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Which Is Better...thai Price Tag Vs British Quality?


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I echo Robblok's sentiments.

I always go for quality, no matter where it is manufactured.

When I lived in Oz, I subscribed to a magazine called Choice. They tested all types of products and different brands with an unbiased attitude. Through their advice I bought many household appliances, ranging from washing machines, fridges, TV's, cleaning products etc. Sometimes the more expensive product reflected better quality, more often than not the brands that were 3rd or 4th most expensive ended up being of better quality than the most expensive.

So for me it is always quality outweighs cheap copies.

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OK I'll bite.

Why would ANYONE want to walk around with a fake Rolex?

And if it looks so good, make sure you don't dangle your arm out of a vehicle window if you visit Manila.......you might lose both!

It is kind of like the gun thing but for people who are cheap pacifists with small penises.

Edited by chiangmaikelly
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As far as watches go for me in Thailand, a calendar is almost as useful. As long as the watch stays within 5 minutes a day it's good enough. If I have to catch a plane I'm always there at least an hour or two before my flight. For busses in Thailand I buy my tickets several days in advance and get to the station at least half an hour before the bus leaves. Nobody I know in Thailand seems to care too much about time.

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Don't talk to me about "British" quality. I remember the British autos my father and grandfather used to own. They spent most of their time in the mechanic's shop. I'll stick with Japanese cameras until somebody comes up with something better. And, the US auto industry had to pull up their socks when the Japanese quality vehicles proved to be better.

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Watch - Thai price

Airliner - Quality

Thai air, Nok air, Bangkok Air, maintenance carried out in Thailand.

At least being built in Everett or Toulouse gives them a good head start. biggrin.png

Flown by Thai pilots. biggrin.png

and lets face it, a chains only as strong as its weakest link, or in this case its pilot.

Edited by krisb
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Thai price is fine for anything where safety and security isn't a concern. Start on tools, electrical appliances safety devices and give me western (not just UK) Quality everytime. Classic example I use an adaptor to plug my UK plug into my Thai socket, these adaptors last 2-3 weeks before they melt because a cheap inferior metal is used on the contacts that heats up and causes the shell to melt. Similar item bought in UK is now 2 years old.

Ok tthen, Im a tradesman, we use Makita grinding disks here in Aus which are made in Thailand. So that kind of throws the safety security thing out the window. Now the adapter you mention I also have a Thai 1 and its been fine for ages now and the UK adapter you have, was it made in UK?

I know I shouldn't respond to Aussie trolls, but its not the Thai manufacturing quality I question it is overall safety and quality inspection. If an item that is required to operate in a safe way is sold in Europe it will have passed stringent QC and safety checks where as you can sell any old crap here and no one will stop you. Buyer beware. And to answer your final part of the question, both adapters were manufactured in China, one was European and UK Safety Certified one was not.

May I suggest to make the thread fair you change the title to Thai price Vs Western Safety.

Edited by RabC
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Don't talk to me about "British" quality. I remember the British autos my father and grandfather used to own. They spent most of their time in the mechanic's shop. I'll stick with Japanese cameras until somebody comes up with something better. And, the US auto industry had to pull up their socks when the Japanese quality vehicles proved to be better.

Look I guess my point is why buy the most expensive watch made in UK, Italy wherever, when the Asians have copied it to a fair degree and knocked thousands of $ of the price.

Heres another example, how many of you wear fake Diesel, Armani etc brand label clothing made as far as I know in Thailand. Id rather buy cheap copy and support local Thai traders than some rich poxy wanke_r and their clothes label that is crazy expensive.

When in Thailand, I quite enjoy buying fake copies. Theres something fun about it looking through markets and checking stuff out. Of course theres plenty of the real licensed merchandise in department stores like Paragon or whatever, I prefer the knock offs its more satisfying to me.

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Thai price is fine for anything where safety and security isn't a concern. Start on tools, electrical appliances safety devices and give me western (not just UK) Quality everytime. Classic example I use an adaptor to plug my UK plug into my Thai socket, these adaptors last 2-3 weeks before they melt because a cheap inferior metal is used on the contacts that heats up and causes the shell to melt. Similar item bought in UK is now 2 years old.

Ok tthen, Im a tradesman, we use Makita grinding disks here in Aus which are made in Thailand. So that kind of throws the safety security thing out the window. Now the adapter you mention I also have a Thai 1 and its been fine for ages now and the UK adapter you have, was it made in UK?

I know I should respond to Aussie trolls, but its not the Thai manufacturing quality I question it is overall safety and quality inspection. If an item that is required to operate in a safe way is sold in Europe it will have passed stringent QC and safety checks where as you can sell any old crap here and no one will stop you. Buyer beware. And to answer your final part of the question, both adapters were manufactured in China, one was European and UK Safety Certified one was not.

May I suggest to make the thread fair you change the title to Thai price Vs Western Safety.

So these adapters are Chinese anyway not Thai. Meh, if I look in markets here in Aus I can find that same stuff as well. Cant blame Thailand for your unsafe adapter. You just bought crap.
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Thai price is fine for anything where safety and security isn't a concern. Start on tools, electrical appliances safety devices and give me western (not just UK) Quality everytime. Classic example I use an adaptor to plug my UK plug into my Thai socket, these adaptors last 2-3 weeks before they melt because a cheap inferior metal is used on the contacts that heats up and causes the shell to melt. Similar item bought in UK is now 2 years old.

Ok tthen, Im a tradesman, we use Makita grinding disks here in Aus which are made in Thailand. So that kind of throws the safety security thing out the window. Now the adapter you mention I also have a Thai 1 and its been fine for ages now and the UK adapter you have, was it made in UK?

I know I should respond to Aussie trolls, but its not the Thai manufacturing quality I question it is overall safety and quality inspection. If an item that is required to operate in a safe way is sold in Europe it will have passed stringent QC and safety checks where as you can sell any old crap here and no one will stop you. Buyer beware. And to answer your final part of the question, both adapters were manufactured in China, one was European and UK Safety Certified one was not.

May I suggest to make the thread fair you change the title to Thai price Vs Western Safety.

So these adapters are Chinese anyway not Thai. Meh, if I look in markets here in Aus I can find that same stuff as well. Cant blame Thailand for your unsafe adapter. You just bought crap.

And in Europe I wouldn't be able to buy dangerous crap as they wouldn't be allowed to sell it, where as here it is on the shelf in the major DIY outlets and was by no means the cheapest and was also sealed so quality couldn't be inspected.

With what I know of Aussie HSE and Safety laws I.E. not being allowed to wire your own home, I find it hard to believe you would be allowed to buy similar in Aus but hey if you are, its just another way of Darwin proving his point and no loss to the world at large.

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I'll take a British built and engineered Aston Martin/Lotus/Nobel over any Japanese/Thai/American car. :)

Our best export however must be our language...English not British.

There are not many people worldwide screaming out for Thai language teachers.

ps I'll get my coat whistling.gif

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I'll take a British built and engineered Aston Martin/Lotus/Nobel over any Japanese/Thai/American car. smile.png

Our best export however must be our language...English not British.

There are not many people worldwide screaming out for Thai language teachers.

ps I'll get my coat whistling.gif

Well said!...The greatest asset we have is the ability to use the English language so well. It cant be copied, or faked and is admired far more than anything on 4 wheels or anything we wear on our wrists.

BTW Chonabot...what the hecks a Nobel? Id bet a Holden Monaro would stomp it anyday mate!biggrin.png

Edited by krisb
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Me personally, Ive had a fake Omega watch now for over 6.5 years and it looses perhaps 45minutes a year. Pretty good considering the Thai price tag. Looks wise, pretty good also, Im regularly asked about my watch, if only they knew it wasnt the real deal. Therefore, Id take Thai price over British quality anyday.

How bout you?

Omega is NOT British, it is SWISS!!!! tongue.png

but I agree that British has not mich of a quality, thus i would also choose Thai price biggrin.png

Sent from my HTC One XL using Thaivisa Connect App

Yes Swiss quality safe's to store your Natzi gold in. I agree, the Swiss have quality stuff. (joke aside Swiss are renowned for their watches and chocolate)

This is where the British store their stolen Gold


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The OP is confusing made in "xxx" with it being a product from "xxx" ........ Prada makes some of it's handbags in China that doesn't make them chineese products.

I buy Ralph Lauren shirts some that are made in Thailand ..... they are not Thai products , they are American products made in a number of places to the standards demanded by the company.

Seagae hard drives are not a Thai product ..... Just made in Thailand to the specifcations of the Seagate corporation

Thai products are products owned by a Thai company, made under their direction , just like Seagate and RL they could even be made in America or China or someplace else ...... The Thai brand of Cigs Krong Thipp is an example , it's a Thai product made in Indonesia .....

Like most of the other posters I prefer quality over cost.

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I'll take a British built and engineered Aston Martin/Lotus/Nobel over any Japanese/Thai/American car. smile.png

Our best export however must be our language...English not British.

There are not many people worldwide screaming out for Thai language teachers.

ps I'll get my coat whistling.gif

Well said!...The greatest asset we have is the ability to use the English language so well. It cant be copied, or faked and is admired far more than anything on 4 wheels or anything we wear on our wrists.

BTW Chonabot...what the hecks a Nobel? Id bet a Holden Monaro would stomp it anyday mate!biggrin.png

The Monaro is a nice muscle car but The Noble M15 accelerates from 0-62 mph (100 km/h) in 3.5 seconds and has a top speed of 185 mph :)

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Thai price is fine for anything where safety and security isn't a concern. Start on tools, electrical appliances safety devices and give me western (not just UK) Quality everytime. Classic example I use an adaptor to plug my UK plug into my Thai socket, these adaptors last 2-3 weeks before they melt because a cheap inferior metal is used on the contacts that heats up and causes the shell to melt. Similar item bought in UK is now 2 years old.

Ok tthen, Im a tradesman, we use Makita grinding disks here in Aus which are made in Thailand. So that kind of throws the safety security thing out the window. Now the adapter you mention I also have a Thai 1 and its been fine for ages now and the UK adapter you have, was it made in UK?

I know I shouldn't respond to Aussie trolls, but its not the Thai manufacturing quality I question it is overall safety and quality inspection. If an item that is required to operate in a safe way is sold in Europe it will have passed stringent QC and safety checks where as you can sell any old crap here and no one will stop you. Buyer beware. And to answer your final part of the question, both adapters were manufactured in China, one was European and UK Safety Certified one was not.

May I suggest to make the thread fair you change the title to Thai price Vs Western Safety.

I don't find it a Thai or Chineese problem when companys make crappy products ...... It's a COMPANY problem , Seagate hard drives can make a quality product , Ralph Laren shurts are the same quality made in vietnam Thailand or the US , Master locks are a decent quality lock made in china , other chineese made locks are crap ..... it has NOTHING to do with the country and EVERYTHING to do with the company and whatever standards of quality they want to use ..... why would you blame China instead of the company if they chose to use low grade metals when making their products ? Thailand or China can make junk or 10,000 Prada handbags and everything inbetween ..... it's not the country its the company.
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Thai price is fine for anything where safety and security isn't a concern. Start on tools, electrical appliances safety devices and give me western (not just UK) Quality everytime. Classic example I use an adaptor to plug my UK plug into my Thai socket, these adaptors last 2-3 weeks before they melt because a cheap inferior metal is used on the contacts that heats up and causes the shell to melt. Similar item bought in UK is now 2 years old.

Ok tthen, Im a tradesman, we use Makita grinding disks here in Aus which are made in Thailand. So that kind of throws the safety security thing out the window. Now the adapter you mention I also have a Thai 1 and its been fine for ages now and the UK adapter you have, was it made in UK?

I know I shouldn't respond to Aussie trolls, but its not the Thai manufacturing quality I question it is overall safety and quality inspection. If an item that is required to operate in a safe way is sold in Europe it will have passed stringent QC and safety checks where as you can sell any old crap here and no one will stop you. Buyer beware. And to answer your final part of the question, both adapters were manufactured in China, one was European and UK Safety Certified one was not.

May I suggest to make the thread fair you change the title to Thai price Vs Western Safety.

I don't find it a Thai or Chineese problem when companys make crappy products ...... It's a COMPANY problem , Seagate hard drives can make a quality product , Ralph Laren shurts are the same quality made in vietnam Thailand or the US , Master locks are a decent quality lock made in china , other chineese made locks are crap ..... it has NOTHING to do with the country and EVERYTHING to do with the company and whatever standards of quality they want to use ..... why would you blame China instead of the company if they chose to use low grade metals when making their products ? Thailand or China can make junk or 10,000 Prada handbags and everything inbetween ..... it's not the country its the company.

I would say that in some ways the Country is to blame as some of the products manufactured east of Suez would not be allowed to be manufactured/sold in Europe/USA/AUS...

I am not arguing that both China and Thailand manufacture quality goods and do so very well.

Edited by RabC
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I'll take a British built and engineered Aston Martin/Lotus/Nobel over any Japanese/Thai/American car. smile.png

I'll take a Nissan GTR over anything that is british built.

BTW 0 to 60MPH is under 3 seconds and top speed is 196mph, makes your Nobel look like a bit of a slug at nearly half the price.

Edited by Spoonman
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How do you define "British Quality" ? I know the term German quality, but never heard of British quality.

Yes Semper, it existed at one time.

But British quality like the British sense-of-humour died long ago.

It didn't survive the fall of the Empire.

Since then they haven't had much to laugh about, other than a circus of middle-class mediocrities, pig-headed proles and old socialist knuckleheads trying to govern themselves.

However funny it is to outsiders it couldn't be a laughing matter to the Brits themselves who have to put up with poor services, sky-high taxes and an entrenched bureaucracy.

Where are the Iron Dukes and the Iron Ladies when you need them?

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I'll take a British built and engineered Aston Martin/Lotus/Nobel over any Japanese/Thai/American car. smile.png

I'll take a Nissan GTR over anything that is british built.

BTW 0 to 60MPH is under 3 seconds and top speed is 196mph, makes your Nobel look like a bit of a slug at nearly half the price.

Some people are easily pleased I suppose :)

Hand built quality costs - Skylines are everywhere these days - I used to own a R32 but sold it and bought a nice little Exige.

The GTR that achieved that speed was not a base model - it was race engineered and I suspect cost a lot more than the Nobel base model.

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I'll take a British built and engineered Aston Martin/Lotus/Nobel over any Japanese/Thai/American car. smile.png

I'll take a Nissan GTR over anything that is british built.

BTW 0 to 60MPH is under 3 seconds and top speed is 196mph, makes your Nobel look like a bit of a slug at nearly half the price.

Some people are easily pleased I suppose smile.png

Hand built quality costs - Skylines are everywhere these days - I used to own a R32 but sold it and bought a nice little Exige.

The GTR that achieved that speed was not a base model - it was race engineered and I suspect cost a lot more than the Nobel base model.

2013 GTR Black Edition, cost is about $105,000 USD (65,000 quid), bout half the price of your Noble and japanese build quality not some scouser wanting to nick off from work early to get a pint down his neck.

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I'll take a British built and engineered Aston Martin/Lotus/Nobel over any Japanese/Thai/American car. smile.png

I'll take a Nissan GTR over anything that is british built.

BTW 0 to 60MPH is under 3 seconds and top speed is 196mph, makes your Nobel look like a bit of a slug at nearly half the price.

Some people are easily pleased I suppose smile.png

Hand built quality costs - Skylines are everywhere these days - I used to own a R32 but sold it and bought a nice little Exige.

The GTR that achieved that speed was not a base model - it was race engineered and I suspect cost a lot more than the Nobel base model.

2013 GTR Black Edition, cost is about $105,000 USD (65,000 quid), bout half the price of your Noble and japanese build quality not some scouser wanting to nick off from work early to get a pint down his neck.

Yes they're nice cars agreed :)

I wish I had one or even a Nobel would suffice laugh.png

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How do you define "British Quality" ? I know the term German quality, but never heard of British quality.

Yes Semper, it existed at one time.

But British quality like the British sense-of-humour died long ago.

It didn't survive the fall of the Empire.

Since then they haven't had much to laugh about, other than a circus of middle-class mediocrities, pig-headed proles and old socialist knuckleheads trying to govern themselves.

However funny it is to outsiders it couldn't be a laughing matter to the Brits themselves who have to put up with poor services, sky-high taxes and an entrenched bureaucracy.

Where are the Iron Dukes and the Iron Ladies when you need them?

But at the end of the day we still are British and have heritage, traditions and history, not bad habits acquired in the last fortnight.

Edited by RabC
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