that explains whey there were counter protests just two days after the attack.

Libyans hold peaceful demonstrations decrying the Benghazi attacks [PHOTOS]

Even as the anti-American protests in Libya and Egypt spread to Yemen, Libyans in Tripoli and Benghazi are holding peaceful counter-protests condemning any violence and mourning Chris Stevens.

Read more:

Never too late to start to think about and inform yourself and rethink.

Unfortunately pictures and reports like that you will never or seldom see in the Western world media. So people there don't know and will stick to their Islamophobia anyway. that can be seen also on this board.

That isn't true. That protest was WIDELY reported in American mainstream media. I saw reports of that on both Fox News and the Washington Post. Americans DO know about that heart warming protest. I can assure you. Americans are for the most part not bigoted against peace loving Muslim people. Americans don't hate Libyans. Yes they wanted Quadafi gone like most Libyans. Americans want to be helpful in Libya and build stronger ties there. Edited by Jingthing
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That was a heart warming protest in Libya and much appreciated by Americans.

But all of this must be seen in context.

There were indeed over the top protests at a number of US embassies in the Muslim world during that period.

In Egypt right after that stupid video became news. Storming of the US embassy in Cairo.


that is off topic.

So are you asserting there was no Islamic inspired outrage over the youtube video in Libya? That does not sound credible at all. Why not there when everywhere else in the region? It is disrespecting Islam to discuss the truth about reactions to that video?

i am saying it is off topic. it is against the rules to talk on this board off topic.

The ambassador wasn't killed by an angry mob. Egypt is not in Benghazi. period.

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That was a heart warming protest in Libya and much appreciated by Americans.

But all of this must be seen in context.

There were indeed over the top protests at a number of US embassies in the Muslim world during that period.

In Egypt right after that stupid video became news. Storming of the US embassy in Cairo.


that is off topic.

So are you asserting there was no Islamic inspired outrage over the youtube video in Libya? That does not sound credible at all. Why not there when everywhere else in the region? It is disrespecting Islam to discuss the truth about reactions to that video?

i am saying it is off topic. it is against the rules to talk on this board off topic.

The ambassador wasn't killed by an angry mob. Egypt is not in Benghazi. period.

So is discussing, or trying to play moderator. You won't get another warning.

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I think it is established the ambassador died from smoke inhalation from a riotous group setting a building on fire, an unfortunate incident but hardly an assasination.

I always felt Kerry rolled over way too easy on the voting irregularities, he should have pushed hard to get rid of secret software tallying ballots.

He was killed in a planned commando attack and not by a mob of rioters.

The mob version is just a fabrication by people who are interested in painting Muslims in a bad light.

It has been known since about the second day after that there was no mob demonstrating about the VDO, though Rice and Obama seem not to have known the facts when they went public talking about the VDO.

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The difference is that in Watergate, they did want to break in. In Behngazi, I very much doubt they wanted to kill the ambassador.

If they didn't want to kill anyone, why did they bring RPGs to the attack?

Celebratory firework display Libya style ala gangnam style.

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The difference is that in Watergate, they did want to break in. In Behngazi, I very much doubt they wanted to kill the ambassador.

If they didn't want to kill anyone, why did they bring RPGs to the attack?

...and a mortar.

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The 'they' I am referring to is the government.

Nixon and Co. wanted to break into the Watergate. Obama, Clinton and Co. probably didn't want to kill an ambassador.

No disrespect intended but I somehow doubt that's what you meant.

As for watergate, I keep expecting "someone" to deem it as off-topic so I continually resist commenting but suffice it to say that both you and those who wish to find fault with the current administration very much mischaracterize and diminish what happened then.

The break-in itself is NOT entirely what it was all about or even the most significant event amongst all that went down - and why it did.

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The 'they' I am referring to is the government.

Don't worry, I think most people understood it that way

Now that I look at the context again, I'm less doubtful and I think I shouldn't have said otherwise.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

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The 'they' I am referring to is the government.

Nixon and Co. wanted to break into the Watergate. Obama, Clinton and Co. probably didn't want to kill an ambassador.

No disrespect intended but I somehow doubt that's what you meant.

How on earth do you draw that conclusion?

Ah, saw your later message.

Was a bit baffling, I have to say.


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The 'they' I am referring to is the government.

Nixon and Co. wanted to break into the Watergate. Obama, Clinton and Co. probably didn't want to kill an ambassador.

Watergate was about covering up a crime committed by the President's re-election campaign representatives.

It is obviously too early to tell because the investigation is still underway but it is believed by some that Benghazi is about covering up a crime committed by a terror group on Sept 11th of all days, that was made possible by the President's admin representatives ignoring calls for additional security leading up to the event, ignoring pleas for help during the 9-hour attack, and then with the help of the President's re-election campaign representatives, lying to the American people about what happened to keep from making the President look bad and jeopardizing the election.

The scapegoats so far in Benghazi are the Libyans, residents of Benghazi in particular and a "film maker" in California. The victims - other than those murdered - are CIA Director Petraeus who had his long-known about affair "leaked" just days before he was to testify bringing his career to an embarrassing end.

Hillary is probably another victim. Back in October she took a bullet for the admin by taking full responsibility as her position dictated she do at the time. Since then, for the past three months, she has avoided testimony by being overseas, then upon returning suffering an apparent concussion, then a blod clot appears which some medical professionals say could have been caused by stress. They just won the election and she was about to retire, what stress could there possible be? Oh, yeah, covering up for her soon to be ex-boss under oath, before the nation and flushing her chances at the presidency down the toilet. Even if all that is found out not to be true, it would make a good movie.

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The 'they' I am referring to is the government.

Nixon and Co. wanted to break into the Watergate. Obama, Clinton and Co. probably didn't want to kill an ambassador.

Watergate was about covering up a crime committed by the President's re-election campaign representatives.

It is obviously too early to tell because the investigation is still underway but it is believed by some that Benghazi is about covering up a crime committed by a terror group on Sept 11th of all days, that was made possible by the President's admin representatives ignoring calls for additional security leading up to the event, ignoring pleas for help during the 9-hour attack, and then with the help of the President's re-election campaign representatives, lying to the American people about what happened to keep from making the President look bad and jeopardizing the election.

The scapegoats so far in Benghazi are the Libyans, residents of Benghazi in particular and a "film maker" in California. The victims - other than those murdered - are CIA Director Petraeus who had his long-known about affair "leaked" just days before he was to testify bringing his career to an embarrassing end.

Hillary is probably another victim. Back in October she took a bullet for the admin by taking full responsibility as her position dictated she do at the time. Since then, for the past three months, she has avoided testimony by being overseas, then upon returning suffering an apparent concussion, then a blod clot appears which some medical professionals say could have been caused by stress. They just won the election and she was about to retire, what stress could there possible be? Oh, yeah, covering up for her soon to be ex-boss under oath, before the nation and flushing her chances at the presidency down the toilet. Even if all that is found out not to be true, it would make a good movie.

Good summary of the facts. However, some will never believe that their hero could have feet of clay.

I'm still waiting to hear what was done after Obama isued his order to do "whatever is necessary" to save them.

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What this is REALLY about is simply the latest phase of acting out of the segment of American society (wacky conspiracy theories, birthers and such) who will never accept Obama is their president:

Even if the birther movement has lost some steam since Obama released his birth certificate in 2011, Davidson sees evidence that birthers are diversifying into other anti-Obama issues, using their Web sites and radio shows to focus attention on the next phase of the health-care debate, the attack on a U.S. diplomatic post in Libya and the latest Cabinet nominations.


“There’s a certain world of people who move from one conspiracy theory to the next,” says Bill Bryan, proprietor of The Fogbow, a Web site devoted to debunking anti-Obama movements. “Obama is perfect for them. They just hate him so much, and the election won’t end that. They really believe that one day soon, he’ll be declared an illegal president and Obamacare will vanish with a poof and Sotomayor and Kagan will have to leave the Supreme Court.”


Again, this is a non-scandal, and the Hillary hearing will be a big nothing as well.

And so while House Republicans may be coming to the hearing with knives — and prepared questions — sharpened, we might suggest the rest of us tune in armed with a fresh crossword puzzle.


Edited by Jingthing
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What this is REALLY about is simply the latest phase of acting out of the segment of American society (wacky conspiracy theories, birthers and such) who will never accept Obama is their president:

The parallels between Obama and Nixon are amazing. Someone should make a graphic showing them all.

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What this is REALLY about is simply the latest phase of acting out of the segment of American society (wacky conspiracy theories, birthers and such) who will never accept Obama is their president:

The parallels between Obama and Nixon are amazing. Someone should make a graphic showing them all.

...Except that Obama is much more charismatic, and that gets you out of a lotta sh*t. smile.png

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What this is REALLY about is simply the latest phase of acting out of the segment of American society (wacky conspiracy theories, birthers and such) who will never accept Obama is their president:

The parallels between Obama and Nixon are amazing. Someone should make a graphic showing them all.

Nixon was a serious criminal. New evidence shows he was actually much worse than we even knew then. Comparing Nixon to Obama is absurd. I lived through the Nixon era and I can assure you Nixon was accepted as president by his detractors. Yes we wanted to get rid of him after the crimes were revealed because they were very heinous, but he was not seen as an illegitimate president. This get Hillary mania now is indeed rooted in get rid of Obama mania because he will never be accepted as a real president by his enemies.

The vast majority of Americans are not infected with this mania, just like the vast majority of Americans never bought into the birther ridiculousness. The recent election which was very decisive is surely evidence of that.



Bottom line, Nixon was Nixon, Obama is Obama. There are very few similarities between the two presidents.

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What this is REALLY about is simply the latest phase of acting out of the segment of American society (wacky conspiracy theories, birthers and such) who will never accept Obama is their president:

The parallels between Obama and Nixon are amazing. Someone should make a graphic showing them all.

Nixon was a serious criminal. New evidence shows he was actually much worse than we even knew then. Comparing Nixon to Obama is absurd. I lived through the Nixon era and I can assure you Nixon was accepted as president by his detractors. Yes we wanted to get rid of him after the crimes were revealed because they were very heinous, but he was not seen as an illegitimate president.

Leadership doesn't come in one flavor only.. Nixon was a great President in many ways, in spite of his corrupt practices.

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What this is REALLY about is simply the latest phase of acting out of the segment of American society (wacky conspiracy theories, birthers and such) who will never accept Obama is their president:

The parallels between Obama and Nixon are amazing. Someone should make a graphic showing them all.

Nixon was a serious criminal. New evidence shows he was actually much worse than we even knew then. Comparing Nixon to Obama is absurd. I lived through the Nixon era and I can assure you Nixon was accepted as president by his detractors. Yes we wanted to get rid of him after the crimes were revealed because they were very heinous, but he was not seen as an illegitimate president.

Leadership doesn't come in one flavor only.. Nixon was a great President in many ways, in spite of his corrupt practices.

Hmmmm. I remember him for lying about a "plan" to end the Vietnam war with honour to get elected and lying about Watergate. Seems very similar to someone else in the news now.

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Nixon managed to get a few feathers in his hat. Considering the horrible disgrace in his leaving, he managed to get himself somewhat rehabilitated by the end of his life.

.....But my reason for posting was to remind people that this topic is about Hillary....

If you want more leeway in discussing the topic, it's fine with me, provided that posters are civil to one another.

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The victims - other than those murdered - are CIA Director Petraeus who had his long-known about affair "leaked" just days before he was to testify bringing his career to an embarrassing end.

If we are speculating, I consider it a good possibility that either Petraeus sanctioned some unauthorised missions, cocked up, or failed to report accurately to his superiors. I would think intelligence circles would be well aware he was banging the bimbo, so perhaps they just gave him a convenient sword on which to fall.

Still, not long now, unless the conspiracy buffs think another illness is planned for next Wednesday.

January 16, 2013 (WASHINGTON) -- Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton will testify before a Senate panel next Wednesday on the deadly Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, and the committee will hold a confirmation hearing on her successor the following day.


Clinton also is scheduled to testify before the House Foreign Affairs Committee on Wednesday, Jan. 23.

(Copyright ©2013 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)

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Obama v. Nixon. Unlike Nixon, I have to think a huge part of these guys that won't let go of anything anti-Obama are motivated by race. These guys just cannot accept a black president no matter what or how well he does. Racism in certain pockets of the US is still as bad as it's ever been.

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Some hated Nixon because he was a Quaker!


In the 1976 election, despite Gerald Ford being connected to Nixon & the Republicans, Jimmy Carter won by less than 1%. If not for being tarnished by Nixon, he probably would have won.

This brings us full circle back to Hillary...IF she decides to run in 2016, will her image be tarnished and chances ruined by Benghazi? Even if the investigation doesn't uncover a scandal, she has already taken responsibility for not having enough security in place. If the economy and job situation doesn't improve, will being connected to a horrible 8-year down turn also hurt her chances? Or will the media still be blaring out how it was W's fault?

What about the connection between the attackers in Benghazi and the attackers in Algeria who just took 41 hostages (of which a reported 34 have died)? It looks like the West might have really screwed the pooch in Northern Africa big-time and its genesis happened under Hillary's watch at the State Department. I bet she wishes Kerry was in there 5 months ago.

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