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Why Do Farangs Choose To Stay In Thailand?


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For others, it is difficult to leave thailand once you have been here a long time. Just saving up for a plane ticket , let alone setting oneself up in a western country, is not so easy when you are earning a tiny salary in thailand.

Also, it is easier to be poor in a warm country. And easier still, when there are many people with even less trying to eat and get a roof over their head, too: the widespread poverty keeps prices of necessities down.

I noticed that in India. People could live there on a small social security check from the USA, but there is no way they could go home and live on that. They would have ended up homeless and lonely in some big impersonal city, and probably eventually in jail for the crime of being homeless and poor. Some of them didn't like being in India any more, but they had no choice.

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Fanciman makes very good and valid points.

It's so easy to get used to having a maid, cheap and good food and continuous warmth as well as living far above what one could aspire to back 'home'.

It's a quality of life that simply can not be replicated.

But its not everything.

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...Live with parents in US free rent free food.

May we assume that your parents asked you to move to a different country? :D


The living with parents line was for the benefit of several posters on this forum that I believe have that option.


My parents (God rest their souls) past away almost 30 years ago (1976)

I have daughters that are living the American Dream.

They are married to men who are on the executive scale, living in big houses (5000 sq ft (475 sq m) and driving new Mecedes-Benz just like their mother.




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Fanciman makes very good and valid points.

It's so easy to get used to having a maid, cheap and good food and continuous warmth as well as living far above what one could aspire to back 'home'.

It's a quality of life that simply can not be replicated.

But its not everything.

I concur Mark, but it's so easy to get used to - even here in Singapore where the standard of living is definitely not low.

Definitely could not envisage retiring in Thailand, whereas Singapore is quite a bit more appealing in many ways (no corruption, lawlesness, poverty, crime etc . . .) but then you need to have lots of money to live well here.

Trade-offs, I guess.

Edited by Sing_Sling
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...Live with parents in US free rent free food.

May we assume that your parents asked you to move to a different country? :D


The living with parents line was for the benefit of several posters on this forum that I believe have that option.


My parents (God rest their souls) past away almost 30 years ago (1976)

I have daughters that are living the American Dream.

They are married to men who are on the executive scale, living in big houses (5000 sq ft (475 sq m) and driving new Mecedes-Benz just like their mother.





Here is wife going to airport then Thailand last September

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Here is wife going to airport then Thailand last September

Nice ride!

How ironic...that style neighborhood is what (I'm guessing) many Thai people aspire to live in......while my dream was to get away from such neighborhoods! :o Amazing how one's life experiences shape his/her idea of the good life!

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I'm here for work reasons. It's nothing to do with 'easy access to sex' as one halfwit on the thread suggested. I arrived as a single guy and naturally I have a thai gf here, but considering 99.999% of the women in Thailand are . . . well . . . Thai, I hope I can be forgiven for that perversion.

I'm a different man since I arrived here. More relaxed. Less stressed. More tolerant.

I've lived in the UK, New Zealand and Australia but nothing compares with here. Food, weather, general sense of well-being.

I feel privileged to be here. I'm already making plans to remain here for the rest of my life.

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I came here at age 38 after retiring from the US Army. Disgusted with my life in the US as well as the USA in general, I decided to abondon the American dream for dreams of my own.

Now, life without people screaming about racism, religion, or relationships with American women, is much better.

I'm sure they have it here, but it dosen't bother me the way it did in the USA.

Now I don't worry about offending other Americans of different races. I don't deal with these Americans anymore so life is much easier for me.

I also stopped waiting for Jesus to return. Funny how parents teach how Jesus is real and Santa is not. Have the parents ever seen either one? Both are fantasies but Christian parents often tell horrify their kids by telling them they are going to burn in hel_l for their sins. I'm glad I don't have jesus freaks all over the place here in Thailand. That makes life here easier too.

I don't have to say too much about American women. Most people on this forum have their own opinions about them. I'm sure there are a good ones out there worth living with. I am much happier not being around them here in Thailand.

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Everytime I see this thread it reminds me of a cartoon in the Pattaya Mail a couple of years back. There was a picture of an old man sitting in his chair in his dark room back home with the comments "cold, poor, family doesn't want to know me, no future" and then a picture of him in sunny Pattaya with a big smile on his face and his arm around girl on his left and his right with the comments "warm, happy, rich, great new friends, family? what Family?"

I know where I would rather be. :o

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.....or have you known any Samoans........now that is an experience.....I'll be nice and end here.

I have not seen a mention here, whether pro or con, on the medical system in Thailand that I've heard is very affordable as compared to the U.S. system that is too expensive for most families. That would be a major advantage to a retiree.

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I have not seen a mention here, whether pro or con, on the medical system in Thailand that I've heard is very affordable as compared to the U.S. system that is too expensive for most families. That would be a major advantage to a retiree.

It would appear that you have been misinformed.

There is no Thai medical system available to farang retirees, other than privately funded medical insurance.

Edited by Noel
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I have not seen a mention here, whether pro or con, on the medical system in Thailand that I've heard is very affordable as compared to the U.S. system that is too expensive for most families. That would be a major advantage to a retiree.

It would appear that you have been misinformed.

There is no Thai medical system available to farang retirees, other than privately funded medical insurance.

Did he say anything about the present system accommodating foreigners ( Oh....Farangs are NOT the only foreigners residing in Thailand )

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I have not seen a mention here, whether pro or con, on the medical system in Thailand that I've heard is very affordable as compared to the U.S. system that is too expensive for most families. That would be a major advantage to a retiree.

It would appear that you have been misinformed.

There is no Thai medical system available to farang retirees, other than privately funded medical insurance.

Did he say anything about the present system accommodating foreigners ( Oh....Farangs are NOT the only foreigners residing in Thailand )

I am fully aware that the term farang does not apply to all foreigners, if that is your point. :o

This thread is entitled: "Why Do Farangs Choose To Stay In Thailand?", hence my reference to farang retirees.

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Actually he also only points out that the Healthcare is cheaper than the USA (not free) which is true. Any Farang can walk into just about any Doctors, Hospital etc.. and get treated for probably 5% of the price of the USA. No need for health insurance then really.

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airport tax in australia is about $150.00 which is about 4500 badt.

10 years ago it was $20.00 which is about 600 badt and we thought that was a rip off back then

Australian departure tax is $38, not $150. :D As with air tickets sold world wide there are additions to the basic price including airline fuel levys, individual airport charges (small), and GST (VAT) of 10%.

This is another attempt to slag off your (adopted?) country with idiotic, inaccurate statements. :o

What's your agenda Donz? :D

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The most important thing for me is that my wife (who is Thai) is happier in Thai than in the USA. Being from the east coast the weather is never "just right". As far as money goes on a Thai scale I make equally what I did in the USA but my rent is 10% of my income not 50% food is 2% of my income not 25% my income tax is 1% not 35% and every greedy bugger doesn't have his hand out for another slice of my pie. I am much happier in Asia than anywhere else in the world. I lived in China for many years and was happy there too but by far Thai is the best place on earth as far as I am concerned. As far as the 50 year old guy with the 25 year old girl, well that's not what I'm all about I don't get what you could possibly have in common but that's me. I am 38 and my wife is 36 we didn't meet on the Internet we met through friends and I never have a bad thought about my marriage, money, safety or "does she really love me for me"? In a nut shell I guess I almost feel as if I were Thai myself at this point, and why not 150 years ago my ancestors got on a ship and went to North America for a better life. I guess that makes me not much different. I will leave you with this...

Thai is my home now and the place I love to be, as once I would have stood up and fought for the USA if the call ever came I would now stand up for Thai and pledge my loyalty.

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Actually he also only points out that the Healthcare is cheaper than the USA (not free) which is true. Any Farang can walk into just about any Doctors, Hospital etc.. and get treated for probably 5% of the price of the USA. No need for health insurance then really.

I have never had the misfortune to fall ill in the USA (the odd honk at the conversation excepted of course), so cannot contest your rather incredulous claim that the cost of medical treatment for farang in Thailand is 1/20th of that in the USA.

I always carry insurance regardless, so it would not have been an issue.

I sincerely hope that you are not planning to fund your first trip to Thailand via percieved savings in medical bills at a private Thai hospital. :o

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Are you guys trying to find a politically-correct answer? Is that the point of this topic?

I think if you asked any Thai person here why farangs come to Thailand, they would all give the same obvious answer. While I don't particularly like the rationale, I have nothing personally against the farangs who come here to look for women. As they say - don't hate the player, hate the game.

BOCTAOE (this is an acronym by cartoonist Scott Adams that means "but of course there are obvious exceptions" as someone will inevitably point to a minority segment of the population in order to prove me wrong. Yes I know there are people here for work too, although many will inevitably marry a Thai woman. And I definitely welcome more of the farangs that create jobs for Thai people).

You're making the assumption that all farangs that come here are men .... where I work 50% of us are female and we definately didn't come for the reasons you are implying is the general belief of Thai people (which I highly doubt is really the belief). And I doubt that the other 50% that are male did either. A lot of people that come here come for work, and those that choose to stay do so because of the work or the easy lifestyle (maids and all that) and the generally cheap living costs ... and for some because they meet their g/f, b/f, wife, husband.

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I live in Thailand but it's NOT for the cost of living I can assure you of that. I didn't come here to live on the cheap. My housing costs more here as do groceries. If I wanted to live on street rice, live in a bkk closet or in bumwad issan then sure costs would be low. I dont want to live that life. I guess I like it here cause there's always different shit to see happening around. I like the city, a city like BKK, which is pretty laid back for a big city. Sure I have a much younger g/f here but I could take her home but I choose to hang here. Who can dig that with a massively huge shovel?

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I live in Thailand but it's NOT for the cost of living I can assure you of that. I didn't come here to live on the cheap. My housing costs more here as do groceries. If I wanted to live on street rice, live in a bkk closet or in bumwad issan then sure costs would be low. I dont want to live that life. I guess I like it here cause there's always different shit to see happening around. I like the city, a city like BKK, which is pretty laid back for a big city. Sure I have a much younger g/f here but I could take her home but I choose to hang here. Who can dig that with a massively huge shovel?

You've garnered a following in ThaiVisa most of us aspire to. Don't lay off the Dude and dig talk. It's what defines the difference between you and the likes of me.

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You've garnered a following in ThaiVisa most of us aspire to. Don't lay off the Dude and dig talk. It's what defines the difference between you and the likes of me.

Too funny! And "Old Croc" inspires the imagination as to what you must look like and I think they have topical ointments for such things.

As reluctant as I am to post more than once since I frequently get comments like, "what a crock", I must say that in order for us all to have meaningful conversations about this country, we MUST accept that not only are the reasons for living in Thailand as varied as the number of people doing so but that EACH of our opinions are perhaps as valid as anyone else's? :o

I came here the first time in 1966 on R&R from America's involvement in Vietnam and knew then that I would someday live here. It took some 35 years to finally move here (with MANY visits in between), but here I am. My retirement income is sufficient to live comfortably on Maui (which someone mentioned) and I indeed did that for fifteen years but I wouldn't move back and give up my Thailand experience.

I was NOT looking for a relationship when I moved over here (was in fact looking forward to total freedom to travel from here and bask in solitude after living in tourist-land for so long) but fell hopelessly in love with an ADULT restaurant waitress from Chaiyaphum in Isaan and have never, ever, been so happy!

Many of my friends have moved over here, all for different reasons, and I respect all of them for the choices they have made in their lives and if I am offended I simply ease back from overly personal contact. I, probably like most of you, do not have the right to either judge or generalize about others of my "own kind"...

What the hey, I LOVE it and when I no longer feel that way, I will either find something/somewhere else to do or take a closer look at my attitude... :D

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Very nice attitude and comments. Good luck to you. :o

I get the biggest kick out of people who think that 50 year old guys don't get sex in thier home countries, it wa my experience to have it availble from women 35 and up. If they were not attractive to me I didn't partake. So it's not just sex.

Cost of living yes it is good but would any of you live somewhere you didn't want to if all you had to do was go back to work?

The truth is Thailand is like a powerful drug and once it's in your blood your coming back.

Brazil did sound interesting and certainly worth vacation at some point.

Doc once this become home it is just that and when you are gone you miss it.

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