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Pongsapat Denies Shoplifting Allegations: Bangkok Governor Race 2013


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I've never heard your exp<b></b>ression "around the world" as you put it, introduced by the phrase "In Thailand....." There's a lot of anti-Thai sentiment throughout TV, and it often shows up in backhanded slurs like this. So "subtle" and ingrained the perpetrators can't even see it.

Maybe we could put it another way: In regards to Thailand, specifically, what was your point?

Well the corruption indexes must be paid off then. There isn't any smoke in the countries at the top of the lists because there aren't any fires.

You might want to try the whole truth. Over half the countries in the world are below Thailand in the list. And yes there is corruption at the top of the list.

Just because it is not as blatant and plentiful as here in Thailand dosen't mean there is none there.

Indeed, so, to claim some type of slur on Thailand when the stats speak for themselves isn't particularly logical is it.

Thailand has a relatively large number of fires. That's a known fact, so one should be suspicious of smoke right?

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I've never heard your expression "around the world" as you put it, introduced by the phrase "In Thailand....." There's a lot of anti-Thai sentiment throughout TV, and it often shows up in backhanded slurs like this. So "subtle" and ingrained the perpetrators can't even see it.

Maybe we could put it another way: In regards to Thailand, specifically, what was your point?

Well the corruption indexes must be paid off then. There isn't any smoke in the countries at the top of the lists because there aren't any fires.

You might want to try the whole truth. Over half the countries in the world are below Thailand in the list. And yes there is corruption at the top of the list.

Just because it is not as blatant and plentiful as here in Thailand dosen't mean there is none there.

Indeed, so, to claim some type of slur on Thailand when the stats speak for themselves isn't particularly logical is it.

Thailand has a relatively large number of fires. That's a known fact, so one should be suspicious of smoke right?

To all those who have gleefully jumped on the "guilty" bandwagon:

Your Logic:

Thailand has a high rate of corruption. Every time there's smoke (accusations), there's fire (undeniable guilt). This guy's guilty as H3LL.

Your Western Background:

Innocent until proven guilty.

Your Probable Metamorphosis as an Outcast Fugitive Misfit Expat:

What changed you from your background to a "hang 'em high" mentality? A corruption of your sense of justice? Or did you reject your own background early-on and decide to hit out for a more Wild West justice environment?


Your sense of values have then become as corrupt as you allege the accused is, in this case. Meanwhile, if you want to see this country mature socially and judicially, you're not helping things.


Let the courts, (or detectives, or journalists, or Interpol, or whoever) as feeble as they may be, try to do their job, and hold off organizing your lynch mob until after the verdict, at least.

Edited by Fookhaht
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True but have you noticed that the Thaksin fans are thinning out.

Not necessarily a good thing. As much as I disagree with them, the alternative view that they bring to the table makes the discussions more interesting, and usually brings more information to the members when they are shown to be wrong.

The problem with that is the unknown damage they have done in getting to that point. Many of them see where they were wrong and justify it by adding other unrelated factors.

Such as the ever popular well when the Democrats were in da da da.

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I think it will take a good sleuth to pick this up if at all!


cheesy.gif Expunction is definitely the way to go.... and for only $799, you too can run for Governor... laugh.png

Expunctions and non-disclosures differ from each other. Expunctions destroy any criminal records so that not even law enforcement can see the record. Non-disclosures essentially seal the record from public view, but law enforcement can view it.

Again, once your record is expunged or sealed, you are not required in any application for employment to state that you have been the subject of any criminal proceeding related to the information that is the subject of your non-disclosure order. Texas Gov't Code 411.081(g-2)

You may also deny the occurrence of the arrest and prosecution related to the information


Amazing American spirit to invent this, isn't it? thumbsup.gifClear Criminal Records in Texas:

Only for real criminals clap2.gif

Was this site on air already back in 1998 when the allegation was made and/or in 2000 when it was investigated?

I assume it didn't exist back in 1980, 32 years ago, when the shoplifting alledegly took place but I supplied already the Google Map route* to the nearest Police Station so.....piece of cake for a real TV investigator laugh.png

* https://maps.google....ls&ie=UTF8&z=16

Are you putting out a call for real TV investigators in Huston.

At any rate there is no guarantee that if indeed it did happen that they would still have the record for such a petty thing. Over the years it could have very easily gone missing. Remember there computing abilities were not that great then and the paper file would probably be in a storage place that they can't remember.

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Mainly just highlighting the holes in your previous post.

Providing the actual timelines leaves the door open to the very plausible situation that someone progressing higher in their career at the time may wish to remove any obstacle, no matter how seemingly trivial, to their continued advancement.

Particularly as it involves a rather paltry amount in order to do so, it's understandable and reasonable thing to remove any hindrance of having a past embarrassment on their record.

Obviously enough others are doing exactly the same thing that attorneys in 2013 advertise this avenue on the internet.


Holes...what holes?

In other words:

Yes, you are speculating: laugh.png

"plausible situation.....may wish to remove any obstacle,....seemingly trivial.... it's understandable and reasonable thing to remove any hindrance of having a past embarrassment on their record.."

Nothing wrong with your assumptions, but not based on facts, so far.

Shall we move on to the next topic ? w00t.gif

What facts the whole thread is based on one fact. That fact is an allegation of a possible criminal record 32 years ago of a mickey mouse issue has been made.

That is the only fact. Why feeling the way you do about the issue are you even on this thread. Like you said move along to the next thread.

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I've never heard your expression "around the world" as you put it, introduced by the phrase "In Thailand....." There's a lot of anti-Thai sentiment throughout TV, and it often shows up in backhanded slurs like this. So "subtle" and ingrained the perpetrators can't even see it.

Maybe we could put it another way: In regards to Thailand, specifically, what was your point?

Well the corruption indexes must be paid off then. There isn't any smoke in the countries at the top of the lists because there aren't any fires.

You might want to try the whole truth. Over half the countries in the world are below Thailand in the list. And yes there is corruption at the top of the list.

Just because it is not as blatant and plentiful as here in Thailand dosen't mean there is none there.

Indeed, so, to claim some type of slur on Thailand when the stats speak for themselves isn't particularly logical is it.

Thailand has a relatively large number of fires. That's a known fact, so one should be suspicious of smoke right?

Well you obviously never looked at the list. Thailand is in a 5 way tie for 88 on a list of 174 countries. If you look at the list you will notice there is indeed smoke at the top of the list. Just not as much as Thailand and a heck of a lot less than #174 Somalia.

That is logical thinking and I fail to see the reawson for making a slur on it.

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Well guys and gals so what if this guy is a thief? After all just take a look at the Yingluck administration and the PTP. Filled with crooks, thieves, convicted felons on the run and terrorists so what's another thief in the ranks?

Hopefully enough people are getting fed up and will not accept another one added to the list.

Edited by Pimay1
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It doesn't matter if he is/was a thief or not. Those that were going to vote for him, don't believe he is a thief and will still vote for him. Those that weren't going to vote for him, believe he is a thief and still won't vote for him.

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Well it all comes down to the statement

Pol General Pongsapat Pongcharoen is not a thief.

Now does this mean he has never stolen anything ?

Does it mean he was found not guilty of theft ?

Or does it mean he blatantly denies the allegations?

Or is popular public feeling ?

Answers on a postcard please to King Solomon for his judgement.

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