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Cheeky Restaurant Charge


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I have never eaten their, I have intended to on several occasions, but normally get side tracked and end up at old faithful at Dukes !!! If anything, the ribs are probably to good or at least to rich, but very addictive.

I will absolutely NEVER ever enter this restaurant or if I do enter it is jut to tell them that word is getting out about their pathetic little scam and I am going to go dump 1000B next door.

Why cant restaurants server coke cold in Thailand?

Even some of the expensive restaurants follow this stupid practice.

Go rethink your life.

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There is a clearly marked sign. You can sit where you want. I actually like it that more places (and cheaper places) put in an aircon room and charge a bit of money for it. I often go for the aircon room.

Places include Jiang (the Chinese noodle, duck and dim sum place on Chang Klan) and a small restaurant near the exit of the Wing 41 road. (Which does amazing stewed beef)

It's not a problem, it's a feature!

Of course, this being Thaivisa, everything is a problem. sad.png

I was talking generally. I agree if there are two sections, one aircon, and the charge is clearly indicated, no problem. I would have a problem in a totally aircon place getting that charge, more so if not announced.
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When I used to live in Bangkok, there was a small restaurant near the Suan Plu (Think thats the correct name) that charged a bit more for sitting inside in the air con area.

Yesterday at Kiss Food, Soi Siam Country Club, I was charged 1 baht for ice :)

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The bigger bananas that farangs tend to go for are more expensive and can be 50 baht.

Yes, Gluay hom. Thais seem to go for them too. .

A Thai lady sitting not too far from me, was told by a well known gastroenterologist (on the pinned list), not to eat Gluay hom as they cause much more gas than the others. I know bananas can cause gas, but I wonder how true it is about the different types?

Edited by uptheos
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I must admit neither I nor the Thai gf saw the sign. She is from Bangkok and said it is quite common to pay 10-15 baht for air con there. I have lived in CM for 6 years and have never seen that at any other restaurant here. The irony here is she sat bundled up in her coat the entire time freezin her ass off. Has anyone been to any other restaurants in CM that have this charge? It would be quite amusing if they did this in NYC but in the winter. One charge for the dinning room with heat and a cheaper room with no heat.

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one of the better thai restaurants i used to lunch at reegularly had 2 areas, outdoor seating and A/C room. you had a choice where you wanted to eat and the ac room tacked 10 onto each individuals bill. they too charged for ice, but it seems a fair trade off as everything else on the menu was very reasonably priced

If you have a choice i cant see the issue

If you are told beforehand so you can make a choice, I can't see the issue.

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Am I the only one to not understand why the air conditioning was on? In a couple of months, fair enough, but t's not exactly hot or humid at the moment.

I'm sitting with a sarong over my shoulders and a pair of thick socks to keep my toes warm. blink.png

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Am I the only one to not understand why the air conditioning was on?

Places that are enclosed have to run it all the time or it is stuffy. I doubt if the OP would have eaten in the air-con room at this time of year if they had realized there was a charge.

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There is a clearly marked sign. You can sit where you want. I actually like it that more places (and cheaper places) put in an aircon room and charge a bit of money for it. I often go for the aircon room.

Places include Jiang (the Chinese noodle, duck and dim sum place on Chang Klan) and a small restaurant near the exit of the Wing 41 road. (Which does amazing stewed beef)

It's not a problem, it's a feature!

Of course, this being Thaivisa, everything is a problem. sad.png

I was talking generally. I agree if there are two sections, one aircon, and the charge is clearly indicated, no problem. I would have a problem in a totally aircon place getting that charge, more so if not announced.

Agreed, we are on the same page. This particular restaurant has a separate air-conditioned section, and signs indicating the charge. The OP missed that or didn't mention it.

In my book this keeps the prices lower for people who don't want/need the aircon, instead of turning the whole place a little more up-market and raise prices for everyone.

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There is a clearly marked sign. You can sit where you want. I actually like it that more places (and cheaper places) put in an aircon room and charge a bit of money for it. I often go for the aircon room.

Places include Jiang (the Chinese noodle, duck and dim sum place on Chang Klan) and a small restaurant near the exit of the Wing 41 road. (Which does amazing stewed beef)

It's not a problem, it's a feature!

Of course, this being Thaivisa, everything is a problem. sad.png

I was talking generally. I agree if there are two sections, one aircon, and the charge is clearly indicated, no problem. I would have a problem in a totally aircon place getting that charge, more so if not announced.

Agreed, we are on the same page. This particular restaurant has a separate air-conditioned section, and signs indicating the charge. The OP missed that or didn't mention it.

In my book this keeps the prices lower for people who don't want/need the aircon, instead of turning the whole place a little more up-market and raise prices for everyone.

Ding ding ding ding!!

To answer op, yes, plenty of restaurants in CM do this.. Kuhn Mohr's cuisine, Im Pla Pao, Ho-Kien chinese restaurant off the top of my head..

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Charging for ice in restaurants is extremely common in Thailand, I'm astonished the OP is surprised by this. And 3 Baht! What is the point in even remembering it?

As to having to pay to sit in the VIP room, I'm pretty sure that would be standard as well. I've been in the VIP room in a restaurant once when taken out by friends. I found it clinical and the food went cold too quickly.

But really, when spending B600+ on a meal, is it really necessary to get upset by charges of such insignificance?

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It always amazes me that certain Thai places will try that petty crap without realizing what harm they are doing to their reputation. If someone tries to scam me my reaction is to not come back, and to tell everyone I know not to shop there. As others have already pointed out, if they need a bit more money to cover their overhead then just add it to the menu price, then let the people decide. I'm overly generous at the few places where I eat and drink, and the staff are always friendly and often offer me extras: a piece of fruit, or some chips.

There is a small fruit and veggie market where I often shop because it is close. I know I can buy things cheaper at the Warorot market, but I don't mind paying a little extra for convenience. However, the other day I felt like some bananas, but my favourite shop was closed, so I went nearby to another stand where the owner didn't know me. I picked up a VERY small hand of bananas that was a third the size of what I am used to, and handed the woman 20 baht expecting at least 5 baht back. But, she just waved me away. Now I don't worry about 5 baht... or even 20 baht, as I'll often leave more than that for a tip, but I don't like people thinking I'm a dumb idiot. I just won't shop there again for anything. Today I bought a big hand of bananas for 25 baht which is the going price.

Yep. Some of the first phrases that I took time to learn in Thai were:

1. I will never do business with you again.

2. I am also going to tell all of my friends to not do business with you.

Fortunately I don't have to use these phrases so often nowadays as I now avoid shopping at the Talads in favour of Tescos where I am not subject to dual pricing and other petty scams.

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Fortunately I don't have to use these phrases so often nowadays as I now avoid shopping at the Talads in favour of Tescos where I am not subject to dual pricing and other petty scams.

Local Thai markets are great and ridiculously cheap. I have been going to two small markets for years and I have never experienced double pricing. Most of the time they are simply glad to sell out all of their produce to whoever comes along.

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Today I bought a big hand of bananas for 25 baht which is the going price.

Is it? It seems to me that the price of bananas has gone way up. I see signs in Thai markets for 50 and 60 baht for what used to cost 20 or 30.

We by our banana.s at the big market near the US consulate. She loves the longer bananas which cost 30 to 60 baht depending on the number of bananas while I like the shorter ones which cost from 10 to 25 baht.
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Today I bought a big hand of bananas for 25 baht which is the going price.

Is it? It seems to me that the price of bananas has gone way up. I see signs in Thai markets for 50 and 60 baht for what used to cost 20 or 30.

We by our banana.s at the big market near the US consulate. She loves the longer bananas which cost 30 to 60 baht depending on the number of bananas while I like the shorter ones which cost from 10 to 25 baht.

...but of course,she would love the longer ones...tongue.png

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Local Thai markets are great and ridiculously cheap. I have been going to two small markets for years and I have never experienced double pricing. Most of the time they are simply glad to sell out all of their produce to whoever comes along.

Ditto. Most vendors pick out the best pieces of fruit and veggies for me if I've picked dodgey ones, or tell me when they have things they know I like such as asparagus and button mushrooms (in Thai, ask for champangions, French word for mushrooms??). Once you become a regular customer, you are treated well.

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In cantonese, they have a saying..."gu hong kwai" ....simply translated into "stingy ghost" chanted by kids who don't want to share their candies

A posting about 33 baht subcharge that is clearly marked and you had a choice ...obviously you dont go often to places where people actually have to make a profit to continue to keep up a good clean restaurant so that it remains viable for the customers, owner and the workers ?

If it's an unreasonable charge, most sensible clients would walk away and eventually the business has to submit to the norms of the town, but to haggle over USD$1 surcharge is really petty.

Put on a big smile and enjoy life.

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It always amazes me that certain Thai places will try that petty crap without realizing what harm they are doing to their reputation. If someone tries to scam me my reaction is to not come back, and to tell everyone I know not to shop there. As others have already pointed out, if they need a bit more money to cover their overhead then just add it to the menu price, then let the people decide. I'm overly generous at the few places where I eat and drink, and the staff are always friendly and often offer me extras: a piece of fruit, or some chips.

There is a small fruit and veggie market where I often shop because it is close. I know I can buy things cheaper at the Warorot market, but I don't mind paying a little extra for convenience. However, the other day I felt like some bananas, but my favourite shop was closed, so I went nearby to another stand where the owner didn't know me. I picked up a VERY small hand of bananas that was a third the size of what I am used to, and handed the woman 20 baht expecting at least 5 baht back. But, she just waved me away. Now I don't worry about 5 baht... or even 20 baht, as I'll often leave more than that for a tip, but I don't like people thinking I'm a dumb idiot. I just won't shop there again for anything. Today I bought a big hand of bananas for 25 baht which is the going price.

Yep. Some of the first phrases that I took time to learn in Thai were:

1. I will never do business with you again.

2. I am also going to tell all of my friends to not do business with you.

Fortunately I don't have to use these phrases so often nowadays as I now avoid shopping at the Talads in favour of Tescos where I am not subject to dual pricing and other petty scams.

I have similar experience as Konini where at Rumchok not only do they know what I like but don't let some of the local ladies push in front of me, give me the old stuff for free for my chickens, round down the total etc. and unlike Tesco I don't have to breath the airborne bacteria from the meat sitting in it's own chemical laden juices. And I don't rally think they care if you or your friends give them repeat business but why is another subject.

Edited by junglechef
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It is amazing how many people on this forum have a problem with reading and comprehension. The purpose of the original post was to share what I considered an unusual charge on a bill. Thankfully some people have pointed out that there was a sign in Thai stating this, but neither my gf nor I saw this. I am sure most readers here would not have been able to read the sign either. I have been to many restaurants here in CM and I thought it was an unusual charge,not common at all. If they want to charge for air con, I don't care. But I do find it unusual. So,one more time,We didn't see the sign. And the charge was unusual. Not unfair.Unusual.

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We eat there from time to time and like the food. Plenty of choice, easy prices and sit downstairs. Never had a bill for more than 450 for two and always full up when we leave. I know three other restaurants in Chiang Mai that charge a small sum for Aircon; but you won't see it on the bill, they just add it to the food prices. Amazing that people don't notice it isn't it?

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I certainly respect your comment that the food was OK.

I've eaten a lot of Vietnamese food in many parts of Vietnam, and other countries, cheap to very expensive and IMHO the food at this restaurant is way less than I was expecting.

For example the basic pho (vietnamese noodle) dish is normally very delicious, full of flavour and has a natural slight sweetness that is just wonderful (my opinion of course). At the Riverside place it's almost tasteless.

My CM MBA students selected this place as one of the restaurants to entertain a group of 5 Vietnamese International MBA students on a two week study visit. The Vietnamese visitors said nothing but were visibly shocked / surprised that the pho noodle soup was tasteless and several standard items they asked about were not available at all.

Additionally, we all asked for Vietnamese coffee - 'no have'.

This place is far from cheap, and, at least on the day we visited (3 months ago), the service was not really satisfactory, for the prices they charge, and at times quite abrupt.

My student who is the 'treasurer' for outings like this got the bill and then went away from the table to question many iems on the bill (she didn't want to question the bill in front of our guests). She shared later that the bill included an AC charge, and ice charge.

Not on my list for a return visit.

Agree. We went there one time and the food was pretty horrible. Nevermind the AC and ice surcharges, we'll never go back there because the food tasted like refried ass.

The only decent Viet place we have found in Chiang Mai, is Pho Saigon in Meechok Plaza. Not the best in the world, but certainly waaaay better than the place currently being discussed.


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I certainly respect your comment that the food was OK.

I've eaten a lot of Vietnamese food in many parts of Vietnam, and other countries, cheap to very expensive and IMHO the food at this restaurant is way less than I was expecting.

For example the basic pho (vietnamese noodle) dish is normally very delicious, full of flavour and has a natural slight sweetness that is just wonderful (my opinion of course). At the Riverside place it's almost tasteless.

My CM MBA students selected this place as one of the restaurants to entertain a group of 5 Vietnamese International MBA students on a two week study visit. The Vietnamese visitors said nothing but were visibly shocked / surprised that the pho noodle soup was tasteless and several standard items they asked about were not available at all.

Additionally, we all asked for Vietnamese coffee - 'no have'.

This place is far from cheap, and, at least on the day we visited (3 months ago), the service was not really satisfactory, for the prices they charge, and at times quite abrupt.

My student who is the 'treasurer' for outings like this got the bill and then went away from the table to question many iems on the bill (she didn't want to question the bill in front of our guests). She shared later that the bill included an AC charge, and ice charge.

Not on my list for a return visit.

Agree. We went there one time and the food was pretty horrible. Nevermind the AC and ice surcharges, we'll never go back there because the food tasted like refried ass.

The only decent Viet place we have found in Chiang Mai, is Pho Saigon in Meechok Plaza. Not the best in the world, but certainly waaaay better than the place currently being discussed.


We go to two Vietnamese places in Meechok plaza, the big one upstairs in the main building and the much smaller one in the row of shops opposite the main building, both pretty good food.

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