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Cure for a hangover?

Beer. Bright and early.

You mean "Hair of the Dog"......stay drunk, no thanks.

I am really curious as to the claims of this product, shame no-one has tried it yet.

Guess I'll have to get some, and conduct a few trials......I'll use that as my excuse when the wife questions me as to why I am so drunk... "jushh dooin' ann expperrimnett luvvv, see iff thisss shtuff weelly works..hic!"


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Does it really work? What are your thoughts?

If it would work, alcohol producers would have it as an ingredient in their products already. wink.png


If you're just talking about the headache of a hangover, the best thing to take is the migraine pill, Sumatriptan. This is not a pain killer per-se, it works by dilating the blood vessels on the surface of the brain, and the result is it cures a hangover headache. It takes 90 minutes and is expensive at 199 baht per bill over the counter here. Fascino in Pattaya & Chiang Rai both carry it.


If you're just talking about the headache of a hangover, the best thing to take is the migraine pill, Sumatriptan. This is not a pain killer per-se, it works by dilating the blood vessels on the surface of the brain, and the result is it cures a hangover headache. It takes 90 minutes and is expensive at 199 baht per bill over the counter here. Fascino in Pattaya & Chiang Rai both carry it.

No not talking about headaches, if you read the thread attached, http://www.reset-party.com/index.php/how-reset-works/, "It is the withdrawl from alcohol which cause our hangover".


If you're just talking about the headache of a hangover, the best thing to take is the migraine pill, Sumatriptan. This is not a pain killer per-se, it works by dilating the blood vessels on the surface of the brain, and the result is it cures a hangover headache. It takes 90 minutes and is expensive at 199 baht per bill over the counter here. Fascino in Pattaya & Chiang Rai both carry it.

No not talking about headaches, if you read the thread attached, http://www.reset-par...ow-reset-works/, "It is the withdrawl from alcohol which cause our hangover".

Sorry, but I don't buy it. I wish I had a baht for every miracle Thai product that has had no independent clinical trials, ever heard of get rich quick scams? We all know how pain-killers work, for a product to work there has to be some basis in medicine, Sumatriptan cures the cause of a headache (or hangover headache) not the symtpom. Reset works by a combination of bioengineered composite biocatalyst consisting of a proprietary and beneficial blend of probiotics, enzymes, and co-factors, or BOLL?CKS for short.

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If you're just talking about the headache of a hangover, the best thing to take is the migraine pill, Sumatriptan. This is not a pain killer per-se, it works by dilating the blood vessels on the surface of the brain, and the result is it cures a hangover headache. It takes 90 minutes and is expensive at 199 baht per bill over the counter here. Fascino in Pattaya & Chiang Rai both carry it.

No not talking about headaches, if you read the thread attached, http://www.reset-par...ow-reset-works/, "It is the withdrawl from alcohol which cause our hangover".

Sorry, but I don't buy it. I wish I had a baht for every miracle Thai product that has had no independent clinical trials, ever heard of get rich quick scams? We all know how pain-killers work, for a product to work there has to be some basis in medicine, Sumatriptan cures the cause of a headache (or hangover headache) not the symtpom. Reset works by a combination of bioengineered composite biocatalyst consisting of a proprietary and beneficial blend of probiotics, enzymes, and co-factors, or BOLL?CKS for short.

Well it is actually an American product, not a "Thai miracle product".

Why bash something if you haven't tried it....I have an open mind and am willing to give it a go.....if it does in fact turn out to be a lot of BS...then I'll be the first to ridicule the product.

Who knows...if it really does work.....that's what I am trying to find out.


Quit being a bunch of wussies and grab yourself a big bottle of Chang at 7 a.m.

Cant buy alcohol before 11am.

Ummmmm...ever hear of Family Mart? They sell alcohol 24 hours a day.


Quit being a bunch of wussies and grab yourself a big bottle of Chang at 7 a.m.

Cant buy alcohol before 11am.

Ummmmm...ever hear of Family Mart? They sell alcohol 24 hours a day.

Ummmmmm notice the italics? If family mart are selling 24/7 they are breaking the law.


Hi everyone,

I saw this thread and just thought I'd sign up so I can get my two cents in. I'm actually the owner of RESET here in Thailand, and on behalf of our small operation, thanks for the curiosity and support!

It would be perfectly fair to dismiss what I have to say since I cannot give you an objective response on account of me being the owner. If I may, allow me to answer some of the questions posed on this thread to those who would like to know more.

In regards to if it actually works, the answer is a resounding yes. I wouldn't have decided to import it and market it if it didn't. The technology behind RESET is the all-natural Triclyst (patented and produced by Juventa Technologies in the States), which actually breaks down alcohol using an enzyme-based technology. Thus we recommend to have RESET prior to, during and immediately after your drinking experience, which will work to boost your body's ability to break down alcohol. This will ensure that your hangover will, at the very least, be mitigated the next day, if not removed entirely.

The way the Triclyst works has been clinically proven and verified both in the United States and here in Thailand, and when I am able to, we will cite these independent studies on our website (www.reset-party.com) and our facebook page (www.facebook.com/reset.thailand). There are a whole host of other benefits provided by the Triclyst, but the manufacturers decided to explore the "alcohol breakdown" benefit first. Many other supplements based on this technology will be coming soon.

We took almost 2 years to register the product with the Thai Food and Drug Administration, and we officially launched in November of 2012.

Our company is the first in the world to launch a product using the Triclyst, under the brand name "RESET". RESET can be found on shelves in Watson's Pharmacies nationwide, along with a whole host of other pharmacies such as Safe & Save, KS Pharmacies, Health Club & even the aforementioned Fascino in Pattaya. RESET can also be found in prominent bars/pubs/clubs in Sukhumvit Soi 11 (such as LEVELS, NEST, Apoteka, The Alchemist). In addition, there is always the option to purchase online directly via our website.

We are priced at THB 69 for 1 packet of 3 tablets, which is the recommended serve for an average night out, although having 6-9 tablets (2-3 packets) in 1 night is not uncommon, and nor is it in any way dangerous.

I hope I did not violate any terms and conditions with this post, and apologise if this offends or annoys anyone. We are new in the market and I try my best to answer and address all questions as best as I can. All we can ask for in return is for a fair go, so please give us a chance if possible :)

Thank you everyone.


Thank you Adityak, there are many bashers here who like to fluff-up their tail feathers and make stupid remarks without tasting the waters.

So I know that you cannot make an unbiased opinion about your product......I am willing to be a volunteer for the cause of our fellow members with doubt in their hearts, and prove to one and all that your product truly does deliver as promised.

If you are for real, PM me and forward a sample and I will gladly put my body at risk and post my unbiased results here on Thai Visa, so that you may/or may not benefit from extra sales that were not expected.



Looks to me like this product is mainly a combination of probiotics and enzymes - both of which I have used myself before to ward of some of the side effects from hangovers before. I am a bit confused why there is not a full description of the content on the homepage.



Thank you for your support, RSquared, and although I genuinely appreciate that you want to try the product, I'm afraid at this time I cannot send you a free sample via post or messenger. This would be unfair to our individual customers who have purchased the product, and would be disruptive to my various channel partners such as the clubs and pharmacies I mentioned in my previous post. I hope you understand that if I was to send you a free sample now, the precedent would be set for me to do the same to everyone who asks in future. Please accept my sincere apologies for being unable to fulfil your request.

What I can do, however, is suggest a great deal that we are currently running right now via groupon [2 days left]:


RESET is heavily discounted on this deal, and even with delivery, the price is a lot cheaper than normal!

In addition, I can inform you (and everyone else in this thread) that currently, we are doing a lot of event sponsorships and booth activities, where we sell the product at a discounted, promotional price. If going out at night is your thing, I can let you know where we will be present at in the near future. We do a great deal of events in Bangkok usually, and this month onwards we will be hitting up parties in Pattaya as well.

Furthermore, our "locations" tab on the facebook page (www.facebook.com/reset.thailand) is also being updated daily to include all the stores that are placing RESET on shelves nationwide. The software will search for the nearest store relative to the user's location. Please give it a try if you think that will be more convenient than going to one of our many events or ordering online. Apart from Watson's (which is nationwide) and Bangkok stores, we have a growing presence in Pattaya and Phuket.

Everyone please free to contact me privately or on this thread if there is anything else I can help with. Once again, to Rsquared, I am very sorry I cannot send a free sample at this time. Thank you very much for your understanding and support.


Sorry Firefan, I saw your post only after I posted.

In all honesty, we are still quite early in the process of updating our website. My team is more focused on our facebook page, which is requiring a lot of interaction, but we will get round to it. It hasn't been updated all that much since the launch in November, but we hope to have it fully updated (in terms of information, events and picture/video gallery) by the end of this month.

Please accept my apologies for the lack of content at this time.


Your humble apologies are graciously accepted AdityaK.

I followed your suggestion and went to the website and purchased some Reset with a 57% discount.....now just have to wait for delivery. I did notice one has the option of picking them up personally, but I live out in the sticks and don't get into BKK much.

So until then, I guess I can do a couple of trial runs to set myself a benchmark.....number of beers consumed to degree of hangover. Then once I get the product I can then see if it really does work.

I will gladly post my results here......the sacrifices one must make for fellow TV members....oh well someone has to do it.



Thank you very much for your support and your order, Rsquared! It is indeed a tough sacrifice you are making on behalf of TV.com by trialling the product and drinking hehe wink.png. Your experiment sounds brilliant, we had been doing the same thing for over 3 years smile.png

As I mentioned in my first post, 1 pack (3 tablets) is generally for a standard night of drinks, but if you are going to have a very heavy night, 2 packs (6 tablets) will be required. What we've found is that some people like to have tablets before and during drinking to make sure they stay in their senses (i.e. don't get ridiculously wasted), and others prefer to have all 3 tablets at the end of the night so that they are fresh the next day.

Our general recommendation is 1 tablet before drinking and 2 after drinking, followed by a glass of water. Water actually boosts the enzymatic activity amongst the other obvious benefits, but is not a necessary component by any means.

If you are really curious and don't mind wasting a beer (sacrilege!), place a tablet in a glass of beer and stir for a few minutes. You will notice the beer goes flat, and after about 15 minutes, there will be no alcohol left when you taste it. We usually show this to the bartenders and waiters/waitresses of our partners in the nightlife industry so they have a basic visual understanding of how and why it works.

I look forward to hearing the results, please do post your testimony on our website after as well as here! On behalf of all of us at RESET, thank you very much once more, and as always, let me know if ever there is anything I can do to help.


If you are really curious and don't mind wasting a beer (sacrilege!), place a tablet in a glass of beer and stir for a few minutes. You will notice the beer goes flat, and after about 15 minutes, there will be no alcohol left when you taste it.

I'm curious, I can't really taste the alcohol in beer anyway as there's such a low amount of it present.

What exactly do these enzymes do to the alcohol ?

For example if I was to mix a whole bunch of these tablets with a litre of vodka and insert a hydrometer after 20-30 minutes would the alcohol content be decreased ?


Quit being a bunch of wussies and grab yourself a big bottle of Chang at 7 a.m.

Cant buy alcohol before 11am.

Ummmmm...ever hear of Family Mart? They sell alcohol 24 hours a day.

Ummmmmm notice the italics? If family mart are selling 24/7 they are breaking the law.

God bless Family Mart for breaking the law. I will continue to make criminal alcohol transactions through their shady services.


If you are really curious and don't mind wasting a beer (sacrilege!), place a tablet in a glass of beer and stir for a few minutes. You will notice the beer goes flat, and after about 15 minutes, there will be no alcohol left when you taste it.

I'm curious, I can't really taste the alcohol in beer anyway as there's such a low amount of it present.

What exactly do these enzymes do to the alcohol ?

For example if I was to mix a whole bunch of these tablets with a litre of vodka and insert a hydrometer after 20-30 minutes would the alcohol content be decreased ?

Hi ukrules, allow me to throw in some details for you and everyone interested. The full science behind it is quite technical, and I am in no way an expert, but this is a general summary:

In the liver, an enzyme called alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) mediates and catalyzes the conversion of alcohol to acetaldehyde. Acetaldehyde is rapidly converted to acetate by other enzymes and is eventually metabolized via the citric acid cycle to carbon dioxide and water. Alcohol also is metabolized in the liver by the enzyme cytochrome P450IIE1 (CYP2E1). Most of the alcohol consumed is metabolized in the liver. It is important to note that the liver can metabolize a certain amount of alcohol in a defined time frame regardless of the amount that has been consumed. This rate of alcohol metabolism depends, in part, on the amount of metabolizing enzymes in the liver, which varies among individuals and appears to have genetic determinants.

How RESET works is to boost this rate of alcohol metabolism at a significant level; our tests indicated a reduction in alcohol levels by 69% within 40 minutes of using the product. The microbial consortium delivered by RESET to the gastric and enteric tracts speeds up the digestion of alcohol thereby limiting alcoholic absorption and intoxication. The safety and efficacy of the Triclyst (technology behind RESET) has been validated by a double-blind placebo study conducted in Thailand, and confirmed by further clinical studies in the US (we hope to provide links to these studies soon).

TLDR: Your body's enzymes break down alcohol at a certain rate, RESET adds and boosts this rate significantly.

We've never tried the experiment with vodka that you suggested, but theoretically the alcohol content should be reduced if you added our tablets into it. The rate of reduction and exact reduction I wouldn't be able to speculate, though.

Hope this helps.


Good morning everyone, just to give a quick update, South East Pharmacy in Sukhumvit Soi 15 has RESET on shelves now. They informed us that they have a really good following on thaivisa.com and asked if we could spread the word on the forum. Hope this is fine with the mods!


Quit being a bunch of wussies and grab yourself a big bottle of Chang at 7 a.m.

Cant buy alcohol before 11am.

Professionals always have beer in stock.

  • Like 1

Quit being a bunch of wussies and grab yourself a big bottle of Chang at 7 a.m.

Cant buy alcohol before 11am.

Professionals always have beer in stock.

Die hard drinkers always have their fridge stocked with beer and their cabinets stocked with the hard stuff. Who comes home to an empty house? Losers.

  • 2 weeks later...

OK, my order of the Reset packs have finally arrived.......give me a few days, and I will get back to you with results.

I hope you all realise that I am putting my body on the line just to appease everyones curiosity....well to tell the truth, it's my curiosity that I am trying to appease.

Feel free to ignore this......but I am going to have fun testing these things.


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Great to hear you have received the product! We look forward to hearing your results.

Remember - 1 pack (1 tablet before, 2 after) for a regular night of drinks.

2 or even 3 packets if you're having a long or heavy night! Water afterwards is always beneficial.

Thank you once again, Rsquared.


I took the tablet last night and two this morning. 5 hours later, it doesn't do a damned thing. I'm going to take a migraine pill as I know from experience, that always cures a hangover in 90 minutes.

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