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What do you thinks of the Thais -And how long have you been here ?  

22 members have voted

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PLease list your experiences regarding thai people's habits.

Do they smile?

Do they occasionally annoy you?

Do you get ripped of everyday?

Do they steal from you ?

opinions please and chose approximatly the time you've been here.



Quoted:- opinions please and chose approximatly the time you've been here.



13 year, Love this country………………. End of Pole for me…………… not voted.


You asked for it, you got it. :D

PLease list your experiences regarding thai people's habits.

Do they smile?

Do they occasionally annoy you?

Do you get ripped of everyday?

Do they steal from you ?

opinions please and chose approximatly the time you've been here.







Back home:





It's a trade off. I rarely get ripped off in a Canadian shop, but while you're inside paying fair prices, some junkie is outside stealing you're bike :o


PLease list your experiences regarding thai people's habits.

Do they smile?

Do they occasionally annoy you?

Do you get ripped of everyday?

Do they steal from you ?

opinions please and chose approximatly the time you've been here.







Back home:





It's a trade off. I rarely get ripped off in a Canadian shop, but while you're inside paying fair prices, some junkie is outside stealing you're bike :D



Nice one CV. Any relation to JV, Cart Champ & then F1 Champ ???



I cant edit the poll anymore so

Take" 4 years or more"...

I just want to see if we can establish when people's mind change from o they are nice smiling people to when they know what's behind the smile.



Thais to me are not very smart. Most are nice for sure!

Like most Asians I see they are good at doing but not thinking at the same time.

A book was written by a man from Singapore called "Can Asians think?"

You know I didnt even need to read the book to find out!

What more can I say?

Only that the modern diet and modern drugs (medicines, caffine, nicotine, sugar, msg, glue, wiskey, tons of chemicals in the diet and enviroment etc) are not making this problem any better.

Sick and not too bright? Whats the future?

Let all become more ORGANIC!

Set a good example if you do stay here is all I can say!


maybe we can have a dumb farang poll:

I have been here x years and haven't learnt how to negotiate with Thai's yet.

I have been here X years and still can't speak the language

I have been here X years and still think I am always right

Or maybe a poll on such topics as:

- creating a storm in a tea cup. How many silly polls can I put out?

- rose coloured glasses: Do they get pinker the longer you have been away from home?

- The Middle East situation...is it Thailands fault??

maybe we can have a dumb farang poll:

I have been here x years and haven't learnt how to negotiate with Thai's yet.

I have been here X years and still can't speak the language

I have been here X years and still think I am always right

Or maybe a poll on such topics as:

- creating a storm in a tea cup. How many silly polls can I put out?

- rose coloured glasses: Do they get pinker the longer you have been away from home?

- The Middle East situation...is it Thailands fault??

I was preparing a reply but you were faster and better at summarizing what I think of it,...

Love Thailand but not so the people.

I thought that the Thais were "warm & friendly".

Well, that's what my guidebook says...... :o


Can't type much as I'm recovering from recent rotator cuff surgery. I think a lot of this was clarified for me when I asked the question and started the thread "This Cocept of Face."

Thai mentality and character became quite clear for me after participating in this thread.


I think a lot of this was clarified for me when I asked the question and started the thread "This Cocept of Face."


Can you guide us to that post/thread, if it's still around please?


I think a lot of this was clarified for me when I asked the question and started the thread "This Cocept of Face."


Can you guide us to that post/thread, if it's still around please?


Chris, do a search in General topics under the title..This concept of face.

maybe we can have a dumb farang poll:

I have been here x years and haven't learnt how to negotiate with Thai's yet.

I have been here X years and still can't speak the language

I have been here X years and still think I am always right

Or maybe a poll on such topics as:

- creating a storm in a tea cup. How many silly polls can I put out?

- rose coloured glasses: Do they get pinker the longer you have been away from home?

- The Middle East situation...is it Thailands fault??

E X A C T L Y there are plenty of prize class farang idiots hereabouts.


Samran - very well put - Thais and Thailand are like most places - Its what you make of it or of them (read here the people).

I fully enjoyed my three years in PNG - Never broken into never had any of my cars stolen etc etc.

Thais to me are not very smart. Most are nice for sure!

Like most Asians I see they are good at doing but not thinking at the same time.

Only that the modern diet and modern drugs (medicines, caffine, nicotine, sugar, msg, glue, wiskey, tons of chemicals in the diet and enviroment etc) are not making this problem any better.

Let all become more ORGANIC!

Set a good example if you do stay here is all I can say!

Part one - don't necessarily agree, even if there is some truth there - but no Thhai will agree, they all think they are the best thing since sliced bread.

Part two - that's world-wide - more kids getting asthma than ever before, more kids diagnosed with autism, need I go on?

Part three - you mean like mushrooms ?

Part four - totally agree


For samran,

you can kiss my farang ass anyday.

You're just a stuck up Taksin loving , arrogant thai idiot.

You are just the reason why this poll is here.

it started here


the reason for this poll is to determin if thai's tend to be honest and friendly, or unfriendly people who try to ripp you off everyday. and correlate when the perception changes.

I'm well aware there are good and bad people in every country and race. i just want to determin how the general farang perception is of the thais.

even with few votes it's already gravitating to the latter.




Kiss your farang ass? I bet you'd secretly like that big boy.

Yes I know after 6 months in Thailand, you are an expert. With you as a superior farang being, I beg your indulgence to forgive me for offending your sensibilities and blowing holes through your paper thin arguments, anti-intellectualism and your paranoia that everyone in Thailand is against you. Some people just call it culture shock and get on with it.

Also forgive me comrade (the Thai that I am) for being more articulate, much smarter and well....just plain better looking that you. God must have been terribly unkind when he hit you with the both the dumb AND ugly stick. You can't win them all can you Zen-baby?

I get the feeling that you haven't made it in life in your country of origin, so you have come to Thailand to see if things pan out for you here. Let me save you the bother of that option. After all, we all know that a soufflé never rises twice.

Finally, you may kiss my humble Thai (and Australian) Democrat (or ALP if you prefer) ARSE. I would really like that too :o

Hugs and Kisses,

Your Friend Always


Guest IT Manager

Behave yourselves or I will whack you both for a few days.


the reason for this poll is to determin if thai's tend to be honest and friendly, or unfriendly people who try to ripp you off everyday.

Ok, so what do you mean exactly?

What Thai are we talking about:

- The Thai from the cities or from the villages with a subcategory, the Thai from the big cities (Bangkok) or other cities?

- The educated Thai or the non educated Thai in the hereabove categories?

- The Thai you have business or work with or the Thai you meet in other places?


Or do you consider the Thai as an uniform alien entity which most of the farang can not (or do not even try) to understand?


Overpricing is one thing, but it seems, you shouldnt be in this country Zendesigner, mate, you have blatently attacked every Thai on the planet. Maybe you should relax, change your surroundings/friends - I am not trying to be politically correct when I say this, but it is a fact - its Thailand, if you dont understand it, sit back and look for a while, if you still dont like it, leave mate - Pick a better circle of people, overlook a few of the pitfalls and smile - it aint that bad - if it was we wouldnt be here either.

Guest IT Manager

A note to all members.

1. My name is not now, and never has been "Dave"

2. When I was born my mother called me ###### so I use it here.

3. This thread has been the stupidest waste of bandwidth since Jesus played fullback for Man U.

4. It's closed.

No you boys kiss and make up. Then go here and don't dilly dally.

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