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Victims In Delhi Rape Case Are To Blame, Defendants' Lawyer Says


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Victims in Delhi rape case are to blame, defendants' lawyer says

NEW DELHI: -- The lawyer representing three of the men charged with the gang rape and murder of a medical student aboard a moving bus in New Delhi has blamed the victims for the assault, saying he has never heard of a "respected lady" being raped in India.

Manohar Lal Sharma said his clients will plead not guilty to all charges tomorrow when they make their next court appearance. His comments come as Indians have reacted with outrage to the opinions of politicians and a religious preacher who have accused westernized women of inviting sexual assaults.

Sharma said the male companion of the murdered 23-year-old was "wholly responsible" for the incident as the unmarried couple should not have been on the streets at night.

"Until today I have not seen a single incident or example of rape with a respected lady," Sharma said in an interview at a cafe outside the Supreme Court in India's capital. "Even an underworld don would not like to touch a girl with respect." [more...]

Full story: http://www.theage.co...0110-2ch95.html

-- THE AGE 2013-01-10


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Hard to believe in this day and age that these excuses are being trotted out for such a heinous crime.

How would the alleged perpetrators feel if this was their daughter or sister?

Probably much the same as the thousands of people in India who are protesting the government about this... Horrified and angry!

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F'd up all over, not just India, Middle East, So. America. Even in the gold standard legal system of the USA, defense lawers attempt to disgrace and discredit the victims. Reruns of Law and Order must be on satellite everywhere..

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And we thought Thailand was bad-----and I have personal experience of another depraved act perpetrated by these Indian sickos-my young friends from Europe were married in India and took a taxi to their Honeymoon destination out of Delhi -the Taxi driver was taking some sort of drug and speeding and ignoring their protests until finally they did crash into a lorry-unfortunately the Driver was unscathed but my two friends in the backseat were thrown out onto the roadway and both had horrific injuries,while they were lying on the road bleeding the driver stole their cellphones -gold marriage necklace handbag and cash-later a poice jeep arrived and they threw the woman into the jeep and took her to hospital-on the way in some Indian degenerate escorted the stretcher into the hospital saying he was a friend and tried to rape the woman as she was incapacitated with a broken neck after the Docs had left the room,then the Docs practically had a fistfight over which one would get paid......filth like these men and the filth of that country make Thailand look like Heaven on earth..

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And closer to home not so long ago, Pol Pot, not much noise made around the world when that was going on either, and people knew it was happening. Just not politically right for the people in power in the western world at the time. Political convenience.......

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Bloody disgraceful.

The world is in deep shit if this gets accepted by Indian courts.

This blame-the-victim defence line is typical in muslim countries....and usually accepted by the courtblink.png

No it's not. India is not a muslim country. I have worked in several muslim countries and your comment would not be applicable in any of them. Muslim countries are different in the same way that Christian countries are. Pakistan and Afghanistan are not representative of the muslim world.

This lawyer is a "shyster" - milking his five minutes of fame for as much publicity as he can get. Given the inflamed passions of many Indians on this it could back-fire on him. I wouldn't walk down any dark alleys If I were him!

Edited by Baerboxer
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Let that happen to his daughter & let's see what tune he will be singing. What an idiot.

no trying to score points ... but half the time it's a family member who sets the sister up for being raped for dishonouring the family...or is that just a muslim thing....? I really love religion and what it brings to the world.

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Bloody disgraceful.

The world is in deep shit if this gets accepted by Indian courts.

This blame-the-victim defence line is typical in muslim countries....and usually accepted by the courtblink.png

India does not have Sharia law practiced in the courts, 80.5% Hindu & has fought three wars with with it's neighbouring Muslim country, Pakistan

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Unbelievable, at least three of the attackers have Hindu surnames names (Singh), the lawyer assisting is Hindu and this topic has turned to a Muslim bashing session. FYI last year their were more than 600 rapes in Delhi, with only one conviction. This is what is causing the outrage, aside from the viciousness of the attack, plus the fact that passersby did not stop to assist the victims.

Apparently, as posted above, many in Indian society do not respect females, . It's not a solely Muslim related issue as 80+% are Hindus

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I don't know if India has laws against hate speech but the words of this lawyer can actually be classifed as hate speech !

Shocking !

Up until recently, I had thought that India was ahead of most Middle Eastern countries, regarding women's rights. I guess I had thought wrongly.

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