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Attempted Tooth Extraction On Puppy At The Beach...


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When time permits I’ve been visiting Pats to relax under the beach umbrella and swim in the warm ocean- as you do… In the past couple of months I’ve been going to the same spot because they are friendly people and they own a nice puppy dog.

From the start, I noticed the owners playing extremely rough games with the puppy and as expected its been responding with playful biting (in a fun manner). A few months later they now have a 6 month old dog that still biting regularly- the owners or farang that try to play with it.

Today the daughter who is aged in her mid 20’s was attempting to extract a tooth from the poor dogs mouth whilst her boyfriend held him down. The dog was screaming violently and I ran over to put a stop to it. Normally I would never raise my voice in an angry manner to any thai person but I had to cause her to lose face and stop being cruel to the dog. She told me that the dog had bitten a farang yesterday.

I have an aversion to animal cruelty and believe there is no excuse for it. These people are obviously simple minded and un-educated as they just sat there laughing. Fortunately for the dog they refrained from their actions as a lot of tourists were looking at us.

Obviously its not ideal for the dog to be biting people. Its even bitten me a few times and I recently updated my rabies shot as a pre-caution. It does not bite so strong that blood is drawn. The dog is simply bored and not getting any exercise-mostly tied to a lead all day. The dog is clearly a victim of its own environment as the owners do not have a clue how to raise a puppy.

My question is…. Does anyone know if there is an animal welfare organisation in Thailand where one can report cruelty to animals? In my home country there is the RSPCA. If they continue to be cruel to the dog I will have no hesitation to report them if its possible.

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I agree , it is extremely cruel but it also goes to show that the owners do not know how to train the pup to know when play is play and when to stop. It is not the puppies fault at all . A lot of kids also lack training too and grow into adults like the owners of the puppy.

I believe there are animal protection societies in Thailand but without any legislative back-up to stop acts of cruelty .

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Sorry, but my advice is to move to another beach! You will change nothing, but next time, it might be you, that is held on the ground and someone pulling your teeth. Do you really think the police or someone will come out, just because their dog is tied to a tree? At the most, someone will take the dog to a temple, and let it bite people there. There is absolutely no responsibility here, so you wont be able to help this dog, and at some point, it will bite harder, and there will be blood. If someone wants to play with a dog, I suggest they get one, and play with it at home, no go out and play with soi dogs.

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"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." --Ghandi

best words i have seen used to sum up the situation here in Thailand, move away other wise it will just do your head in, but let them know why first.

Edited by marstons
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