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Yingluck: 2006 Military Coup Makes Country Lose Opportunities; Thus Amendment Needed


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"She has found that Thailand lacks acceptance from foreigners"

This is surely a welcome U-turn, from the normal position, which is that Thailand cares b*gger-all about what foreigners & other governments think ?

For example ... what famous relative of hers said "the UN is not my father" ? whistling.gif

If the PM wishes the country to gain more respect from other more-democratic countries, then the Constitution needs to have stronger penalties against corruption, both financial and political, so that it appears to be less of a 'banana-republic'.

Increased freedom-of-speech, less media-consorship & internet-control, and eliminating controls on capital-flows would also benefit democracy and inward-investment respectively.

But somehow I don't think that's what she or the Big-Boss have in mind. wink.png

Edited by Ricardo
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Anyone bemused by the reactionary drivel posted above should see the excellent opinion piece by Songkran Grachangnetara in the other paper today

I read Songkran's piece and it is nothing more than a PTP-supported piece of propaganda. The reactionary drivel you refer to - Yinglucks's or GK's?

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Indeed , Yingluck has grounds to caution on the loss of opertunity as a result of the coup in 2006 as I am sure that the Shinawatra clan lost some of their opertunity in bleeding this country dry. But you have got to admire their resolve as in the face of all this adversity, they are still trying. Greed is a hard and powerful master.

Political poppycock aimed at brainwashing the uninitiated.

Sir ; Neither poppycock nor brainwashing, .... simply a statement of facts as they present themselves and are there for all to see. Thailand represents a business for the Shiniwatra clan and many of their elitist cronies who have become wealthy beyond their means at the expense of this nation and it's infrastructure. There is little doubt about that and furthermore, it is a non political statement, unless corruption has become an open political agenda.

As far as the "uninitiated", I am not sure as to whom you refer. In my opinion the average IQ of the members of this Forum is well above the national average as can be witnessed by many of the posts. Before you rebut this I would also contend that there are indeed many posts which are "tounge in cheek" but they are greatly outweighed by the number of articulate , intellegent , insightful articles and opinions posted on this Forum by members with a significant history in Thailand.

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Anyone bemused by the reactionary drivel posted above should see the excellent opinion piece by Songkran Grachangnetara in the other paper today

I read Songkran's piece and it is nothing more than a PTP-supported piece of propaganda. The reactionary drivel you refer to - Yinglucks's or GK's?

It is obvious you do not have a grasp of your subject (hardly unusual ) and not worth commenting on, but it is worth pointing out your slur against Dr Songkran is an outright lie.Do you people ever bother to research the credentials of those you slander?

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Sorry to be blunt but foreign countries get very wary when they see third world countries run by 'families'.

Leaders who appoint their relatives as opposeed to the most qualified to top positions are always viewed with suspicion.

So how do foreign countries see third world countries that have governments installed following coups?

The Dem party is playing the role of a casual prostitute with particularly low standards, shamed by servicing the fat bald army and now not being able to live down its reputation which has been ruined beyond repair anytime soon.

Whilst I don't condemn the actions of an individual behaving this way to put food on the table if no other ways are possible, when the representatives of a nation do it, it is something lower than petty whoredom.

Edited by 15Peter20
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Anyone bemused by the reactionary drivel posted above should see the excellent opinion piece by Songkran Grachangnetara in the other paper today

I read Songkran's piece and it is nothing more than a PTP-supported piece of propaganda. The reactionary drivel you refer to - Yinglucks's or GK's?

It is obvious you do not have a grasp of your subject (hardly unusual ) and not worth commenting on, but it is worth pointing out your slur against Dr Songkran is an outright lie.Do you people ever bother to research the credentials of those you slander?

I have a better grasp of Thai politics than you have demonstrated. What slur? I pointed out that his piece in the other paper is PTP-supported propaganda because that's what it is. It's not a personal attack on the man & I couldn't give a flying <deleted> about his credentials. You have a distorted view of what a slur or slander is.

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Anyone bemused by the reactionary drivel posted above should see the excellent opinion piece by Songkran Grachangnetara in the other paper today

I read Songkran's piece and it is nothing more than a PTP-supported piece of propaganda. The reactionary drivel you refer to - Yinglucks's or GK's?

It is obvious you do not have a grasp of your subject (hardly unusual ) and not worth commenting on, but it is worth pointing out your slur against Dr Songkran is an outright lie.Do you people ever bother to research the credentials of those you slander?

I have a better grasp of Thai politics than you have demonstrated. What slur? I pointed out that his piece in the other paper is PTP-supported propaganda because that's what it is. It's not a personal attack on the man & I couldn't give a flying <deleted> about his credentials. You have a distorted view of what a slur or slander is.


If you knew anything about Dr Songkran your suggestion he is a mouthpiece for PTP propaganda would certainly be a dishonest slur.But the evidence of your posts suggests a myopic ignorance rather than malice.

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If you knew anything about Dr Songkran your suggestion he is a mouthpiece for PTP propaganda would certainly be a dishonest slur.But the evidence of your posts suggests a myopic ignorance rather than malice.

Kindly cease and desist forthwith with your pompous support of the bewildered. If you have something that supports a portfolio of enlightened benevolence on his part then please do provide some links in order that we may ascertain for ourselves the good he has brought to mankind. If not then save the vacuum around you for the flatulence that it awaits.

So how does that reconcile with this statement "PTP-supported piece of propaganda". Did PTP support him to write the piece, or did he come up with it himself. There are many reasonable points in the piece, also some I don't agree with, but to say it is a piece of "supported propaganda" suggest that in some way it was orchestrated by the PTP, for which there is no evidence at all. It's just a Thai person with a very good grasp of English and a foreign education putting his views forward as to what is wrong with the current constitution.

On the whole he isn't wrong, in my opinion, but the one issue I can't agree with him on is providing an amnesty for Thaksin because the constitution provides an amnesty for the coup makers. That doesn't work.

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Sorry to be blunt but foreign countries get very wary when they see third world countries run by 'families'.

Leaders who appoint their relatives as opposeed to the most qualified to top positions are always viewed with suspicion.

So how do foreign countries see third world countries that have governments installed following coups?

The Dem party is playing the role of a casual prostitute with particularly low standards, shamed by servicing the fat bald army and now not being able to live down its reputation which has been ruined beyond repair anytime soon.

Whilst I don't condemn the actions of an individual behaving this way to put food on the table if no other ways are possible, when the representatives of a nation do it, it is something lower than petty whoredom.

"governments installed following coups"

This applies to the junta-appointed government, led by former-PM Sorayud from September-2006 to December-2007, I'd agree.

But surely less so for the elected coalition-governments of former-PM Samak or former-PM Somchai, or the Democrat-led coalition-government of former-PM Abhisit that followed the December-2008 elections ?

However it is interesting that PM-Yingluck fails to give any slight credit to any of the three, and further claims all the credit for any perceived improvement for herself or her own party/government ? ("she said after the democratic election of 2011, the kingdom has gain more acceptance.")

That's surely a little harsh on the PPP, and her brother's previous choices, for the PM-role ? rolleyes.gif

But perhaps that really is how she sees things, that nothing good can have happened, before her own entry into politics ? If so, I feel she's wrong.

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If you knew anything about Dr Songkran your suggestion he is a mouthpiece for PTP propaganda would certainly be a dishonest slur.But the evidence of your posts suggests a myopic ignorance rather than malice.

Kindly cease and desist forthwith with your pompous support of the bewildered. If you have something that supports a portfolio of enlightened benevolence on his part then please do provide some links in order that we may ascertain for ourselves the good he has brought to mankind. If not then save the vacuum around you for the flatulence that it awaits.

So how does that reconcile with this statement "PTP-supported piece of propaganda". Did PTP support him to write the piece, or did he come up with it himself. There are many reasonable points in the piece, also some I don't agree with, but to say it is a piece of "supported propaganda" suggest that in some way it was orchestrated by the PTP, for which there is no evidence at all. It's just a Thai person with a very good grasp of English and a foreign education putting his views forward as to what is wrong with the current constitution.

On the whole he isn't wrong, in my opinion, but the one issue I can't agree with him on is providing an amnesty for Thaksin because the constitution provides an amnesty for the coup makers. That doesn't work.

I wrote the statement 'PTP-supported piece of propaganda'. No, that doesn't say that PTP supported him to write the piece nor does say it was orchestrated by PTP (much the same thing). To re-phrase it:

He wrote a piece that supported the usual PTP propaganda.

His comments about the constitution are no different to PTP & the red-shirts - belittling the fact that it was accepted by referendum. Plus the amnesty & the rest - no different to PTP. In other words, nothing original only their propaganda.

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If you knew anything about Dr Songkran your suggestion he is a mouthpiece for PTP propaganda would certainly be a dishonest slur.But the evidence of your posts suggests a myopic ignorance rather than malice.

Kindly cease and desist forthwith with your pompous support of the bewildered. If you have something that supports a portfolio of enlightened benevolence on his part then please do provide some links in order that we may ascertain for ourselves the good he has brought to mankind. If not then save the vacuum around you for the flatulence that it awaits.

So how does that reconcile with this statement "PTP-supported piece of propaganda". Did PTP support him to write the piece, or did he come up with it himself. There are many reasonable points in the piece, also some I don't agree with, but to say it is a piece of "supported propaganda" suggest that in some way it was orchestrated by the PTP, for which there is no evidence at all. It's just a Thai person with a very good grasp of English and a foreign education putting his views forward as to what is wrong with the current constitution.

On the whole he isn't wrong, in my opinion, but the one issue I can't agree with him on is providing an amnesty for Thaksin because the constitution provides an amnesty for the coup makers. That doesn't work.

I wrote the statement 'PTP-supported piece of propaganda'. No, that doesn't say that PTP supported him to write the piece nor does say it was orchestrated by PTP (much the same thing). To re-phrase it:

He wrote a piece that supported the usual PTP propaganda.

His comments about the constitution are no different to PTP & the red-shirts - belittling the fact that it was accepted by referendum. Plus the amnesty & the rest - no different to PTP. In other words, nothing original only their propaganda.

AI think the phrase might be "pro-PTP", and to suggest that it is propaganda, implies that it is in someway orchestrated falsehood.

A private individuals opinion can't really be construed as propaganda, it's just an opinion. Is he part of the PTP party, or managament, does he have a vested interest in PTP?

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There's a reason why Ms Yingluck doesn't make many public statements: She takes the directive of her brother, and whether she repeats it verbatum or adjusts the text to make it sound like her own thoughts, it comes out sounding semi-ridiculous. The only people who may believe what she just declared are PT ass-kissers and the Reds, many of whom are the same people.

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Thailand should get used to the fact that she will be seen as a backward country. Imagine what will happen when the Neo Fascists of the PAD get their way and Thailand reject International Court rulings because a handful of ultra rightists nationalists whose roots are in China anyhow and whose parents or grandparents all entered Thailand illegally get their way.

Of course amendments are necessary just as the immunity laws for democracy rapists need to be repealed and criminals like Sondhi must be locked up.

We're all for the amendment if there's a clause that says "doesn't apply to Thaksin Shinawatra".

So is Abhisit as well.

He did nothing wrong. He stopped a coup attempt by a brainwashed mob who only know how much do we get paid.In the end they even got cheated out of that.

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Sorry to be blunt but foreign countries get very wary when they see third world countries run by 'families'.

Leaders who appoint their relatives as opposeed to the most qualified to top positions are always viewed with suspicion.

So how do foreign countries see third world countries that have governments installed following coups?

The Dem party is playing the role of a casual prostitute with particularly low standards, shamed by servicing the fat bald army and now not being able to live down its reputation which has been ruined beyond repair anytime soon.

Whilst I don't condemn the actions of an individual behaving this way to put food on the table if no other ways are possible, when the representatives of a nation do it, it is something lower than petty whoredom.

Care to explain what you are talking about here. We haven't had a coup in 7 years and after it we had an election.

We now have are fourth PM since the coup and all elected.

Kind of makes one wonder what other kind of malfeasance she has up her brothers sleeve that she would be worrying about a coup

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AI think the phrase might be "pro-PTP", and to suggest that it is propaganda, implies that it is in someway orchestrated falsehood.

A private individuals opinion can't really be construed as propaganda, it's just an opinion. Is he part of the PTP party, or managament, does he have a vested interest in PTP?

I'm not sure if you are misinterpreting my statement deliberately or not. Once more, assuming the latter, the propaganda is PTP's & yes, it is orchestrated by that party & the red-shirts. The writer - Mr Songkran - wrote a piece supporting (almost mirroring) that propaganda. Yes, it's his opinion but in my opinion it's not in any way original.

I have no idea if he is involved with PTP & it's totally irrelevant. That's not what I accused him of anyway.

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Sorry to be blunt but foreign countries get very wary when they see third world countries run by 'families'.

Leaders who appoint their relatives as opposeed to the most qualified to top positions are always viewed with suspicion.

So how do foreign countries see third world countries that have governments installed following coups?

The Dem party is playing the role of a casual prostitute with particularly low standards, shamed by servicing the fat bald army and now not being able to live down its reputation which has been ruined beyond repair anytime soon.

Whilst I don't condemn the actions of an individual behaving this way to put food on the table if no other ways are possible, when the representatives of a nation do it, it is something lower than petty whoredom.

Care to explain what you are talking about here. We haven't had a coup in 7 years and after it we had an election.

We now have are fourth PM since the coup and all elected.

Kind of makes one wonder what other kind of malfeasance she has up her brothers sleeve that she would be worrying about a coup

She's probably worrying about a coup because successive Thaksin-aligned governments were ousted from power without actually losing a general election (fact) rather than because of Thaksin's nefarious plan to enslave Thailand into doing his will (fiction). Wonder no more, and get behind your country's beloved leader. You know you want to.

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AI think the phrase might be "pro-PTP", and to suggest that it is propaganda, implies that it is in someway orchestrated falsehood.

A private individuals opinion can't really be construed as propaganda, it's just an opinion. Is he part of the PTP party, or managament, does he have a vested interest in PTP?

I'm not sure if you are misinterpreting my statement deliberately or not. Once more, assuming the latter, the propaganda is PTP's & yes, it is orchestrated by that party & the red-shirts. The writer - Mr Songkran - wrote a piece supporting (almost mirroring) that propaganda. Yes, it's his opinion but in my opinion it's not in any way original.

I have no idea if he is involved with PTP & it's totally irrelevant. That's not what I accused him of anyway.

So, if it was the other way opinionated, it would represent democrat propaganda?

prop·a·gan·da /ˌpräpəˈgandə/

Noun 1. Information, esp. of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. 2. The dissemination of such information as a political strategy.

Giving a view is not propaganda, if it is your view. One can claim it is misinformed, or inaccurate, but if you have no vested interest, it is not part of a strategy. Is he promoting a biased view in the article?

He claims in his opinion that the previous referendum was tainted because it was held under the junta. Not untrue at all

there are plenty of facts in his p piece that are completely true. If someone called me up and asked me for an opinion piece on the constitution and i give it, this doesn't make it propaganda.

There are plenty of anti ptp pundits giving their opinions, that doesn't make their view propaganda.

By your definition all political comment its propaganda.

Edited by Thai at Heart
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Anyone bemused by the reactionary drivel posted above should see the excellent opinion piece by Songkran Grachangnetara in the other paper today

How does letting Thaksin off his charges assist with reconciliation?

Please refer to the past 100 years of Thai politics. Amnesties were quite popular.

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AI think the phrase might be "pro-PTP", and to suggest that it is propaganda, implies that it is in someway orchestrated falsehood.

A private individuals opinion can't really be construed as propaganda, it's just an opinion. Is he part of the PTP party, or managament, does he have a vested interest in PTP?

I'm not sure if you are misinterpreting my statement deliberately or not. Once more, assuming the latter, the propaganda is PTP's & yes, it is orchestrated by that party & the red-shirts. The writer - Mr Songkran - wrote a piece supporting (almost mirroring) that propaganda. Yes, it's his opinion but in my opinion it's not in any way original.

I have no idea if he is involved with PTP & it's totally irrelevant. That's not what I accused him of anyway.

So, if it was the other way opinionated, it would represent democrat propaganda?

prop·a·gan·da /ˌpräpəˈgandə/

Noun 1. Information, esp. of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. 2. The dissemination of such information as a political strategy.

Giving a view is not propaganda, if it is your view. One can claim it is misinformed, or inaccurate, but if you have no vested interest, it is not part of a strategy. Is he promoting a biased view in the article?

He claims in his opinion that the previous referendum was tainted because it was held under the junta. Not untrue at all

there are plenty of facts in his p piece that are completely true. If someone called me up and asked me for an opinion piece on the constitution and i give it, this doesn't make it propaganda.

There are plenty of anti ptp pundits giving their opinions, that doesn't make their view propaganda.

Ok, so you are just distorting what I said - no more pointless explanations.

As far as the existing constitution goes it was drafted by a committee (not by the 'junta') every bit as eminent as that which drafted the 1997 constitution. So, calling it a 'junta constitution' is rubbish. It was accepted by the Thai people in a referendum, which no previous constitution had been. IMO there is very little wrong with it & the push to amend it is purely to get the convicted ex-PM off his conviction & all the cases outstanding against him. Everything PTP & the red-shirts have said about the current constitution is propaganda which include lies about what their motive is for amending or rewriting it.

Can't you understand that writing to support propaganda is not in itself propaganda? It is, however mindless. Why do you keep repeating this misconception? I can only assume that you are just doing it for the fun of it because it's not a hard concept to grasp.

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Anyone bemused by the reactionary drivel posted above should see the excellent opinion piece by Songkran Grachangnetara in the other paper today

How does letting Thaksin off his charges assist with reconciliation?

Please refer to the past 100 years of Thai politics. Amnesties were quite popular.

Amnesties aren't very popular at the moment.

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AI think the phrase might be "pro-PTP", and to suggest that it is propaganda, implies that it is in someway orchestrated falsehood.

A private individuals opinion can't really be construed as propaganda, it's just an opinion. Is he part of the PTP party, or managament, does he have a vested interest in PTP?

I'm not sure if you are misinterpreting my statement deliberately or not. Once more, assuming the latter, the propaganda is PTP's & yes, it is orchestrated by that party & the red-shirts. The writer - Mr Songkran - wrote a piece supporting (almost mirroring) that propaganda. Yes, it's his opinion but in my opinion it's not in any way original.

I have no idea if he is involved with PTP & it's totally irrelevant. That's not what I accused him of anyway.

So, if it was the other way opinionated, it would represent democrat propaganda?

prop·a·gan·da /ˌpräpəˈgandə/

Noun 1. Information, esp. of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. 2. The dissemination of such information as a political strategy.

Giving a view is not propaganda, if it is your view. One can claim it is misinformed, or inaccurate, but if you have no vested interest, it is not part of a strategy. Is he promoting a biased view in the article?

He claims in his opinion that the previous referendum was tainted because it was held under the junta. Not untrue at all

there are plenty of facts in his p piece that are completely true. If someone called me up and asked me for an opinion piece on the constitution and i give it, this doesn't make it propaganda.

There are plenty of anti ptp pundits giving their opinions, that doesn't make their view propaganda.

Ok, so you are just distorting what I said - no more pointless explanations.

As far as the existing constitution goes it was drafted by a committee (not by the 'junta') every bit as eminent as that which drafted the 1997 constitution. So, calling it a 'junta constitution' is rubbish. It was accepted by the Thai people in a referendum, which no previous constitution had been. IMO there is very little wrong with it & the push to amend it is purely to get the convicted ex-PM off his conviction & all the cases outstanding against him. Everything PTP & the red-shirts have said about the current constitution is propaganda which include lies about what their motive is for amending or rewriting it.

Can't you understand that writing to support propaganda is not in itself propaganda? It is, however mindless. Why do you keep repeating this misconception? I can only assume that you are just doing it for the fun of it because it's not a hard concept to grasp.

It was an outstanding referendum. A state of emergency in many parts, no x active campaigning for a no vote, a tacit statement that if it want accepted the army would stay.

Are these not known truths of that time? So who is pushing propaganda. Who appointed the committee at that time? This is from wkipedia.

The lack of controls for the drafting of a permanent constitution. Under Interim Constitution articles 19 and 21, the CNS would appoint a 2000-member National Assembly which would in 7 days have to select 200 of its members to be candidates for the Constitution Drafting Assembly. Under charter articles 22 and 24, the CNS would select 100 of those candidates for royal appointment to the Assembly; it would also select the Assembly head. The Assembly would then appoint 25 of its members as constitution writers, with the CNS directly appointing 10 writers. This process effectively gave the junta complete control over the permanent constitution.

There isn't a whole lot wrong with the whole thing, and actually they should have a question in this referendum to vote no change. That would legitimise the current constitution completely.

Edited by Thai at Heart
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Giving a view is not propaganda, if it is your view. One can claim it is misinformed, or inaccurate, but if you have no vested interest, it is not part of a strategy. Is he promoting a biased view in the article?

There are plenty of anti ptp pundits giving their opinions, that doesn't make their view propaganda.

By your definition all political comment its propaganda.

All comment which is not stated to be the view of the author, which is backed with unbias facts and figures is unscholarly. Therefore it is open to criticism by its' opponents.

What is taking place in Thai politics at the moment (the attempted use of political power and influence to absolve the criminal actions of another without proof of innosence) is illegal in most countries - fact.

The use of the court system to bog down the opponent is an American style of politics which is foreign to many, including myself and seems counter productive to the development of the country. This is something that for me personally is clouding my motivation to invest any small capital I have in the Kingdom.

Open discrimination against al foreigners, to varying degrees is another thing which unsettles me personally and makes me feel very unwelcome by the Thai establishment.

Edited by TheGhostWithin
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Well isn't this interesting. Yesterday those of you that commented were reasonable and rational. Today after reading one inoffensive talk by the PM you are back with your bad language and insults. God know's how long it is going to take for you guy's to realize that it is you that are the problem. You and Khun Abhisit. One illegal coups d'tete and you are so sure that you have Thailand by the throat. Thailand has a legitimate government that has an impressive and strong mandate. The Thai PM rules with the authority and dignity of the Monarchy. The current orderly conduct of government is something that you Democrat's don't seem to know anything about. It is this orderliness that is responsible for Thaland's gradual return to the World Stage with dignity.

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Sorry to be blunt but foreign countries get very wary when they see third world countries run by 'families'.

Leaders who appoint their relatives as opposeed to the most qualified to top positions are always viewed with suspicion.

So how do foreign countries see third world countries that have governments installed following coups?

The Dem party is playing the role of a casual prostitute with particularly low standards, shamed by servicing the fat bald army and now not being able to live down its reputation which has been ruined beyond repair anytime soon.

Whilst I don't condemn the actions of an individual behaving this way to put food on the table if no other ways are possible, when the representatives of a nation do it, it is something lower than petty whoredom.

Care to explain what you are talking about here. We haven't had a coup in 7 years and after it we had an election.

We now have are fourth PM since the coup and all elected.

Kind of makes one wonder what other kind of malfeasance she has up her brothers sleeve that she would be worrying about a coup

She's probably worrying about a coup because successive Thaksin-aligned governments were ousted from power without actually losing a general election (fact) rather than because of Thaksin's nefarious plan to enslave Thailand into doing his will (fiction). Wonder no more, and get behind your country's beloved leader. You know you want to.

Take two aspirin and call me in the morning.

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