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Foreigners Attack Hazing Ritual At Thai Universities


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When I went to High School we had initiation. The senior students were given 1 or 2 students who were sort of their slaves. We had to do weird stuff and dress up in whatever costume they told us each day. It was very, very slightly scary but overall it was great fun.

Each senior student had an teacher advisor that had to approve the initiation stuff--so we were not in peril and there was no activities allowed outside of school. High school is different from University and in University we had no such thing. Only the fraternities and sororities had any hazing and there were occasional deaths--usually alcohol induced.

The initiation brought us closer to our classmates because many things we did, we did as a group. It also brought us closer to the seniors, who by the end of the week knew us better and tended have forged some type of bond.

But it was very closely supervised by the teaching staff--although we didn't know that.

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I feel this is a case of a purely INTERNAL Thai matter that foreigners had best keep their noses out of.

About hazing. I feel I have missed something not being properly initiated so was clearly damaged for life. At my college the only "hazing" I got had something to do with a bong. Refer to the film: Dazed and Confused.

Well that's not very simple if they are trying to attract overseas students is it now, and they expect the foreign students to partake in this idiocy.

Hub of education. Lololol

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I feel this is a case of a purely INTERNAL Thai matter that foreigners had best keep their noses out of.

About hazing. I feel I have missed something not being properly initiated so was clearly damaged for life. At my college the only "hazing" I got had something to do with a bong. Refer to the film: Dazed and Confused.

Why? Thailand recently announced it wanted to be the 'hub' for foreign students in SE Asia. I dont think for any foreigner with children here this is a purely INTERNAL Thai matter at all.

Edit: Thai at Heart..............snap!

Edited by GentlemanJim
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When I went to High School we had initiation. The senior students were given 1 or 2 students who were sort of their slaves. We had to do weird stuff and dress up in whatever costume they told us each day. It was very, very slightly scary but overall it was great fun.

Each senior student had an teacher advisor that had to approve the initiation stuff--so we were not in peril and there was no activities allowed outside of school. High school is different from University and in University we had no such thing. Only the fraternities and sororities had any hazing and there were occasional deaths--usually alcohol induced.

The initiation brought us closer to our classmates because many things we did, we did as a group. It also brought us closer to the seniors, who by the end of the week knew us better and tended have forged some type of bond.

But it was very closely supervised by the teaching staff--although we didn't know that.

Sure sounds like fun . . . (if you're a masochist, that is !)

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It's not just hazing activities. There's also a bunch of other activities freshman are expected to participate in (with penalties similar to those who pass on the hazing) which consumes huge amounts of time, keeps them from their studies, and keeps them from other obligations outside the school. A way to keep the good students from doing too much in the way of academics, keeping them from pursuing outside interests. Activities like cheerleading (and practicing all the time, for Sports Day), and beauty contests in 'traditional dress', never mind its not the traditional dress of the participants, and on and on.

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For its defenders, the Sotus culture is an ideal system to train the attitudes of the university students. It has been found in some Thai universities to help fulfill the objective to let younger students pay respect to the senior students and teachers, and also to love the university and their major of studying, which will cause harmony between groups of students.

This statement is a perfect example of a flaw in Thai culture. Academic excellence and analytical thinking? NO, "loyalty and respect" for your elders is of paramount importance.

What is there to respect?

Incompetent teachers who demand respect because they are teachers.

Cruelty encouraged by teachers.

These are incompetent, childish, cruel and small minded people. I have read several reports of foreigners attempting to teach technical courses.

It is a disaster.

There have been many reports of teachers egging on students at technical colleges to attack (and kill) students from other technical colleges. It is institutionalized gang warfare.

What do people complain about? Foreigners bringing this problem to attention. The nerve!

Response Thai-style: Nothing wrong, none of your dam_n farang business.

As for those here who thinking hazing is acceptable. Go stick a sharp implement in your eyes.

I have an enduring hatred for bullies and those who excuse their actions.

I have to agree. I was bullied as a kid and it sucked. But then there is something called karma. Most of those <deleted> have died of an overdose or a heart attack! A few good ones have died too. School is for education and making friends, not for bullying people because you're older than you are...

Edited by Jimi007
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Hazing rituals at Thai universities have been going on for a long time. This pic was apparently taken at Rangsit university in 2005, where female students were 'forced' to simulate oral sex with male students:



No wonder many Thai university graduated women don't like Thai men!

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Hazing rituals at Thai universities have been going on for a long time. This pic was apparently taken at Rangsit university in 2005, where female students were 'forced' to simulate oral sex with male students:



My wife's just told me on seeing the photo that the guys will have bananas in their zips. Just imagine the s**t storm in the media if that were a forced initiation at an British Uni. It's really ugly folks!

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"Defenders of the practice says it creates school spirit and respect for upperclassmen, as well as creating stronger bonds between the beleaguered freshmen."

Thai hazing goes well beyond "singing songs" or "performing calisthenics." "Upper classmen" who force freshmen to engage in a variety of distasteful, even harmful, activities - to generally submit in all ways to bullying, may gain submission. They do not gain respect. Nor does the university, and so nor does "school spirit" benefit in any meaningful way. A significant number of students, possibly more than half, quit in their first or second term (observed when my eldest daughter attended university here). Far from creating "stronger bonds between the beleaguered freshmen" (WHY are they beleaguered, again?), it appears to alienate said students more often than not.

If one wants their dog to love them, be loyal, etc., the way to achieve such is plain: give the dog love and respect. Treat it badly, and it will hate you.

The same is true of university students. If the Thai university system wants freshmen to "pay respect to the senior students and teachers, and also to love the university and their major of studying," so as to "cause harmony between groups of students," the way to do so is plain: treat your freshmen with respect, and they will respect you. Treat your freshmen without respect, and well... Karma can be a b*tch sometimes, as they say.

Well this just led me to a conversation I had never had. I just asked my wife what happened to her as a Freshman! Oh yes, there was singing and having to make funny faces, all in front of the staff, and then there was the other side. The 'secret room', and when every week for 3 months the seniors got a bus to come outside the university and they all had to go to an undisclosed location. SImulated sex, stripping, eating shit, eating parts of poisonous insects, lining up 20 people and one senior spits a greeny into the mouth of a freshman and then they had to swill it round, add their own spit and spit it all in to the mouth of the next (all supposed to be 'fun' for the seniors', not a thought for hepatitis or any other orally transmitted disease), at points along the line certain students would have to swallow! The stories of what happened were so rife my wife spoke with her parents and her Father point blank refused her to participate. The overall results, 15 girls and 5 boys left within 2 months , my wife stuck it out. Her punishment for not participating was that she was banned from participating in any Uni event (which meant she would not receive vital 'participation' points for Graduation, she was called into the 'secret room' every day for a year and threatened and on many occasions, slapped, she was at the end of her tether and almost left, but for a teacher realising her predicament and helping out. In short her years at uni were an utter nightmare. All of those that took part in the 'hazing', loathed the University and those that made them do it.

If that is fostering school unity and spirit, then those on here that endorse 'hazing' should take a serious look at yourselves. My wife went to a good Uni, one of her friends went to a lower Uni and had a very tough time, one boy in her year being paralyzed and hospitalized for years.

I feel quite angry just now!

Thank you for passing on your wife's account, detailing the pathetic and unfortunate circumstances she was exposed to. Would you please provide the name of the university that she attended? I think the hazing traditions must vary greatly between universities and departments. My girlfriend recently graduated from King Mongkut's University of Technology, Thonburi, with an engineering master's degree. I read this account to her and asked her about the "hazing" rituals she went through as a freshman. She told me that freshman spend hours learning chants, songs, dances, calisthenics, and hand cheerleading. She said that she participated for a brief while in these events, but thought they were childish and refused to participate further after only a few days. Nobody ever degraded or ridiculed her for her choice, and her friends who decided not to do it never had any issues either. She said that people who participated and passed these hazings were eventually awarded with a department necklace in the shape of a gear, and those who have them treasure them and wear them with great pride. She didn't get one and didn't care, and never had any other issues with her peers, older students, or anyone else.

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"Defenders of the practice says it creates school spirit and respect for upperclassmen, as well as creating stronger bonds between the beleaguered freshmen."

Thai hazing goes well beyond "singing songs" or "performing calisthenics." "Upper classmen" who force freshmen to engage in a variety of distasteful, even harmful, activities - to generally submit in all ways to bullying, may gain submission. They do not gain respect. Nor does the university, and so nor does "school spirit" benefit in any meaningful way. A significant number of students, possibly more than half, quit in their first or second term (observed when my eldest daughter attended university here). Far from creating "stronger bonds between the beleaguered freshmen" (WHY are they beleaguered, again?), it appears to alienate said students more often than not.

If one wants their dog to love them, be loyal, etc., the way to achieve such is plain: give the dog love and respect. Treat it badly, and it will hate you.

The same is true of university students. If the Thai university system wants freshmen to "pay respect to the senior students and teachers, and also to love the university and their major of studying," so as to "cause harmony between groups of students," the way to do so is plain: treat your freshmen with respect, and they will respect you. Treat your freshmen without respect, and well... Karma can be a b*tch sometimes, as they say.

Well this just led me to a conversation I had never had. I just asked my wife what happened to her as a Freshman! Oh yes, there was singing and having to make funny faces, all in front of the staff, and then there was the other side. The 'secret room', and when every week for 3 months the seniors got a bus to come outside the university and they all had to go to an undisclosed location. SImulated sex, stripping, eating shit, eating parts of poisonous insects, lining up 20 people and one senior spits a greeny into the mouth of a freshman and then they had to swill it round, add their own spit and spit it all in to the mouth of the next (all supposed to be 'fun' for the seniors', not a thought for hepatitis or any other orally transmitted disease), at points along the line certain students would have to swallow! The stories of what happened were so rife my wife spoke with her parents and her Father point blank refused her to participate. The overall results, 15 girls and 5 boys left within 2 months , my wife stuck it out. Her punishment for not participating was that she was banned from participating in any Uni event (which meant she would not receive vital 'participation' points for Graduation, she was called into the 'secret room' every day for a year and threatened and on many occasions, slapped, she was at the end of her tether and almost left, but for a teacher realising her predicament and helping out. In short her years at uni were an utter nightmare. All of those that took part in the 'hazing', loathed the University and those that made them do it.

If that is fostering school unity and spirit, then those on here that endorse 'hazing' should take a serious look at yourselves. My wife went to a good Uni, one of her friends went to a lower Uni and had a very tough time, one boy in her year being paralyzed and hospitalized for years.

I feel quite angry just now!

Thank you for passing on your wife's account, detailing the pathetic and unfortunate circumstances she was exposed to. Would you please provide the name of the university that she attended? I think the hazing traditions must vary greatly between universities and departments. My girlfriend recently graduated from King Mongkut's University of Technology, Thonburi, with an engineering master's degree. I read this account to her and asked her about the "hazing" rituals she went through as a freshman. She told me that freshman spend hours learning chants, songs, dances, calisthenics, and hand cheerleading. She said that she participated for a brief while in these events, but thought they were childish and refused to participate further after only a few days. Nobody ever degraded or ridiculed her for her choice, and her friends who decided not to do it never had any issues either. She said that people who participated and passed these hazings were eventually awarded with a department necklace in the shape of a gear, and those who have them treasure them and wear them with great pride. She didn't get one and didn't care, and never had any other issues with her peers, older students, or anyone else.

Check your PM's.

I am glad your wife did not have to suffer. I think all the other examples and a couple of stories on here speak for themselves. I will remember Monkut Uni for the future!

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It's just another way of perpetuating the rigid hierarchy of Thai society. This is, unfortunately, why Thailand (and to an even greater extent, India) are underachieving in the sciences: technology doesn't flourish in environments where communication is limited by social factors.


Conway's law is an adage named after computerprogrammerMelvin Conway, who introduced the idea in 1968. It states that "organizations which design systems ... are constrained to produce designs which are copies of the communication structures of these organizations".

Great insight, great post.

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There's always a certain type of people who enjoy dishing out this kind of sadism on others. In my country the university had to forcebly stop similar things happening on initiation trips which consisted of humiliation mixed with mindless drinking, mostly so some xxxxxx up kids from the countryside could have a chance of sleeping with the attractive new girls once the other guys had been subdued by the hazing. I bet it's the same in Thailand. Just some XXXXXXX who will stop at nothing getting laid, since there will always be women who will XXXX a guy with 'power'.

Edited by metisdead
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you go to uni to learn, not have some idiot make you do things you dont want to. I realize it may be a tradition but we are above it and dont need people to belittle others on a whim, in some countries it is even illegal. I know if someone tried to make me do any of this crap they would end up on their backs with a few bruises, it is bullying no matter how innocent you think it is.

True that. I think in Thailand however, at least the first or first two years of university are kind of treated like an extension of high school whereas in the west university is a completely different game to high school. Suddenly bullying becomes almost non-existant because you don't know the people around you and you barely have to associate with them unlike in high school. Not only that, but at university you are free to express yourself and nobody will bat an eyelid, even on day one. Yet just months earlier doing something like that may have made you a target for bullies. Sounds to me like undergraduates at Thai universities forget that high school is over and university isn't compulsory nor should it involve the same set of values etc. as high school did.

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you go to uni to learn, not have some idiot make you do things you dont want to. I realize it may be a tradition but we are above it and dont need people to belittle others on a whim, in some countries it is even illegal. I know if someone tried to make me do any of this crap they would end up on their backs with a few bruises, it is bullying no matter how innocent you think it is.

True that. I think in Thailand however, at least the first or first two years of university are kind of treated like an extension of high school whereas in the west university is a completely different game to high school. Suddenly bullying becomes almost non-existant because you don't know the people around you and you barely have to associate with them unlike in high school. Not only that, but at university you are free to express yourself and nobody will bat an eyelid, even on day one. Yet just months earlier doing something like that may have made you a target for bullies. Sounds to me like undergraduates at Thai universities forget that high school is over and university isn't compulsory nor should it involve the same set of values etc. as high school did.

The eastern academic tradition is different than the western historically. There was never an Eastern enlightement period or declaration of independence.

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I graduated from the University of California - Davis in 1990. Looking back it was not much fun. Hazing was only for the frat boys. Studied my ass off and the only pressure I felt was intense competition for grades.

That's my point exactly. Only frat boys actually give a crap about hazing and then anyone who is not a frat boy doesn't give a crap about frat boys in the first place. They are largely invisible to the average casual observer that leads his/her own life on campus and neither party gives a crap about the other. Very different to high school as you correctly pointed out (indirectly). Not much fun at university? - maybe. But there has to come a time when we grow up since university students are adults, they must be held accountable for their actions. Parents can't bail out a 20 year old dufus who does something really stupid and perhaps criminal as a hazing ritual. The law will hold them accountable due to their age.

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Critics of this are sad and pathetic people who need to get a life. I have witnessed this tradition in a Thai Uni and at at no point did i see any one being coerced into doing it, in fact quite the opposite, the students seemed to greatly enjoy

being a part of it and appeared to be having a jolly good time and much merriment..

To all critics, Yahboo sucks !!

I have a friend who refused to take part. She was treated like a pariah after that and her few friends were encouraged to ditch her. The senior students don't like independence of thought and can make life hell for those who stand up to them. Hazing is about power and is a form of bullying. By all means students should be allowed to take part if they wish. They also should be allowed to say no.

respect for upperclassmen..yet another example of what holds this country back...thainess

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"Defenders of the practice says it creates school spirit and respect for upperclassmen, as well as creating stronger bonds between the beleaguered freshmen."

Thai hazing goes well beyond "singing songs" or "performing calisthenics." "Upper classmen" who force freshmen to engage in a variety of distasteful, even harmful, activities - to generally submit in all ways to bullying, may gain submission. They do not gain respect. Nor does the university, and so nor does "school spirit" benefit in any meaningful way. A significant number of students, possibly more than half, quit in their first or second term (observed when my eldest daughter attended university here). Far from creating "stronger bonds between the beleaguered freshmen" (WHY are they beleaguered, again?), it appears to alienate said students more often than not.

If one wants their dog to love them, be loyal, etc., the way to achieve such is plain: give the dog love and respect. Treat it badly, and it will hate you.

The same is true of university students. If the Thai university system wants freshmen to "pay respect to the senior students and teachers, and also to love the university and their major of studying," so as to "cause harmony between groups of students," the way to do so is plain: treat your freshmen with respect, and they will respect you. Treat your freshmen without respect, and well... Karma can be a b*tch sometimes, as they say.

Well this just led me to a conversation I had never had. I just asked my wife what happened to her as a Freshman! Oh yes, there was singing and having to make funny faces, all in front of the staff, and then there was the other side. The 'secret room', and when every week for 3 months the seniors got a bus to come outside the university and they all had to go to an undisclosed location. SImulated sex, stripping, eating shit, eating parts of poisonous insects, lining up 20 people and one senior spits a greeny into the mouth of a freshman and then they had to swill it round, add their own spit and spit it all in to the mouth of the next (all supposed to be 'fun' for the seniors', not a thought for hepatitis or any other orally transmitted disease), at points along the line certain students would have to swallow! The stories of what happened were so rife my wife spoke with her parents and her Father point blank refused her to participate. The overall results, 15 girls and 5 boys left within 2 months , my wife stuck it out. Her punishment for not participating was that she was banned from participating in any Uni event (which meant she would not receive vital 'participation' points for Graduation, she was called into the 'secret room' every day for a year and threatened and on many occasions, slapped, she was at the end of her tether and almost left, but for a teacher realising her predicament and helping out. In short her years at uni were an utter nightmare. All of those that took part in the 'hazing', loathed the University and those that made them do it.

If that is fostering school unity and spirit, then those on here that endorse 'hazing' should take a serious look at yourselves. My wife went to a good Uni, one of her friends went to a lower Uni and had a very tough time, one boy in her year being paralyzed and hospitalized for years.

I feel quite angry just now!

I feel sorry for your wife going through that.

That type of initiation is rubbish, done by sadists and bullies. No place for it anywhere

Supported by the Uni teachers. Xxxxxx up system of what being a thai is all about

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"Defenders of the practice says it creates school spirit and respect for upperclassmen, as well as creating stronger bonds between the beleaguered freshmen."

Thai hazing goes well beyond "singing songs" or "performing calisthenics." "Upper classmen" who force freshmen to engage in a variety of distasteful, even harmful, activities - to generally submit in all ways to bullying, may gain submission. They do not gain respect. Nor does the university, and so nor does "school spirit" benefit in any meaningful way. A significant number of students, possibly more than half, quit in their first or second term (observed when my eldest daughter attended university here). Far from creating "stronger bonds between the beleaguered freshmen" (WHY are they beleaguered, again?), it appears to alienate said students more often than not.

If one wants their dog to love them, be loyal, etc., the way to achieve such is plain: give the dog love and respect. Treat it badly, and it will hate you.

The same is true of university students. If the Thai university system wants freshmen to "pay respect to the senior students and teachers, and also to love the university and their major of studying," so as to "cause harmony between groups of students," the way to do so is plain: treat your freshmen with respect, and they will respect you. Treat your freshmen without respect, and well... Karma can be a b*tch sometimes, as they say.

Well this just led me to a conversation I had never had. I just asked my wife what happened to her as a Freshman! Oh yes, there was singing and having to make funny faces, all in front of the staff, and then there was the other side. The 'secret room', and when every week for 3 months the seniors got a bus to come outside the university and they all had to go to an undisclosed location. SImulated sex, stripping, eating shit, eating parts of poisonous insects, lining up 20 people and one senior spits a greeny into the mouth of a freshman and then they had to swill it round, add their own spit and spit it all in to the mouth of the next (all supposed to be 'fun' for the seniors', not a thought for hepatitis or any other orally transmitted disease), at points along the line certain students would have to swallow! The stories of what happened were so rife my wife spoke with her parents and her Father point blank refused her to participate. The overall results, 15 girls and 5 boys left within 2 months , my wife stuck it out. Her punishment for not participating was that she was banned from participating in any Uni event (which meant she would not receive vital 'participation' points for Graduation, she was called into the 'secret room' every day for a year and threatened and on many occasions, slapped, she was at the end of her tether and almost left, but for a teacher realising her predicament and helping out. In short her years at uni were an utter nightmare. All of those that took part in the 'hazing', loathed the University and those that made them do it.

If that is fostering school unity and spirit, then those on here that endorse 'hazing' should take a serious look at yourselves. My wife went to a good Uni, one of her friends went to a lower Uni and had a very tough time, one boy in her year being paralyzed and hospitalized for years.

I feel quite angry just now!

Feel pride too GJ......your wife had the bottle to stand up for herself.


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Supported by the Uni teachers. Xxxxxx up system of what being a thai is all about

It's good that you have such a strong opinion about the wrongs and the rights of Thailand, it's that strength of opinion that stops you living in Thailand right, or does it ?

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When I went to High School we had initiation. The senior students were given 1 or 2 students who were sort of their slaves. We had to do weird stuff and dress up in whatever costume they told us each day. It was very, very slightly scary but overall it was great fun.

Each senior student had an teacher advisor that had to approve the initiation stuff--so we were not in peril and there was no activities allowed outside of school. High school is different from University and in University we had no such thing. Only the fraternities and sororities had any hazing and there were occasional deaths--usually alcohol induced.

The initiation brought us closer to our classmates because many things we did, we did as a group. It also brought us closer to the seniors, who by the end of the week knew us better and tended have forged some type of bond.

But it was very closely supervised by the teaching staff--although we didn't know that.

I regard myself as having more self respect for my self than to serve as someone's slave and and it would no doubt result in a lack of respect for any organisation that condones this type of insitutionised barbaric behaviour that endorses the worse aspects of any society anywhere on this globe .

Maybe I am just not a group player.

Edited by xen
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Lol - what a pathetic bunch of whiners (the "foreign" students). Of course "American" universities would NEVER do anything to show pride in their school, or sports team(s), or fellow students. Shame on those Thai schools that expect freshmen to SING A SONG !

The HORROR of it all !! Off with the heads of those that show ANY pride or have ANY school spirit or follow ANY traditions !! They should ALL respect AMERICAN traditions at their THAI schools !!!!

Well KerrD looks like you don't know to much about it, but are going to blather on regardless , not to worry

I know some thai kids who really dont like getting beaten up because they do not participate .... did you read that !!!!! do you understand what it means . I am talking about having 5 or 10 students kick you down .... but in a loving, sensitive and caring upper classman way ..... does that happen at US uni's if you do not participate? Not at mine but hey what do I know about what goes for normal, say in SEC blink.png

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