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Farang Begging For Money At Skytrain Stop..


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...He sits there conning people out of money, many of which I expect have less than him, or certainly not the earning potential. He is using emotional blackmail to take people's money...
Hey, this is a beggars work, I see it as a social occupation: Beggars give us a possibility to earn merit and let us feel more satisfied with our own fate :D .


You're just being ridiculous now. :D

He's mixing up the legless old man in Chinatown with the lazy young <deleted> at the BTS station. :o

Big difference.


Its probably a mistake you give money to either of them. I think foods the wisest gift that you can offer to these people with no legs etc.

I respectively disagree. Your employer or customers don’t/didn’t just give you food did they? No you need money to buy essentials, medicine, toothbrush, housing etc. You need more than food to live. I understand that people want to make sure that what they give goes to the right place, hence giving food which is perishable (I have purchased food for begging people) but reality is a person needs money also to survive.

Give food to the person they have to eat it. Give money to them, they dont get it, it just goes back to the gangs that run the begging operations. No doubt so they can purchase some more babies at the burmese borders to bring to bangkok for more begging work. I never give money for kids with roses either, just get them some food. At least that way the kid gets 100% of the benefit and the people who are using them for child labour get nothing.

I would guess the majority of beggars in Bangkok are not sole operators but part of rings. Why fuel the trade when its simple enough to just help the people that are caught up in it.

I find it sickening that children are used for this work in Bangkok.

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What is this guy doing that threatens so many here?

Are you embarassed, uncomfortable?

Just the fact that he is a farang begging makes you feel bad?

What about if you see a Cambodian/Chinaman/African/Afghani begging - is that OK?

Never ok for a "CAPABLE" person of any race to beg others just because he's lazy

Remember Thailand is a Buddhist country, aren't monks beggars?

Don't all good Buddhist need beggars to give money to?

no need for a rebuttled since its one of the stupidest comment.

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Begging in a lot of coutries is an easy way to make a living. We get them in london while they get state handouts. Khaosarn road has one cannot miss him.He has no legs and sits outside 7-11. The thai stall sellers hate him as he makes up to 6,000 a day :D imagine making a months money in a day ? He works for himself and gets picked up in a new Merc.

It's a fine line between professional begging and the real thing.

I'm sure this guy is making a good living for Thailand and he's obviously been there a good while. Mabe drawing a line at getting physical would be good, I doubt the feeling would be the same seeing a thai etc. That said you may consider trying this one.

Get a few fake notes. dos'nt matter what they are and slip him one of them :o The fun is the anticipation of him when you give him say, a fake £20 knowing that however much he thinks he's got a result, just wait till he checks or try's to spend it. :D

I love doing that to the scam artists in the UK. Some get real upset ( like they are being ripped off) :D:D

I would try to find a bad copy of a 500 or 1,000 bht just for the fun

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did you ask this guy if he is ok with the foto and the publication in the internet?

Ah, just a disgusting, rightless beggar, never mind.

You are asking for low people? This fellow only sits there :o .

He not speak or lie to you, he is not pretending to be your friend with a foolproof business-idea... or beating the s..t out of you to get your money :D .


The guy's a con man, so who cares?

How the %#$^ do you know? was that spoken for few of you from Old World "don't judge"? Ring a bell, m*** f*** ?

He has his own reason to humiliate himself, and ways to do so. Either give him pocket change or just pass by. Even he's from Holland, he has his story.

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Why all the stress?

He's not hurting anyone - just pass him by - what gives you the right to physically attack the guy?

I have no time for people like that either, but surely wouldn't abuse him for lowering himself. As for all the bravado about having been down and not stooping to begging - good for you, so now don't stoop to someone eles' level by condoning violence.

Edited by Sing_Sling
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He deserves NO dignity. I've yet to see a bigger eyesore in Bangkok. Plus he's ruining the farang luster even moreso.

A final word from me.My guess is that the fellow is mai tem bart.But the hostile reaction here has been amazing and an eye opener.My further guess is that most Thais would feel pity for the guy's humiliation.As far as "ruining the farang luster" is concerned, the poster cannot be serious, given the disgusting sights available on a daily basis in Lower Sukhumvit.Clearly there are more than a few inadequates who are quietly delighted they have found a farang even more debased than themselves.

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Why all the stress?

He's not hurting anyone - just pass him by - what gives you the right to physically attack the guy?

I have no time for people like that either, but surely wouldn't abuse him for lowering himself. As for all the bravado about having been down and not stooping to begging - good for you, so now don't stoop to someone eles' level by condoning violence.

For the same reason that I don't like the Thai's who sell 'valuable' diamonds to tourists and tuk-tuk drivers who charge 500baht.

He's conning people.

He's telling them he is in a bad situation and needs help to get out of it and back to his home- so they give money to help him.

In fact, he's just doing it as a source of income and isn't in that situation at all.

It's exactly the same was as if someone approaching you, collecting for Tsunami victims. Then they took the money to Starbucks and bought an espresso. And they did this to different people, everyday for a year.

Edited by spog
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May be the police should ask him to pack and move.

Check his passport and see his status.

If really short of money ,why his relative can't help , or he should contact the embassy.

They have to offer some kind of help,lending money and get the money back home.

Edited by visarunner
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If it's the same guy I've seen, the rest of his sign says something along the lines of needing the cash for a flight home.

I was walking along Chid Lom around 2pm some day last week and seen a farang guy lying on the pavement asleep with no sign - he looked pretty worse-for-wear. If it is the same guy, his mental state can't be too healthy...

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May be the police should ask him to pack and move.

Check his passport and see his status.

If really short of money ,why his relative can't help , or he should contact the embassy.

They have to offer some kind of help,lending money and get the money back home.

If he is Dutch as mentioned earlier than the Dutch Embassy will not support the money for a return flight. All they will do is contact relatives for you and try to get some money from them. The ducth embassy is not very helpfull if you are stranded in Bangkok.

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Just curious if he shouldn't rather try

I am 9000 baht short of a phone with a better camera.


...however the urge to just jump off a flight of stairs to land boot first on this bitch is overwhelming. I want to just stomp him and rob his ass.

Oh yeah, why don't you radio for air support and bomb asoke back to the stoneage and then jump boots first in his face as this is the way some country usually reacts to problems they think they are concerned with :o

Why feeling concerned at all? I totally agree with Sing_Sling...

Why all the stress?

He's not hurting anyone - just pass him by - what gives you the right to physically attack the guy?

I have no time for people like that either, but surely wouldn't abuse him for lowering himself. As for all the bravado about having been down and not stooping to begging - good for you, so now don't stoop to someone eles' level by condoning violence.

Edited by Khun Yak
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Come on guys! Please stop posting other people's photos without their consent! It isn't cool! :D

How would you like it if somebody puts your picture up there with comments such he's a beggar, an alcoholic, a sex maniac, a thug, ..., without any proof!! :o

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Come on guys! Please stop posting other people's photos without their consent! It isn't cool! :D

How would you like it if somebody puts your picture up there with comments such he's a beggar, an alcoholic, a sex maniac, a thug, ..., without any proof!! :o

Surely a photograph of a guy holding a sign that says something like 9,000 short of airfare home can you spare 100 -500 - 1000 baht is pretty conclusive proof (even in this country) of begging

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Saw him there myself last night... just shook my head in disgust as I passed by.


Oh great there's someone we can all look down on and shake our heads in disgust.How dreadful to think there are reprobates who can stoop so low.I think we should flog this fellow on Sanaam Luang.After all we are a fine virtuous crowd that have never done anything silly, humiliating or just plain wrong.And to think there are some who say we are mostly a bunch of alcoholics, losers,sex tourists,visa runners,tattoo infested yobs,perverted "schoolteachers", and white trash retirees.What pitiful nonsense to portray such a fine bunch as ourselves.

Speak for yourself, you've obviously got a very low opinion of yourself.

I do have a tattoo though, it says ABC most of the time except if I'm aroused when it spells the whole alphabet! :o

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I started a thread some months ago about a canadian beggar who works sukhumvit btw nana and soi 15. this guys game is to claim that he needs the 500 depart tax. I've seen him working people at least 5 times. the dutch guy I have yet to come across

Remove the beard, rearrange the hair and the pair could be brothers...



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I'm not a particuarly violent individual, however the urge to just jump off a flight of stairs to land boot first on this bitch is overwhelming. I want to just stomp him and rob his ass.

i dont understand this terminology "rob his ass" is that gay or american?? Maybe you find him attractive??

Sorry i am a confused brit :o

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I'm not a particuarly violent individual, however the urge to just jump off a flight of stairs to land boot first on this bitch is overwhelming. I want to just stomp him and rob his ass.

i dont understand this terminology "rob his ass" is that gay or american?? Maybe you find him attractive??

Sorry i am a confused brit :D

actually its not really a funny topic but this is hilarious :o

Edited by Khun Yak
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Just another thought, given certain posters say they had seen the professional vagrant pictured in the opening post months ago.

Perhaps he should be asking for ฿29,000?

Or are we to assume that he has been taking a day off from ‘work’ every 30 Days for a visa run to keep himself ‘legal’? :o

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How many here have been to Nana plaza?

How would you like it if your photo was put in your local newspaper back home with the heading " Illegal Sex-Pat Whoremonger lets kick him to <deleted> for lowering Thai people's opinion about of the rest of the law abiding expats"

Leave the poor guy alone. Maybe he's sick, in which case he should go back to his home country. But we don't know his circumstances, do we?

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There's no excuse for foreign beggars. If they really have a problem they should be able to get help from their embassy. I would hope that Thailand would get its act together and deny them access to the country if the are caught doing something like this again. Thailand should ban a lot of people from entering this country.

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