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Yingluck: Rohingya ' Might Join Southern Insurgency'


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Seems quite a few quite here keen on Muslim Immigration, so have you been lobbying your home governments to increase Muslim Immigration and non-integration there?

In the past while I lived there yes I did lobby for the humane treatment of persecuted people admitted into the country regardless of their religion.

Edited by Bluespunk
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Seems quite a few quite here keen on Muslim Immigration, so have you been lobbying your home governments to increase Muslim Immigration and non-integration there?

In the past while I lived there yes I did lobby for the humane treatment of persecuted people admitted into the country regardless of their religion.

Bless you my child.
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Seems quite a few quite here keen on Muslim Immigration, so have you been lobbying your home governments to increase Muslim Immigration and non-integration there?

In the past while I lived there yes I did lobby for the humane treatment of persecuted people admitted into the country regardless of their religion.

Bless you my child.

Ah, the last refuge hotel.

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Well if the Thais hate anyone, it is the Burmese. This is understandable given their racist sentiments in general, and the history between the 2 peoples. And given that this branch of ethnic Burmese are Muslim, well that's just too much for them. Usually when there are Muslims and any other religion in the same place, there is trouble.

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Narrow minded, religiously bigoted, intolerant crap. Just what I have come to expect every time her mouth opens. Prejudiced and xenophobic view of the world clearly on display here. The rohingya are fleeing violence not importing it.

Muslims settling in a foreign land normally never import violence at first.

So please let us know which 'foreign lands" Muslims have settled & commenced organised violence using their religion as a motivator.

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Narrow minded, religiously bigoted, intolerant crap. Just what I have come to expect every time her mouth opens. Prejudiced and xenophobic view of the world clearly on display here. The rohingya are fleeing violence not importing it.

Muslims settling in a foreign land normally never import violence at first.

So please let us know which 'foreign lands" Muslims have settled & commenced organised violence using their religion as a motivator.

Do some research on the UK - particularly places in West Yorkshire and the towns around Manchester. You will soon find articles about how muslim youth behave when in gangs and stirred up by Islamic rhetoric. Look up riots in France too.

Edited by Baerboxer
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Narrow minded, religiously bigoted, intolerant crap. Just what I have come to expect every time her mouth opens. Prejudiced and xenophobic view of the world clearly on display here. The rohingya are fleeing violence not importing it.

Muslims settling in a foreign land normally never import violence at first.

So please let us know which 'foreign lands" Muslims have settled & commenced organised violence using their religion as a motivator.

Do some research on the UK - particularly places in West Yorkshire and the towns around Manchester. You will soon find articles about how muslim youth behave when in gangs and stirred up by Islamic rhetoric. Look up riots in France too.

UK born youth is somewhat different to deliberately migrating to plan violence.

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So please let us know which 'foreign lands" Muslims have settled & commenced organised violence using their religion as a motivator.

Do some research on the UK - particularly places in West Yorkshire and the towns around Manchester. You will soon find articles about how muslim youth behave when in gangs and stirred up by Islamic rhetoric. Look up riots in France too.

UK born youth is somewhat different to deliberately migrating to plan violence.

the problems happen without a deliberate plan

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by deporting them you mean put them in a boat with no food, water or oars then dragging them out 10km and leaving them there... isn't that what the Shinawatra family like to do with these kinds of people?

You seem to be mistaken, it's what Abhisit ordered done with them.

In January 2009 Thailand’s National Security Council, led by then-Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva, authorized the navy to intercept incoming Rohingya boats and detain the passengers before pushing them back to sea. Later that year, Thai security forces were captured on video towing boats with Rohingya out to sea, which the government initially denied, but which Abhisit later conceded, saying, “I have some reason to believe some of this happened.” While the recent “help on” strategy has meant that intercepted boats are re-provisioned, the Thai navy is still pushing back to sea boats filled with Rohingya, with some deadly results.


I thought that myself but wasn't sure so thanks for your input. I would class myself as an Abhisit supporter and I certainly don't like the Shinawatras or their party but you can't hide from the truth.

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Seems quite a few quite here keen on Muslim Immigration, so have you been lobbying your home governments to increase Muslim Immigration and non-integration there?

In the past while I lived there yes I did lobby for the humane treatment of persecuted people admitted into the country regardless of their religion.

When I was working in the UK I was surrounded by Muslims, Sikhs and Hindus amongst others. I never found them a problem any more than anyone else. There are problem ones but they aren't the majority.

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Is it just coincidence that this topic got posted 11:30 while only 08:19 we had "European Union envoys expressed satisfaction with Thailand's handling of migrant workers after a visit to frozen food factories in this coastal fishing province, the foreign minister said." ?

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Is it just coincidence that this topic got posted 11:30 while only 08:19 we had "European Union envoys expressed satisfaction with Thailand's handling of migrant workers after a visit to frozen food factories in this coastal fishing province, the foreign minister said." ?

Apparently not all foreign attendees on this arranged visit, where gushing with satisfaction. At least the way I read it in the other paper. Edited by dcutman
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PM-Yingluck is clearly right to fear the Rohingya terrorist-masses, gathering on her doorstep in Songkla, after all they shot down the surveillance-blimp when she was on her famous peace-mission to the South, didn't they ?

Chelerm (probably) told her so, at one of his famous 8-bottles-of-ear-medicine-between 5-friends parties ! rolleyes.gif

They were probably responsible for bombing that Thai Airways B737 in Bangkok, which her brother was about to board, too ! ph34r.png

And their compatriots may have passed the magic-spell, which sent all that rain across to Thailand, at the start of her government's glorious reign, and made them look a pack of complete idiots, trying to manage the floods. crazy.gif

She should ask her global-statesman brother to 'do a deal', with his M.E. friends, to get them to go more easy on her and her family !

Meanwhile continue the decades-old policy, of pushing them back out to sea (with a few bottles of water, so the U.N. applauds her), or discretely dumping them across the border, so they can return home or enter Malaysia. And blame the military, for acting without orders, of course.

Meanwhile, back in the real world, she should try not to let her ignorance or prejudice show when she's speaking in public, where the rest of the world can see. wink.png

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I may get slack for this and I do not like yingluck on a personal level but I think there is some basis for the concern. If you read the other articles written by the author that are linked to this article you will see that there is some serious ethnic, racial and religious turmoil in myanmar. http://asiancorrespo...e-un-thinks-so/

Like its analogous to what was happening in the former Yugoslavia. There's already armed fighting with the rohingya in Burma and in another post I linked the Wikipedia article regarding terrorist links with the rohingya. I believe she may have a point for concern.

Thailand is not a signatory to the un treaty on refugees. It seems Hypocritical to me that the un nations are putting pressure on Thailand to take refugees that they themselves won't take. Fine, USA uk Australia Germany if humanitarianism is so important to you, then you take them. Because the un countries don't want to take them let's make it thailand's problem.

Of course there is a basis for concern that Rohingya would be ideal recruits for the Islamic insurgency in the south. But for a country's leader to verbally articulate this publicly is inept and foolish.

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This is (as previously touched on by Smutcakes) economic desperation by impoverished people, whom are easily manipulated by sympathising "brothers and sisters" of Islam - terrorists throughout the Islamic wars against the rest of the world have used the poor and desperate as cheap cannon fodder, and this may very well take place here.

This is where the DSI should be involved with undercover surveillance, to track the movement of these people, and ensuring that local police or army checkpoints locate these people "by chance", and have them deported, or use their presence as an indication of final stages of planning an attack.

You let them in, you let them call themselves "refugees", not understanding that any immigrant taking things from locals, when they are less qualified and skilled than locals. You call them refugees, I like to think of this as immigration invasion and harassment of the population. China and India are also doing this very well around the world, it is not only the countries of Islam.

Everybody's belief systems and ways of life are at threat - smart countries with large populations no longer bomb countries, they just breed the locals out. The next step would likely see this sect, rejected by Burma, resident in Bangkok and providing a harder to detect platform for attacks closer than the red gumboot queen would like to call "home".

You really need to rethink your anti Muslim rant in the context of Thailand. In today's editorial of the BKK Post it accuses the Thai government of hypocrisy in that the Rohingya are being exploited by human traffickers, in collaboration with corrupt Thai government officials, as cheap labourers, for on shipment to places such as Malaysia. These people are being sold by the traffickers, so it's not to much of a stretch to say slave traders. The editorial also talks to the Thai government turning a blind eye to the violence by the Burmese forces against the Rohingya and refusal to provide citizenship/ ID documents for the Rohingya. Whilst at the same time leveraging off investment opportunities in Burma.

Just imagine that you and your family have been living in a country for generations & your government refuses to recognise you, basically suffering from enforced poverty and no opportunity for quality of life improvement due to your governments policies, would you not at least try to provide a better future for your family?

For those who identify themselves with a Christian society, don't forget the Burmese military is also currently attacking and killing members of the Kachin ethnic group in Burma that is over 90% Christian.

Edited by simple1
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I may get slack for this and I do not like yingluck on a personal level but I think there is some basis for the concern. If you read the other articles written by the author that are linked to this article you will see that there is some serious ethnic, racial and religious turmoil in myanmar. http://asiancorrespo...e-un-thinks-so/

Like its analogous to what was happening in the former Yugoslavia. There's already armed fighting with the rohingya in Burma and in another post I linked the Wikipedia article regarding terrorist links with the rohingya. I believe she may have a point for concern.

Thailand is not a signatory to the un treaty on refugees. It seems Hypocritical to me that the un nations are putting pressure on Thailand to take refugees that they themselves won't take. Fine, USA uk Australia Germany if humanitarianism is so important to you, then you take them. Because the un countries don't want to take them let's make it thailand's problem.

So they flee a couple of thousand km in leaky boats to get involved in more violence? Is that logical? What makes the struggle for independence from Thailand so attractive to another racial group with a different language?

Simple answer - Islam.

Muslims frequently side with other Muslim's ''struggle'' against infidels. Thailand has enough trouble with Muslim terrorists in the South it does not need an influx of unwanted Bangladeshi Muslims - who are fleeing because they caused conflict (notably rape) with Burmese Buddhists. Pack them off to Bangladesh or Malaysia where their fellow Muslims can deal with them.

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I'm not trying to be anti Muslim in my reservations about an influx of rohingya into Thailand, but I do think it is dangerous and I even think Thai Muslims would be hesitant about letting them in. So I propose the following challenge: if anyone here knows Thai Muslims ask them what they would think about rohingya remaining or settling in Thailand and post the results of what they said here.

The reason I am saying this is that I really do think Thai Muslims aren't thrilled with the idea either. And the reason that would be so is that not all Islam is the same. There is conflict between different branches of Islam (most notably Shiite and Sunni) and not all Muslims think alike. From what I know of Thai Islam it does differ a bit from the Islam practiced on other regions. For example much like how Thai Buddhism incorporates a lot of animistic beliefs, so does Thai Islam. Thai Muslims have their little "good luck" rituals the same as Thai Buddhists. The more stringent branches of Islam may consider what Thai Muslims do to be witchcraft. I don't think Thai Muslims are gonna be real happy with other Muslims telling them they're not Muslim enough.

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Narrow minded, religiously bigoted, intolerant crap. Just what I have come to expect every time her mouth opens. Prejudiced and xenophobic view of the world clearly on display here. The rohingya are fleeing violence not importing it.

Muslims settling in a foreign land normally never import violence at first.

So please let us know which 'foreign lands" Muslims have settled & commenced organised violence using their religion as a motivator.

Ok. Syria, Jordan, Palestine (Jerusalem), Egypt, Libya, Iraq, Iran, all of North Africa, some parts of India and China, and later Spain


Try here,


and here,


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I'm not trying to be anti Muslim in my reservations about an influx of rohingya into Thailand, but I do think it is dangerous and I even think Thai Muslims would be hesitant about letting them in. So I propose the following challenge: if anyone here knows Thai Muslims ask them what they would think about rohingya remaining or settling in Thailand and post the results of what they said here.

The reason I am saying this is that I really do think Thai Muslims aren't thrilled with the idea either. And the reason that would be so is that not all Islam is the same. There is conflict between different branches of Islam (most notably Shiite and Sunni) and not all Muslims think alike. From what I know of Thai Islam it does differ a bit from the Islam practiced on other regions. For example much like how Thai Buddhism incorporates a lot of animistic beliefs, so does Thai Islam. Thai Muslims have their little "good luck" rituals the same as Thai Buddhists. The more stringent branches of Islam may consider what Thai Muslims do to be witchcraft. I don't think Thai Muslims are gonna be real happy with other Muslims telling them they're not Muslim enough.

I asked by wife who is Thai Muslim (Sunni) and she said she has no issues whatsoever. given they are having such a hard time in Burma, why not help them. I did see a media report today (BKK Post) quoting an Islamic leader in the Deep South who is organising food etc for the Rohingya who have been detained, who said the Rohingya did not even know their were Muslims in Thailand. As you know their intention was to transit through Thailand to Malaysia and on to Indonesia, ultimate destination Australia, but were duped & were being setup for being sold to Malaysians for low cost/slave labour.

Personally I have no idea of the interpretation of Islam by the Rohingya, but you are absolutely correct in your comments regards Thai Muslims, at least the many that I know in Pattaya

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I may get slack for this and I do not like yingluck on a personal level but I think there is some basis for the concern. If you read the other articles written by the author that are linked to this article you will see that there is some serious ethnic, racial and religious turmoil in myanmar. http://asiancorrespo...e-un-thinks-so/

Like its analogous to what was happening in the former Yugoslavia. There's already armed fighting with the rohingya in Burma and in another post I linked the Wikipedia article regarding terrorist links with the rohingya. I believe she may have a point for concern.

Thailand is not a signatory to the un treaty on refugees. It seems Hypocritical to me that the un nations are putting pressure on Thailand to take refugees that they themselves won't take. Fine, USA uk Australia Germany if humanitarianism is so important to you, then you take them. Because the un countries don't want to take them let's make it thailand's problem.

So they flee a couple of thousand km in leaky boats to get involved in more violence? Is that logical? What makes the struggle for independence from Thailand so attractive to another racial group with a different language?

Simple answer - Islam.

Muslims frequently side with other Muslim's ''struggle'' against infidels. Thailand has enough trouble with Muslim terrorists in the South it does not need an influx of unwanted Bangladeshi Muslims - who are fleeing because they caused conflict (notably rape) with Burmese Buddhists. Pack them off to Bangladesh or Malaysia where their fellow Muslims can deal with them.

You need to get your facts straight. Rohingya are natives of Rakhine (modern day Arakan), which was annexed and occupied by Myanmar (Burma) in the 1700s and is still Burmese territory today. They are not Bangladeshi.

Note the Rohingya people have been stripped of their citizenship since 1982. They are not allowed to travel without official permission, are banned from owning land and are required to sign a commitment to have not more than two children.

With reference to rape it was reported that a Buddhist female was raped & that triggered last years riots. Whilst bad, it's not as though the Rohinya are using rape as a weapon against Buddhists. More info at http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-18395788

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I'm not trying to be anti Muslim in my reservations about an influx of rohingya into Thailand, but I do think it is dangerous and I even think Thai Muslims would be hesitant about letting them in. So I propose the following challenge: if anyone here knows Thai Muslims ask them what they would think about rohingya remaining or settling in Thailand and post the results of what they said here.

The reason I am saying this is that I really do think Thai Muslims aren't thrilled with the idea either. And the reason that would be so is that not all Islam is the same. There is conflict between different branches of Islam (most notably Shiite and Sunni) and not all Muslims think alike. From what I know of Thai Islam it does differ a bit from the Islam practiced on other regions. For example much like how Thai Buddhism incorporates a lot of animistic beliefs, so does Thai Islam. Thai Muslims have their little "good luck" rituals the same as Thai Buddhists. The more stringent branches of Islam may consider what Thai Muslims do to be witchcraft. I don't think Thai Muslims are gonna be real happy with other Muslims telling them they're not Muslim enough.

I asked by wife who is Thai Muslim (Sunni) and she said she has no issues whatsoever. given they are having such a hard time in Burma, why not help them. I did see a media report today (BKK Post) quoting an Islamic leader in the Deep South who is organising food etc for the Rohingya who have been detained, who said the Rohingya did not even know their were Muslims in Thailand. As you know their intention was to transit through Thailand to Malaysia and on to Indonesia, ultimate destination Australia, but were duped & were being setup for being sold to Malaysians for low cost/slave labour.

Personally I have no idea of the interpretation of Islam by the Rohingya, but you are absolutely correct in your comments regards Thai Muslims, at least the many that I know in Pattaya

Like so many of the so called refugees, they are travelling to Australia, the perceived land of milk and honey. What a disgrace...my understanding of a genuine(UNHCR) refugee is that they travel to the first country where they are free from persecution...in this case it would be Malaysia or Indonesia.

These people are nothing but queue jumpers who know the Australian Government is a soft touch and will give in to the people smugglers every time.

Meanwhile some poor bastard is sitting in an camp in Africa with his family for 10 years or more, who really deserves the name refugee but cannot leave as the humanitarian immigration quota has been reached or exceeded by these illegal immigrants who get on a boat, sail 50 miles from Indonesia, call 000 on their mobile phone (the Australian version of 999 or 911) and DEMAND to be rescued by the Australian Navy after disabling the boat they are on.

In the meantime they have thrown their passports and any other identification overboard so that it is very difficult to determine the veracity of their claims for refugee status. I only hope there is a change of government in Australia this year as the country and way of life is slowly but surely being destroyed.

Can you tell me why the ratio of males to females of these "refugees" is 100 to 1 or more? Is the place they are leaving so bad for them , but not so bad that they leave the missus and kids behind?

Good for Yingluck to have the guts to say what a lot of people think. Pity there aren't more politicians prepared to tell it like it is.

Edited by Mudcrab
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Some off-topic and excessively anti-islamic posts and replies have been removed.

I am curious as to where the information about the Rohingya's heading to Australia came from? To the best of my knowledge most are headed to Malaysia. These people are considered to be the most oppressed minority group on the planet. Unfortunately, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia are not signatories to the UN Conventions on the Rights of Refugees as well as some of the protocols related to their treatment.

Countries of first asylum are not necessarily countries of resettlement. None of these countries is bound by any law to accept them for resettlement. Most countries pay a fair amount of money to the UNHCR for the care and protection of refugees. These people need care and protection and the UN needs to start putting some serious pressure on Burma to improve their treatment of the Rohingya and to allow for their safe return.

And by the way, I live in an area with a significant Muslim population and work with several Thai Muslims. I asked them about the Rohingyas and resettlement. They expressed some concern for their welfare, but all (3) were opposed to them remaining in Thailand.

I might add that from the tone of the discussion, they had less concern for the Rohingyas as a people and were more upset about the mistreatment of Muslims.

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Australia? Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear . . . They are so under-educated that they probably don't even know an 'Australia' . . .

My youngest daughter's riding instructor is a Burmese Muslim (yes, they still prefer to call it Burma, not Myanmar) and his explanation was quite simple . . . Burma doesn't want them. They know Thailand doesn't want them. They're not so sure about Bangla Desh . . . but they know they'll be treated well in Malaysia.

If they had terrorist tendencies they would use them in their home country, not somewhere else - doesn't that seem obvious?!

Australia? Hardly

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Yes, the heavy majority of religion-based violence is of Islamic source but everyone is aware that these poor Rohingya people are escaping murder and brutality in Myanmar (and by the way, shame on the outside world for praising the regime of Myanmar while it still sucks regarding human rights). I sincerely want to believe that the Prime Minister didn't say/mean the things written in the subject of this thread.

By the way, I see that some people here in the forum have jumped on to their usual anti-Islam wagon. I myself often speak out harshly against Islamism (if you came across some of my posts, you would know) but I know to differentiate between violence-makers/spreaders and ordinary, peaceful people.

Just some sympathy and empathy, folks. Or is that too much to ask for, from some of you ?!

Edited by JemJem
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Some off-topic and excessively anti-islamic posts and replies have been removed.

I am curious as to where the information about the Rohingya's heading to Australia came from? To the best of my knowledge most are headed to Malaysia. These people are considered to be the most oppressed minority group on the planet. Unfortunately, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia are not signatories to the UN Conventions on the Rights of Refugees as well as some of the protocols related to their treatment.

Countries of first asylum are not necessarily countries of resettlement. None of these countries is bound by any law to accept them for resettlement. Most countries pay a fair amount of money to the UNHCR for the care and protection of refugees. These people need care and protection and the UN needs to start putting some serious pressure on Burma to improve their treatment of the Rohingya and to allow for their safe return.

And by the way, I live in an area with a significant Muslim population and work with several Thai Muslims. I asked them about the Rohingyas and resettlement. They expressed some concern for their welfare, but all (3) were opposed to them remaining in Thailand.

I might add that from the tone of the discussion, they had less concern for the Rohingyas as a people and were more upset about the mistreatment of Muslims.

From recollection BKK Post mentioned the aimed for destination for the Rohingya was Australia - not a particularly good idea due the revised policy of offshore processing where they could be held for years, but better than being refugees in Malaysia

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