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hi shaggy and the rest of the posters,

as you know ive had to come to the uk for a couple of weeks to get my angolan visa,

sods law one of our sows had to have her babys while im away, but my wife mac did really well, she was doing the teeth tails ect,

im so proud of her, she,s one in a million but i supose we all say that about our wifes,

take care all jake

That is an exceptional photo for the Farm Photos thread with the sacks of feed, tractor, newborn and your cutie all wrapped up in one. Congratulations all the way around!

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well thats new to me, i didnt know they used a line for re-planting rice,

I never noticed it before either, but my wife says it is common. They don't use it for every row, but every few meters to keep things straight.

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This large Longon tree is absolutely loaded and unfortunately most of them will remain there unless they can find a way to pick the ones

higher up.The white stripe you can see/middle top is not a fault but a jet stream.


My mistake,it is a Lumyai tree not a Longon tree. rolleyes.gif

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Ron , mate , just lay out some black plastic or clear plastic in between the rows for a day or 3 , will keep the ground wet and kill the weeds in the process . Try this with an old fertilizer bag or something similar to start with , a lot more easy than chippin' out grass mate .

The heat from the sun will nail those weeds in no time !

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Where are the Pinapples? Another weed problem w00t.gif The problem with weeds is people let them go to seed before cutting them back.... if round up is used, it just takes too long to work.... so almost a waste of time anyway!

not sure that Sunshine's suggestion with plastic works so well with perennial weeds like grass they come back from the roots too easily.... wink.png

Watch out Mama is out with the chopper!


Hidden amongst the grass and weeds, unhappy looking Pineapples! .....


I had a go at this for an hour or so, Pineapples are not the easiest plant to weed whack around...especially at his stage . a few smaller ones lost their heads! w00t.giffacepalm.gif

Edited by samuijimmy
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All finished, it's just a matter of maintenance now to keep ahead of it.The row running back from Jimmy's pineapple is one that the sprayer missed completely so I did it myself using a little hand sprayer (wouldn't want to do that every day).The point about that is nothing has come up again as opposed the two rows alongside that I knocked down this morning.



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My little one in our rubber and our new E-tan outside the in laws house.

Your new E-tan.w00t.gif I notice the decent, basic RT140 engine.thumbsup.gif. Can I ask where it was built?

Could you please include it here for the Etan enthousiasts amongst us?


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