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21 Million Tourists, And Still Counting: Thailand


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Lies,lies and dam_n statistics.

Member 1 day and already so much insight ! wai2.gif

As for the touristnumbers, without going into GDP or other big numbers, I can guarantee you, that Thailand is full at the moment. We are turning away customers every day now, simply because we can't get staff enough, and we are talking staff who easily could make 15.-20000/month for at least the next couple of months. I guess that is a symptom of a country doing very well. I know it is the absolute peak right now and that it only lasts so long, but if those 2 months put food on the table for the rest of the year, who cares??

As for the barstoolstories here about the empty bars in Patts and Phuket, maybe the time is out for the bars with 2 hookers, footy on the telly and a unplayable pooltable? Time for the businessowners here to adjust the the new Asian reallity. We have used social media a lot, directed at Indians and in our case it worked. We hardly ever had any Indians through the door before, but this year they count for 15-20% of our customers. So instead of complaining about bad business, maybe it is time for some adjustment, if you want a share of the "new" money !

How long would one need to have been a member to be able to make such a sweeping statement , backed up with a guarantee , no less ,that " Thailand is full " then ??
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The amount of Korean and other Asian tourists does seem to have increased from what I have seen. Yet they whiz past in some big coach onto some hotel / resort or other.

In Pattaya along Arunothai we often see Koreans walking along in groups of a bout 10 people. They never seem to stop in any bars but they do purchase food from the street vendors. Their cameras are clicking away, they point and smile and then carry on along the street.

Over here on the dark side about 20 or so Indians were here for a month staying in two houses. They were picked up by mini buses last week and the street now seems empty. Those Indians walked everywhere, or seemed to.

My point being that I see so many empty bars off the main streets in Pattaya - say off beach road - yet I have seen plenty of Asians & Koreans milling about everywhere except in the bars and restaurants.

Look at Big C Xtra on Klang in Pattaya. They have had a Korean clothing display in there on the ground floor for many weeks now. Maybe that is also indicative of a trend - like more Koreans about.

On Beach Road in Pattaya you see plenty of Indians / Pakistanis (or similar) wandering along the path near the beach but also not going near the bars / restaurants.

Possibly the numbers are up for visitors but not for customers to bars and local shops.

Golf coursed in chiangmai are block booked by Korean agencies until March. Almost impossible to get a tee off.

1000 USD, flight, accomdation and 4 days golf from Seoul at the moment. Where is the money going, coz it isn't going to be here.

And my little guest house of 4 rooms has seen a tremendous increase of inquiries from especially China ( 4 out of 10 inquiries ), but not only from China but also from Korea, Singapore, Malaysia and now from Japan ...?? All in All inquiriees and I can even say confirmed bookings from Asia are almost 30% of my business in just the past 1 year whereas I had almost non on these for the previous 3 - 4 years ... And yes... totally different type of customer compared to the European or North American ones ... totally different

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The amount of Korean and other Asian tourists does seem to have increased from what I have seen. Yet they whiz past in some big coach onto some hotel / resort or other.

In Pattaya along Arunothai we often see Koreans walking along in groups of a bout 10 people. They never seem to stop in any bars but they do purchase food from the street vendors. Their cameras are clicking away, they point and smile and then carry on along the street.

Over here on the dark side about 20 or so Indians were here for a month staying in two houses. They were picked up by mini buses last week and the street now seems empty. Those Indians walked everywhere, or seemed to.

My point being that I see so many empty bars off the main streets in Pattaya - say off beach road - yet I have seen plenty of Asians & Koreans milling about everywhere except in the bars and restaurants.

Look at Big C Xtra on Klang in Pattaya. They have had a Korean clothing display in there on the ground floor for many weeks now. Maybe that is also indicative of a trend - like more Koreans about.

On Beach Road in Pattaya you see plenty of Indians / Pakistanis (or similar) wandering along the path near the beach but also not going near the bars / restaurants.

Possibly the numbers are up for visitors but not for customers to bars and local shops.

Golf coursed in chiangmai are block booked by Korean agencies until March. Almost impossible to get a tee off.

1000 USD, flight, accomdation and 4 days golf from Seoul at the moment. Where is the money going, coz it isn't going to be here.

And my little guest house of 4 rooms has seen a tremendous increase of inquiries from especially China ( 4 out of 10 inquiries ), but not only from China but also from Korea, Singapore, Malaysia and now from Japan ...?? All in All inquiriees and I can even say confirmed bookings from Asia are almost 30% of my business in just the past 1 year whereas I had almost non on these for the previous 3 - 4 years ... And yes... totally different type of customer compared to the European or North American ones ... totally different

Managed to get on a course today out of virtue of playing with some very VIPs. Even the Thais in cnx are moaning they can't get a tee off time. Korean wave for golf in cnx is in full effect, and they are more than happy to pay.

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Not really anything surprising here. Thailand is a huge destination for foreign tourists and is growing leaps and bounds with the Chinese as a top destination. The surrounding regions in general is seeing similar increases. The only odd thing is that there are so many unhappy folks posting here that can't accept so many people love to visit Thailand because of the attractions, prices and service levels.

But I guess if it makes posters feel better to believe their is some international conspiracy where foreign travel organizations, airlines, airports, investors, hotel construction and numerous other global organizations have got together with Thailand to inflate the number of arrival and departure cards then so be it ... whatever makes their boat float.

Here in the US, the Chinese are not considered great tourists.. as was said before, they come in packs, are all in some kind of group and don't spend money outside of what ever their agenda is for the day or week. They don't shop in local stores in the area where they stay, as no one understands the language. They are very, very tight with their money. Unless they are in LA or New York City, no one really wants them around. They don't go to beaches, they don't go to national parks so much, they don't go to museum's, they don't do broadway plays, they don't do baseball games and if they go to a mall, their in a mob and not likely to buy anything. So I can see why they would like Thailand. It's more what they are used to.

Edited by khaowong1
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Lies,lies and dam_n statistics.

Member 1 day and already so much insight ! wai2.gif

As for the touristnumbers, without going into GDP or other big numbers, I can guarantee you, that Thailand is full at the moment. We are turning away customers every day now, simply because we can't get staff enough, and we are talking staff who easily could make 15.-20000/month for at least the next couple of months. I guess that is a symptom of a country doing very well. I know it is the absolute peak right now and that it only lasts so long, but if those 2 months put food on the table for the rest of the year, who cares??

As for the barstoolstories here about the empty bars in Patts and Phuket, maybe the time is out for the bars with 2 hookers, footy on the telly and a unplayable pooltable? Time for the businessowners here to adjust the the new Asian reallity. We have used social media a lot, directed at Indians and in our case it worked. We hardly ever had any Indians through the door before, but this year they count for 15-20% of our customers. So instead of complaining about bad business, maybe it is time for some adjustment, if you want a share of the "new" money !

whatever positive fact about anything concerning Thailand you mention will be a target for a sorry bunch of snipers who are extremely frustrated and derive any information from the barstools left or right of them.

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Lies,lies and dam_n statistics.

Member 1 day and already so much insight ! wai2.gif

As for the touristnumbers, without going into GDP or other big numbers, I can guarantee you, that Thailand is full at the moment. We are turning away customers every day now, simply because we can't get staff enough, and we are talking staff who easily could make 15.-20000/month for at least the next couple of months. I guess that is a symptom of a country doing very well. I know it is the absolute peak right now and that it only lasts so long, but if those 2 months put food on the table for the rest of the year, who cares??

As for the barstoolstories here about the empty bars in Patts and Phuket, maybe the time is out for the bars with 2 hookers, footy on the telly and a unplayable pooltable? Time for the businessowners here to adjust the the new Asian reallity. We have used social media a lot, directed at Indians and in our case it worked. We hardly ever had any Indians through the door before, but this year they count for 15-20% of our customers. So instead of complaining about bad business, maybe it is time for some adjustment, if you want a share of the "new" money !

Full at the moment is the key words .

Was it full in June ? July? August? September? October ? November? And the answer is NO.

And no I do not own a beer bar.

No one is discussing how well Thai economy is doing (though some keep bring it up)

Yes the demographics has changed but not all of us here own beer bars, while Chinese , Korean , Japanese and anyone else you like to mention do not go into bars they still need hotels to sleep in, and reality is this year hotels were empty for most part of the year across the whole country.

That does not mean doom and gloom but does mean that this year was very slow and figures are rather untrue.

The fact that they keep posting different numbers with every press release is a further proof that the number are false especially when numbers are 2 000 000 apart

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"Thailand's total GDP in 2011 was $345.65bb. tourism is estimated at 5-6% of GDP, id est (taking the average of 5.5%) tourism share was ~$19 billion.

there's another teenie weenie calculation mistake in your posting. $345.65 billion are equivalent to 10.38 trillion Baht"

Woops yes my mistake about the GDP. My point was to show that the income from tourism has risen by 31% not declined as some posters are trying to declare without any figures/facts/proof. Thanks for the corection :)

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"Thailand's total GDP in 2011 was $345.65bb. tourism is estimated at 5-6% of GDP, id est (taking the average of 5.5%) tourism share was ~$19 billion.

there's another teenie weenie calculation mistake in your posting. $345.65 billion are equivalent to 10.38 trillion Baht"

Woops yes my mistake about the GDP. My point was to show that the income from tourism has risen by 31% not declined as some posters are trying to declare without any figures/facts/proof. Thanks for the corection :)

Please underline for me where "some " posters were discussing INCOME decline.

I can see the discussion about decline in tourist numbers but failing to find the discussion of income

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Lies,lies and dam_n statistics.

Member 1 day and already so much insight ! wai2.gif

As for the touristnumbers, without going into GDP or other big numbers, I can guarantee you, that Thailand is full at the moment. We are turning away customers every day now, simply because we can't get staff enough, and we are talking staff who easily could make 15.-20000/month for at least the next couple of months. I guess that is a symptom of a country doing very well. I know it is the absolute peak right now and that it only lasts so long, but if those 2 months put food on the table for the rest of the year, who cares??

As for the barstoolstories here about the empty bars in Patts and Phuket, maybe the time is out for the bars with 2 hookers, footy on the telly and a unplayable pooltable? Time for the businessowners here to adjust the the new Asian reallity. We have used social media a lot, directed at Indians and in our case it worked. We hardly ever had any Indians through the door before, but this year they count for 15-20% of our customers. So instead of complaining about bad business, maybe it is time for some adjustment, if you want a share of the "new" money !

Full at the moment is the key words .

Was it full in June ? July? August? September? October ? November? And the answer is NO.

And no I do not own a beer bar.

No one is discussing how well Thai economy is doing (though some keep bring it up)

Yes the demographics has changed but not all of us here own beer bars, while Chinese , Korean , Japanese and anyone else you like to mention do not go into bars they still need hotels to sleep in, and reality is this year hotels were empty for most part of the year across the whole country.

That does not mean doom and gloom but does mean that this year was very slow and figures are rather untrue.

The fact that they keep posting different numbers with every press release is a further proof that the number are false especially when numbers are 2 000 000 apart

Well lets see if Lemon is telling the truth? Are the numbers 2,000,000 apart? Who posted the numbers? Andrew J. Wood, eTN Thailand | Dec 11, 2012. Who is Andrew J. Wood? Does he work for the Thai government? What did he say? Did he say 23 million people showed up in Thailand? Here is what he said, " THAILAND (eTN) -- Thailand's tourism industry is likely to grow by more than 10% next year and about 23 million foreigners are expected to visit the country in 2013" Did he say 2012 or 2013? Who is telling the truth?

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"Thailand's total GDP in 2011 was $345.65bb. tourism is estimated at 5-6% of GDP, id est (taking the average of 5.5%) tourism share was ~$19 billion.

there's another teenie weenie calculation mistake in your posting. $345.65 billion are equivalent to 10.38 trillion Baht"

Woops yes my mistake about the GDP. My point was to show that the income from tourism has risen by 31% not declined as some posters are trying to declare without any figures/facts/proof. Thanks for the corection smile.png

Please underline for me where "some " posters were discussing INCOME decline.

I can see the discussion about decline in tourist numbers but failing to find the discussion of income

Annual statistics

Year changes references 2011 19,098,323 +19.84 % [15] 2010 15,936,400 +12.63 % [16] 2009 14,149,841 -2.98 % [17] 2008 14,584,220 +0.83 % 2007 14,464,228 +4.65 % [18] 2006 13,821,802 +20.01 % 2005 11,516,936 -1.15% 2004 11,650,703 no data

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tourism_in_Thailand Figures from wikipedia look for yourself

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As for the barstoolstories here about the empty bars in Patts and Phuket, maybe the time is out for the bars with 2 hookers, footy on the telly and a unplayable pooltable?

The informal "butts on the barstools" measure, the ONLY measure for many of our unlearned TV "economists," fails to take into account the vast number of new go-gos and bars that've been built since the 90s--Soi Buakaeow all the way from Diana to Pattaya Klang, 2nd Rd all the way to Naklua, and in Naklua as well. Hard to estimate, but could be a 500% increase. No way "monger" tourism could keep up.

Hence the butts are merely spread out a lot more than before (in more ways than one, lol). It follows that such overbuilding implies smaller profits for any particular establishment, though the well-managed and marketed still do well.

Edited by JSixpack
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"Thailand's total GDP in 2011 was $345.65bb. tourism is estimated at 5-6% of GDP, id est (taking the average of 5.5%) tourism share was ~$19 billion.

there's another teenie weenie calculation mistake in your posting. $345.65 billion are equivalent to 10.38 trillion Baht"

Woops yes my mistake about the GDP. My point was to show that the income from tourism has risen by 31% not declined as some posters are trying to declare without any figures/facts/proof. Thanks for the corection smile.png

Please underline for me where "some " posters were discussing INCOME decline.

I can see the discussion about decline in tourist numbers but failing to find the discussion of income

Annual statistics

Year changes references 2011 19,098,323 +19.84 % [15] 2010 15,936,400 +12.63 % [16] 2009 14,149,841 -2.98 % [17] 2008 14,584,220 +0.83 % 2007 14,464,228 +4.65 % [18] 2006 13,821,802 +20.01 % 2005 11,516,936 -1.15% 2004 11,650,703 no data

http://en.wikipedia....ism_in_Thailand Figures from wikipedia look for yourself

thank you for your figures referenced from wikipedia of all places, only i did not ask for stats.rolleyes.gif

I have no doubt you can read, so let me ask the same question again

Please underline for me where "some " posters were discussing INCOME decline.

I can see the discussion about decline in tourist numbers but failing to find the discussion of income

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Lies,lies and dam_n statistics.

Member 1 day and already so much insight ! wai2.gif

As for the touristnumbers, without going into GDP or other big numbers, I can guarantee you, that Thailand is full at the moment. We are turning away customers every day now, simply because we can't get staff enough, and we are talking staff who easily could make 15.-20000/month for at least the next couple of months. I guess that is a symptom of a country doing very well. I know it is the absolute peak right now and that it only lasts so long, but if those 2 months put food on the table for the rest of the year, who cares??

As for the barstoolstories here about the empty bars in Patts and Phuket, maybe the time is out for the bars with 2 hookers, footy on the telly and a unplayable pooltable? Time for the businessowners here to adjust the the new Asian reallity. We have used social media a lot, directed at Indians and in our case it worked. We hardly ever had any Indians through the door before, but this year they count for 15-20% of our customers. So instead of complaining about bad business, maybe it is time for some adjustment, if you want a share of the "new" money !

Full at the moment is the key words .

Was it full in June ? July? August? September? October ? November? And the answer is NO.

And no I do not own a beer bar.

No one is discussing how well Thai economy is doing (though some keep bring it up)

Yes the demographics has changed but not all of us here own beer bars, while Chinese , Korean , Japanese and anyone else you like to mention do not go into bars they still need hotels to sleep in, and reality is this year hotels were empty for most part of the year across the whole country.

That does not mean doom and gloom but does mean that this year was very slow and figures are rather untrue.

The fact that they keep posting different numbers with every press release is a further proof that the number are false especially when numbers are 2 000 000 apart

Well lets see if Lemon is telling the truth? Are the numbers 2,000,000 apart? Who posted the numbers? Andrew J. Wood, eTN Thailand | Dec 11, 2012. Who is Andrew J. Wood? Does he work for the Thai government? What did he say? Did he say 23 million people showed up in Thailand? Here is what he said, " THAILAND (eTN) -- Thailand's tourism industry is likely to grow by more than 10% next year and about 23 million foreigners are expected to visit the country in 2013" Did he say 2012 or 2013? Who is telling the truth?

Well lets see if the know it all professor is trolling againwhistling.gif

Quote "Thailand's tourism industry is likely to grow by more than 10% next year and about 23 million foreigners are expected to visit the country in 2013, Association of Thai Travel Agents (Atta) President Sisdivachr Cheewarattanporn said on Monday.

So it would appear you were trolling again as it WAS NOT Andrew J. Wood who made the statement as you posted but President Sisdivachr Cheewarattanporn who made the statement

Now, President Sisdivachr Cheewarattanporn said about 23 million, where it turned out few days later 21million. Yes just 2 000 000 short, i suppose perfectly acceptable mistake. I wonder if you will feel same way if bank transferred about the same amount as your pension but it happened to be 10% less.rolleyes.gif

PS. Just for the sake of trolling, why do not you explain to me how your response relates to the post i made, really i would love to hear this onethumbsup.gif

Edited by lemoncake
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Not really anything surprising here. Thailand is a huge destination for foreign tourists and is growing leaps and bounds with the Chinese as a top destination. The surrounding regions in general is seeing similar increases. The only odd thing is that there are so many unhappy folks posting here that can't accept so many people love to visit Thailand because of the attractions, prices and service levels.

But I guess if it makes posters feel better to believe their is some international conspiracy where foreign travel organizations, airlines, airports, investors, hotel construction and numerous other global organizations have got together with Thailand to inflate the number of arrival and departure cards then so be it ... whatever makes their boat float.

Here in the US, the Chinese are not considered great tourists.. as was said before, they come in packs, are all in some kind of group and don't spend money outside of what ever their agenda is for the day or week. They don't shop in local stores in the area where they stay, as no one understands the language. They are very, very tight with their money. Unless they are in LA or New York City, no one really wants them around. They don't go to beaches, they don't go to national parks so much, they don't go to museum's, they don't do broadway plays, they don't do baseball games and if they go to a mall, their in a mob and not likely to buy anything. So I can see why they would like Thailand. It's more what they are used to.


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Well lets see if the know it all professor is trolling againwhistling.gif

Quote "Thailand's tourism industry is likely to grow by more than 10% next year and about 23 million foreigners are expected to visit the country in 2013, Association of Thai Travel Agents (Atta) President Sisdivachr Cheewarattanporn said on Monday.

So it would appear you were trolling again as it WAS NOT Andrew J. Wood who made the statement as you posted but President Sisdivachr Cheewarattanporn who made the statement

Now, President Sisdivachr Cheewarattanporn said about 23 million, where it turned out few days later 21million. Yes just 2 000 000 short, i suppose perfectly acceptable mistake. I wonder if you will feel same way if bank transferred about the same amount as your pension but it happened to be 10% less.rolleyes.gif

PS. Just for the sake of trolling, why do not you explain to me how your response relates to the post i made, really i would love to hear this onethumbsup.gif

Trolling is not disagreeing with you. You made a mistake. A fellow named Andrew Wood with no connection to the Thai Government wrote an article where it was predicted that 23 million tourists would come to Thailand in 2013. You thought the article was about 2012. You wrote, "But since you and your buddy Nisa insist on posting nonsense, perhaps one of you can explain to me why the official stats in the past 2 weeks has been

24 Million

22.8 Million

22 Million

21 Million

21 million http://www.thaivisa....nting-thailand/

22 million http://www.thaivisa....f-thai-tourism/

21.8 million http://www.thaivisa....ailand-rise-14/

23 million http://www.thaivisa....ailand-in-2013/ (the above posted by Lemoncake)"

Far from official stats they are from some guy named Wood quoting another guy who has a tourist organization and was talking about 2013 not 2012. Get your information straight and then post some meaningful information.smile.png

Edited by chiangmaikelly
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"Thailand's total GDP in 2011 was $345.65bb. tourism is estimated at 5-6% of GDP, id est (taking the average of 5.5%) tourism share was ~$19 billion.

there's another teenie weenie calculation mistake in your posting. $345.65 billion are equivalent to 10.38 trillion Baht"

Woops yes my mistake about the GDP. My point was to show that the income from tourism has risen by 31% not declined as some posters are trying to declare without any figures/facts/proof. Thanks for the corection smile.png

Please underline for me where "some " posters were discussing INCOME decline.

I can see the discussion about decline in tourist numbers but failing to find the discussion of income

I really dont get you! A decline in tourist numbers means a decline in income for businesses in the tourist industry

Yes the demographics has changed but not all of us here own beer bars, while Chinese , Korean , Japanese and anyone else you like to mention do not go into bars they still need hotels to sleep in, and reality is this year hotels were empty for most part of the year across the whole country.

Tourism is very important to the economy and it effects so many other parts of the economy! Or do you not understand that or not beleive that

The 21-millionth international tourist this year was on Thai Airways International's flight TG 551 from Ho Chi Minh City,

"BANGKOK, Dec 24 – Inbound tourists to Thailand reached 21.8 million persons this year, representing a 14 per cent increase from last year "

"BANGKOK, Dec 28 – Inbound tourists to Thailand hit a historic record of almost 22 million persons this year"

"THAILAND (eTN) -- Thailand's tourism industry is likely to grow by more than 10% next year and about 23 million foreigners are expected to visit the country in 2013,"

You are the one trying to misslead as you can see by the leads that you provided! The millionth person traveled on flight TG 551, The total international visiters officially were 21.8 million which is the same as an estimated 22 million and the expectation is to grow by 10% about 23 million next year 2013. At least I and others have given facts on what we have said yet you still have not given any for the statements you have made about the decline of the numbers of tourists to Thailand

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"BANGKOK, Dec 24 – Inbound tourists to Thailand reached 21.8 million persons this year, representing a 14 per cent increase from last year "

"BANGKOK, Dec 28 – Inbound tourists to Thailand hit a historic record of almost 22 million persons this year"

"THAILAND (eTN) -- Thailand's tourism industry is likely to grow by more than 10% next year and about 23 million foreigners are expected to visit the country in 2013,"

You are the one trying to misslead as you can see by the leads that you provided! The millionth person traveled on flight TG 551, The total international visiters officially were 21.8 million which is the same as an estimated 22 million and the expectation is to grow by 10% about 23 million next year 2013. At least I and others have given facts on what we have said yet you still have not given any for the statements you have made about the decline of the numbers of tourists to Thailand

3rd time, since you seem to have a problem with responding to a simple question

Please underline for me where "some " posters were discussing INCOME decline.

I can see the discussion about decline in tourist numbers but failing to find the discussion of income

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Well lets see if the know it all professor is trolling againwhistling.gif

Quote "Thailand's tourism industry is likely to grow by more than 10% next year and about 23 million foreigners are expected to visit the country in 2013, Association of Thai Travel Agents (Atta) President Sisdivachr Cheewarattanporn said on Monday.

So it would appear you were trolling again as it WAS NOT Andrew J. Wood who made the statement as you posted but President Sisdivachr Cheewarattanporn who made the statement

Now, President Sisdivachr Cheewarattanporn said about 23 million, where it turned out few days later 21million. Yes just 2 000 000 short, i suppose perfectly acceptable mistake. I wonder if you will feel same way if bank transferred about the same amount as your pension but it happened to be 10% less.rolleyes.gif

PS. Just for the sake of trolling, why do not you explain to me how your response relates to the post i made, really i would love to hear this onethumbsup.gif

Trolling is not disagreeing with you. You made a mistake. A fellow named Andrew Wood with no connection to the Thai Government wrote an article where it was predicted that 23 million tourists would come to Thailand in 2013. You thought the article was about 2012. You wrote, "But since you and your buddy Nisa insist on posting nonsense, perhaps one of you can explain to me why the official stats in the past 2 weeks has been

24 Million

22.8 Million

22 Million

21 Million

21 million http://www.thaivisa....nting-thailand/

22 million http://www.thaivisa....f-thai-tourism/

21.8 million http://www.thaivisa....ailand-rise-14/

23 million http://www.thaivisa....ailand-in-2013/ (the above posted by Lemoncake)"

Far from official stats they are from some guy named Wood quoting another guy who has a tourist organization and was talking about 2013 not 2012. Get your information straight and then post some meaningful information.smile.png

are you for real? i mean really?

first you argue using the same nonsense on the thread of 23 million claiming the numbers are correct, NOW you arguing that the very same post was not correct because the author is not up to your standardsblink.png ,

speaking of being delusionalw00t.gif

Edited by lemoncake
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"BANGKOK, Dec 24 – Inbound tourists to Thailand reached 21.8 million persons this year, representing a 14 per cent increase from last year "

"BANGKOK, Dec 28 – Inbound tourists to Thailand hit a historic record of almost 22 million persons this year"

"THAILAND (eTN) -- Thailand's tourism industry is likely to grow by more than 10% next year and about 23 million foreigners are expected to visit the country in 2013,"

You are the one trying to misslead as you can see by the leads that you provided! The millionth person traveled on flight TG 551, The total international visiters officially were 21.8 million which is the same as an estimated 22 million and the expectation is to grow by 10% about 23 million next year 2013. At least I and others have given facts on what we have said yet you still have not given any for the statements you have made about the decline of the numbers of tourists to Thailand

3rd time, since you seem to have a problem with responding to a simple question

Please underline for me where "some " posters were discussing INCOME decline.

I can see the discussion about decline in tourist numbers but failing to find the discussion of income

Instead of obsessing about who said what in order to avoid the obvious that both number of foreign visitors is up as well as income from foreign visitors ... why not focus on the facts this is true despite all your claims to the contrary and what seems like an obsession to find non-related issues to back up your claim numbers are down in what all seems like a way for you to not address or take responsibility for your business failing.

Once you can accept there is absolutely no denying foreign visitor numbers are on the rise and have been on an upward trend for a very long time and that in turn so is the total income derived from foreign visitors then you will be able to possible focus more on the make-up of these tourists and how to adjust your business accordingly.

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Well lets see if the know it all professor is trolling againwhistling.gif

Quote "Thailand's tourism industry is likely to grow by more than 10% next year and about 23 million foreigners are expected to visit the country in 2013, Association of Thai Travel Agents (Atta) President Sisdivachr Cheewarattanporn said on Monday.

So it would appear you were trolling again as it WAS NOT Andrew J. Wood who made the statement as you posted but President Sisdivachr Cheewarattanporn who made the statement

Now, President Sisdivachr Cheewarattanporn said about 23 million, where it turned out few days later 21million. Yes just 2 000 000 short, i suppose perfectly acceptable mistake. I wonder if you will feel same way if bank transferred about the same amount as your pension but it happened to be 10% less.rolleyes.gif

PS. Just for the sake of trolling, why do not you explain to me how your response relates to the post i made, really i would love to hear this onethumbsup.gif

Trolling is not disagreeing with you. You made a mistake. A fellow named Andrew Wood with no connection to the Thai Government wrote an article where it was predicted that 23 million tourists would come to Thailand in 2013. You thought the article was about 2012. You wrote, "But since you and your buddy Nisa insist on posting nonsense, perhaps one of you can explain to me why the official stats in the past 2 weeks has been

24 Million

22.8 Million

22 Million

21 Million

21 million http://www.thaivisa....nting-thailand/

22 million http://www.thaivisa....f-thai-tourism/

21.8 million http://www.thaivisa....ailand-rise-14/

23 million http://www.thaivisa....ailand-in-2013/ (the above posted by Lemoncake)"

Far from official stats they are from some guy named Wood quoting another guy who has a tourist organization and was talking about 2013 not 2012. Get your information straight and then post some meaningful information.smile.png

are you for real? i mean really?

first you argue using the same nonsense on the thread of 23 million claiming the numbers are correct, NOW you arguing that the very same post was not correct because the author is not up to your standardsblink.png ,

speaking of being delusionalw00t.gif

You wrote, "The fact that they keep posting different numbers with every press release is a further proof that the number are false especially when numbers are 2 000 000 apart" Wrong.

You wrote, "Now, President Sisdivachr Cheewarattanporn said about 23 million, where it turned out few days later 21million. Yes just 2 000 000 short, i suppose perfectly acceptable mistake. I wonder if you will feel same way if bank" Wrong.

The guy is talking about next year not this year. Sorry. Get your facts together and come back.

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Well lets see if the know it all professor is trolling againwhistling.gif

Quote "Thailand's tourism industry is likely to grow by more than 10% next year and about 23 million foreigners are expected to visit the country in 2013, Association of Thai Travel Agents (Atta) President Sisdivachr Cheewarattanporn said on Monday.

So it would appear you were trolling again as it WAS NOT Andrew J. Wood who made the statement as you posted but President Sisdivachr Cheewarattanporn who made the statement

Now, President Sisdivachr Cheewarattanporn said about 23 million, where it turned out few days later 21million. Yes just 2 000 000 short, i suppose perfectly acceptable mistake. I wonder if you will feel same way if bank transferred about the same amount as your pension but it happened to be 10% less.rolleyes.gif

PS. Just for the sake of trolling, why do not you explain to me how your response relates to the post i made, really i would love to hear this onethumbsup.gif

Trolling is not disagreeing with you. You made a mistake. A fellow named Andrew Wood with no connection to the Thai Government wrote an article where it was predicted that 23 million tourists would come to Thailand in 2013. You thought the article was about 2012. You wrote, "But since you and your buddy Nisa insist on posting nonsense, perhaps one of you can explain to me why the official stats in the past 2 weeks has been

24 Million

22.8 Million

22 Million

21 Million

21 million http://www.thaivisa....nting-thailand/

22 million http://www.thaivisa....f-thai-tourism/

21.8 million http://www.thaivisa....ailand-rise-14/

23 million http://www.thaivisa....ailand-in-2013/ (the above posted by Lemoncake)"

Far from official stats they are from some guy named Wood quoting another guy who has a tourist organization and was talking about 2013 not 2012. Get your information straight and then post some meaningful information.smile.png

are you for real? i mean really?

first you argue using the same nonsense on the thread of 23 million claiming the numbers are correct, NOW you arguing that the very same post was not correct because the author is not up to your standardsblink.png ,

speaking of being delusionalw00t.gif

Or just maybe there is what is called official numbers from those responsible for collecting such data through arrival and departure cards and then a number thrown out by the president of the Association of Thai Travel Agents that is clearly not based on official numbers and likely just on the increase which travel agents have seen.

I am not trying to be sarcastic or insulting in the least but you need to stop a moment and see how over the top your obsession has become to try to discredit something as simple as accepting such an obvious thing such as number of foreign visitors are on the rise. This has been the trend for a very long time not just in Thailand but for the region and can be easily verified by airlines, airports, foreign countries who track where their citizens travel, the huge boom in hotel construction, travel agents both foreign and domestic to name just a few things,

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Who cares if the numbers are a bit off?? The numbers are gathered the same each year and they are compiled by the arrival and departure cards. I highly doubt they are that far off but the point is that the numbers have again increased. You can discount actual tourists and argue that some numbers come from people doing boarder runs that stay here long term but the fact remain not are they still foreigners visiting here (and spending money) but the overall number of foreigners visiting Thailand continues to grow.

In the last decade Thailand has recorded a number of years were tourism went down from the previous year. It is just ridiculous to believe there is some vast conspiracy going on to inflate numbers and the income from tourism as part of the GDP.

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Numbers, percent, people; however you look at it tourism in Thailand is up. Some may debate 21 million or 22 million. Who cares? One million over 12 months and 60 cities is not a very big number. The information is there. It is impossible to ignore.

Not that anyone needs a math lesson but to put things in perspective ... 5% of 20 Million is 1 Million. In other words as you have pointed out, not a big thing and a 3 to 5% margin of error is typical in many stats. However, because these numbers are not compiled through polls but rather counting a physical object, I personally doubt the numbers are that far off. I mean how many times does a clerk count the change at the store before handing it back to you. Counting arrival / departure cards has to be fairly accurate because they provide a ton of info that can and often is matched with other info.

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"BANGKOK, Dec 24 – Inbound tourists to Thailand reached 21.8 million persons this year, representing a 14 per cent increase from last year "

"BANGKOK, Dec 28 – Inbound tourists to Thailand hit a historic record of almost 22 million persons this year"

"THAILAND (eTN) -- Thailand's tourism industry is likely to grow by more than 10% next year and about 23 million foreigners are expected to visit the country in 2013,"

You are the one trying to misslead as you can see by the leads that you provided! The millionth person traveled on flight TG 551, The total international visiters officially were 21.8 million which is the same as an estimated 22 million and the expectation is to grow by 10% about 23 million next year 2013. At least I and others have given facts on what we have said yet you still have not given any for the statements you have made about the decline of the numbers of tourists to Thailand

3rd time, since you seem to have a problem with responding to a simple question

Please underline for me where "some " posters were discussing INCOME decline.

I can see the discussion about decline in tourist numbers but failing to find the discussion of income

Man you really have some problem! Lack of tourists equates to lack of income! As you have stated that you own a hotel yourself and that your hotel is empty that equates to a loss of income that you normally would of had! Maybe you should look at your business and see if you could change things to get these tourists in ? It's better than being blind to the fact that tourism is up and those that addapt to changing times benifit

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GDP up 5% this year 7% next. Stock market up 33% this year. Standard and Poors and Moodys positive about Thailand. Unemployment lowest in memory. Auto sales highest in history. Tourists entering country highest in History. Who are the only people who see any gloom and doom in business in Thailand? You and 4 or 5 others posting on Thai Visa? Come on man.

Even if you are having business problems do you think the cure to get more business is to tell people how bad business is?

Posting same rubbish over and over again does not make it a fact no matter how hard you try.

What does auto sales and low unemployment have to do with tourism ?? Please stop your trolling.

This thread is NOT about Thai economy but number of tourists.

He is just stating facts about the economy. Tourism is a big part of the economy! How is that Trolling ? If you think what he says is BS show how it is !

Quote: "please do not encourage him, its already hard enough to explain the simplest things to him" Unquote

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A few of the restrurant owners I know wonder were these people are, they say not as good as last year. I think too many non spending chinese.


The "tourists" arriving annually figures are a bit of a joke.

To TAT anyone arriving at an airport in Thailand who is not Thai is a "tourist" and "new to Thailand" even if theyactually live long term in Thailand.

For that reason, the annual "Tourist" figures are just a meaningless jpke .... sim[ly designed to impress those who belirvr in figures.

For example, if some lives here for a year on 90 day stay visas, he or she will exit and re-enter 4 times in one year.

The official "tourist" figures from TAT will show those entrys as 4 "new" tourists to Thailand.

Edited by IMA_FARANG
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I stopped believing this nonsense back in 2010 when the entire country was empty for 3 months during the political unrest yet the government was announcing record numbers of arrivals.

It's just like anything else in Thailand; to be taken with a large pinch of salt.

Sent from my GT-I9100T using Thaivisa Connect App

Well that's cool. So what do you think an accurate number is?

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A few of the restrurant owners I know wonder were these people are, they say not as good as last year. I think too many non spending chinese.


The "tourists" arriving annually figures are a bit of a joke.

To TAT anyone arriving at an airport in Thailand who is not Thai is a "tourist" and "new to Thailand" even if theyactually live long term in Thailand.

For that reason, the annual "Tourist" figures are just a meaningless jpke .... sim[ly designed to impress those who belirvr in figures.

For example, if some lives here for a year on 90 day stay visas, he or she will exit and re-enter 4 times in one year.

The official "tourist" figures from TAT will show those entrys as 4 "new" tourists to Thailand.

How would you measure tourist arrivals?

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