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GBP to THB Exchange Rate

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The GBP THB exchange rate is an irrelevance to most, but look back 5 years you'll see its dropped.

Unhealthy strong pound.. Haha where do these numpties come from.. I've lived here for 4 years and its always been around the 48 baht figure on average, so it's gone up 10% .. How is that unhealthy strong ?? Some ppl just talk aload of BS..

British politicians and drones in the mass media seem to think Britain can only export if the rate is stuck extremely low forever, such short term planning is why Britain exports nothing more then Gravy Granules to a few expats.

Please see post number 1878, you might change your mind about the last part of what you wrote.

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And the new national banks could then create money for building homes, infrastructure, services etc - full employment, gov run social work programs- ie work or no benefits

Would such a thing inevitably result in massive inflation like Argentina or Venezuela style; or could it work quite well like Singapore, China or Great Britian back in the day - running state enterprises like biz for the benefit of the nation rather than a militant unionised work force or just the financial elite?

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Irrelevant wondering a aside.

I believe the rate could go anywhere either way.

So best to plan/ cover yourself for all scenarios.

Maybe for most its too late already- hence the animosity often displayed.

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I think the ire comes from a series of factors: complexity of the subject matter, it's very personal nature when it comes to an individuals future (particularly older ones), a lack of understanding that a forecast has an extremely short lifespan, unreasonable expectation (which forms a part of the first point).

I continue to believe even more strongly that GBP will need to fall before too long, since I spend THB on a daily basis I have moved my position from 50/50 to 60/40 in favour of THB.

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How about just wiping the slate clean? Forgive all debt and start again at 15% interest rates or something. Everybody keeps their houses etc; say fuc_k u guys to the bankers and create nationally owned banks as utilities for economic stability. Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Good idea then we can all borrow money again create another bubble then we can wipe the slate clean. This is student union bar economics at its most drunk.

Youre saying the most useless should get an even bigger bailout at the expense of savers, but you are getting your wish just in not such a blatant way.

And the banks are effectively state owned and look at the way they've continued with reckless lending as they know full well the taxpayer has bailed them out.

In reply to your other quote i want the govenrment out of my life not controlling every part of it as they currently do.

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I have to admit I am with you on that point, similarly I would have like to have seen failed banks not be rescued. I do however realize that both those options represent far higher risk than the current path and are not at all realistic.

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I have to admit I am with you on that point, similarly I would have like to have seen failed banks not be rescued. I do however realize that both those options represent far higher risk than the current path and are not at all realistic.

Banks have failed throughout history, but we will never know if the sky would have caved in on us had Gordon not saved the world.

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You have a moral objection to debt forgiveness. Then go on to talk about let the weak go bankrupt and loose their homes etc. But can I ask- how did you make your money? If you made it servicing or working in this system then you are a beneficiary along with everybody else. The boomers generation especially have benefited from the inflation and constantly lowered interest rates. Now we are at the end of the road and the people taking on debts now can not be idiot from a life time of the conditions that lead to the elders generations prosperity. On top of that we'll be expected to pay for their pensions at full whack while our own are delayed and values eroded. Meanwhile private banks earn interest off money created out of thin air. So quit with the lecture on what's fair or unfair. The world isn't fair, it doesn't bother me as I'm doing ok under this system; in fact I could not be were I am now if I started my business only one year later than I did because the lending terms tightened significantly.

But any way- the given that nothing is ever entirely fair in every bodies book and looking at things I a purely economic theory way, I was merely wondering what would actually happen if there was a wiping of the slate clean. If raising rate significantly without forgiveness then so much would break down that societies stability would be at risk. This is what the current policies are trying to prevent. So you be mine these policies and any forgiveness but have no workable solution other than let it all collapse and see what happens. If they forgave debt and managed a transition then controlled lending and interest rates for stability then that could be a solution with out a total collapse.

Next you argue government to get out of your life not controlling things. In general I agree with this; but in the west predicament it was largely because of the deregulation of finance that led us down to where we are now; so your arguments are contradictory. If you really want gov out of your life then will you support a scrapping of government welfare, including pensions and free health and all the rest of it?

Finally; how many beers did you drink today?

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I make my money by roughing it in shytholes like the North Sea, Azerbaijan, Saudi Arabia climbing around refineries in Qatar 30 metres up on scaffolding made by illiterate Indians who didnt know what scaffold was before arriving there.

So you see if the whole system goes bang i will still make money as i have the skills and stupidity to do work people cant and want do. Even in 40 years from now when im near to 65 someone will have a use for me.

But your debt clearance means i have to do that for an eternity so some brainless idiot can buy something he/she cant afford.

I couldnt read past the first few lines as that is the longest paragraph ever.

Now i am willing to bet you would be screwed if everything got cleared tomorrow as you dont have the ability to make money in a capitalist society only one where he government supports those who over borrowed.

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I make my money by roughing it in shytholes like the North Sea, Azerbaijan, Saudi Arabia climbing around refineries in Qatar 30 metres up on scaffolding made by illiterate Indians who didnt know what scaffold was before arriving there.


So you see if the whole system goes bang i will still make money as i have the skills and stupidity to do work people cant and want do. Even in 40 years from now when im near to 65 someone will have a use for me.


But your debt clearance means i have to do that for an eternity so some brainless idiot can buy something he/she cant afford.


I couldnt read past the first few lines as that is the longest paragraph ever.


Now i am willing to bet you would be screwed if everything got cleared tomorrow as you dont have the ability to make money in a capitalist society only one where he government supports those who over borrowed.

If the whole system went boom then highly likely there would be a lot less demand for oil. You could well be out of a job. Chances are you'll be replaced by an educated Indian within the next ten years as it though anyway.

Do paragraphs always need an empty line between them for your clearly educated mind to be able to follow them?

Or would this suffice?

You get it?

Get it?

You resent having to work in shit holes but are benefiting from the society that consumes the oil which pays your wages. Maybe if you had some entrepreneurial skills you could have made some business / life you actually enjoy rather than being such miserable and grumpy man with a huge chip on your shoulder weighing yourself down with ignorant bitterness.

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I make my money by roughing it in shytholes like the North Sea, Azerbaijan, Saudi Arabia climbing around refineries in Qatar 30 metres up on scaffolding made by illiterate Indians who didnt know what scaffold was before arriving there.

So you see if the whole system goes bang i will still make money as i have the skills and stupidity to do work people cant and want do. Even in 40 years from now when im near to 65 someone will have a use for me.

But your debt clearance means i have to do that for an eternity so some brainless idiot can buy something he/she cant afford.

I couldnt read past the first few lines as that is the longest paragraph ever.

Now i am willing to bet you would be screwed if everything got cleared tomorrow as you dont have the ability to make money in a capitalist society only one where he government supports those who over borrowed.

If the whole system went boom then highly likely there would be a lot less demand for oil. You could well be out of a job. Chances are you'll be replaced by an educated Indian within the next ten years as it though anyway.

Do paragraphs always need an empty line between them for your clearly educated mind to be able to follow them?

Or would this suffice?

You get it?

Get it?

You resent having to work in shit holes but are benefiting from the society that consumes the oil which pays your wages. Maybe if you had some entrepreneurial skills you could have made some business / life you actually enjoy rather than being such miserable and grumpy man with a huge chip on your shoulder weighing yourself down with ignorant bitterness.

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I did not get personal, i criticised your idea that you should get let off debt, this option exists its called bankruptcy.

I have had businesses, made money employed people then lost money so closed the business down.

Society is benefitting from me and people like me getting oil and gas out the ground, in a capitalist society which you clearly know bugger all about profiting from hard work is a major part of capitalism or at least it was.

I have read your comments and you entreprenerial skills start and end with getting money off mummy and daddy and putting into a property that the government and taxpayer is propping up the price of then selling it. This is the problem with Britain people like you think theyre entreprenerial businessmen.

One phrase of advise is easy come easy go.

PS Ive a year contract on a Pacific Island starting soon that i am very bitter about ,this work involves holding a clip board and pointing at things for lots of cash, i am very bitter about my shyt job.

Edited by ffaarraanngg
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BTW ; My planning is for life; through most, even extreme, economic scenarios. I have set up my house and land based on the Kings sufficiency philosophy. I could lead quite a reasonable life without my biz- fiat money collapse or the rest, whatever, is ok for me,

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I make my money by roughing it in shytholes like the North Sea, Azerbaijan, Saudi Arabia climbing around refineries in Qatar 30 metres up on scaffolding made by illiterate Indians who didnt know what scaffold was before arriving there.


So you see if the whole system goes bang i will still make money as i have the skills and stupidity to do work people cant and want do. Even in 40 years from now when im near to 65 someone will have a use for me.


But your debt clearance means i have to do that for an eternity so some brainless idiot can buy something he/she cant afford.


I couldnt read past the first few lines as that is the longest paragraph ever.


Now i am willing to bet you would be screwed if everything got cleared tomorrow as you dont have the ability to make money in a capitalist society only one where he government supports those who over borrowed.

If the whole system went boom then highly likely there would be a lot less demand for oil. You could well be out of a job. Chances are you'll be replaced by an educated Indian within the next ten years as it though anyway.

Do paragraphs always need an empty line between them for your clearly educated mind to be able to follow them?

Or would this suffice?

You get it?

Get it?

You resent having to work in shit holes but are benefiting from the society that consumes the oil which pays your wages. Maybe if you had some entrepreneurial skills you could have made some business / life you actually enjoy rather than being such miserable and grumpy man with a huge chip on your shoulder weighing yourself down with ignorant bitterness.

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I did not get personal, i criticised your idea that you should get let off debt, this option exists its called bankruptcy.


I have had businesses, made money employed people then lost money so closed the business down.


Society is benefitting from me and people like me getting oil and gas out the ground, in a capitalist society which you clearly know bugger all about profiting from hard work is a major part of capitalism or at least it was.


I have read your comments and you entreprenerial skills start and end with getting money off mummy and daddy and putting into a property that the government and taxpayer is propping up the price of then selling it. This is the problem with Britain people like you think theyre entreprenerial businessmen.


One phrase of advise is easy come easy go.


PS Ive a year contract on a Pacific Island starting soon that i am very bitter about ,this work involves holding a clip board and pointing at things for lots of cash, i am very bitter about my shyt job.

Your the one who used the term "shit holes".

For the record- I see skilled labour is an integral and valued part of the great global machine. And I hope you have a great time on the pacific island.

But what I don't understand is this bitterness you show to all debtors. People need credit to afford houses, start business and so forth. If credit wasn't available you'd be left with something like a Victorian class structure. Your idea of some dream "capitalist" system your right I know bigger all about it, please go ahead and enlighten me how your dream would be working

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Also on the evil of government in the people's lives. With out the introduction of free schools the classes would be rigid as Victorian times also, if not early times than that.

For example- my grand father was a miner, my father went to grammar school and became an account. Only one generation before it was expected and 99% true the son of a miner would be a miner. And a couple hundred years before that we'd have all been tenant farmers.

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Discussion over.

Big on dreams & light on economics.


So back on topic-

I read in the paper that can't be named something not mentioned yet.

The house dissolution has nullified the 2 trillion bht spending bill, (but the 375bl bht water thing is already underway and continuing, and the guv the BoT says he isn't bothered by it. He sees GDP growth next year coming in at just over 4% rather than just over 5%- no biggy.

Expecting bht to strengthen as things simmer down too.

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