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Services At Thai Airports To Be Improved

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New MD. of the AOT plans to improve services offered by AOT to rival those of leading airports throughout the world

The new Managing Director of the Airports of Thailand Pcl. (AOT) is aiming to make services at airports in Thailand comparable to leading airports throughout the world.

Chotisak Aa_saphawiriya (โชติศักดิ์ อาสภาวิริยะ), the Managing Director of the SMEs Bank of Thailand, spoke on his upcoming appointment to head the AOT, saying this would officially take place around early April. He said that he has already studied some information in advance and is preparing to develop the entity to become more up-to-date. He will also try to improve the AOT's services to the level of the world's leading airports.

Mr. Chotisak plan to have the AOT collaborate with the Immigrations Bureau, the Customs Department, the Tourism Authority of Thailand, and Thai Airways in fostering efficient joint operations. He also affirmed that in his four years from now as head of the AOT, he would foster an increased integrity for the entity.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 20 Febuary 2006

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