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People Want Yingluck, Abhisit To Work For Reconciliation: Survey


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At some level I assume you realise the absurdity of your endless denials of the government's solid mandate.

When posters stop using phrases like "the people", "all Thais", and "a majority of the people", then I will stop correcting them.

PTP won a majority of the seats. That gives them the right to be in government. Getting 47% of the vote hardly gives you "a mandate", whatever that really means.

I did not say 'all Thais voted for her'. I said all Thais knew Thaksin was her brother....she won anyway. Get over it...move on.

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Still in denial.Do you seriously think that any serious source believes the government has no mandate? You remind me of those barmy and deranged right wing American fanatics who argue Obama has no mandate.We have all seen the numbers from the last election here.The key point is that there are rules to the parliamentary democracy system, and all but fruit cakes don't question the outcome.As it happens Yingluck won a pretty convincing victory, far more so than that of say David Cameron.

Can you please explain "mandate" to me. What defines "a mandate"?

Just to break the tension here, it's an occasion for gay guys to get together.

That's probably an appropriate note to end this discussion. I know when to stop beating my head (no pun intended).Against stupidity the gods themselves struggle in vain.

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They also expect politicians to stop fighting (60.1 per cent), stop corruption and work for the country's and public's sake instead (25.5 per cent) and create a good image of Thai politics in order to restore people's confidence (14.3 per cent).

Sadly! none of the above can possibly happen under a Thaksin Puppet Government Regime,of Cronyism, his very obvious influence,and blatant hindrance, of peace on his terms, and Victory, only to Rape and Pillage Thailand once again, with impunity.

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I heard that Yingluck & Abhisit were going to jointly-lead a new party, uninfluenced by former dinosaur-politicians or established regional power-brokers or crooked former-PMs, and supported by the ordinary people because its policies were affordable & would genuinely help the poor. wub.png

It was to be launched on 30th February ?

But then I woke up, as an electoral sound-truck drove past, reminding villagers who to vote for in a current local election ! wink.png

Can't a guy dream in peace ? biggrin.png

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They also expect politicians to stop fighting (60.1 per cent), stop corruption and work for the country's and public's sake instead (25.5 per cent) and create a good image of Thai politics in order to restore people's confidence (14.3 per cent).

Sadly! none of the above can possibly happen under a Thaksin Puppet Government Regime,of Cronyism, his very obvious influence,and blatant hindrance, of peace on his terms, and Victory, only to Rape and Pillage Thailand once again, with impunity.

And how could the democratically elected government prove to you that it was not a proxy puppet regime?
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They also expect politicians to stop fighting (60.1 per cent), stop corruption and work for the country's and public's sake instead (25.5 per cent) and create a good image of Thai politics in order to restore people's confidence (14.3 per cent).

Sadly! none of the above can possibly happen under a Thaksin Puppet Government Regime,of Cronyism, his very obvious influence,and blatant hindrance, of peace on his terms, and Victory, only to Rape and Pillage Thailand once again, with impunity.

And how could the democratically elected government prove to you that it was not a proxy puppet regime?

By putting the master-puppeteer in gaol, and pursuing all the cases currently outstanding, would get my vote ! rolleyes.gif

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They also expect politicians to stop fighting (60.1 per cent), stop corruption and work for the country's and public's sake instead (25.5 per cent) and create a good image of Thai politics in order to restore people's confidence (14.3 per cent).

Sadly! none of the above can possibly happen under a Thaksin Puppet Government Regime,of Cronyism, his very obvious influence,and blatant hindrance, of peace on his terms, and Victory, only to Rape and Pillage Thailand once again, with impunity.

And how could the democratically elected government prove to you that it was not a proxy puppet regime?

By putting the master-puppeteer in gaol, and pursuing all the cases currently outstanding, would get my vote ! rolleyes.gif

Do you propose they go to Dubai and kidnap him?
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Still in denial.Do you seriously think that any serious source believes the government has no mandate? You remind me of those barmy and deranged right wing American fanatics who argue Obama has no mandate.We have all seen the numbers from the last election here.The key point is that there are rules to the parliamentary democracy system, and all but fruit cakes don't question the outcome.As it happens Yingluck won a pretty convincing victory, far more so than that of say David Cameron.

Can you please explain "mandate" to me. What defines "a mandate"?

Mandate is simply that you've been selected to represent the views of the people. YL beat Abhisit by 13% points and PTP gained 76 seats and Democrat Party lost 14. Read 'em and weep. Elections have consequences. In Thai politics, it doesn't take a majority to win an election. Like in sports, a win is a win...pretty simple. Get over it...move on.

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Mandate is simply that you've been selected to represent the views of the people. YL beat Abhisit by 13% points and PTP gained 76 seats and Democrat Party lost 14. Read 'em and weep. Elections have consequences. In Thai politics, it doesn't take a majority to win an election. Like in sports, a win is a win...pretty simple. Get over it...move on.

Actually, it takes a majority of seats to win an election, which in this case the PTP did. In the previous election, the PPP didn't win, as they needed a coalition to form government, just as the Democrats didn't win an election but used a coalition to form government.

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They also expect politicians to stop fighting (60.1 per cent), stop corruption and work for the country's and public's sake instead (25.5 per cent) and create a good image of Thai politics in order to restore people's confidence (14.3 per cent).

Sadly! none of the above can possibly happen under a Thaksin Puppet Government Regime,of Cronyism, his very obvious influence,and blatant hindrance, of peace on his terms, and Victory, only to Rape and Pillage Thailand once again, with impunity.

The PM has the right to consult with whomever she wishes. All Thais knew Thaksin was her brother and the elected her anyway. Get over it, move on.

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There will be reconciliation because it is the only way out.

The strategy of Abhisit, which is just criticizing, trying to destroy whatever the government does and be obsessed by Thaksin instead of thinking about the country and the people... will fade away.

He, and his party, are not behaving like an opposition party, they just fight their own enemies. Whatever hapens, whatever is said, whatever is done or decided, they will always come back with the same old stories.

Every day more and more people in this country (maybe not yet on this forum whistling.gif ) get tired of the Democrat's game.

Thaksin will be back because it is also the only way out. This is what most voters want. They show it in every election. So, the best would be for the Democrats to accept this fact and move forward... Maybe with a new leader... and most importantly a new state of mind.

Yingluck is navigating very well in these dangerous waters. She is never the one who criticize, she is playing safe and smart. Everytime there is an attack from the Democrats or the Yellows she sneaks away from the problem and is percieved by the peolpe like the "compromizing and responsible voice" trying to calm down, understand and unite everyone... while the opponents keep barking.

This is probably the reason why many people like her. Not because she has great leader qualities, but more because she is seen like a reasonable leader who can step back, or even make her own government step back. She is never seen as the origin of a problem or an attack. It's difficult to corner her with anything. It is only a perception, of course. She still plays smart politics... Much smarter than her oponents.

Abhisit should, of course, not be held responsible for the 90 death which occured under his government. And he will certainly not.

But the court cases against him and Suthep are probably just aimed at making them tired of their own game. They never wanted to compromise to reach reconciliation, so let's hope that with hundreds of court cases to fight they will finally calm down and realize that this is not the good way to go.

Reconciliation is the only way to go... And it would have been a great present for the country if we could have seen Abhisit and Yingluck appear together and say that, this year, they would work at making it happen. The popularity of Abhisit would certainly suddenly have gone up sharply.

But they don't seem ready yet... Let's be a bit more patient.

"One day the lions will be tired to fight eachother" (someone important regarding this subject said this one day...)

Now, what would also be nice, but probably impossible on this forum, would be to have constructive and adult comments regarding this needed reconciliation. But I guess the same will come up again ("put him in prison first", "she work for her brother's money", "Chalerm is an idiot", "the reds are this...", "the farmers are that...", bla bla bla...).

Happy New Year everyone anyway smile.png

thaksin will never be allowed back unless he takes his punishment. He didn't just break a law or two, he broke the unwritten rule that as a Thai Chinese businessman, you are NEVER allowed to sell to a foreigner.

Make your billions, but don't change the status quo giving foreigners more access to Thailand. Now that really gets very important peoples attention.

Uhmf ... saai.gif

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They also expect politicians to stop fighting (60.1 per cent), stop corruption and work for the country's and public's sake instead (25.5 per cent) and create a good image of Thai politics in order to restore people's confidence (14.3 per cent).

Sadly! none of the above can possibly happen under a Thaksin Puppet Government Regime,of Cronyism, his very obvious influence,and blatant hindrance, of peace on his terms, and Victory, only to Rape and Pillage Thailand once again, with impunity.

And how could the democratically elected government prove to you that it was not a proxy puppet regime?

By putting the master-puppeteer in gaol, and pursuing all the cases currently outstanding, would get my vote ! rolleyes.gif

Do you propose they go to Dubai and kidnap him?

Good one ! rolleyes.gif

No, the distant 'Big Boss', confident in the claimed political-nature of these cases and given that his party & sister have now been in-power for a year and a half, will voluntarily return to have his 'day in court'.

Or perhaps he feels that he actually is guilty, and can't rely on political-interference with the courts or 'lunch-boxes', to make his problems go away ? wink.png

In which case he will remain where he is, paying PR-firms or local Red-Shirt leaders to trumpet his innocence, while demanding an amnesty.

Sadly former-PM Abhisit doesn't seem to want to play his game, no matter what pressure is put upon him, by his friends back home. Good for him ! wai2.gif

Edited by Ricardo
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Listening to the voice of the people the Ministry of Defence has announced their first step in the right direction by stripping k. Abhisit of his military rank.

It is unclear at the moment who will be next to be reconciled

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They also expect politicians to stop fighting (60.1 per cent), stop corruption and work for the country's and public's sake instead (25.5 per cent) and create a good image of Thai politics in order to restore people's confidence (14.3 per cent).

Sadly! none of the above can possibly happen under a Thaksin Puppet Government Regime,of Cronyism, his very obvious influence,and blatant hindrance, of peace on his terms, and Victory, only to Rape and Pillage Thailand once again, with impunity.

The PM has the right to consult with whomever she wishes. All Thais knew Thaksin was her brother and the elected her anyway. Get over it, move on.

Consulting with convicted criminals on the run is hardly considered to be sound advice,and from one who will gain an amnesty if his biased advice on the Constitution is taken up.Neither is a cabinet of family, and cronies deemed to be unbiased!

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For the the sake of Thailand and all who live here we can only hope this poll is a true reflection of the wishes of the Thai people.

His Majesty's good health is not only desirable but necessary for the country. Then there's reduced corruption and bickering by politicians who should put the country's needs ahead of their own. And of course the increased prosperity, especially for poorer Thais.

Here's hoping.

Yes, an honourable sentiment, and is the fine thread upon which the country hangs. But based on what you say, there is little hope for Thailand. Corruption is already rampant. Do you mean it will get worse when His Majesty passes away? With respect, no one lives forever, even the most loved king in the world.

The only permanent thing in life is change.

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