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My Hospital Experiences Over The Last Several Months

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First off all let me say that I am one of those old farts that many of you say should not even be living in Thailand. And even worse I have a Thai wife that is several years younger than me. But to all you young 50+ year olds it won't be very many years before you also will be the old fart who should not be living in Thailand. All my working years were spent in the medical profession. 4 years ago when in Canada I was diagnosed with a non cureable but treatable form of cancer. To make matters worse within 2 months my wife was diagnosed with breast cancer. What do we do? Medical care for me is free in Canada but not my wife. So the only solution is for me to stay in Canada and receive treatment for my cancer and my wife to return to Thailand and have her cancer treated. Both of us had many,many rounds of chemotherapy. In addition my wife had 35 radiation treatments where she incurred unbelieveable pain. Since that time everything had been going well until the day 4 months ago when I came down with a urinary tract infection. So off to CM Ram. The urinologist seemed a little old to my mind to be still working as a doctor. But heck what do I know maybe he looks a lot older than he is. He prescribes a medication that has not been used in my country for at least 20 years.But guess what it works. Almost. For the first 6 days the infection is almost gone. I return to see the urinologist on day 7 Urine sample says infection 90% gone repeat treatment another 7 days. Day 9 all hell breaks loose. I am in severe pain and my urine is the colour of milk. Back to the urinologist. This time my wife is with me, and she happens to see the doctor going to the washroom and tells me to take a look.. The poor man could hardly walk. Nevertheless I see him again and he prescribes another antibiotic. 4 days later it is not working. Now I figure I better have him do a urine culture. He is reluctant but agrees. Then I decide to ask a nurse how old this man is...She tells me he is referred to as grandpa doc...82 years old. Forget CM Ram.. Now we are off to Sriphat.up to the 13 floor. When we arrived I said to my wife we are at the CM zoo. Hundreds of people waiting. However we are seen by a young urinologist within 3 hours. First thing he wants to know is how much urine is left in bladder after urination. Then comes the finger up the butt. He prescribes medication 2 items total cost 70 bahts. His fee 200 bahts. Then he tells me he can also see me at CM Ram. Great. Next week I see him. He prescribes same 2 medications. Cost 2400 bahts. His fee 300 bahts. 5 days later I am feeling like death warmed over. Back to the Ram. Doctor say you either have pneumonia or influenza. swab test and x-ray later.. You have influenza "B" and you also have a mass in your right lung..We have to admit you...The private vip room was great and dirt cheap. But the funny thing was if you wanted food you had to pay extra or go to street vendor and buy what you wanted. Next day came the CT scan..Well no surprise here...Scan was suggestive of lung cancer. And you also have influenza "B"Now what to do? First and foremost is the welfare of my wife. This is where I am today..She needs me and without her I am nothing.

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So they ruled out pneumonia in the lung that they think might be cancer? Have you ever had the pneumonia vaccine? I have heard that it is difficult to be sure if it is cancer when observing a mass in the lung on an XRay and they might want to stick a needle in it to determine what it is but then that could deflate the lung and be a problem. The flu can lead to pneumonia. I am no Doc but I would do some research on the best antibiotics for influenza B and pneumonia and be sure you are taking one of them as that might clear up both lungs if it is not cancer.

Edited by ronz28
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So they ruled out pneumonia in the lung that they think might be cancer? Have you ever had the pneumonia vaccine? I have heard that it is difficult to be sure if it is cancer when observing a mass in the lung on an XRay and they might want to stick a needle in it to determine what it is but then that could deflate the lung and be a problem. The flu can lead to pneumonia. I am no Doc but I would do some research on the best antibiotics for influenza B and pneumonia and be sure you are taking one of them as that might clear up both lungs if it is not cancer.

Thanks for your reply. Most of your replies are correct. Yes I have had pneumonia vacine. Yes x-ray is not definitive, nor is CT scan. Funny thing you mentioned...They may want to stick a needle into to determine what it was. 4 years ago when I was diagnosed with the non curable but treatable cancer. A thoracic surgeon wanted to do a broncoscopy of my lung.It was only with the insistance of a hematologist and my own training as a cardiologist. That I refused. Thank goodness because it turned out that what I have is a cancer of the blood and bone marrow. Had the thoracic surgeon gone into my lung there is a 90% chance that I would not be writing this today. As you know the lung is a blood organ and chances are that I would have bled to death.
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Sorry to hear about your illness and my heart goes out to your wife. 35 radiation treatments sounds unbearable. Many rounds of chemo for both of you must have been hell. I'm just curious and am not in any way trying to criticize you or be a spelling policeman -- do they call urologists in Canada urinologists? I had not heard that before. Just my own curiosity.

I hope you both feel better soon.

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Sorry to hear about your illness and my heart goes out to your wife. 35 radiation treatments sounds unbearable. Many rounds of chemo for both of you must have been hell. I'm just curious and am not in any way trying to criticize you or be a spelling policeman -- do they call urologists in Canada urinologists? I had not heard that before. Just my own curiosity.

I hope you both feel better soon.

Yes you are correct.. It is urologist.. I guess I had the word urine on my brain when I posted.
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If they still haven't cleaned up your urinary tract after 4 months, I'd be inclined to go somewhere else for your lung problem.

The urinary tract infection appears to be under control now. My fault I should have insisted on urine culture earlier. You see several years ago when in the hospital in Canada I picked up one of the superbugs. ESBL - E coli..I had completely forgotten about it.. when the result of urine culture came back the bug had raised its head again. Problem is there are only 4 or 5 antibiotics left that are effective against this bug. One of which is not available in Thailand. The first 2 of the remaining 4 did not work. The 3rd one Ertapenem Given by IV once a day for 7 days appears to have done the job. Ertapenem is also one of the most expensive antibiotics. 4,000 bahts per day for 7 days.
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Is it multiple myeloma you're suffering from? I was diagnosed with multiple myeloma 4 years ago by dr Lalita in sriphat hospital and I'm very happy with her. She still treats me and if necessary she send me to the best specialist available.

Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Thaivisa Connect App

In her opinion, who is the best specialist available for multiple myeloma?

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Is it multiple myeloma you're suffering from? I was diagnosed with multiple myeloma 4 years ago by dr Lalita in sriphat hospital and I'm very happy with her. She still treats me and if necessary she send me to the best specialist available.

Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Thaivisa Connect App

In her opinion, who is the best specialist available for multiple myeloma?

Sorry I was not clear. I meant that if I need another specialist besides mm she discusses with and send me to him. She is the mm specialist in sriphat.

Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Thaivisa Connect App

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Is it multiple myeloma you're suffering from? I was diagnosed with multiple myeloma 4 years ago by dr Lalita in sriphat hospital and I'm very happy with her. She still treats me and if necessary she send me to the best specialist available.

Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Thaivisa Connect App

No but similar.. Waldenstroms lymphoma.. Good to receive the name of a doctor who might be familiar with this disease as it is very rare.
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Is it multiple myeloma you're suffering from? I was diagnosed with multiple myeloma 4 years ago by dr Lalita in sriphat hospital and I'm very happy with her. She still treats me and if necessary she send me to the best specialist available.

Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Thaivisa Connect App

No but similar.. Waldenstroms lymphoma.. Good to receive the name of a doctor who might be familiar with this disease as it is very rare.

If I were you I would make an appointment with her. She will take the time to talk with you, a great woman.

I had many problems because of chemo treatment and stemcel transplant but she diagnosed and treated everything well like thromboses and urinary tract infection.

Without her I wouldn't be here now.

Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Thaivisa Connect App

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I don't know anything about medical things like the people who have made suggestions and helped you, but I want to say thank you for being so brave to write that post. I can't imagine how difficult it must have been for you to sit and type the words.

You are right - We are 50 now, but in another 15 years or so we're going to be well on the way to being old farts. We're both fit and healthy now, but I always have it a long way back of my mind that as the years pass, things are going to start falling off, breaking and conking out. Far enough back to not spoil my life, but being realistic and preparing for the inevitable.

I wish you and your wife all the best with my warmest regards. Please get whatever happiness you can while you can. Even with discomfort, pain and drips and tubes you can still find things to make you laugh. It's said that laughter is the best medicine. I don't know if that's true, but if I've had a day when I've been laughing and giggling a lot, I feel so much better than other days. Find things to laugh at. Watch cartoons or Mr Bean. Tell bad jokes. Imagine the big fat nurse naked. Just do what we are doing and make the best of what's left of your life. It's better than sitting and feeling sorry for yourself. Do everything you are able to and enjoy the gift of life that you've been given.

Good luck.

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