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Does Farang Have Not Right To File Charges To Thaipolice?


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About one month ago I separated from my girlfriend when she was visiting her children. I only took my personal things like computer, books and cloths. When i came back after one week to split the rest it was all gone, not even a tea-spoon left. She even took a letter from the Thailands princess to my Father that he got after eating dinner with her when she visited the university he was a principal of. She also took my motorbike, registered on me. In total it was things for around 350 000 bath.

I was not alone when I came to the house, i had 2 turist-polices with me. After we found out everything was gone I went to the police-station to file charges. The Police i talked to asked me for the number to my ex girlfriend. I thought he wanted that to triangulate her telephone and gave it to him. To my utter surprise he called her and told her the situation. He did not ask her we she was or where she have moved to. After the telephonecall he told me that she wanted to meet me at the police-station 7 days later and refused to let me file charges. 7 days must be more than enough for her to sell or in other ways make it impossible for me to get back any of my things. Is this really how the Thai -law enforcment works? Does I need consent from the suspect in order to file charges?

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You returned to split the rest accompanied by 2 tourist police?

What were you expecting, that you needed these and even more, why they agreed to come along?

I think you suspected that this would happen or you might have trouble of some kind if you returned.

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You returned to split the rest accompanied by 2 tourist police?

What were you expecting, that you needed these and even more, why they agreed to come along?

I think you suspected that this would happen or you might have trouble of some kind if you returned.

She have repeatedly been waving knives, scissors and a hammer before me a number of times. She has repeatedly moved the entire household goods to Bangkok, last time also with ALL my stuff. I got her to take back the stuff to save my purely personal property.

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In cases of domestic dispute, the police officers will do their best to help settle the matter amicably between the two people before it goes down the criminal prosecution route.

That is obviously what they are trying to do.

Stealing my property after we have separated cant really be a domestic matter as it occurred after the relationship ended, and does the Police really have the right to deny me to file charges? I strongly told him that any meting was out of the question as long as no charges was filed.I could accept to withdraw my charges at a later point but to have a meeting with her when the Police so obvious was on her side did not thrill me.

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You returned to split the rest accompanied by 2 tourist police?

What were you expecting, that you needed these and even more, why they agreed to come along?

I think you suspected that this would happen or you might have trouble of some kind if you returned.

She have repeatedly been waving knives, scissors and a hammer before me a number of times. She has repeatedly moved the entire household goods to Bangkok, last time also with ALL my stuff. I got her to take back the stuff to save my purely personal property.

Sounds like a real gem!

Well, good luck and I hope you can get your stuff back.

If the bike is registered in your name, why not report it as stolen?

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Sounds like a real gem!

Well, good luck and I hope you can get your stuff back.

If the bike is registered in your name, why not report it as stolen?

That should solve the bikes disappearance, but do you have the receipts or household photos for the rest of the 350k of stuff to prove it ever existed?

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You returned to split the rest accompanied by 2 tourist police?

What were you expecting, that you needed these and even more, why they agreed to come along?

I think you suspected that this would happen or you might have trouble of some kind if you returned.

She have repeatedly been waving knives, scissors and a hammer before me a number of times. She has repeatedly moved the entire household goods to Bangkok, last time also with ALL my stuff. I got her to take back the stuff to save my purely personal property.


Where did you meet her? Telling us the place, could probably help members to avoid that area.

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She has repeatedly moved the entire household goods to Bangkok

Surprised you didn't change the locks on the house when you left based on your above experience.

Yes, domestic issues the police are reluctant to interfere directly.

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She has repeatedly moved the entire household goods to Bangkok

Surprised you didn't change the locks on the house when you left based on your above experience.

Yes, domestic issues the police are reluctant to interfere directly.

Cant blame the Thai police, foreign police are also reluctant to interfere.

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Sounds like a real gem!

Well, good luck and I hope you can get your stuff back.

If the bike is registered in your name, why not report it as stolen?

That should solve the bikes disappearance, but do you have the receipts or household photos for the rest of the 350k of stuff to prove it ever existed?

I do have receipts for probably all of it. But from what some people told me she have already sold it all except for my motorbike. From some sources i also heard she have been skimming me for a lot of money, witch could be verified by a check of transactions into her bank-account. My sources tell me that she now have 6 bath gold and 250 000 bath on the bank.

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Sounds like a real gem!

Well, good luck and I hope you can get your stuff back.

If the bike is registered in your name, why not report it as stolen?

I tried to report it as stolen, but the Police refused to make the report.

Then something is seriously wrong. I have not heard of the police refusing to make a stolen bike report if in fact it's missing.

If you are if fact experiencing this problem, I don't hold out much hope unless you get a lawyer.......it sounds ominous.

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Sounds like a real gem!

Well, good luck and I hope you can get your stuff back.

If the bike is registered in your name, why not report it as stolen?

I tried to report it as stolen, but the Police refused to make the report.

Then something is seriously wrong. I have not heard of the police refusing to make a stolen bike report if in fact it's missing.

If you are if fact experiencing this problem, I don't hold out much hope unless you get a lawyer.......it sounds ominous.

Go to a different police station, then.

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And of course 1iphone, 1 laptop, 1 motorbike that i did give her and 2000 shoes (i bought to us for open a shoshop), and a wagon for moving the shop to different markets. She did also steal 1 computer from her own children that i gave them,, lol.

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Sounds like a real gem!

Well, good luck and I hope you can get your stuff back.

If the bike is registered in your name, why not report it as stolen?

I tried to report it as stolen, but the Police refused to make the report.

Then something is seriously wrong. I have not heard of the police refusing to make a stolen bike report if in fact it's missing.

If you are if fact experiencing this problem, I don't hold out much hope unless you get a lawyer.......it sounds ominous.

Go to a different police station, then.

Wont work, I can only report to the Police station where the alleged crime was committed (Hua Hin). She have told that she do have "connections" with some policemen, Im starting to think this might be so.

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You should lower your expectations, it is 'domestic' even if she is an ex girlfriend from a year ago.

If you do not have a policeman who likes you or considers you important somehow, then you won't be able to get around this.

As soon as you mentioned "girlfriend" anything you report however vaguely relevant will be seen through the eyes of "domestic" and therefore you should expect very little legal action from the police. Completely forget about her being arrested or her house raided for your property etc etc..

You should not try to buck against this Thai way. You should play along- meet with her, with a policeman at the station, bring a senior member of your own family or parent, or work senior Thai, ask her to bring her parent or similar, be polite, speak calmly, and work out an agreement and expect it will be a compromise and you will have to give some of your stuff or money to her in order to get the most of it back.

Or, sit down at a bar, laugh at the situation, and feel lucky you only ever saw her wave that knife.

Its not easy. I did read about a farang who got 3 month in prison for stealing something for 30 baht. I lost for more than 300 000 and i have to be nice to the psychopathic bitch? I have also been blackmailed, threatened in all imaginative ways and one night after one more session with the knife i took my laptop and drove to Bangkok and crashed after 25 kilometers. Blood in the lung, 7 ribs cracked, shoulder and arm very damaged. That's when she took all my stuff the first time. I played nice so she took most back. I was not in shape for any jail-break but I got her to go to Isan and see her small babies. The who bigger girls that stayed in our house was then turned into guards, and even slept outside my room so I could not get away in the night. I did contact my old girlfriend who i have a baby with, and she got one friend to come and get me out. I could not carry so much with one hand and so many cracked ribbs so i needed help. Her own children was very helpful and wanted me to take more of my stuff than i did. She punished them later by sending them away to Isan and took the computer i gave them. They did not raise the alarm by calling her so she could call for "help" to stop my escape.

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You returned to split the rest accompanied by 2 tourist police?

What were you expecting, that you needed these and even more, why they agreed to come along?

I think you suspected that this would happen or you might have trouble of some kind if you returned.

She have repeatedly been waving knives, scissors and a hammer before me a number of times. She has repeatedly moved the entire household goods to Bangkok, last time also with ALL my stuff. I got her to take back the stuff to save my purely personal property.

You mean there was a last time.crazy.gif

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do like bronco says

Its a bit to late. I have a new and nice girlfriend already I did find some checklist of psychopathy on internet. She had like 40 of 40 on that test. The advice i did find on the web, about what to do if you find out that you have a relationship with a psychopath is simple - "RUN". Maybe I sound naive and as an easy victim for a clever girl but I don't think its that simple. The edge that psychopaths have over us a bit more normal people is their complete lack of conciseness, when they act like that they thrives (i guess that's the English word) and feel superior. They get a kick out of doing things you and me hopefully are not capable of doing.

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You returned to split the rest accompanied by 2 tourist police?

What were you expecting, that you needed these and even more, why they agreed to come along?

I think you suspected that this would happen or you might have trouble of some kind if you returned.

She have repeatedly been waving knives, scissors and a hammer before me a number of times. She has repeatedly moved the entire household goods to Bangkok, last time also with ALL my stuff. I got her to take back the stuff to save my purely personal property.

If you keep going back to her, or letting her come back to you, the threats will probably get worse. The writing was on the wall the very first time she waved a knife or stole from you.

If you've got any sense at all you should walk away from this situation and never look back. Break off all contact and get on with the rest of your life. After all, what is a few K/Baht compared with your physical and mental health?

Good luck.

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And of course 1iphone, 1 laptop, 1 motorbike that i did give her and 2000 shoes (i bought to us for open a shoshop), and a wagon for moving the shop to different markets. She did also steal 1 computer from her own children that i gave them,, lol.

Hoe can she steal things you gave her?

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You returned to split the rest accompanied by 2 tourist police?

What were you expecting, that you needed these and even more, why they agreed to come along?

I think you suspected that this would happen or you might have trouble of some kind if you returned.

She have repeatedly been waving knives, scissors and a hammer before me a number of times. She has repeatedly moved the entire household goods to Bangkok, last time also with ALL my stuff. I got her to take back the stuff to save my purely personal property.

If you keep going back to her, or letting her come back to you, the threats will probably get worse. The writing was on the wall the very first time she waved a knife or stole from you.

If you've got any sense at all you should walk away from this situation and never look back. Break off all contact and get on with the rest of your life. After all, what is a few K/Baht compared with your physical and mental health?

Good luck.

Yes, thanx. I have done that. I'm just so frustrated that I cant report my stolen motorbike stolen. If I the owner claim that its stolen, how can it not be stolen?

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You should lower your expectations, it is 'domestic' even if she is an ex girlfriend from a year ago.

If you do not have a policeman who likes you or considers you important somehow, then you won't be able to get around this.

As soon as you mentioned "girlfriend" anything you report however vaguely relevant will be seen through the eyes of "domestic" and therefore you should expect very little legal action from the police. Completely forget about her being arrested or her house raided for your property etc etc..

You should not try to buck against this Thai way. You should play along- meet with her, with a policeman at the station, bring a senior member of your own family or parent, or work senior Thai, ask her to bring her parent or similar, be polite, speak calmly, and work out an agreement and expect it will be a compromise and you will have to give some of your stuff or money to her in order to get the most of it back.

Or, sit down at a bar, laugh at the situation, and feel lucky you only ever saw her wave that knife.

Its not easy. I did read about a farang who got 3 month in prison for stealing something for 30 baht. I lost for more than 300 000 and i have to be nice to the psychopathic bitch? I have also been blackmailed, threatened in all imaginative ways and one night after one more session with the knife i took my laptop and drove to Bangkok and crashed after 25 kilometers. Blood in the lung, 7 ribs cracked, shoulder and arm very damaged. That's when she took all my stuff the first time. I played nice so she took most back. I was not in shape for any jail-break but I got her to go to Isan and see her small babies. The who bigger girls that stayed in our house was then turned into guards, and even slept outside my room so I could not get away in the night. I did contact my old girlfriend who i have a baby with, and she got one friend to come and get me out. I could not carry so much with one hand and so many cracked ribbs so i needed help. Her own children was very helpful and wanted me to take more of my stuff than i did. She punished them later by sending them away to Isan and took the computer i gave them. They did not raise the alarm by calling her so she could call for "help" to stop my escape.

I think you have bigger problems then some 'stolen' stuff. Not all buying its all stolen.. You have already posted that you are trying to get back stuff which you gave away.

Might be time to pack up and go home.

Edited by Jigger
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And of course 1iphone, 1 laptop, 1 motorbike that i did give her and 2000 shoes (i bought to us for open a shoshop), and a wagon for moving the shop to different markets. She did also steal 1 computer from her own children that i gave them,, lol.

Hoe can she steal things you gave her?

I don't regard them as stolen, but I think that those things should have been enough.

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