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Pongsapat Denies Shoplifting Allegations: Bangkok Governor Race 2013


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I've never heard your expression "around the world" as you put it, introduced by the phrase "In Thailand....." There's a lot of anti-Thai sentiment throughout TV, and it often shows up in backhanded slurs like this. So "subtle" and ingrained the perpetrators can't even see it.

Maybe we could put it another way: In regards to Thailand, specifically, what was your point?

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Pongsapat meanwhile campaigned in the Ram-Indra area, accompanied by Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra and Paveena Hongsakul, a former Bangkok governor candidate.

Surely if there was any doubt on the integrity of the BKK Gov. candidate the Pheu Thai party would not have selected him unanimously nor would our busy PM Yingluck feel like finding the time in her busy schedule to accompany him.

BTW did Ms. Yingluck go as PM or simply as Pheu Thai member? Just to emphasize 'choose him and BKK has no problems with the government'?

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I've never heard your expression "around the world" as you put it, introduced by the phrase "In Thailand....." There's a lot of anti-Thai sentiment throughout TV, and it often shows up in backhanded slurs like this. So "subtle" and ingrained the perpetrators can't even see it.

Maybe we could put it another way: In regards to Thailand, specifically, what was your point?

Anti Thai ?????? I love Thailand, it is the politicians I have absolute contempt for........ I seriously doubt ANY major Thai political figure could withstand a full back ground check, without turning up some serious dirt. I feel however that there is perhaps some sort of gentleman's agreement to not do that. So I was a bit surprised to see this accusation thrown out. As you know if you have spent any time here, the defamation laws here are quite powerful. So to accuse someone of past misdeeds you had better know what you are talking about, and back it up.

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I've never heard your exp<b></b>ression "around the world" as you put it, introduced by the phrase "In Thailand....." There's a lot of anti-Thai sentiment throughout TV, and it often shows up in backhanded slurs like this. So "subtle" and ingrained the perpetrators can't even see it.

Maybe we could put it another way: In regards to Thailand, specifically, what was your point?

Well the corruption indexes must be paid off then. There isn't any smoke in the countries at the top of the lists because there aren't any fires.

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Pongsapat meanwhile campaigned in the Ram-Indra area, accompanied by Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra and Paveena Hongsakul, a former Bangkok governor candidate.

Surely if there was any doubt on the integrity of the BKK Gov. candidate the Pheu Thai party would not have selected him unanimously nor would our busy PM Yingluck feel like finding the time in her busy schedule to accompany him.

BTW did Ms. Yingluck go as PM or simply as Pheu Thai member? Just to emphasize 'choose him and BKK has no problems with the government'?

But it doesn't matter if he wins or loses...

Asked how he will adjust his campaign strategy given that he is trailing his rival in four inner Bangkok districts as revealed by a poll, ex-Deputy National Police Chief Police General Pongsapat said to win or lose is not the point since he is not a professional politician.



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I see a lot of wiggle room in the denials, for example with the statement that to be disqualified from the police he would have to had a 2 year (or more) prison sentence. I suppose what may have happened is that he nicked a radio, got caught but wasn't sentenced and sent to jail for it, perhaps because the charge may had been dropped for lack of interest in prosecuting him.

But then again, that's just speculation and finding the facts should be fairly simple to anyone with the time and motivation for it.

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I'm just wondering as usual. With a candidate "Pol General Pongsapat Pongcharoen", with "Pol Lt-General Thaweesak Tuchinda" chairman of the Bangkok office of the Election Commission, and a "Royal Thai Police investigation team" looking into the matter around 2000 when we were all a wee bit younger, can we get info on who was on the RTP investigation team? Can Dept. PM Pol. Captain Chalerm find out for us, I'll give him three months although the elections are on the 3rd of March.

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I'm just wondering as usual. With a candidate "Pol General Pongsapat Pongcharoen", with "Pol Lt-General Thaweesak Tuchinda" chairman of the Bangkok office of the Election Commission, and a "Royal Thai Police investigation team" looking into the matter around 2000 when we were all a wee bit younger, can we get info on who was on the RTP investigation team? Can Dept. PM Pol. Captain Chalerm find out for us, I'll give him three months although the elections are on the 3rd of March.

It was so long ago, Police Lieutenant-Colonel Thaksin was still in Thailand then.

Wouldn't be surprising if he was also involved then in helping out his fellow Sam Houston State alumni and fellow policeman's to clear up his record.


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Conviction of a crime in the USA would have likely caused his visa to be revoked. Even back then, the USA was strict on such matters. He would have lost his scholarship as well. Yet, the end result is that he was not asked to leave the USA and he graduated with distinction.

You know this matter is easily verified. Criminal records can be checked with the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.

If he was convicted of a crime it would have been recorded and yet none of the accusers has cited the case number.

Sounds like typical Thai politics. Throw mud and it will stick especially for those weak ones in here who will believe anything !

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I've never heard your expression "around the world" as you put it, introduced by the phrase "In Thailand....." There's a lot of anti-Thai sentiment throughout TV, and it often shows up in backhanded slurs like this. So "subtle" and ingrained the perpetrators can't even see it.

Maybe we could put it another way: In regards to Thailand, specifically, what was your point?

Well the corruption indexes must be paid off then. There isn't any smoke in the countries at the top of the lists because there aren't any fires.

You might want to try the whole truth. Over half the countries in the world are below Thailand in the list. And yes there is corruption at the top of the list.

Just because it is not as blatant and plentiful as here in Thailand dosen't mean there is none there.

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Conviction of a crime in the USA would have likely caused his visa to be revoked. Even back then, the USA was strict on such matters. He would have lost his scholarship as well. Yet, the end result is that he was not asked to leave the USA and he graduated with distinction.

You know this matter is easily verified. Criminal records can be checked with the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.

If he was convicted of a crime it would have been recorded and yet none of the accusers has cited the case number.

Sounds like typical Thai politics. Throw mud and it will stick especially for those weak ones in here who will believe anything !

True but have you noticed that the Thaksin fans are thinning out.

Times are a changing (very slowly)

I see where a village down south sued the police for being over physical with them in a peaceful rally down south in 2002. They just won and each will receive 100,000 baht. Police are being arrested. That is a start. I would imagine at this point in time they are still getting a white wash.

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True but have you noticed that the Thaksin fans are thinning out.

Not necessarily a good thing. As much as I disagree with them, the alternative view that they bring to the table makes the discussions more interesting, and usually brings more information to the members when they are shown to be wrong.

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I think it will take a good sleuth to pick this up if at all!


:cheesy: Expunction is definitely the way to go.... and for only $799, you too can run for Governor... :lol:

Expunctions and non-disclosures differ from each other. Expunctions destroy any criminal records so that not even law enforcement can see the record. Non-disclosures essentially seal the record from public view, but law enforcement can view it.

Again, once your record is expunged or sealed, you are not required in any application for employment to state that you have been the subject of any criminal proceeding related to the information that is the subject of your non-disclosure order. Texas Gov't Code 411.081(g-2)

You may also deny the occurrence of the arrest and prosecution related to the information


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32 years ago...

The alleged theft occurred in 1980 while he was studying criminology in the US under a scholarship.



Maybe he did, maybe he didn't take a radio from a shop.

Anyway, it's supposed to be a crime and if there was a crime, there should be a police report.

So, where did he study and which police department was responsible?

Piece of cake for the real US investigators amongst us.

He studied Criminal Justice at Sam Houston State U in Texas



2 minutes....to the nearest Police Station; surely they must have criminal theft records available within seconds, even after 32 years, no? tongue.png

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"Justice Minister Pracha Promnok said he "has no information" regarding Pongsapat's alleged shoplifting case."

He maybe has no information because he dosen't want it.

The Royal Thai Police have all the information he needs to be aware of it.

A quick check with the authorities in the states might then be in order to see what there on the scene and time version was. As compared to the Royal Thai Police 14,000 kilometers away two year later investigation.

That would be 20 years after the alleged offence. If a police inquiry could find no evidence of Chalerm Jnr's offences, this would be a doddle........what police rank did he hold at the that time?

32 years wink.png

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I think it will take a good sleuth to pick this up if at all!


cheesy.gif Expunction is definitely the way to go.... and for only $799, you too can run for Governor... laugh.png

Expunctions and non-disclosures differ from each other. Expunctions destroy any criminal records so that not even law enforcement can see the record. Non-disclosures essentially seal the record from public view, but law enforcement can view it.

Again, once your record is expunged or sealed, you are not required in any application for employment to state that you have been the subject of any criminal proceeding related to the information that is the subject of your non-disclosure order. Texas Gov't Code 411.081(g-2)

You may also deny the occurrence of the arrest and prosecution related to the information


Amazing American spirit to invent this, isn't it? thumbsup.gifClear Criminal Records in Texas:

Only for real criminals clap2.gif

Was this site on air already back in 1998 when the allegation was made and/or in 2000 when it was investigated?

I assume it didn't exist back in 1980, 32 years ago, when the shoplifting alledegly took place but I supplied already the Google Map route* to the nearest Police Station so.....piece of cake for a real TV investigator laugh.png

* https://maps.google.nl/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=police+station+near+Sam+Houston+Avenue,+Huntsville,+TX,+United+States&daddr=sam+houston+state+university&hl=en&geocode=FViK1AEdzhBO-iENysVonkaAqCnpxcvFvQhHhjENysVonkaAqA%3BFXG21AEdOwRO-iEgYBMsgOpdbik9bZ3okAhHhjEgYBMsgOpdbg&aq=0&oq=police+station+sam+houston&sll=30.706733,-95.554833&sspn=0.01214,0.022724&vpsrc=0&t=h&gl=nl&mra=ls&ie=UTF8&z=16

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I think it will take a good sleuth to pick this up if at all!


cheesy.gif Expunction is definitely the way to go.... and for only $799, you too can run for Governor... laugh.png

Expunctions and non-disclosures differ from each other. Expunctions destroy any criminal records so that not even law enforcement can see the record. Non-disclosures essentially seal the record from public view, but law enforcement can view it.

Again, once your record is expunged or sealed, you are not required in any application for employment to state that you have been the subject of any criminal proceeding related to the information that is the subject of your non-disclosure order. Texas Gov't Code 411.081(g-2)

You may also deny the occurrence of the arrest and prosecution related to the information


Was this site on air already back in 1998 when the allegation was made and/or in 2000 when it was investigated?

In case you're unaware, attorneys were practicing law in Texas long before they were available through internet sites. ;)

Fortunately for Police General Pongsapat, the law covering expunging records in Texas was enacted on Sept. 1, 1993.... so plenty of time for him to hire an attorney before the police committee supposedly could find nothing when investigating him in 2000. ;)


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I think it will take a good sleuth to pick this up if at all!


cheesy.gif Expunction is definitely the way to go.... and for only $799, you too can run for Governor... laugh.png

Expunctions and non-disclosures differ from each other. Expunctions destroy any criminal records so that not even law enforcement can see the record. Non-disclosures essentially seal the record from public view, but law enforcement can view it.

Again, once your record is expunged or sealed, you are not required in any application for employment to state that you have been the subject of any criminal proceeding related to the information that is the subject of your non-disclosure order. Texas Gov't Code 411.081(g-2)

You may also deny the occurrence of the arrest and prosecution related to the information


Was this site on air already back in 1998 when the allegation was made and/or in 2000 when it was investigated?

In case you're unaware, attorneys were practicing law in Texas long before they were available through internet sites. wink.png

Fortunately for Police General Pongsapat, the law covering expunging records in Texas was enacted on Sept. 1, 1993.... so plenty of time for him to hire an attorney before the police committee supposedly could find nothing when investigating him in 2000. wink.png


Are you sugesting he hired an attorney to brush an eventual petty crime frrom 32 years ago under the carpet or are you just speculating and HOPING he did ? rolleyes.gif

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cheesy.gif Expunction is definitely the way to go.... and for only $799, you too can run for Governor... laugh.png

Expunctions and non-disclosures differ from each other. Expunctions destroy any criminal records so that not even law enforcement can see the record. Non-disclosures essentially seal the record from public view, but law enforcement can view it.

Again, once your record is expunged or sealed, you are not required in any application for employment to state that you have been the subject of any criminal proceeding related to the information that is the subject of your non-disclosure order. Texas Gov't Code 411.081(g-2)

You may also deny the occurrence of the arrest and prosecution related to the information


Was this site on air already back in 1998 when the allegation was made and/or in 2000 when it was investigated?

In case you're unaware, attorneys were practicing law in Texas long before they were available through internet sites. wink.png

Fortunately for Police General Pongsapat, the law covering expunging records in Texas was enacted on Sept. 1, 1993.... so plenty of time for him to hire an attorney before the police committee supposedly could find nothing when investigating him in 2000. wink.png


Are you sugesting he hired an attorney to brush an eventual petty crime frrom 32 years ago under the carpet or are you just speculating and HOPING he did ?

Mainly just highlighting the holes in your previous post.

Providing the actual timelines leaves the door open to the very plausible situation that someone progressing higher in their career at the time may wish to remove any obstacle, no matter how seemingly trivial, to their continued advancement.

Particularly as it involves a rather paltry amount in order to do so, it's an understandable and reasonable thing to remove any hindrance of having a past embarrassment on their record.

Obviously enough others are doing exactly the same thing that attorneys now in 2013 are even advertising this two-decade-old avenue on the internet. wink.png


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Mainly just highlighting the holes in your previous post.

Providing the actual timelines leaves the door open to the very plausible situation that someone progressing higher in their career at the time may wish to remove any obstacle, no matter how seemingly trivial, to their continued advancement.

Particularly as it involves a rather paltry amount in order to do so, it's understandable and reasonable thing to remove any hindrance of having a past embarrassment on their record.

Obviously enough others are doing exactly the same thing that attorneys in 2013 advertise this avenue on the internet.


Holes...what holes?

In other words:

Yes, you are speculating: laugh.png

"plausible situation.....may wish to remove any obstacle,....seemingly trivial.... it's understandable and reasonable thing to remove any hindrance of having a past embarrassment on their record.."

Nothing wrong with your assumptions, but not based on facts, so far.

Shall we move on to the next topic ? w00t.gif

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Mainly just highlighting the holes in your previous post.

Providing the actual timelines leaves the door open to the very plausible situation that someone progressing higher in their career at the time may wish to remove any obstacle, no matter how seemingly trivial, to their continued advancement.

Particularly as it involves a rather paltry amount in order to do so, it's understandable and reasonable thing to remove any hindrance of having a past embarrassment on their record.

Obviously enough others are doing exactly the same thing that attorneys in 2013 advertise this avenue on the internet.

Holes...what holes?

you are speculating:

Nothing wrong with your assumptions, but not based on facts, so far.

Shall we move on to the next topic ?

The hole of your previous post where you implied it seemed to matter when the website was created in relation to the time of the police investigation. It doesn't.

Followed by the other hole in your comments where you implied it seemed to matter when the website was created in relation to the time of the offense. It doesn't.

Sure it's speculation on my part. As the reasons provided in my post are all very plausible and reasonable, it's certainly more valid than many other speculations proliferating throughout the forum. Coupled with the glaring holes in your points, it's understandable why you nervously prefer to move on elsewhere.


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Probably because of some java script exploits I have received a lot of spam the last week. It included some about, 'your criminal history can be seen'. My security settings don't allow me to visit the site. Mind you, never having been in the USA I somehow doubt I'll have a criminal record there. Now k. Pongsapat is a different case of course :-)

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I've never heard your expression "around the world" as you put it, introduced by the phrase "In Thailand....." There's a lot of anti-Thai sentiment throughout TV, and it often shows up in backhanded slurs like this. So "subtle" and ingrained the perpetrators can't even see it.

Maybe we could put it another way: In regards to Thailand, specifically, what was your point?

You need an anti-sensitivity pill, it will make you feel calm enough to step off the outrage bus.

cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif dam_n I almost pissed myself.
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Mainly just highlighting the holes in your previous post.

Providing the actual timelines leaves the door open to the very plausible situation that someone progressing higher in their career at the time may wish to remove any obstacle, no matter how seemingly trivial, to their continued advancement.

Particularly as it involves a rather paltry amount in order to do so, it's understandable and reasonable thing to remove any hindrance of having a past embarrassment on their record.

Obviously enough others are doing exactly the same thing that attorneys in 2013 advertise this avenue on the internet.

Holes...what holes?

you are speculating:

Nothing wrong with your assumptions, but not based on facts, so far.

Shall we move on to the next topic ?

Sure it's speculation on my part.

Nice to see we agree thumbsup.gif

Sometimes it's heartwarming to see how close people can become rolleyes.gif

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Shall we move on to the next topic ?

Sure it's speculation on my part.

Coupled with the glaring holes in your points, it's understandable why you nervously prefer to move on elsewhere.

Nice to see we agree thumbsup.gif


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