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Students Raise Concerns With Govt

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Students raise concerns with govt

Chuleeporn Aramnet

The Nation on Sunday

BANGKOK: -- To mark Children's Day, some 200 Student Council representatives yesterday expressed issues of concern and possible solutions to Education Minister Phongthep Thepkanjana, while a Suan Dusit Poll revealed children's suggestions to the government to fight corruption.

The council's five-point letter included a call for implementation of an international curriculum, for small children to be taught basics so that their foundation was solid for the next level of education and for the use of various teaching materials, electronic textbooks, and tablet computers for all students.

They also urged a spirit of public service from kindergarten level, with family participation, teaching and learning that emphasises analytical thinking and use of technology, teachers who graduated in the fields they teach, and special education covering vocational skills for special-needs children.

They also recommended establishing an institute for special-needs children and the recruitment of more specialist teachers. Lastly, the council called for teaching and learning that focused on practice more than theory and for the curricula to be in line with that of other Asean countries.

Saying he would also forward the demands to Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, Phongthep said Thai children still had problems with English, hence he would ask the Basic Education Commission to improve teaching and learning so that children can learn to speak before reading and writing. He also wanted schools to host more English promotion activities such as a "Speak English" Day once a week. He urged the council to promote this along with the promotion of democracy in school.

Mathayom 5 student Thida Muangkaew from the Northern School for the Blind also wanted the government to give more university seats to physically challenged students, as disabled people were also a part of society and could help develop the country. Mathayom 4 student Pannipa Maskhao from Yasothon Pittayakhom School wanted the government to develop teachers emphasising analytical skills and called for promotion of learning about Asean countries and languages.

A Suan Dusit Poll was conducted on 1,409 students from kindergarten, primary and secondary levels from January 5-11 for solutions to corruption/cheating and disunity.

About 80 per cent of kindergarteners said the solution to cheating was to tell friends/parents not to cheat, followed by alerting teachers/police about cheating (11.85 per cent) and punishing the cheats by jailing/sanction/suspending gold star (7.53 per cent). The primary kids (47.33 per cent) voted to tell themselves not to cheat despite having an opportunity, followed by not socialising with cheats (39.18 per cent) and warning cheats against wrongdoing (13.49 per cent). The secondary students voted for honest, praising good guys and acting against bad guys at 48.07 per cent, followed by alerting police to punish wrongdoers (32.60 per cent) and warning cheats about wrongdoings (19.33 per cent).

About 82 per cent of kindergarteners voted for everyone to love each other, 10.51 per cent want rational talks/no fighting and 7.01 want to be/play together. The primary students voted for talking calmly and rationally without violence at 49.10 per cent following telling others to love and unite at 35.46 per cent and being kind, discipline and obeying law at 15.44 per cent. The secondary students voted for talking the issue over and forgiving each other at 41.84 per cent followed by installing love and unity from family level at 40.31 per cent and working together without discrimination at 17.85 per cent.


-- The Nation 2013-01-13

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There is actually a plan for an ASEAN curriculum in the next few years, that will be adopted across participating countries. That will be about as International as we will get, but at least then we will see standards similar to that from Singapore. There should also be a bigger push, and more support given to schools running English Programs, as it is these kids who will have the chance to develop the necessary language skills to work in an international environment. More native speakers are needed in government schools. Most of their Thai teachers don't speak English at the necessary, even those with Master's degrees. Talented Thai teachers should be sent overseas and trained, and remunerated accordingly.

I like the students ideas regarding Special Education Needs students. Is it only parents that sweep the issue under the carpet?

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Well that's encouraging.

No that's actually questioning system and looking out side the box. Students are required to listen to the teachers, accept what they say is gospel and not raise thier hands or actually discuss a subject. The system knows what is best for them and those in power.thumbsup.gif sarcasm I know.
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There is actually a plan for an ASEAN curriculum in the next few years, that will be adopted across participating countries. That will be about as International as we will get, but at least then we will see standards similar to that from Singapore. There should also be a bigger push, and more support given to schools running English Programs, as it is these kids who will have the chance to develop the necessary language skills to work in an international environment. More native speakers are needed in government schools. Most of their Thai teachers don't speak English at the necessary, even those with Master's degrees. Talented Thai teachers should be sent overseas and trained, and remunerated accordingly.

I like the students ideas regarding Special Education Needs students. Is it only parents that sweep the issue under the carpet?

You are just going to ignore what the kids say as if they are not bright enough to have any good ideas

"They also urged a spirit of public service from kindergarten level, with family participation, teaching and learning that emphasises analytical thinking and use of technology, teachers who graduated in the fields they teach, and special education covering vocational skills for special-needs children."

There is a lot more to learning than just being able to speak English. the reality of it is that most of the Thais will never need it and some of them will find that to pursue their carrier choice it is mandatory.

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Now if this country could just get leaders with at least the level of intelligence and maturity as these kids in the poll.

None of the leaders were educated in Thailand! That may be the problem.biggrin.png

There is a world of difference between attending school and being educated, the latter requires some postive social and parent input.

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Now if this country could just get leaders with at least the level of intelligence and maturity as these kids in the poll.

None of the leaders were educated in Thailand! That may be the problem.biggrin.png

There is a world of difference between attending school and being educated, the latter requires some postive social and parent input.

Born in England, Abhisit attended Eton College and earned bachelors and masters degrees from the University of Oxford

I always wondered what was wrong with him. Thanks for explaining.biggrin.png

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Now if this country could just get leaders with at least the level of intelligence and maturity as these kids in the poll.

None of the leaders were educated in Thailand! That may be the problem.biggrin.png

I actually think, you really and truly believe that.
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Now if this country could just get leaders with at least the level of intelligence and maturity as these kids in the poll.

None of the leaders were educated in Thailand! That may be the problem.biggrin.png

I actually think, you really and truly believe that.

Where do you think Abhisit and Yingluck and Thaksin went to college?

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Now if this country could just get leaders with at least the level of intelligence and maturity as these kids in the poll.

My thought also. Put the kids in power and send the crooked 'pollies' back to school.

The kids said, " About 82 per cent of kindergarteners voted for everyone to love each other," What was the name of that old political party Thai love Thai?

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Now if this country could just get leaders with at least the level of intelligence and maturity as these kids in the poll.

None of the leaders were educated in Thailand! That may be the problem.biggrin.png

There is a world of difference between attending school and being educated, the latter requires some postive social and parent input.

Born in England, Abhisit attended Eton College and earned bachelors and masters degrees from the University of Oxford

I always wondered what was wrong with him. Thanks for explaining.biggrin.png

He is Englishwhistling.gif
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Thailand is corrupt to the core, and that includes the kids parents as well. They should ask their moms and dads to stop leaning on their teachers everytime they get a grade they don't like.

Kids really came up with the idea that teachers should only teach in their specialty?

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The fact that a poll like this would even be published, let alone regarded as informative shows just how far this country needs to go in terms of education.

(I'm referring specifically to the last paragraph). As a teaching tool for children, I think it is valuable- but as in insite into the values of young children-

useless. ('Now gaze blankly if you believe that educational reform as modelled on the principles developed by Dewey and the later progressives should provide a framework for future policy directives in the current ministry of Education? And take that toy out of your mouth!")

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Hmmm.. some of the vocational colleges, and universities could really care less.. it is what is in it for me.. Sadly.. Programs for physically challenged students, visually challenged (Blind) or with limited mobility are often at a crap shoot.. in BKK the program abound.. however, in the little ging amphur, it is the poor "teacher" left to deal with this the best they can without support such as special training or budgets from the ADM..the ADM only wants that is being done.. and get it done the best way you can.. and we are not going to give you Jack...

Sadly this is being done at a college with several blind students and the staff was not prepared to deal with this unique situation. Guess who wanted it? Looks good for us that we can provide opportunities to the educationally challened students....Thus the teacher are doing their best to attend to the education and transitional needs of these students... would have been nice if they had support.

Parents, hmmm..NOT.. although the international affluent schools don't have much of a problem, just motivation from too much excess.. Parents up county worry about putting rice on the tablet and paying for the new car program..

Hmmm some people in Thailand think Bangkok is a city state country and not part of Thailand...

What is going to happen. exactly.. a big nada, a big we have the program on paper and it is not being implemented by the lack lust teachers, because the ADM have done the students from abroad and know what is going on in the Thai classroom.

More tablets..hmmmm...just a placebo as we all know... really need teacher training or keep those teacher over 60 who know their stuff and are dedicated and leave them the F alone so they can teach.. weed out the sign in the the AM take care of two activiies in the day teachers.. Let those who can do a good job and who want to stay remain...

Foreign volunteers....ho hum looking for outside help instead of within...solutions.. Take some of the 1-2 3.4 English majors and give them a term in teaching in the village school as part of their community service.. the talent is there..

Beware of the big bad wolf in EDucation..whistling.gif Hmmm the worst situation that can happen is a thinking student body population..

Edited by Rhys
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Now if this country could just get leaders with at least the level of intelligence and maturity as these kids in the poll.

None of the leaders were educated in Thailand! That may be the problem.biggrin.png

I actually think, you really and truly believe that.

I believe he is half right. They all should have a basic education in Thailand and then go for higher education out of the country.

that way they will know what is lacking in the Thai education system and that there is another way to learn and use advanced thinking.

With this system you run the risk of some leaders not being able to grasp other thoughts than Thai and dropping out but that would not be a loss as obviously they would not have the knowledge to run an intelligent program any how.

But as I said at first let them get a good grounding in Thai education so they will have first hand knowledge of it's short comings.

If all else fails turn it all over to the kids.

Edited by hellodolly
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It's curious that whilst we are aways hearing in polls that adult Thais are happy with their politicians and policemen being corrupt the kids don't feel the same way..... at least not yet.

Maybe when the current crop of trough feeders have either been banned or fled the country a new generation will take their place and put Thailand on the straight and narrow.

We can but hope.

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Whats this got to do with America? The Thai kids were complaining about corruption. Are you another TV poster with the keen ability to turn everything into a bash on America?

If you don't think Thailand is corrupt, you should try living here.

Please dont feed the trolls


a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as a forum, chat room, or blog,

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About 80 per cent of kindergarteners said the solution to cheating was to tell friends/parents not to cheat


"You naughty naught children, we're telling you not to cheat, can you keep this promise???"

When has cheating EVER been an issue with students? They call it 'helping' each other. I dare not leave my room during an exam. It would turn into a group discussion! There's no honour system here - apart from a university exam I took at IDP in Bangkok. Three adult students left in a room - the Thai supervisor was in and out of the room the whole 2 hours. We just went about our business finishing the test.

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"Phongthep said Thai children still had problems with English, hence he would ask the Basic Education Commission to improve teaching and learning"

He could try asking the secretaries at OBEC to stop demanding 30% tea money on every proposal for teaching English in Thai schools instead. No tea money then the proposals get buried on the secretaries desks and never make their way up to ministerial level.

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There is actually a plan for an ASEAN curriculum in the next few years, that will be adopted across participating countries. That will be about as International as we will get, but at least then we will see standards similar to that from Singapore.

Similar standards to Singapore? cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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