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From Our Begger Spotter


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"But Public is just that, Public. Call a spade a spade, if your running around goofy looking outside expect ridicule. "

So who decides what is goofy?


A social group?

What if that individual or group decides that brown peole look goofy - thay can them ridicule them while complementing white skin as the value judgements of that indivdual or group merit it?

Piss poor argument not well thought out I am afraid and gives credence to cretins who find differences in humans funny.

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I vote to cool it down just a little bit.. Let's save the time sharing discussion for another day? I know I'm not really in any kind of position to be asking this because I started the original topic in the first place and virtually AM the original topic in this one, but now I also feel responsible for what's turning into a contentious discussion..

I guess what I'm saying that this particular one is about me, me, me, and my cross-posting frenzy. :o Discussion of the Farang Beggar (or if you must, Farangs plying other potentially iffy trades in tourist areas) then the original discussion on the Farang Beggar is probably better.

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From what was an okay-ish website, those photos are a real low-point.

The picture of the farang couple clearly proves that anybody can end up on there and get labeled, no matter what they're up to.

Ah ###### it. Who's listening?

Well looking at their gallery they are not above posting pics of themselves or friends looking like dickheads.

They may be trying to be ironic is things like the "air guitar" competition but its so neerdy as to be unbeleviable.

The unsophiticated domestic market I can get but the wannabee's from the west look ridiculous -so desparate to be part of a scene or clique as they were obviously excluded elsewhere and it hurts.

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"But Public is just that, Public. Call a spade a spade, if your running around goofy looking outside expect ridicule. "

So who decides what is goofy?


A social group?

What if that individual or group decides that brown peole look goofy - thay can them ridicule them while complementing white skin as the value judgements of that indivdual or group merit it?

Piss poor argument not well thought out I am afraid and gives credence to cretins who find differences in humans funny.

As a balding, fat bloke I feel quite confident that no-one would have anything funny to say about me :o

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"But Public is just that, Public. Call a spade a spade, if your running around goofy looking outside expect ridicule. "

So who decides what is goofy?


A social group?

What if that individual or group decides that brown peole look goofy - thay can them ridicule them while complementing white skin as the value judgements of that indivdual or group merit it?

Piss poor argument not well thought out I am afraid and gives credence to cretins who find differences in humans funny.

As a balding, fat bloke I feel quite confident that no-one would have anything funny to say about me :o

So am I and there is a pic of me on the net sitting at one bar while on holiday ;-)

I do not mind it as I knew they were taking it

There is also a picture of my wife above it as well but she has expressed no opnion about it either way except one of the pics is not flattering while.

I am sure things would have been different if it was a bar where girls were known to be available though :D

Sneaky pictures are a lot different though. I know guys who used to run outside if a camera was pulled out in their presence in Thailand

Some pretty nasty guys would break more than the camera if they caught someone taking sneaky pics of them.

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I thought the pictures posted on LP with the "Pirate" captions were degradingly humorous. Maybe some people get a kick out of poking fun at others for the only purpose of ridicule but that's far from my style of humor.

I prefer to grant people the respect they deserve. But for some it seems respect is something that is only bestowed if a person meets up to one's personal standards. I'm sure a lot of people consider that to be an acceptable policy . . . until the tables are turned and they are not respected because they fall short in another's eyes. Then they will feel indignation rather quickly and protest the injustice quite loudly.

Always double standards. What goes around comes around is how it works. If that little truism is kept in the frontal lobe more often then people might think twice about what they put "out there."

Even if the farang at the skytrain entrance with the sign that he's 9,000 baht short is a scammer and con man doesn't make much difference to me. It's not my preference to do what he does, it's his. That's his business, not mine. And my business is to make my preferences for myself and not judge others for what they choose to do with their own gift of life. I'd take note and simply be on my merry way without giving him any more of my attention.

You can choose without making accompanying judgements but if you prefer to make jusdgements that's fine, too. Be well aware, though, that the game comes with many strings attached, and none of them very pleasant IMHO. :o

Edited by Tippaporn
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I vote to cool it down just a little bit.. Let's save the time sharing discussion for another day? I know I'm not really in any kind of position to be asking this because I started the original topic in the first place and virtually AM the original topic in this one, but now I also feel responsible for what's turning into a contentious discussion..

I guess what I'm saying that this particular one is about me, me, me, and my cross-posting frenzy. :o Discussion of the Farang Beggar (or if you must, Farangs plying other potentially iffy trades in tourist areas) then the original discussion on the Farang Beggar is probably better.

Fair enough, I have had enough fun with the people who see them selves in the mirror when they check out these links. It's still funny and I look forward to many more.

And just on a parting note, someone mentioned age, and being in the prime of my youth and "pissing on or taking piss?" out of old people. I guess that means making fun of them. Anyway, just because your over 60 doesn’t mean your a target for ridicule. The opposite infact, I would say more deserving of respect then they where when they were kids, ya know respect your elders and such. However this must accompany a certain level of SELF respect as well. My father comes here all the time with me, and he stays looking sharp and clean.

Bottom line, if you don't respect you, why should anyone else?

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I guess the issue for some could be this: ?

Maybe as fellow foreigners we should support him in his endeavour? Apparently to some degree at least, we prefer to drink at places owned by foreigners, prefer to buy cars owned by fellow foreigners, when doing business the customers we deal with the easiest tend to be foreigners right..

I guess the issue is if you feel a bond with this person because he's down on his luck but shares our skin color, or you feel a bond with Thai society because it's the place you chose to live and respect and your first response is to protect it from anyone trying to scam/scum money out of people's pockets.. Not to mention making Westerners look bad.

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So.. maybe as fellow foreigners we should support him in his endeavour and sport him some cash then? Apparently to some degree at leasy we prefer to drink at places owned by foreigners, prefer to buy cars owned by fellow foreigners..

For sure people with a Kmer background would be more sympathetic towards Khmer kids begging, so I guess what you're saying is that we could extend the same sentiment to this gentleman?

Who are you replying to, chanchao?

Edit: Didn't see the "Tippaporn" at the top. Hang on for a reply . . .

There's nothing I wrote that suggests directing empathy towards him, and certainly not cash. If I picked up vibes from him that he was sincerely down on his luck I may or may not feel generous. If I felt that he was a scammer I'd just walk away from him. In either case what he chooses to do with his life is, plain and simple, not my business. I'd leave him to live his life as I would expect people to leave me to live mine. Apart from that important point I wouldn't feel the need to judge him, either. What for?

People by and large seem soooooooooooooooooooo concerned with what everyone else is doing. Hence my original comment to this thread still stands: Get a life.

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Right. Enough of this <deleted>, the sun's going down, time for a few gin and tonics with ice and a slice at my favourite beach bar.

What a bloody good idea.

I rarely drink G&T outside of a plane but will be on that plane in just a few hours :D

I will avail myself of a few G&T's as well as the fine wines they are going to pleasure me with tonight on TG Biz.

Have to be careful though as I have not touched the above since I left LOS in January after my last holiday - do not want to have my pic taken looking worse for wear in the next soi along from most of the pics in the OP where I stay in BKK :o

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It is quite possible that had this <deleted> pointed his camera in a different direction on a different day he could have taken a photo of a middle-aged Farang accompanied by two good-looking young Thai girls; one 15 the other 19.

We can all guess at the comment.

The fact that the Farang (me) was with his daughter and his son's girlfriend would not have occurred to this pea brain.

Why should it have occurred to anybody?What with respect made you look different from countless other farang in that area?

I think he makes a fair comment. Why should it occur to anybody that he is a sex tourist? Small-mindedness for one. Ignorance for another.

There are so many situations where things like that can happen. This means my father is made to feel awkard if he spends time with my wife outside without me or my mum.

My point, exactly, Grant.
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It is quite possible that had this <deleted> pointed his camera in a different direction on a different day he could have taken a photo of a middle-aged Farang accompanied by two good-looking young Thai girls; one 15 the other 19.

We can all guess at the comment.

The fact that the Farang (me) was with his daughter and his son's girlfriend would not have occurred to this pea brain.

Why should it have occurred to anybody?What with respect made you look different from countless other farang in that area?

I think he makes a fair comment. Why should it occur to anybody that he is a sex tourist? Small-mindedness for one. Ignorance for another.

There are so many situations where things like that can happen. This means my father is made to feel awkard if he spends time with my wife outside without me or my mum.

My point, exactly, Grant.

However, my father doesn't walk around looking like he got dressed under the bed covers - it's all about stepping outside with a bit of self-respect.

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Taking sneaky pics of people, posting them and laughing at their dress sense is childish and pathetic, but that's not what I object to in this instance.

The implications of this whole series is that everyone pictured is a sex tourist and can't get laid in their own country. There are even farang couples and a guy in a suit (who clearly works in Thailand or is visiting for business), labelled in the same way.

That is really vile and cowardly.

I live in lower sukhumvit.

I only hope Bangkok Recorder makes the mistake of photographing me and posting to this website one day. The litigation lawyers here at work will have a fieldday.

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However, my father doesn't walk around looking like he got dressed under the bed covers - it's all about stepping outside with a bit of self-respect.
Well, I'm sorry we can't all aspire to your high standards of sartorial elegance!
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However, my father doesn't walk around looking like he got dressed under the bed covers - it's all about stepping outside with a bit of self-respect.

Well, I'm sorry we can't all aspire to your high standards of sartorial elegance!

Would you call not walking down the street with your gut hanging out of your shirt sartorial elegance?

PS. I am 105 kilos and feel no need to share my body with all and sundry. On a beach, or at a pool is fine not walking down Sukhumvit.

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I guess the issue for some could be this: ?

Maybe as fellow foreigners we should support him in his endeavour? Apparently to some degree at least, we prefer to drink at places owned by foreigners, prefer to buy cars owned by fellow foreigners, when doing business the customers we deal with the easiest tend to be foreigners right..

I don't agree with any of this.

I go to Farang restaurants because they make better farang food.

I advertise with Farang publications because they understand foreigners better and the English is correct.

If Thais do a better job at something, I rather patronize them, but there are many businessses that they don't do well. It has nothing to do with race.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I only hope Bangkok Recorder makes the mistake of photographing me and posting to this website one day. The litigation lawyers here at work will have a fieldday.

The inability to laugh at one's self is a serious character flaw.

I can't believe the people who are upset by the 'pirate' photos. As thinking adults the captions with the photos are just someone (with too much time on their hands IMO) trying to be funny. He didn't take a gun and shoot anyone. He didn't lie and play on people's sympathies like the Bangkok Beggar Boy. He just took photos in the public domain and attached goofy comments. On the Tonight Show with Jay Leno they do the same thing with audience members.....show their faces on camera and then Jay ridicules them with a goofy comment. It's all in fun.....no one run's screaming for their lawyers.

Wow.....what a bunch of stuffed shirts on TV.......sad. :o

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